Book picks similar to
Every Breath You Take by Travis Thrasher


Pearl in the Sand, Sampler

Tessa Afshar - 2013
    Pearl in the Sand tells Rahab's untold story. Rahab lives in a wall; her house is built into the defensive walls of the City of Jericho. Other walls surround her as well-walls of fear, rejection, and unworthiness. A woman with a wrecked past; a man of success, of faith...of pride. A marriage only God would conceive! Through the heartaches of a stormy relationship, Rahab and Salmone learn the true source of one another's worth and find healing in God.

Hazel Creek

Walt Larimore - 2012
    An evil lumber company manager is seeking by every means possible to pilfer their land and clear-cut their virgin forest. A cast of colorful characters, including a menacing stranger, gypsy siblings, a granny midwife, and a world-famous writer—even a flesh-and-blood Haint—collide in a gripping struggle of good and evil amid eruptions of violence and tragedy. Our heroine, fifteen-year-old Abbie Randolph, has to help save her family’s farm and raise her sisters while preserving her faith. This important story, based on almost ten years of research and four years of living in the area, captures the speech, ways, and beliefs of these unique pioneers at a crucial and irreversible turning point in this Smoky Mountains community of the Southern Appalachians. With the march of the industrial age, especially commercial lumbering, the traditional life and ways of our southern highlanders in general, and the Randolphs in particular, were about to change forever.

My Name Is Saul: A Novel of the Ancient World

Lin Wilder - 2020
    I will wage war against these Christians, and I will emerge victorious. My name is Saul."St. Paul the Apostle is a towering biblical figure, but almost nothing is known about his early life as Saul of Tarsus.As death loomed over him at Mamertine Prison in Rome, under the watchful eye of his jailer and final follower Aurelius, he wrote: I will die tomorrow. In the morning, around sunrise.There are two things for which I am eminently grateful: That I have been permitted to have fought the good fight and finished the race marked out for me; and that I will not have to endure another winter in this place.Starting from that pivotal moment, blending historical fact with audacious creativity, the author of the award-winning I, Claudia propels us back through the life of the man who would become St. Paul. Her vividly imagined, well-founded tale of loss, transformation, and divine intervention will captivate believers and non-believers alike who yearn for the human truth and drama behind the scriptures. "I am convinced that Saul is a man for our times," explains Wilder, "primarily because he was interested in just one thing: truth."

The Seven Sons of Jethro 2-in-1 Special Edition: The Seven Sons of Jethro & The Flight of Love

Terri Grace - 2017
    Each of Jethro’s boys has their own character and stubborn ways, but they are no match for Jethro’s quest to get each of them married off to a good and godly young lady. Jethro enlists the help of one of the marvellous Mrs. Molly White, the proprietor of the Cozy Bridal Agency. To Jethro’s delight, Molly helps him find suitable mail order brides for each of his sons, but she also has a big surprise up her sleeve that will forever change Jethro’s world too! Every story in the 8 book series is a satisfying standalone read, but I am certain that once you are introduced to Jethro’s rambunctious household, you will want to read them all. IN THIS EDITON YOU GET 2 BOOKS IN 1!!! BOOK 1: THE SEVEN SONS OF JETHRO Jethro and Miriam Knerr decide to move their young family west, in the hopes offinding a new freedom. Five years go by and their family has swelled – Miriam and Jethro have been blessed with seven healthy sons. Anthony, the youngest, and his mother both love fishing. Despite Jethro’s warning not to go to the river one day, Miriam takes Anthony. A sudden, torrential rain swells the river in moments and Anthony and Miriam are swept away by the current. Ten more years pass and Jethro remains unmarried and faithful to his one love. But he is concerned that not one of his growing sons has yet found a wife. Taking matters into his own hands he secretly calls upon the services of one Molly White, proprietor of the Cozy Bridal Agency, to find godly wives for each of his boys. With that request, and Molly’s dedication, a family wide romantic adventure begins that leads to more weddings than old Jethro bargained for! BOOK 2: THE FLIGHT OF LOVE - The Story of Alan & Cynthia Cynthia Knowles fears for her young brothers. Ever since their parentǯs death the boys have been led astray by unsavory company. Cynthia seeks the advice of an older friend, Molly White, who has a brilliant idea –head west, away from the gangs and the unemployment and poverty of Philadelphia. Molly encourages Cynthia to accept the invitation of Jethro Knerr, to join one of his sons on their ranch. Alan, the eldest of the Knerr boys, has other ideas. The last thing he wants is the responsibility of a wife. After all, since his mother's death he has felt responsible for his aging father and younger brothers. But his father and siblings know that his stubbornness hides a deep hurt, one that has been dammed and needs to burst. Can Cynthia reach beyond Alan's grief and fear, and allow his huge heart to one again celebrate a bright and hopeful future? Or will his dismissal and rejection of her turn her away forever? The Seven Sons of Jethro is a delightful series that follows the trail of long-suffering father, Jethro's quest to marry each of his sons to a good Christian wife. The Seven Sons of Jethro is a delightful series that follows the trail of long-suffering father, Jethro’s quest to marry each of his sons to a good Christian wife. Each story is a wonderful tale in itself, and can be read as a satisfying standalone, but be warned, once you read one, you won’t be able to resist finding out what became of the other sons and their stories.

