In My Heart: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Madeline Kennet - 2017
    Darcy is frequently in her thoughts. She enters into Derbyshire half afraid of running into him and half wanting to see him again. When that meeting does occur, she learns how much she means to him and what is really in her heart. A novella of 27000 words

An Accident at Pemberley: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Linda C. Thompson - 2017
    Bingley takes up residence at Netherfield Park, Elizabeth travels into Derbyshire with her Aunt and Uncle Gardiner. On a day when her relations are visiting with some of Mrs. Gardiner's childhood friends, Elizabeth decides to explore the small village instead. Without realizing it, she strays further and further from the village, unconsciously walking in the direction of Pemberley, the estate they visited two days prior. Lost in her thoughts and the beauty of the Derbyshire countryside, Elizabeth wanders further than she realizes and fails to notice the storm clouds building above her. With the first flash of lightning and peel of thunder, she seeks somewhere to shelter from the storm. Rushing for a dense tree line where she might stay dry from the impending rain, Elizabeth Bennet meets with a dreadful accident. Returning from business in London, Fitzwilliam Darcy races across the grounds of Pemberley trying to outrun the storm. Coming across a beautiful young woman who is injured, he takes her home so his staff can care for her. Darcy hopes her presence will help lift his mother's melancholy. When Elizabeth regains consciousness, she has no memory of her name or her past. During the many weeks of her recovery, Elizabeth grows close to Mr. Darcy and his mother, Lady Anne. When Elizabeth recovers enough to leave the estate, the Darcys decided she needs an identity that will protect her from gossip. And so, Miss Elizabeth Chamberlayne, a long-lost Darcy cousin is born. After receiving two requests, Darcy accepts an invitation to stay with his friend, Mr. Bingley, at Netherfield Park and the ladies will join him. What will happen when Elizabeth comes face to face with her family? Will she remember them, or will her memory still be a blank? All of the original characters of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice make an appearance. How will Elizabeth's lack of memory affect her interactions with them?

Darcy's Trial

M.A. Sandiford - 2013
    Matters go from bad to worse when his opponent dies and Darcy is prosecuted for murder. Although warned to keep her distance, Elizabeth feels honour-bound to investigate on his behalf, and before long she too is in danger ...

The Goodness of Men

Anngela Schroeder - 2017
    “You never will be able to make both of them good…Take your choice, but you must be satisfied with only one. There is but such a quantity of merit between them; just enough to make one good sort of man…” -Pride and Prejudice  From her youngest days, Elizabeth Bennet’s ability to accurately judge the character of others has been recognized and noted by those around her in such a consistent manner as to lead her to believe it herself. The misfortune of meeting Mr. Darcy, a wealthy landowner from the north, only solidifies this belief. The memory of his disapproval of her family, proves his character is lacking and sadly unlike his childhood friend’s, the charming and affable Mr. Wickham, who is esteemed by all he meets. Although her opinion once lost is not lost forever, the effort to regain her favor is great. With Elizabeth’s youngest sister fortunate to be in company with Mr. Wickham in Brighton since the spring, and her own travels to Kent cancelled, she must await the pleasures of a summer holiday to the North with her aunt and uncle Gardiner. However, it is there that she is once again thrust into Mr. Darcy’s presence and must determine if he is truly the architect of the many wrongs she has laid at his door. Fitzwilliam Darcy cannot exorcise Elizabeth Bennet from his thoughts. A chance meeting at the estate of his friend reignites all the flames he has attempted to suppress since their last meeting. Believing in her partiality, he is stunned to overhear her true estimation of him and is determined to change her opinion. Battling with memories and secrets from his past, Darcy must fight against his natural reserve to win the heart of the woman he loves. Will the unexpected appearance of a stranger encourage Elizabeth’s change of heart? Might an episode from Mr. Darcy's past force Elizabeth to see the man within? Can one man have all the goodness and the other only the appearance of it?  Join us for another sweet "Pride and Prejudice" reimagining, suitable for ages teen and up.

Darcy and the Duchess

Mary Anne Mushatt - 2010
    At only eighteen her life takes a very different turn, yet many of the same characters, adventures and villains accompany her as she journeys through her life as wife, mother and widow. As her heart heals from the premature death of her husband, she learns to love again finding the strength to protect her family and win the love of her lost husband's best friend, Fitzwilliam Darcy. But can their growing and often thwarted understanding survive the villainous plotting of George Wickham.

