Moving for Moksha

Alok Mishra - 2020
    In this collection, you will find images and poems that relate to life, love, loss, gain, realisation and the final thing called Moksha. The poems may sound philosophical, intellectual and emotional from time to time. You will also find a surprise at the end of this wonderful poetry collection if you read everything carefully. And, like the previous poetry collection by Alok Mishra, this book will also not take more than 15 minutes from your daily routine. However, you may want to read the book at least twice or maybe thrice to understand what do the poems mean. Alok has devised a style of his own to communicate his thoughts to the readers of Indian English poetry. A 4-3-6 style has perfectly settled with this collection having 14 wonderful poems. Here are some reviews for Moving for Moksha:The collection of poems takes us on a journey to ponder the truth and fallacies of life that come our way. The poems are mostly mystic in nature, having more than what it seems to be... you will certainly love it if you have a taste for English Amit Mishra (founder of The Indian Authors & Indian Book Lovers), truth, eternity.... a very close observation of life, these poems sneak into nothing but the philosophy of life that people confront during Ravi Kumar, Research Scholar with expertise in Indian English Literature, a writer for many online literary platformsThe poems reflect disillusion, rejection, realisation and answer to the final call – Moksha, as called in Indian philosophy. The innovative form with a 4-3-6 pattern looks very apt for the emotional and intellectual and also cryptic nature of the poems in this collection.The Last Critic

I Refused to Bribe

Gireesh Sharma
    When Satish offers a bribe to Jitesh, the latter abuses the industrialist and threatens to call the police. Undeterred by all this, Satish approaches Arora who is Jitesh’s senior officer and offers him a share in his business. Arora puts pressure on Jitesh to ignore certain norms and stipulations and approve the loan, but Jitesh succumbs neither to greed nor pressure. Arora and Satish turn hostile towards Jitesh. A few days later at the bank, Jitesh helps an unknown customer, who claims to be illiterate, to fill his withdrawal form. The customer is later identified as a conman who fraudulently withdraws money from someone else’s account. His arch rival Arora manipulates facts and Jitesh is named in the chargesheet. Jitesh is suspended from his job and faces a judicial inquiry that lasts for 14 long and painful years. During the long ordeal, Jitesh is flooded with offers to bribe his way out of the matter and this includes vigilance officers, bank officials, CID officers, court clerks and even the judge. Arora connives with businessmen and amasses huge wealth through underhand means. Arora ignores his family and takes to the wrong path in personal life also. What has destiny in store for him? Is he able to escape from the clutches of justice? ********************************** ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Gireesh Sharma, soldier-turned-author, writes straight from his heart. Born in 1973 in a small hamlet near Aligarh, he was brought up by his grandfather-in-law, an active political leader. It was under his tutelage that he developed patriotic fervour and on turning 17 years of age, chose to join the Indian Air Force to serve the nation. After his retirement, he worked with several youth organisations and today actively participates in socio-political activities to bring a positive change in the country. He is working as a marketing manager in a software company and enjoys writing books during his spare time. I Refused to Bribe is his first fiction, though he has written three popular non-fictions: 'Office Politics', 'How to Win the Heart of Your Wife' and 'Stay Free, Stay Happy'.

Are You The One For Me

Chital Mehta - 2011
    Since then, she resolves to seal her heart for love convinced that she would never fall in love ever.just when she moves on with her life surrounded by friends who help her our to mend her broken heart, she meets jai, Mr. Perfect - her boss. At least, that's what Khushi thought about him. Despite her initial resistance, she falls in love with him.Disaster hits her again when she learns that he doesn't feel the same way about her. This time, Khushi decides on a stronger note that love was just not meant for her. And then, Manav, a carefree guy, steps into her life who promises to love her in every possible way.After being heart - broken twice, which still hurts, will khushi give love another chance knowing that it could be risking her heart again for the third time ?

The Branded (Uchalya)

Laxman Gaikwad - 1987
    This book also brings in the problems faced by the Dalits in India.

Narmade Har Har

Jagannath Kunte - 2010
    It's about Narmada Parikrama done by the author.On the Hindu pilgrimages along the banks of Narmada River; impressions of a Hindu, of his travel along the banks of the river.

Strange Men Strange Places

Ruskin Bond - 1992
    Soldiers, mercenaries, free-booters. Europeans all, braving the heat and dust of India. They fought for wealth, for glory, and for sheer fun. Their glorious and inglorious exploits are full of thrill, romance, and violence. Ruskin Bond has recreated the turbulent and colourful India of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries with the soldiers of fortune strutting across the subcontinent. The saga of their lives and loves in Delhi, Jaipur, Aligarh, Sardhana, and Lucknow reads stranger than fiction.

The Outcaste (Akkarmashi)

Sharankumar Limbale - 1984
    First published in 1984, The Outcaste is a first-person account of the dehumanizing impact of caste oppression in India.


Sant Dnyaneshwar Kulkarni
    This commentary has been praised for its aesthetic as well as scholarly value. The original name of the work is Bhavarth Deepika, which can be roughly translated as "The light showing the internal meaning" (of the Bhagvad Geeta), but it is popularly called Dnyaneshwari after its creator. .

Oscar for loving, Grammy for not!

