One Day University Presents: Positive Psychology: The Science of Happiness

One Day University - 2010
    He is also the Head Teaching Fellow for the most popular course at Harvard, “Positive Psychology,” which is taken by more than 1,000 students per semester and led by Professor Tal Ben-Shahar.  Shawn received his B.A. in English from Harvard and a Master’s from Harvard Divinity School in Christian and Buddhist Ethics. Part of his interest in positive psychology stems from a troubling fact: studies have shown that many of Harvard’s undergraduates suffer from depression at some point in their college careers. One Day University is a unique educational experience  that brings intellectuals together to learn from top rated professors at Yale, Harvard, Stanford, Columbia and other prestigious universities. Chosen for their excellent teaching abilities as rated by their students, these great thinkers represent a wide variety of academic disciplines and share their knowledge in 60 minute, highly entertaining lectures. Offering the ability to learn the highlights of academic thought in world affairs, politics, history, science, art, and more; One Day University is a way to truly enjoy the thrill of learning without the pressures of tests and the high price tag of college tuition. Once reserved only for students who could attend the lectures in New York and other major cities, One Day University courses are now available to everyone from the comfort of their own homes in Kindle format.

Master Your Mind: The More You Think, The Easier It Gets

D.E. Boyer - 2016
    D.E. Boyer takes us on a fascinating journey from the depths of despair to an amazing quantum world where anything is possible. First, we will learn how to defend ourselves against the chaos in our minds, then we will learn how to rekindle the magic in our hearts. Along the way, the wisdom of Socrates and the myth of Narcissus will transform the way we think and feel. Boyer then shows us how the military teaches their Navy Seal recruits how to handle their thoughts and feelings when someone is trying to kill them, so we can better handle our bosses, spouses, and children when it feels like they are trying to kill us. We will also get a glimpse of death through the eyes of someone who sees people die every day, giving us a much greater appreciation for life. With extremely amusing stories from her own life that touch on her dysfunctional upbringing and traumatizing career as an intensive care nurse, Boyer teaches us how to control our anxiety, boost our fragile self-esteem, and get into a state of flow so that we can spend most of our time loving life, rather than dreading it. She also gives us crucial health and nutrition tips so that we can live longer with our newfound peace and joy, and she shows us how to be more successful at life by being a better friend, spouse, and parent. With every step we take on this path, we'll find ourselves flirting with the hidden power of the mind, a power that often lies just beyond most people's reach. Only by mastering the basics of thinking and feeling can we gain access to this power. Once the door is unlocked, we will enter another dimension, a quantum world where time is irrelevant and the magic of our mind is waiting to be found.

Covert Narcissist: Uncover the Covert Narcissist’s Manipulation Tactics, It’s Effects on the Brain, and the Road to Recovery (Passive Aggressive, Psychological Abuse, Toxic Relationships, Healing,)

Grace Lewis - 2019
    You have survived 100% of your worst days. My relationship with my covert narcissist left me confused, broken, and utterly drained. I didn’t think anyone could ever understand what I went through. Trying to explain it was hard enough. He didn’t yell, he didn’t hit, yet no one had ever caused me so much pain and then turned around and said I had only myself to blame. That’s what makes covert narcissists so dangerous, they’re so subtle and quiet, masters of deceit. If you feel like you have been pushed to the brink of insanity, losing control, forgetting who you even are I want to let you know that you are not alone. What helped me eventually overcome my deep attachment to my narc was understanding how the mind of a narcissist works and understanding what was going on in my own head while all of this was happening. By identifying the nature of the covert narcissist, recognizing the abuse cycle, and understanding the manipulation tactics I was able to finally stop the madness inside my head. In this book I go over all these points as well as reasons why we’re attracted to the narcissist, why they’re attracted to us, and most importantly tips on moving on after experiencing this type of abuse. Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn... The Abuse Cycle Manipulation Tactics Brain Chemistry and Abuse Why We're Attracted To and Who Attracts The Narcissist Tools for Recovery Don't let the covert narcissist fool you any longer , download your copy today! Available now for only $0.99!