Progression Vol. 2: A Continuation of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice

Jodi L. Covey - 2016
     Under the guidance of Lady Matlock, both Georgiana and Elizabeth are to be formally introduced to Society's elite, including a special invitation to meet the illustrious Lady Patronesses of Almack's, who preside over the most exclusive balls of the Season. Elizabeth inadvertently becomes the subject of Town gossip at the same time her marriage to William has brought forth new and wonderful circumstances, and finds it difficult to overcome Society's scrutiny on her own. Will Darcy come to her rescue, or stubbornly ignore what he helped to create? With Elizabeth's influence, Georgiana's once deflated confidence grows stronger by the day, and with it new and troubling doubts about the brother she'd always seen as no less than perfect. Meanwhile, as a favor to Charles Bingley, Darcy formulates a plan to expose Caroline Bingley's suitor, the enigmatic Marquess Thornhaugh, as the mercenary he is suspected to be. In order to do so, however, Darcy must enlist the help of not only a reviled relation, but also the hated George Wickham, who claims to know all about the nobleman and is willing to be of service. For a price, of course. Caroline Bingley is certain that all are against her as she is determined to claim her worthy position as a marchioness. How far will she go to secure her coveted title? Richard Fitzwilliam forgoes the Season in favor of fighting for King and Country in the war against Napoleon to the bereavement of his family, especially Lord Matlock, who'd always had other plans for this middle son. Charlotte Collins also ventures to London as companion to Anne DeBourgh, who is determined to break free from her mother's "protection" and live her own life. Charlotte is optimistic, but is so much independence so switfly asserted really in the innocent young woman's best interest? Despite a deep love and strong bond, fear and uncertainty still plague Mr. and Mrs. Darcy, and a certain marquess cannot seem to help playing to those insecurities as he both antagonizes and challenges Mr. Darcy to a problematic extent. His family's future at stake, Darcy realizes that proving his love to Elizabeth was only half the battle. Now he must prove it to the World. This is the second volume of two.

Charlotte Lucas Takes Charge: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Shana Granderson A Lady - 2021
    Up until the Reverend William Collins arrival, things are not far from canon. Collins is the sycophant we all love to hate and sets his sights on Jane. Bennet tells him in no uncertain terms he will not consent to such a man marrying ANY of his daughters.Charlotte Lucas overhears Collins ranting to himself about how he will evict the Bennets from Longbourn the day Bennet passes. He then tried to woo Charlotte soon after and she too rejects him. He is derisive when she rejects him out of hand, he tells her that no man would ever offer for one on the shelf, without fortune, and as homely as her.Collins then proposes to Matilda Dudley, Lizzy’s friend and Longbourn’s widowered parson’s daughter. Matilda accepts him much to Elizabeth and Charlotte’s surprise.Collins’s words to her spur Charlotte to take charge, the story tells the tale of what she does and how it affects the lives of not a few people. The book examines how Charlotte actions change the trajectories of some of our favourite (to love and hate) characters.

More Than Admiration: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Wynne Mabry - 2017
    Wickham and Mrs. Younge. Mr. Darcy, shocked to have his sister’s errors known to strangers, fails to convey any gratitude, and Elizabeth is left with a poor impression of him. Through letters to Georgiana, however, she learns to view him in a different light. His later appearance in Meryton comes as a pleasant surprise, and she gets to know him better when he stays at Netherfield. They become close, but can she believe that he really loves her and is not swayed by his sister’s feelings? And what will happen when Mr. Wickham reappears and threatens her dear friend’s reputation and her own happiness?

A Letter By Any Other Name: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Elaine Francis - 2017
    As she finds herself falling more and more in love with this man, will the truth of his real identity change the way she feels? How does her correspondence change her interactions with others and will the letters lead to her ruin if their existence is discovered? A Letter By Any Other Name is a reimagining of Jane Austen's classis novel "Pride and Prejudice".