Priyadeep Kaur - 2019
    Draupadi chose to be the wife of five.But Meera chose to be the devotee of just One.Life is ruled by our choices. And these choices hold the ultimate reins to everything our life depends on. These choices twist everybody’s life in this story.Udi is a force to reckon with. She is a strong and independent young woman who rules her emotions. Then Garv happens… the sweet, innocent and romantic man rocks her by the roots, and she is found treading down the paths that she had never vouched for herself.Her best friends, Rupali and Siddharth, are the only people she ever leans on. Rupali and Siddharth’s love story was a mistake from the start. Siddharth loves her with all his heart, but she has other desire, which leads her to her downfall, dragging Siddharth along.In this gamble of self-made choices, will Udi be found struggling to control her life?Will Garv stood up and make a choice?Will their choices by worth it?Read Oscar For Loving, Grammy For Not! Delve into the lives of Udi, Garv, Siddharth and Rupali, and find an inspiration to be strong, to find love, to maintain friendship, and to find the strength to live your life again… no matter what happens!

In Love with Shah Rukh Khan

Ajitabha Bose - 2016
    It’s just that some dreams get fulfilled and others remain confined in hearts.Aanya was a small town girl and Vivaan was a flirt. Life takes a different turn when love brought them together.She had a dream of meeting Shah Rukh Khan. He promised to fulfill it.What lies ahead?Where will destiny lead them?Read this heartwarming tale of love, dreams and emotions.


Anand Yadav - 1987
    This is an account of a youth from interior Maharashtra. He fights his way through just to complete his secondary education. His landless father tilling lands for others, thinks his son's education not only unaffordable but unwise also, He helplessly watches his mothr permanently fated to thankless labour, contineously working for an evergrowing family deep in the cluthes of customs and superstitions. He had to wrestle with hardships and hunger to complete his school education. This autobiographical novel is an authentic tale as much of the author and his family as of any of the hundreds of landless families from rural interiors.

Mom Says No Girlfriend

Subhasis Das - 2010
    Unhappy with her constant interference in his life, Danny’s music classes become his only solace and as the years go by, make him realize that music is his true calling.There’s just one glitch: his parents have already planned his entire life for him, and it involves science and engineering. Music has no place in it. Now sixteen, and a rebel, Sam joins a new school far away from home and out of his mother’s reach. Life takes a hedonistic turn for him, with parties, alcohol, love and sex.A coming-of-age novel, Mom Says No Girlfriend is the heart-warming story of a boy trying to find his place in the world.

Never Say Goodbye

Rajiv Seth - 2012
    It is a story of an extra-marital affair and how it is looked at from a woman’s and a man’s perspective. It is a story of how the field of genetics can affect a person’s thoughts and approaches to ethics in science.The characters in the book are simple at times, complex at the other, but easy to relate with. The story is pacy and delivers unexpected twists at the most unexpected times. Anjali, is a young doctor, who is driven by an urge to do much more than just medicine. An infatuation leads to her marrying a businessman, and into a joint family, where studies and education take second place. Even her husband has a very different outlook to life. They are, literally, moving on different paths in life, and Anjali realises this only when she meets Aakash who, too, is a doctor. From being her mentor, Aakash gradually becomes her soul mate and their relationship reaches a flashpoint as they fight an outbreak of plague in a tiny village in north India. Anjali goes headlong into the relationship, not caring about the consequences but Aakash preaches to her about the strengths of the institution of marriage in India and how extra-marital affairs are, rightly or wrongly, frowned upon in India. Their approaches to the relationship reverse when Anjali gets pregnant with his child. Anjali goes on to study human genetics at an institution in the UK. At the end of the programme, she is entrusted with the task of setting up a laboratory in Shillong to research on therapeutic cloning. The institution is keen on the laboratory being located in a remote place where the laws on cloning research are less stringent than in the UK. Over a few years, without Anjali realising it, the laboratory moves towards successful research into techniques for human cloning. Anjali thinks this is unethical and resists pressure to actually clone a human being.What follows is an emotion-arousing sequence of events. At times you will just love Anjali, and at times you will hate her for the way she relates to people. But that regardless, you will never want to press the pause button until you finish the roller-coaster ride which the author takes you through.

The Perfect World: A Journey to Infinite Possibilities

Priya Kumar - 2011
    In a desperate attempt to seek clarity, courage and confidence, she unwittingly leads herself into meeting with evolved souls from across the universe. These superior souls belong to The Perfect World and with them Niki Sanders embarks on the most thrilling adventure of her life; an adventure into infinite possibilities, wisdom and self discovery.An inspirational thriller not only takes you on a journey into the universe but also on a parallel journey within. Sprinkled with fun, triumph and wisdom the story urges you towards choices of power, passion and purpose into your daily actions. The Perfect World will lead you towards your spiritual awareness and spiritual greatness, for that is the true meaning of success.Enchanting, irresistibly captivating ‘The Perfect World’ is an extraordinary story of the truth about your own eternity that will find place in your daily consciousness long after you have turned the final page.

Of Love and Politics

Tuhin A. Sinha - 2010
    It takes a horrific incident like 26/11 to make each of them realize the shortcomings of the parties they swear by and to look at the larger picture.