The Covert Narcissist: Recognizing the Most Dangerous Subtle Form of Narcissism and Recovering from Emotionally Abusive Relationships

Theresa J. Covert - 2019
    Narcissistic Victim Syndrome is not officially recognised, nor is it widely even known.Even when it is accepted, recognised and known not many people seem to know what to DO ABOUT IT to heal it... The fact is being in a relationship with a narcissist over a long period of time has long lasting traumatic effects that can be extremely catastrophic to the person suffering them.DO THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS SOUND FAMILIAR?- Ruined self confidence- Doubting yourself and your sanity- Mood swings- Sleeplessness- Extreme weight loss or weight gain- Uncharacteristic jealousy/ insecurity- Feeling like you don't know the difference between right and wrong- Extreme paranoia (being turned into an obsessive detective)- Endless, repetitive obsessive thinking about your ex- Constantly trying to find explanations for what has happened- Feelings of helplessness and despair- A desire to self isolate- Feeling desperately misunderstood- Overwhelming feelings of loss and grief- Extreme bouts of rage- An inability to be comfortable with yourself- Strange dreamsThe list goes on.... "NOBODY UNDERSTANDS!" I hear this frustrated cry from abused people a lot.I felt the same way when I was recovering from emotional abuse at the hands of a narcissistic/borderline psychopath. If you try and tell people who have NO EXPERIENCE with a narcissist (there is no experience like being with a narcissist, its not their fault they can't understand) about it they will either deny your experience, tell you you are exaggerating or look at you like you were crazy.Covert Narcissists dangle their vulnerability in front of you as bait, just waiting for your good nurturing mothering/fathering instincts to kick in and rescue the poor little lost child they are presenting to you. But beneath the mask of a shy, vulnerable and "good person" something far more sinister lurks. And this what makes covert narcissism so damaging and dangerous: the nature of the disorder is such that you are brainwashed into thinking you are dealing with a human being with a morality, perhaps even a "pillar of the community".OFT REPEATED MYTHS OF THE INTERNET ABOUT NARCISSISTS:You are Told Narcissists are always brash, loud, assertive, flashy and Confident.The problem is Coverts are quiet, insecure and passive.You are Told Narcissists will never apologise for things they do.The problem is Coverts can learn that a quick and TOTAL apology is a really slick way of getting their target to "go back to sleep" if it looks like they are waking up.You are told: Narcissists can be detected because they will always tell you how amazing they are and by bragging about their achievements.The problem is Coverts are known for presenting themselves as vulnerable victims who can even use that vulnerability as a hook to bait you in!WHAT YOU NEED NOW: - Someone who has been through the same experiences you have and understands them from the inside.-Someone who has the knowledge, training, education and experience working on himself and others to lead you through the emotional sh*tstorm that breaking with a narcissist can create.What are you waiting for? Scroll Up, Click on the "Buy Now" button!

Meditation for Beginners: Easy Techniques to Relieve Stress, Depression and Anxiety and Increase Inner Peace and Motivation for Life (Mindfulness Book 1)

Scott Henderson - 2017
    Follow Proven Methods and Simple, Step-By-Step Guidelines to Improve your Motivation and Happiness, and Reduce Stress, Depression and Anxiety Today! Does it feel like you're being overwhelmed with all the tasks and activities you have to attend to in your life? How can anyone keep up in the fast-paced society of ours? The last thing that you'd be wanting to do is relax and slow down when there's so much going on. But this is exactly what you should do. In this title, you'll find out why, how and when it's best to settle your thoughts, and come out stronger with crystal clarity and well-being. Meditation is especially effective if you're dealing with depression, anxiety or chronic stress. It can increase your inner peace and motivation for life's every task. Here's A Preview Of What You'll Learn Why Meditation Is Important What Meditation Assists With Proving Its Effectiveness The Steps To Meditative Practices Long-Term Meditative Success Tips And Much, Much More! It's never too late to learn and to take action! This book contains no filler, no unnecessary stories or long-winded case studies; simply an explanation and methods to succeed.

