Gallifrey: Appropriation

Paul Sutton - 2006
    The other temporal powers orbit the ancient Time Lord society, poised and ready to take control. And then, as a terrifying legacy, the residual traces of the Pandora virus bring down the transduction barriers... While Romana lies exhausted and powerless in the medical station, Lord Matthias fights desperately to negotiate a peace. But Gallifreyans are dying. Can Leela find K9? Is retribution about to be visited upon the oldest race in the universe for untold millennia of manipulation and interference? And what is behind Valyes' decision to recall the High Council?

Gallifrey: Insurgency

Steve Lyons - 2005
    And now, they have the chance to attend the finest, most exclusive school known to the temporal powers. After millennia of secrecy, the Gallifreyan Academy has opened its doors to off-worlders… But the experiment is failing. As interracial violence erupts in the corridors of learning, somebody is using the students as pawns in a political power game - and, while Tutor Leela struggles to unravel the motives of her ex-husband, Andred, President Romana may be falling under an ancient spell. It's a dangerous time to be a stranger on Gallifrey. It seems that not all Time Lords want to share their secrets…

Torchwood One: Before The Fall

Joseph Lidster - 2017
    Yvonne Hartman is the undisputed head of Torchwood One. Above the government, beyond the police, she has excellent people skills; enjoys regular tea with the Queen; and effortlessly defends the British Empire from alien threats.Yvonne Hartman is excellent at her job, and inspires devotion in everyone who works with her - until, one day, she makes a terrible mistake. We all make mistakes. But only at Torchwood can a single mistake plunge your world into interstellar war.Yvonne Hartman's facing the fight of her life. One she's going to win.New Girl by Joseph Lidster“They’ve been coming to us for years. And we’ve been kept in the dark. My name’s Rachel Allan. And I’m Torchwood”It’s Rachel Allan’s first day at Torchwood. Torchwood only takes the brightest and the best – and Rachel’s wondering if Yvonne Hartman’s made a terrible mistake in picking her.Plunged into a world of alien invasions and office politics, Rachel’s desperate to fit in. For one thing, she really wants this job. And, for another, she knows what happens at Torchwood if you fail.Through The Ruins by Jenny T Colgan“Ianto, please. It’s all… it’s all gone wrong. I don’t know what to think any more.”Away Days at Torchwood aren’t what you’d expect. Yes, there’s the forced camaraderie, the team-building exercises, and the chance for long-held rivalries to boil over. But Torchwood Away Days also have the potential to get very lethal very quickly.Yvonne Hartman’s extremely worried by this year’s Away Day. But she’s got other things on her mind – something’s very wrong with Torchwood.Uprising by Matt Fitton“Torchwood. It’s taken the best part of a month, but I’ve finally got things running how they should be. How they should have been all along. ”Torchwood has experienced some radical changes, but things are finally settling down. Everyone has pulled together and is trying to put the past behind them. Well, except for Yvonne Hartman – she’s out to win the future.There’s one problem. Someone seems to have started an interstellar war. Someone who knows Torchwood from the inside out.

Gallifrey: Spirit

Stephen Cole - 2005
    Tired of the backbiting politics and intrigues in the sterile society of Time Lords. With the fate of her husband now known, she feels lonely and out of place on Gallifrey. Romana is tired. Tired of justifying herself and her policies to a hostile council. With the line between allies and enemies beginning to blur, she persuades Leela to go with her to the presidential retreat of Davidia, a protected paradise. Then an anomalous time ship arrives, carrying a single passenger. His hands are crushed, his tongue torn out, his mind destroyed. Is this broken man a victim of some terrible crime or part of a trap now primed and ready to spring? After this strange encounter, Romana and Leela may never be the same again.

Doctor Who: The Scapegoat

Pat Mills - 2009
    the exotic sights of Le Moulin Rouge, perhaps, or the horror tricks of Le Grand Guignol... if you think nothing could cause your mouth to dry and your heart to pound... you're wrong.Ladies and gentlemen, mesdames et messieurs – not forgetting our honoured guests from the Gestapo – tonight, it is my privilege to present to you the star of the Theatre des Baroque! A man who has died on stage near ten thousand times! The Most Assassinated Man in the World… Max Paul!And joining him, in a playlet we call 'The Executioner's Son' – from Blackpool, England: the enchanting Lucie Miller!Ah, la belle Lucie. She's got no idea what she's let herself in for. Heh. Should you feel faint, or nauseous – never fear. Tonight, we have a Doctor in the house!Just pray he lasts ’til the interval...