Working at Relational Depth in Counselling and Psychotherapy

Dave Mearns - 2005
    Focusing on the concept of 'relational depth', authors Dave Mearns and Mick Cooper describe a form of encounter in which therapist and client experience profound feelings of contact and engagement with each other and in which the client has an opportunity to explore whatever is experienced as most fundamental to her or his existence.

The Liberal Media Industrial Complex

Mark Dice - 2019
    The convergence of old technology and new has centralized unimaginable power into the hands of a few gigantic corporations that now dictate how we communicate with each other and perceive the outside world. Media analyst Mark Dice details how the rise of social media that tipped the balance of power regarding the production and distribution of information has also resulted in a massive backslash from those conspiring to regain the influence they once held. Now conservatives are experiencing widespread censorship as the tech giants scramble to put the genie back in the bottle. The liberal media has launched an information war against President Trump and his supporters, and are using their monopolies to manipulate public opinion in order to further their aims of a socialist revolution.

Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual: (PDM)

Alliance of Psychoanalytic Organizations - 2006
    Beginning with a classification of the spectrum of personality patterns and disorders found in individuals and then describing a profile of mental functioning that permits a clinician to look in detail at each of the patient's capacities, the entries include a description of the patient's symptoms with a focus on the patient's internal experiences as well as surface behaviors. Intended to expand on the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders)and ICD (International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems) efforts in cataloging the symptoms and behaviors of mental health patients, this manual opens the door to a fuller understanding of the functioning of the mind, brain, and their development.

The Science of Human Nature: A Psychology for Beginners

William Henry Pyle - 1917
    You can not study human nature from a book, you must study yourself and your neighbors. This book may help you to know what to look for and to understand what you find, but it can do little more than this. It is true, this text gives you many facts learned by psychologists, but you must verify the statements, or at least see their significance to you, or they will be of no worth to you. However, the facts considered here, properly understood and assimilated, ought to prove of great value to you. But perhaps of greater value will be the psychological frame of mind or attitude which you should acquire. The psychological attitude is that of seeking to find and understand the causes of human action, and the causes, consequences, and significance of the processes of the human mind. If your first course in psychology teaches you to look for these things, gives you some skill in finding them and in using the knowledge after you have it, your study should be quite worth while.

Theodore Roosevelt

Lewis L. Gould - 2011
    Naturalist. Warrior. President. There are so many sides to Theodore Roosevelt that it is easy to overlook one of his most enduring contributions to American public life: the use of fame to fuel his political career.In this concisely written, enlightening book, presidential historian Lewis L. Gould goes beyond the bully pulpit stereotypes to reveal how Roosevelt used his celebrity to change American politics. Based on research gleaned from the personal papers of Roosevelt and his contemporaries, TheodoreRoosevelt recaptures its subject's bold activism and irrepressible, larger-than-life personality. Beginning with his privileged childhood in New York City, the narrative traces his election to the New York Assembly, where he quickly rose through the ranks of the Republican Party. It is here that hefirst applied his shrewd ability to keep himself in the spotlight--a skill that served him well as commander of a volunteer regiment (dubbed Roosevelt's Rough Riders) in the Spanish-American War. Gould shows how Roosevelt rode a wave of popular acclaim at the war's end, assuming the governorshipof New York and serving as president from 1901 to 1909. While covering his major accomplishments as chief executive, including his successes as a trust-buster, labor mediator, and conservationist, Gould explains how fame both sustained and limited Roosevelt when he ran for president in 1912 andopposed Woodrow Wilson's policies during World War I.Theodore Roosevelt delivers the most insightful look yet at a pioneer of political theater--a man whose vigorous idealism as a champion of democracy serves as a counterpoint to the cynicism of today's political landscape. The book will coincide with the 100th anniversary of Roosevelt's third partyrun for the Progressive or Bull Moose Party.

Free Speech & Postmodernism

Stephen R.C. Hicks - 2010
    The attacks have come not only from traditional conservatives but increasingly from the postmodern left. In this essay, Stephen Hicks presents and dissects the philosophical arguments made by the postmoderns for speech restrictions and responds with a vigorous and updated liberal case for free speech.

My Hidden Chimp

Steve Peters - 2018
    My Hidden Chimp is an effective and powerful new educational book that offers parents, teachers and carers some ideas and thoughts on how to help children to develop healthy habits for life. The science behind the habits is discussed in a practical way with exercises and activities to help children think the habits through and start putting them into practice. The neuroscience of the mind is simplified for children to understand and then use to their advantage. Written as a companion to The Silent Guides, these two interconnected books tackle how we can best manage our mind from childhood and into adulthood.Professor Steve Peters explains neuroscience in a straightforward and intuitive way - offering up 10 simple habits that we as adults and children should have in our arsenal to deal with everyday life. They include: - Smiling- The importance of talking through your feelings- Learning how to say sorry- Knowing how to ask for helpBy also explaining the developing 'chimp' brain in children, he shows us how 10 habits can help children to understand and manage their emotions and behaviour. These 10 habits should and can be retained for life.This is an important and another groundbreaking new book from the bestselling author of The Chimp Paradox and the creator of the chimp management mind model.

