Life 線上の僕ら [Life Senjou no Bokura]

Miya Tokokura - 2017
    Falling in-love, Ito gets frustrated over the fact that they only get to rendezvous on the white line and suddenly kisses Nishi. From high school, college and then to adulthood, a deeply moving work depicting the lives of two men who are madly in love with unchanging feelings within changing realities.

Seaside Stranger: Umibe No Etranger (Seaside Stranger, #1)

Kanna Kii - 2021
    One day, he meets Mio, a high school student who recently lost his own parents and now spends his days sitting by the sea. The two young men begin to open up to each other...until Mio reveals that he's leaving. Three years later, an adult Mio returns to the island to confess his true feelings, but is Shun ready for a relationship?

Love Is An Illusion Vol 1 (Yaoi Comic)

Pa Go - 2020

Crimson Snow (Akanure goyou ni furu shimoyuki wa)

Tomoki Hori - 2008
    Yukihiro,the illegitimate son, never allowed himself to ask for anything. Kazuma is the only one that Yukihiro wants to protect even though the burden that Kazuma carries is too dangerous. What should they do?

S.P.Y〜スイムパラダイスヘヨウコソ〜 1

Ayane Ukyou - 2007
    Shortly after joining the swimming club, Nagi finds out that the pool is actually completely overtaken by boys! But in this never-practicing so-called swimming club, Nagi finds something...

Siren's Song

    Luan is surprised to see his own honest reaction, while Yul is surprised by the simple fact that he was heard by another human being. To what lengths will Luan go to claim Yul for himself...?An enchanting new story by ""Jazz for Two"" creator Clarju.

子羊プロジェクト 1 [Kohitsuji Project 1]

Sei Takenaka - 2012
    超バカなのに、なぜか名門ヴラド学院から学費・寮費免除&奨学金500万円付きというVIP待遇の特待生として招かれた和也。実はそこは、とある生き物たちが人間相手に本能を抑えることを学ぶための場所だった…! しかも人間生徒は各学年に1人だけと知って、脳天気な和也もさすがにヤバイと焦る。その上、強烈な存在感を持つクラスメートの蘇芳から『俺専用の餌』宣言されて──!? イケメン男子揃い踏みのサバイバル学園ライフvKohitsuji Project is about a boy being accepted into a prestigious school not knowing he is the "sheep" that is meant to let the vampires learn that humans are not to be treated like food!