From the Shadows (The Light Book 3)

Jacqueline Brown - 2018
    When their comfort comes to an end, each member of the group must decide their path. Some will stay behind. Some will journey on. But all will learn that even the most hoped for moments can be filled with unimaginable sorrow.

The Miting

Dee Yoder - 2014
    Like many her age, she has lots of questions, but the temporary flight of freedom known as rumspringen is not the answer for her. She does not desire Englisher fashion, all-night parties, movies, or lots of boyfriends. Leah is seeking to understand her relationship with God, to deepen and broaden her faith by joining a Bible study hosted by an ex-Amish couple. She wants to know why Amish life is the only lifestyle her family accepts, why the church has so many rules, and . . . most disturbing, how godly men can allow her best friend to be abused in her own home. In the pressure-cooker environment of church and family, Leah is not allowed to ask these questions. When finally she reaches the breaking point, she walks away from the Old Order Amish life that is all she has known. Though adapting amiably to the Englisher world, Leah is tormented with homesickness. Returning to the community, however, entails a journey of pain and sorrow Leah could never have imagined. The miting--shunning--that will now be Leah's unendurable oppression every day is beyond her most devoted attempts to believe or understand. All the bishop and her family ask is that she abandon her practice of reading the Bible. Is that a price she is willing to pay?

The Last Promise

Richard Paul Evans - 2002
     Years ago, a sweet girl from Utah was swept off her feet by a handsome Italian. Today, the sweet girl from Utah is a wife and mother living in Italy. And she's about to be swept off her feet all over again...

No Safe Place

H.L. Wegley - 2018
    But Matt returns with an assassin on his trail. When he encounters a young woman with secrets, a woman he is drawn to and who needs him, he must choose between helping her or endangering her.Miranda (Randi) Richards, a young meteorologist, takes a job in a remote area near the Olympic National Park to nurse her wounds after her parents brutally disowned her when she converted to Christianity at college. When Randi, a world-class, middle-distance runner literally runs into Matt on a park trail, she believes she's found someone who can help heal her heart. But she learns Matt has secrets that threaten both her heart and her life. No Safe Place is an action-filled, romantic-suspense story that races from the scenic beaches of the Olympic National Park to the beauty of Lake Chelan in Central Washington State, a story of courage, honor, faith and love.

