Bad Radio

Michael Langlois - 2011
    The relics form an ancient beacon that must never be used, in a ritual that must never be completed. But the end of the world requires more than just activating the beacon. It requires Abe.With help from the granddaughter of his oldest friend, Abe must learn the truth about his immortal body, while at the same time trying to stop a horrifying series of supernatural opponents from sweeping away everything that he cares about.

Seven Point Eight: The First Chronicle

Marie Harbon - 2011
    If you had special abilities to travel out of body, where would you go? What would secret organisations do with these abilities? And how far could you go?A physicist begins a quest to measure the soul but soon finds himself drawn into the world of the enigmatic Max Richardson, where research is sold to the military at the highest bid. However, he soon discovers another purpose when an extremely talented young psychic enters his life. He devises a project and builds a team to stretch the frontiers of exploration, only to make a reality-shattering discovery...Written in the style of a TV series, Seven Point Eight draws together psychic powers, alternate dimensions, time travel, past lives, ancient wisdom, quantum physics, drama, romance, and conspiracy in a soap opera for the soul.It's the ideal read for lovers of science fiction, fantasy, the paranormal, big sweeping epics, 'Lost', 'Fringe', 'Touch' and Dan Brown books.'Marie Harbon has created a story with a wealth of multi-dimensional characters, enthralling action and the desire for answers... The charming and yet no-nonsense Max Richardson will make you want him and hate him in the same breath.'Best Chick*'The author says that Seven Point Eight has a structure like a TV show - and I can see this... the kind of sweeping show - Game of Thrones perhaps - which has several ongoing plot arcs... this device works well.'*

The Lost Code

Kevin Emerson - 2012
    Located inside the EdenWest BioDome, the camp is an oasis of pine trees, cool water, and rustic charm.But all at Camp Eden is not what it seems.No one will know this better than 15-year-old Owen Parker. A strange underwater vision, even stranger wounds on Owen’s neck, and a cryptic warning from the enchanting lifeguard Lilly hint at a mystery that will take Owen deep beneath Lake Eden and even deeper into the past. What he discovers could give him the chance to save the tattered planet. But first, Owen will have to escape Camp Eden alive…

Dark Moonlighting

Scott Haworth - 2013
    In a typical week he works as a police officer, lawyer and doctor and still finds time to murder someone and drink their blood. He used to feel guilty about the killings, but now he restricts himself to only eating the worst members of society. Few people in Starside, Illinois seem to care about the untimely deaths of spam e-mailers, pushy Jehovah Witnesses and politicians. However, the barriers between Nick's three secret lives start to crumble when a mysterious man from his past arrives in town seeking revenge. Nick must move quickly to prevent the three women in his life, and the authorities who are hunting him, from discovering his terrible secret.Dark Moonlighting is the first book in the humorous series. It explores four of the biggest clichés in popular culture, and it pokes fun at a number of popular television shows including Law & Order, Bones and House. It also takes a more realistic and amusing approach to the vampire cliché. For example, the average human has the equivalent of five Big Gulps worth of blood in their body. Nick takes twenty minutes to kill someone and, like the vampire bat, must immediately urinate afterwards.

Ghosts of Ophidian

Scott McElhaney - 2013
    except instilling fear and speculation upon the citizens below. After a few weeks, NASA gets a boarding party together to attempt to gain entry into the giant craft. Once inside the ship, they will discover over a million creatures on ice. They will also discover the reason that the ship hasn't been doing anything beyond maintaining an orbit above the Earth - it appears that the ship has been sabotaged by whatever used to exist in three of the empty cryogenic chambers. Their investigation leads to a lot more than a potential alien invasion. Nothing is as it seems and pretty soon, the two remaining astronauts aren't sure who they should trust anymore.The next book in the Ghosts of Ophidian universe "Alastair" is available now with much more to come in 2013.

Aurora: CV-01

Ryk Brown - 2011
    And this is only the beginning… "Aurora: CV-01" is 77,000 word novel, and is Episode 1 of The Frontiers Saga. Episode 2, "The Rings of Haven"is available now!

The Twelve Stones

R.J. Johnson - 2012
    Returning to his hometown of Onyx, California, Alex reunites with his father who returns the stone Alex found so many years ago. Their reunion is cut short however after Alex's father is murdered by billionaire industrialist Rupert Kline, a madman who will stop at nothing to collect all twelve stones for himself.Driven by revenge, Alex McCray vows to bring his father's killer to justice and keep the remaining Twelve Stones out of Kline's hands.A thrilling tale that mixes romance, cutting edge science, and oh yeah, the fate of human civilization.

Prison Nation

Jenni Merritt - 2011
    Millie 942B has spent her entire life locked away with her criminal parents and countless other inmates. She believes in the Nation, in its strict laws and harsh punishments. But when Millie is released on her eighteenth birthday, she finds things are nothing as she was taught. People vanish, never to be seen again. Lies cover every word. Trust is as fragile as ice.And then there is Reed. Born and raised outside the Prison walls, his dreams and thoughts cause Millie to doubt everything she has ever believed. What is truly worth fighting for? If she pushes too hard, she could lose her freedom. If she stays silent, she could lose herself. The clock is ticking, and Millie must find the truth before it is too late.