Rise of the New World Order: The Culling of Man

J. Micha-el Thomas Hays - 2013
    The Luciferian one world government of Biblical prophecy is unfolding behind the scenes as you read this, and was given the catchy name of the 'New World Order'. In our modern day world, the technology exists to fulfill all aspects of the Biblical prophecies regarding the End Times, including the resurrection of the original Antichrist, who was the architect of the New World Order over 4,000 years ago. This tyrant will be brought back to life to rule the world once again by using mankind’s advanced DNA technology, fulfilling the prophecy of Revelation 17:8 "The beast, which you saw, once was, now is not, and will come up out of the Abyss and go to his destruction. The inhabitants of the Earth whose names have not been written in the Book of Life from the creation of the world will be astonished when they see the beast, because he once was, now is not, and yet will come." I'm going to show you specifically the evidence that identifies who the Antichrist was and will be again, how the plan for the New World Order began, who ran it through history, who runs it today, and what is to happen in the very near future. You can learn right now all of the most important components of this evil agenda and how they interlock to form a pyramidal, compartmentalized conspiracy run by the Luciferian elites, to the ultimate benefit of only a few thousand of the people involved with bringing the one world government to fruition. This is all revealed in my first book, "Rise of the New World Order: The Culling of Man". If you've never heard of the New World Order, what is happening behind the scenes is frankly quite shocking. My first book is exactly the 'red pill' that will wake you up to what's really going on in the world. Yes, it's quite disturbing, but there's a happy ending full of hope and promise if you understand what is REALLY going on, that which is plainly laid out in my books. The second book of this series, “Rise of the New World Order 2: The Awakening” is also out now. Please read the book reviews for this thrilling new series of books here on Amazon and also Amazon UK, and you will see that I am creating a highly important series of books for you to not only read, but to make others aware of their existence. The time for a mass-awakening of humanity is short and I need your help! I'm currently working on the third book, 'Rise of the New World Order 3: Falling Sky', and expect to have it done and out in 2018. Thanks for reading and thanks for your support. -Sentinel Jeff Hays

On Personal Power: Inner Strength and Its Revolutionary Impact

Carl R. Rogers - 1977

Why Our Decisions Don't Matter

Simon Van Booy - 2010
    Provocative and eye-opening, Why Our Decisions Don’t Matter is one of three slim selections of philosophical texts and excerpts—along with Why We Need Love and Why We Fight—introduced and contextualized by acclaimed author Simon Van Booy (Love Begins in Winter, The Secret Lives of People in Love).

The Money Code: Improve Your Entire Financial Life Right Now

Joe John Duran - 2013
    Unfortunately, most of us were never taught how to think and communicate about money. The Money Code is a modern tale of one person's journey to uncover the five secrets to living his one best financial life. Through his voyage, you will learn how to:- Prevent bad decisions about money- Identify your Money Mind‚ Fear, Happiness, or Commitment and how it affects every financial decision you make- Use a custom checklist to improve your entire financial life- Clearly discuss decisions about money with the ones you love- Finally take control of your financial life

Guardian Angel: My Journey from Leftism to Sanity

Melanie Phillips - 2013
     Beginning with her solitary childhood in London, it took years for Melanie Phillips to understand her parents’ emotional frailties and even longer to escape from them. But Phillips inherited her family’s strong Jewish values and a passionate commitment to freedom from oppression. It was this moral foundation that ultimately turned her against the warped and tyrannical attitudes of the Left, requiring her to break away not only from her parents—but also from the people she had seen as her wider political family. Through her poignant story of transformation and separation, we gain insight into the political uproar that has engulfed the West. Britain’s vote to leave the EU, the rise of far-Right political parties in Europe, and the stunning election of US president Donald Trump all involve a revolt against the elites by millions. It is these disdained masses who have been championed by Melanie Phillips in a career as prescient as it has been provocative. Guardian Angel is not only an affecting personal story, but it provides a vital explanation why the West is at a critical crossroads today. “Melanie Phillips has been one of the brave and necessary voices of our time, unafraid to speak the language of moral responsibility in an age of obfuscation and denial. This searing account of her personal journey is compelling testimony to her courage in speaking truth to power.”—Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks

How to Sweet-Talk a Shark: Strategies and Stories from a Master Negotiator

Bill Richardson - 2013
    But they’re single-minded and very, very hungry. On land, they take the form of bosses, businesspeople, colleagues, family, and sociopathic neighbors. In the world of former governor of New Mexico and US ambassador to the United Nations Bill Richardson, they have taken the form of the most powerful people in the world. He’s engaged in high-stakes, face-to-face negotiations with Castro, Saddam, the Taliban, two generations of North Korean leadership, and many more of the world’s most infamous dictators—and done it so well he was known as the "Undersecretary of Thugs" while with the Clinton administration. Now the 5-time Nobel Peace Prize nominee tells these stories—from Washington, DC, to the Middle East to Pyongyang—in all their intense and sometimes absurd glory.How to Sweet-Talk a Shark is a rare, candid, and entertaining glimpse into an insider’s world of high-stakes negotiation – showing Richardson’s successes and failures in some of the world’s least friendly places. Meanwhile, readers get frank lessons in the art of negotiation: how to prepare, how to size up your opponent, how to understand the nature of power in a standoff, how to give up only what is necessary while getting what you want, and many other strategies Richardson has mastered through at-the-table experience – and from working with other master negotiators like Presidents Obama and Clinton, and Nelson Mandela. These are takeawayas that anyone can use to negotiate with the power brokers, dealmakers, and, yes, the hungry sharks in their own lives.

Sid James: A Biography

Cliff Goodwin - 1995
    Covering Sid's early years in South Africa and life as a ladies' hairdresser, his obsession with gambling and women, his questioning by Scotland Yard in a murder case, Hancock's Half Hour and the Carry On films, and Sid's death on stage at the age of 63, Cliff Goodwin reveals the amazing truth behing the legend.

Crazy Stuff Dictators Do: Insane But True Stories You Won't Believe Actually Happened

Bill O'Neill - 2020