Book picks similar to
Hunt-U.S. Marshal Vol 36: Yellow Boy by W.L. Cox


U.S. Marshal Shorty Thompson - The Fifth Man: Tales of the Old West Book 92

Paul L. Thompson - 2020

Virgil Dalton: Mountain Man: Vengeance in the Rockies: A Mountain Man Adventure (Virgil Dalton: Mountain Man: West of the Rockies Series Book 1)

Harvey Wood - 2020

The Gambler's Losing Hand: A Western Frontier Adventure (A Cullen Tindall Western Mystery Book 3)

Robert Peecher - 2019
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The Glorieta Grudge: A Western Frontier Adventure

Robert R. Peecher Jr. - 2018
    On the eve of battle, Rab Sinclair cut a trail. And Frank Cosgrove never forgave him for it. Now the man known as Bad Eye Frank is toting a vendetta, and he won't let it go until someone puts Rab Sinclair in a grave.Francisco Tebone wants to be a known man. He wants respect. He wants other men to fear him. And he knows the easiest way to get what he wants is by gunning down a known man.Don Conchos just wants to get paid. He earns his living as a gunman.In the plaza of Mesilla in 1869, these men will all come together, and they're comin' shootin'.If you love quick-draw Westerns, epic gun fights, and a taste of the harshness of life on the Western frontier, then you're going to love "The Glorieta Grudge."So check that you've got six beans in the can, because you're going to need every one, and meet us in the plaza in "The Glorieta Gudge." Get it now!

Nathan Gage And The Missing Woman: A Western Adventure (A Nathan Gage Novel Book 2)

C. Wayne Winkle - 2020

The Ballad of Uriah: A Mountain Man Story

Mike Mackessy - 2020
    Understanding enough about himself, he realizes he is not yet prepared for such an adventure. He prepares himself by working for three years on a railroad crew. Working adds the strength, maturity, and of course fighting skills learned from the rough and tumble life of an early railroad camp. One of the self-taught lessons he improves on is hunting. For a year and a half, in addition to swinging a pick, he lands meat on the table of the camp on his single day off. All the pre-apprentice skills he acquires prove their worth in the mountains.Before he reaches the Rockies, he is captured and tortured by the Blackfoot Indians. He is rescued by an old hand, another mountain man named Micah. What he learns from the Crow and from Micah prepares him for his apprenticeship in the wilds. He matures, living and trading with the Crow and the Cheyenne. Uriah acquires the help from a young Cheyenne captive passing on his hard learned lessons. Not one of those lessons prepares either man for what will face them.Their life is filled with Indian raids, grizzly bear attacks, mountain lion fights, and of course, buffalo hunting. Life in the wild revolves around the buffalo.

Guns on the Horizon: A Western Adventure From Randall Dale (Adventures of the Western Gunfighter Series Book 1)

Randall Dale - 2019
    These stories contain action, adventure and the wild, untamed frontier…. These are the bounty hunters, gunfighters and lawmen who protect the innocent—the men who tamed the Wild West and caught the criminal’s dead, or alive! This is “Guns on the Horizon”. Four great adventures from one of America’s leading Western writers Randall Dale. Four chances to discover crime, punishment and tales of the Old West. Inside this book you will find action, adventure, greed, gluttony and love. You will find the bodies of dead bad guys, the guns of lawman and the pleas of the desperate, wild criminal facing the end of a rope, or on the edge of a bullet. Enjoy one heck of a great Western adventure with Randall Dale—the man who tells the stories of the Old West you’ll love!

The Storm (Clay Brentwood Book 5)

Jared McVay - 2017
    He's looking forward to an easy job, and then settling down for a bit. At least that’s the way he had it figured. What he hadn’t considered was how plans could change in a heartbeat, bringing him closer to deaths door than he ever wanted to be. Excerpt from Book 5: The Storm It was late afternoon of the first day and they were still several miles inside the Kansas border, when Clay found a place to camp for the night, near a small lake that would provide enough water for the herd. They would have to camp out in the open, but the weather was decent enough so that it shouldn’t be a problem. By tomorrow noontime, they should reach the Panhandle of Oklahoma where water was scarce. Clay didn’t want to push the herd too hard. He wanted them in good shape because it would be at least two more days before they could reach the Cimarron River and cattle don’t travel well without water. He figured they would lose a little weight during the three-hundred-and-fifty-mile drive, but once they got to his land, it wouldn’t take them long to put the weight back on. The White River ran through his property with several small tributaries, and there was plenty of tall grass. The cattle weren’t used to walking all day and were more than ready to settle down for the night when the time came. No one knew how Mrs. McIntyre did it, but that evening for supper, they feasted on corned beef and cabbage with soda bread and large slabs of butter, and blackberry pie. She’d seen some blackberries growing wild and since the herd was moving slow, she’d stopped and picked enough for six pies. “Ya know, boss,” Riley, a tall young man from Texas, said, “if this is the way we’re gonna eat, I don’t reckon you’ll ever be wantin’ fer hands. Women or not, this is the best trail drive I’ve ever been on, and if my work suits ya, I’ll be stayin’ on when we get to yer ranch.” Riley was young, just seventeen, but he’d been around cattle drives most of his young life and he knew his business. Clay was lucky to have him. Young he might be, but Clay was guessing the young man would ride for the brand, should trouble arise. Clay looked out across the herd and watched as his men worked the cattle. There was a mixture of ages, which was good as far as he was concerned. The men new to this kind of work would learn from the more experienced riders. Colleen blushed and waved the end of her apron at him. “Ah, go on with ya now. You and yer silver tongue. Ah man works hard, he needs ah good meal, that’s all.” Bert took his slice of blackberry pie and backed away, saying, “Yes ma’am. Whatever you say, ma’am.” After the evening meal, Cindy brought out her guitar and sat on the tailgate of the wagon and to everyone’s surprise, began to strum a slow, song of home. Then she began to sing and as if by magic, the cattle settled down. Singing was what cowboys did while riding night herd to help keep the cattle calm, but none of them had a voice as soothing as Cindy McIntyre. Clay had just poured himself a cup of coffee and was enjoying Cindy’s singing, when a young man came riding up to the camp and got down. He took a double take when he saw the two women, then spied Clay and walked up to him. “Mister Brentwood?” Clay smiled. He was just a boy, no more than fourteen and dressed in town clothes. “Sorry son, but I got all the wranglers I need. The boy grinned. “I’m not a cowboy, sir. I’m Ben Masterson and I work for the railroad. I’m training to be a telegraph operator.”