The Heart of the King

Carol Moncado - 2021
    In the process, she simply needs to not lose herself - and hopefully win the Heart of the King


Ronie Kendig - 2017
    When Canyon Metcalfe recruits him to run security for his brother’s gubernatorial campaign, Azzan discovers how quickly long-buried secrets can devastate the best-laid plans. Campaign manager Everly Sinclair has hidden from the limelight since her grandfather’s death. Assuming a nom de plume, she is out to prove her mettle in the contentious word of politics by launching her first candidate during a pre-Christmas event at an exclusive lodge in the mountains. When Everly receives a mysterious envelope, she’s convinced the person who killed her grandfather now has her in his sights. But Azzan is convinced the killer is after him to settle an old score. Shedding their masks may be the deadliest move Azzan and Everly make this Christmas. ***** Ronie Kendig does it again...pens us another thrilling, romantic, swoon worthy story about the military heroes we love!! ~Susan May Warren, rabid Ronie Kendig fan and USA Today best-selling, RITA award-winning author of Wild Montana Skies.

Barefoot Summer

Denise Hunter - 2013
    Instead, she’s devoted her life to fulfilling Michael’s dream—winning the River Sail Regatta in their small Indiana town, Chapel Springs.As she trains for the regatta, Beckett O’Reilly is teaching Madison to swim. But he’s keeping a painful secret from her—and as they grow closer, that secret threatens to upend their lives . . . and the lives of both their families.

Brock's Redemption

E.J. Brock - 2011
    Bound by duty and love, he has spent five thousand years living in the shadows, protecting God's 'so loved' humanity from his evil demon brethren. For his faithfulness to his commission, he has been promised a "Spirit" mate, that he will find in due season. After five thousand years, of searching...he has found her, at last. Nothing and no one will keep him from claiming his woman. Not even her! JODI is a college professor who has been abandoned by her husband, family and friends. She has lost faith humanity and has no interest in establishing a new relationship. With anyone! But when she walks upon Brock, in the park, both their worlds are changed. But is that change for the better? Jodi is Brock's 'Spirit' Mate. She's the one woman whose blood promises to extinguish the fiery darts of his demon within. Nothing will keep him from claiming her. But can she risk it? Are her wounds too deep? Unknown to both of them Brock's, enemies are gathering en masse. In hopes of delivering a devastating final blow to him, Jodi becomes their number one target. Just how far will Brock go to save his "Spirit" Mate? Will he rescue her in time? What will the fallout be? Will they survive this attack and kindle the love affair of both their dreams? Their contemporary love story is fraught with new found self-worth, spirituality, sexuality, fierce bloody battles...and REDEMPTION!

The Two Crosses

Ernie Lindsey - 2010
    David Kreutzer just wants his wife's vision to stop failing before she goes blind. And then one day, their lives are changed forever when they suddenly find out that they have the ability to heal the sick with a single touch. With gifts so amazing, why does the mysterious stranger lurking in the shadows want to destroy them both, by whatever means necessary?

I Always Cry at Weddings

Sara Goff - 2015
    At least until she realizes her relationship isn't what it should be. Then, in a move as daring as a red satin dress, she does the unthinkable - she calls it all off and makes a promise to God that from now on, she'll save sex for marriage.She's convinced the future is hers for the taking, especially when an undercover cop promises a new romance...and an unexpected friendship with the homeless guy under her stoop brightens her days.But when her carefully balanced life teeters out of control, weddings aren't the only thing to make her cry. Ava has to figure out what life she really wants to live... and what is the world love really means.

Talking to the Dead

Bonnie Grove - 2009
    She's supposed to put on a brave face and get on with her life, right? Instead she's camped out on her living room floor, unwashed, unkempt, and unable to sleep-because her husband Kevin keeps talking to her. Is she losing her mind? Kate's attempts to find the source of the voice she hears are both humorous and humiliating, as she turns first to an "eclectically spiritual" counselor, then a shrink with a bad toupee, a mean-spirited exorcist, and finally group therapy. There she meets Jack, the warmhearted, unconventional pastor of a ramshackle church, and at last the voice subsides. But when she stumbles upon a secret Kevin was keeping, Kate's fragile hold on the present threatens to implode under the weight of the past . and Kevin begins to shout. Will the voice ever stop? Kate must confront her grief to find the grace to go on, in this tender, quirky story about second chances.