Goodly Creatures: A Pride and Prejudice Deviation

Beth Massey - 2012
    This Pride and Prejudice deviation takes the reader on a journey through a labyrinth filled with misunderstandings, bias, guilt and fear - not to mention, laughter, animal magnetism and waltzing. As Elizabeth says, 'she shed enough tears to float one of Lord Nelson's frigates' but as she learned from her father 'unhappiness does, indeed, have comic aspects one should never underestimate.'Though the path for our protagonists is much more arduous than canon, the benefit remains the same; a very happy Janeite ending for these two star-crossed lovers. Along the way there is retribution, redemption and reward for other characters - including a few that recall players in two grave injustices as written by Ms Austen in ‘Sense and Sensibility.’ These grievances prompted this long-time struggler for women's rights to write a tale that provided these women vindication.

Mr. Darcy and the Secret of Becoming a Gentleman

Maria Hamilton - 2011
    By every civility in his power, Darcy slowly tries to win her affections, but Elizabeth is not easily swayed. Darcy vows to unlock the secrets that will make her his. He curses himself for his social awkwardness and appearance of pride, and sets out to right the wrongs he's done her family.Elizabeth's family and friends misunderstand his intentions, and being in Elizabeth's presence proves to be both excruciating for the shy Darcy-and a dream come true. For the first time in his life, he must please a woman worth having, and the transformation leads him to a depth of understanding and love that he never could have imagined.

An Assembly Such as This

Pamela Aidan - 2003
    Jane Austen's classic novel is beloved by millions, but little is revealed in the book about the mysterious and handsome hero, Mr. Darcy. And so the question has long remained: Who is Fitzwilliam Darcy? In An Assembly Such as This, Pamela Aidan finally answers that long-standing question. In this first book of her Fitzwilliam Darcy, Gentleman trilogy, she reintroduces us to Darcy during his visit to Hertfordshire with his friend Charles Bingley and reveals Darcy's hidden perspective on the events of Pride and Prejudice. As Darcy spends more time at Netherfield supervising Bingley and fending off Miss Bingley's persistent advances, his unwilling attraction to Elizabeth grows—as does his concern about her relationship with his nemesis, George Wickham.Setting the story vividly against the colorful historical and political background of the Regency, Aidan writes in a style comfortably at home with Austen but with a wit and humor very much her own. Aidan adds her own cast of fascinating characters to those in Austen's original, weaving a rich tapestry from Darcy's past and present. Austen fans and newcomers alike will love this new chapter of the most famous romance of all time.

Miss Darcy's Companion: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Joana Starnes - 2016
    The recently bereaved Miss Elizabeth Bennet is in need of a position. When she accepts the one Mr Darcy offers, she finds herself in his near-constant company and gets to know him at his best. Not as he would present himself to strangers in some remote corner of Hertfordshire, but as his nearest and dearest know him. An excellent brother, landlord, master. A wonderful man, noble, kind – and impossibly handsome. So who falls in love first? What of Mr Wickham and his dastardly ploys? And how is a lady’s companion ever to have a future with one who could marry into the best houses in the land?

An Arranged Marriage: A Pride & Prejudice Alternate Path

Jan Hahn - 2011
    Darcy's proposal at Hunsford, her father dies, leaving Longbourn entailed away and little fortune to sustain his widow and daughters. Six months later, the Bennet family receives a visitor with a most unusual offer that promises to save the family from financial and social ruin. Elizabeth's sense of duty forces her to enter into an arranged marriage with a man she does not even like. Told from Elizabeth's point of view, An Arranged Marriage is a compelling twist on Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. Can Elizabeth overcome her feelings of anger, resentment, and suspicion toward her new husband and - the most bewildering sensation of all - a growing attraction for the last man in the world she ever wished to marry?

The Return: A Pride and Prejudice Story

Timothy Underwood - 2015
    Bingley returned after the Netherfield Ball and asked Jane to marry him. He admitted to Jane that Mr. Darcy’s advice had nearly stopped him. Elizabeth, eager to hear anything ill about Mr. Darcy, made her sister tell the story. Jane said Mr. Darcy discouraged his friend because he sincerely believed her to be indifferent. Elizabeth knew better. Darcy was selfish and unfeeling. Elizabeth wasn’t naïve and willing to believe every story told to her. At the wedding Darcy said he approved of his friend’s marriage because Jane clearly loved Bingley. In fact, he might follow his friend’s example and marry for affection. Elizabeth wasn’t going to let this hypocritical gentleman get away with his deception. Not after he tried to hurt Jane. She loudly said what she truly thought of him. Now Elizabeth realizes she was horribly mistaken about Darcy’s character. Now she loves him. But, is it too late for her? Has she lost his esteem forever?