The 30 Day Attraction Experiment: One Man's Quest to Put the Law of Attraction to the Test

James Weaver - 2013
    The author discusses why he chose this experiment, what the experiment entailed, what he attracted, and what he learned during these 30 days. The results are honest and inspiring. This work will be appreciated by those with little to no knowledge of the law of attraction and those well acquainted with this universal law.***Newly edited version uploaded on 10/26/13***

Banned Mind Control

Richard Dotts - 2013
    In "Banned Mind Control Secrets", author Richard Dotts takes a modern, scientific and coherent look at the science behind the teachings of the greatest spiritual and self-help teachers. If you have always wondered about the existence of the subconscious mind, whether it exists and how you can tap into it in a modern, effective way... or if visualisations and affirmations have failed to produce results for you, then "Banned Mind Control Secrets" brings you the latest evidence from scientific research to uncover the TRUTH behind these techniques.You may be surprised at how much common ground modern cutting-edge scientific research has with the age old practices taught by the great spiritual teachers. Richard Dotts shares his own personal journey, and tells you why there is really nothing separate or different about all the different self-help manifestation techniques taught throughout the ages.This is NOT a book about how to control the minds of others, but rather, how to control your OWN mind to more effectively get and create reality in a way that pleases you.

50 Things To Do Before Seeing a Psychiatrist: And How To Actually Do Them

Joe Baldizzone - 2017
    Holistic health coach and recovery expert, Joe Baldizzone, knows first-hand what it's like to live with depression and how to recover from debilitating panic, as well as addiction. In this book you will find simple strategies to help you get started on your own path to recovery. Do you feel anxious most of the time? Are you overwhelmed with persistent worries? Is depression keeping you in the house? Have you reached for drugs and alcohol to cope? Are you considering going to see a psychiatrist, but scared of being put on medication? If you're looking to change your life and find happiness without doctors and medications, try the proven methods Joe has to offer. Learn about Joe's recovery and how to use the 50 tools that have helped him as well as countless other people.

For Single People Who Still Understand the Value of Relationships

Rob Hill Sr. - 2012
    This book gives vital insight on the different dynamics of relationships and love in an uncanny fashion. Relationship expert, Rob Hill, is setting a new standard for singles, new couples, as well as seasoned lovers. Not only will they value relationships more, they’ll have a better understanding of what it takes to date, relate, and grow as individuals to better their chances of finding, enjoying, and sustaining a healthy relationship in today’s times. This book is fun, energetic, and filled with wisdom. Get ready for the journey of a lifetime.Courtesy of


Tapan Ghosh - 2021
    A hundred quotes from someone who’s lived life on the edge and come shining through. Quick to read and easy to grasp, this book will change your take on life.

Soap Making Business Startup: How to Start, Run & Grow a Million Dollar Success From Home!

Suzanne Carpenter - 2017
    You can find that information anywhere, don’t have to buy my book to learn that. Wait! Oh! I did that in this book. I did explain how to make soap, I also did give you a few simple recipes too. But I hope that is not why you bought this book.In this book my goal is to explain to you in simple terms how to CREATE great natural and organic soaps and not just MAKE soaps, there is a difference. You will get to see and understand that difference when you understand each ingredients and how they interact and react with each other.& You will not have a great business if you are just making carbon copy of few soaps of other people which your customers can go buy from any local stores. What will make you unique is when you create a blend or two of your own and people start liking your creation. That is when you can hit the home run in business.Imagine growing your soap company into a local, regional and ultimately a national brand, where your soaps will be sold at every Whole food, Body, Bath and Beyond, Home Goods and many other great retailers.&This is a Two Part Book. In the first part I show you how to get started with soap making, I show you every steps you need to take to make your first batch of soap. Then I show you how to test your creation and how to figure out what works and what does not.On the second part of the book, I teach you everything you need to know about turning your new found passion into a successful business. I share my own story and how I turned my passion into a 6 figure business. Though this book is not about my success but yours, but I think you may find it inspiring that an average housewife like myself was able to build the business and then was able to sell it for a good profit. In the First Part I will Show You: Why you should your own Soap Making Business What Soap Making Equipment you will need How to get Started in Under a 1K How & Where to Buy Soap Making Supplies for Cheap What makes a soap Natural and Organic? What is the Difference between Fragrance and Essential oil How to use Various Natural Botanicals in your Soap and Make them Unique How to be Creative with various Soap Molds What and how to Use 32 Various Oils in your Soap How to Scent Your Soap How to Color your Soap with 11 Natural Colorants All the Soap Making methods Step by Step Soap Making Safety Rules to Follow Best & Easiest Recipes to Start with In the Second Part of the Book I Will Show You: Startup Costs for your New Homemade Soap Business How to get started, Step by Step Expected Average Monthly Revenue Average Monthly Expenses How to Start from Home and Save Money How to Find and Develop a Niche for your Soap Business The New Market Trends in the Soap Industry How to Price your Soap for Sale How to Calculate

