Book picks similar to
Classic British Fiction: All 16 Novels by Charles Dickens, in a single file, with active table of contents, improved 8/1/2009 by Charles Dickens
And The Rock Cried Out
Ray Bradbury - 1953
With American economic and military might eradicated, husband and wife become the unfortunate focus for years of subjugation and resentment.
The Looters
Harold Robbins - 2007
Money and ego have turned the quest for art into a deadly business in which the superrich battle to possess the rarest and most beautiful objets d'art on Earth. Sammu-ramat: Queen of Babylon. The first warrior queen in history, called by some the Whore of Babylon. Her golden death mask left a legacy of lust and violence to those who fought to possess it. Madison Dupre: curator for the billion-dollar Piedmont collection. She fights for her career, her freedom--and her life--after she acquires the fifty-five-million-dollar golden mask of the long dead Babylonian queen. Coby Lewis: an ex-Navy SEAL, who uses his frogman training to dive for sunken treasure. Madison knows she can't trust him… but she also can't resist him. Abdul ibn Hussein: His father died protecting the golden mask from thieves. Abdul said that the mask was stolen when the Baghdad museum was looted as American troops entered the city. He also claims that Navy SEALs worked with Iraqis to loot the museum. New York, London, Zurich, and Malaga are the venues as the heat is turned on Madison--and she goes on the run to clear her name and save her life.
The Guns of Navarone/Force 10 from Navarone
Alistair MacLean - 2000
This is edge-of-the-seat, page-turning reading.
The World's Greatest Books, Volume 1: Fiction
Arthur MeeHonoré de Balzac - 1910
About, EdmondKing of the MountainsAinsworth, HarrisonTower of LondonAndersen, HansImprovisatoreApuleiusThe Golden AssArabian NightsAucassin and NicoletteAuerbach, BertholdOn the HeightAusten, JaneSense and SensibilityPride and PrejudiceNorthanger AbbeyMansfield ParkEmmaPersuasionBalzac, Honoré de Eugénie GrandetOld GoriotMagic SkinQuest of the AbsoluteBeckford, WilliamHistory of the Caliph VathekBehn, AphraOroonokoBergerac, Cyrano deVoyage to the MoonBjornson, BjornstjerneArneIn God's WayBlack, WilliamDaughter of HethBlackmore, R.D.Lorna DooneBoccaccioDecameron