Take Out The Judge (Jacob Chance US Marshal Book 3)

Johnny Gunn - 2017
    Marshal, into the fray. Vicious, selfish, and desperate men own Nevada’s capitol city sheriff, and pay handsomely members of the legislature to get their way. Death rides the sagebrush range, and Chance gets help from the Virginia City sheriff.

Bear Claw: Crow Killer Series - Book 4

Alfred Dennis - 2019
    Plenty of action, adventure, and romance follow Jedidiah Bracket, known as Crow Killer, as he traverses the vast wilderness of the Rocky Mountains. Four years had passed since the Arapaho Chief rescued Jed from North Platte River where a sudden flash flood dumped him bloody and broken on its muddy banks. Jed’s birthmark of a lance on his back plus the old medicine man’s words foretold that he would become a great warrior. With guidance from the Arapaho warrior, Walking Horse, he had become a mighty Lance Bearer of the Arapaho Nation and a legend among the tribes. Jed only wanted peace, but he still had many trails to ride and many battles to undertake. His friends, Walking Horse and Red Hawk, would always be by his side in battle, but were they enough to combat the crazed Blackfoot called Bear Claw?

The Jack Landers Western Mystery Series

G. Wayne Tillman - 2020
    The thirty-five-year-old lawman has several gunfights under his belt and the scars to show for it. He has dealt with tough cases and tougher crooks with no problems. When multiple murders occur, he finds himself heading a serial sex murderer task force that is statewide. Jack is divided between enforcing the law and vengeance, and things spin beyond his control—almost. Jack has to decide between right and wrong in order to determine what to do about it…

West of the Dead Line: Tales of an Indian Territory Lawman

Phil Truman - 2017
    It ran straight south from Caldwell, Kansas to Fort Reno, I.T., then down through the Cheyenne and Comanche and Kiowa lands, crossing the Red River into Bowie, Texas. It was a line on the map, a demarcation. West of it no law existed, only outlaws. On trails out there, outlaws put notes on trees and posts to let lawmen know they'd be killed if they continued their pursuits west of the Dead Line.In the storied times of the American West, in what was called Indian Territory, no place came close to matching the dangers and mortality U.S.marshals faced doing their jobs. Those who survived became titans in the legends of the West, particularly one man called Bass Reeves. These stories are fiction; the encounters this lawman faced, and The Dead Line, were not.

Will Thomas: Mountain Man

Fred Staff - 2020
    With all his wiles, skills and guts, he must evade danger and survive when the odds are stacked against him. This roaring frontier adventure will keep you on the edge of your seat—as each page brings trouble for Will. Can he make it to the end of his journey without meeting his maker, or will he lie dead and forgotten as time keeps marching on?Grab your copy today to experience frontier adventure from one of the finest authors of the genre!

Right Thing to Do

Lou Bradshaw - 2017
    By its third year, the war had already produced tails of brothers and friends meeting on the field of battle wearing different uniforms. Often those encounters ended in tragedy, where one man would spend his hours with ghosts and nightmares, and the other in a cold shallow grave. This story concerns two longtime friends, both new to America from across the sea. Captain Riley Blue, a Confederate cavalry officer finds his boyhood friend washed ashore from a destroyed Union gunboat. The brief artillery battle which sunk Padrick Haggerty’s gunboat had cost Cpt. Blue his horse, his hearing, contact with his company, and for a while his senses. When the smoke and his mind had cleared, Riley knew he couldn’t be responsible for his friend sitting out the war in a hell hole prisoner of war camp. Riley Blue knew he could be shot as a deserter if he was captured by his own forces, and shot as a spy if captured by the Union forces. He also knew the nearest safe haven for his friend, Paddy, was hundreds of miles away.

Carson Kettle

Wyatt Cochrane - 2021
    Marshals failed, can farm boy Carson succeed?After the Civil War, to the people of Oak Bower, Arkansas, “…he'd always be Carson Kettle, son of the man who'd chosen the winning side in the war and would forever pay for it.”Folks in town all called both him and his father ‘Yankee Lover.’ All but her, and she’s gone.Only sixteen, and untrained and untried in the ways of Colts and fists and evil gunmen, Carson’s determined to ride into the Indian Territories and bring Lijah Penne to justice. But Lijah’s feared by all, and even the best deputy United States marshal can’t find him.Can youth and determination overcome an experienced outlaw, forged in the crucible of the Civil War to kill man, woman, or child, without a second thought?No one thinks so. They say: leave it to the grownups, you’re too young, too inexperienced.And maybe they’re right, but they don’t feel what Carson feels, and he saddles up anyway…Book one in a new, clean, Classic Western Series.