Emotional Intelligence: A Practical Guide to Mastering Emotions

Jonny Bell - 2014
    Throughout years society has come to believe that our level of IQ will determine the success of a person's life. However, in recent years psychologist have found new insight by studying successful people. The results have been surprising because what determines a person's life success is not IQ but rather EI. Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the foundation of living a successful and meaningful life. People who succeed in life have a tremendous awareness of their emotions. Inside this book, you will be on the path of living a life that includes the followingEmotional MasteryAwareness of your own emotions and othersEffortlessly redirecting your emotionsA deeper connection with the people you loveDo not allow your emotions to take over your life and instead master the art of your emotions today!

At Last a Life and Beyond

Paul David - 2015
    This latest title is packed with information on how to overcome anxiety and what keeps people in the loop. The book will cut out all the jargon and give you a clear perspective on how to overcome all of your anxiety and panic issues. In this book you won’t find a list of techniques, rules or methods, as you don’t need them. I am sure you have tried enough of these and still found little relief. Techniques, rules and methods usually take effort and are mostly built on suppression of feelings, which is the complete wrong approach. Anxiety is your mind and body’s way of telling you that you are already overdoing it with effort, both mentally and physically, so the last thing you want is to add more effort. If you want to free yourself from the prison you currently find yourself in and rediscover the true you, then this book will finally give you all the answers you need. Contents:Chapter 1: You are not broken 12 Chapter 2: Letting go of crutches 23 Chapter 3: Anxiety backpack 29 Chapter 4: What is the need for fear and anxiety 41 Chapter 5: Struggling with thoughts 48 Chapter 6: The inner critic 61 Chapter 7: Overworking the mind 67Chapter 8: Avoiding anxiety 78 Chapter 9: Resistance only increases suffering 83Chapter 10: Our obsession with worry 88 Chapter 10: Setbacks 92 Chapter 11: Other people’s success stories 98 Chapter 12: Q & A section 126 Chapter 11: Social anxiety 138 Chapter 12: Anxiety loop 143Chapter 13: Living without stress 148Chapter 14: Summing up 151

Magic Words and Language Patterns: The Hypnotist's Essential Guide to Crafting Irresistible Suggestions (Handbook for Scriptless Hypnosis)

Karen Hand - 2017
    Hypnotists of all levels of experience will be able to expand their skills to new heights to create the most effective sessions and the most profitable practices. “Magic Words teaches you how to work without scripts, spontaneously and effortlessly in hypnosis and in your life.” ~Michael Watson, International Hypnosis and NLP Trainer and Past President Hypnosis Education Association “Any serious hypnotist or therapist MUST read this book if they want to increase their influence and help more people.” ~Dr. William Horton, author of The Secret Psychology of Persuasion “Magic Words is a must read for anyone who wants to really motivate themselves or others.” ~Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas, PhD President- International Hypnosis Federation “This is a wonderful handbook for all Certified Instructors to offer their hypnosis students. Karen expertly anchors skills as she teaches the concepts.” ~Larry Garrett BCH, OB Owner Garrett Hypnosis and Wellness Center “This book is captivating! ~Erika Flint, CEO Cascade Hypnosis Center Karen Hand, an award-winning Board Certified Hypnotist, Educator and World-Class Communicator, has helped thousands of people take control of their lives and trained countless hypnotists to help others make a change for good. Visit

Flying With Confidence: Fix Your Fear and Enjoy Your Flight

Patricia Furness-Smith - 2013
     Does the thought of flying fill you with dread? Do panic attacks leave you feeling scared and vulnerable? If so, this book could change your life. Written by top flying experts from British Airways' 'Flying with Confidence' course, this reassuring guide explains everything you need to know about air travel alongside techniques for feeling confident and in control from take off to landing. In easy-to-follow sections, you'll learn how to recognise cabin noises, manage turbulence and fly in bad weather conditions. As your knowledge grows, so will your confidence, with the fear of the unknown removed.