Near Death

Richard C. Hale - 2011
    And every night for the past two years, he has relived the horror of what happened. The moonless night. The piercing screams. The horrific crash. The night his wife was taken from him. The last time he saw her alive.Everyone tells him to move on. But for Jake, there can be no closure. A message appears in his dreams—a warning he is reluctant to heed.The omens ignored, Jake finds himself caught between the desire to see his beloved wife again and disrupting the delicate balance of life and death. The technology he developed has shown him the path, and others will do anything to use it, but at what price?He must choose, and the consequences may ultimately shatter his world.


J.A. Huss - 2012
    At the center of the search lies the Rural Republic; a small backwards farming country with high hopes of military domination and a penchant for illegal bioengineering. 19 year old Junco Coot is the daughter of the Rural Republic’s ranking commander. She’s the most foul-mouthed, wildly unpredictable and ruthless sniper the Rural Republic has ever trained. But when her father’s death sparks a trip into forbidden places, she triggers events that will change everything she knows to be true. As an elite avian military officer, Tier’s mission is to destroy the bioengineering projects, kill Commander Coot’s daughter, and return home immediately. There’s just one problem. Junco isn’t who she claims to be. With no one to trust, not even herself, Junco must confront the secrets of her past and accept her place in the future, or risk losing herself completely.

A Desert Called Peace

Tom Kratman - 2007
    The Federated States of Columbia has consolidated power and risen against the oppression of Earth's corrupt Caliphate. But when Salafi madmen bent on a new jihad kill FSC Captain Patrick Hennessey's family in a cowardly attack, they create an enemy that will show even less mercy than they do.A legendary warrior is born: Carrera, the scourge of Salafism. He will forge an army from the decrepit remains of a military in a failing state. He will find those who killed his family. He will destroy them utterly. And he will try like hell to not becoming exactly like the enemy he is fighting. Only when he is finished will there be peace: the peace of an empty wind as it blows across a desert strewn with the bones of Carrera's enemies.

The Second Ship

Richard Phillips - 2006
    Now, the American government is ready to share the Rho Project discoveries with the world. But as the world scrambles to adopt the alien technologies, three high schoolers make another shocking discovery: hidden inside a cave in the New Mexico wilderness lies another alien ship. As the friends explore the second ship, they begin to unravel a decades-long secret involving an extraterrestrial war, government cover-ups, and secret experimentation using alien technology on humans. A battle has begun, and the secrets of the second ship may be the key to humanity's last chance for survival.

Just In Time

Kathryn Shay - 2013
    Journey with them as they fight for both the future and the men they unexpectedly come to love. These stories contain heart-wrenching emotions, biting social commentary and unique futuristic elements! In JUST IN TIME, Dorian Masters must save the life of research scientist Jess Cromwell by preventing his murder in five months. Cromwell’s work would eventually set the standard for eradicating all carbon emissions. But Dorian has to find the assassin first, while Jess’s brother, Luke, cynical New York cop and exasperating man, seems determined to stand in her way. Unaware of her background, Luke questions her suitability as a bodyguard and challenges her on the mistakes she makes about everyday things, including how she talks. Even so, the stakes are high and together they race against time to save Jess.For more futuristic romance and paranormal romance, look for this rest of the books in this time travel romance series: PERFECT TIMING and ANOTHER TIME.Reader Praise for JUST IN TIME:“The characters were real and engaging. I laughed out loud several times…It was clear, simple, but deeply complex in human emotions.” “I enjoyed every minute! I found the characters very interesting and enjoyed the storyline. I can't wait to read the rest of Portals of Time series!”“I've become attached to these three protagonists and will read the second and third books to see them through to their HEAs.”“A very well written story that will make you laugh at the interactions of Luke and Dorian. It's also intriguing, but most of all...You will be smiling with every turn of events.”“At the beginning, you will wonder where these women come from, as they keep butchering the English language, but it becomes a cute part of who they are.” “If you suspend belief, as I did, this is a very cute, very enjoyable book, and by the last page, you are wanting more.”

The Enigma Strain

Nick Thacker - 2014
    It's a race against time as Ben teams up with a woman from the CDC to figure who's behind the attacks, and how to stop the next one.

The Pearl Savage

Tamara Rose Blodgett - 2011
    alternate cover edition of ASIN B00563HRPMSeventeen-year old princess, Clara Williamson, lives an old-fashioned existence in a biosphere of the future.When her sadistic mother, Queen Ada, betroths her to an abusive prince of a neighboring sphere, Clara determines to escape Outside, where savages roam free.Clara escapes tyranny only to discover the savages are not the only people who survived the cataclysmic events of one hundred forty years prior.Once Outside, Clara finds herself trapped, unable to return to the abusive life of the sphere while facing certain danger Outside.Can Clara find love and freedom with the peril that threatens to consume her?Cover art by