Agony and Hope

L.L. Diamond - 2021
    What will become of him when Georgiana is wed, and he is left by himself? He cannot give away a heart not his own. Must he remain in this mournful existence, anticipating the nights to come, where in his dreams, he can finally be with Elizabeth, a spectre of his once living, breathing beloved. When a surprise visitor brings unexpected news, his hope is breathed back to life. Will he finally obtain his deepest desires? Will Fitzwilliam Darcy be able to leave behind the agony of the past and hope for the future he once thought impossible?Due to circumstances beyond her control, Elizabeth Bennet’s family is irrevocably altered. Her father is dead, Lydia is missing, and her mother and remaining sisters are to be relegated to a life of poverty. Fitzwilliam Darcy’s behaviour at Pemberley indicates he still loves her, but too much has happened. She can never hope for him to once again make the offer of his hand. Elizabeth’s sole option is to abandon the life she once led and start anew. But what happens when her path once again crosses with the love she thought lost to her? Will Elizabeth choose to protect him with the one option available to her or will she put aside the agony of the past and choose hope?

Indisposed: A Pride and Prejudice Novella

Alix James - 2020
    Miserable and in an unsociable temper, she decides to attend the Meryton Assembly against her better judgment to support her beloved sister.Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy, confident in the rightness of his own observations, unknowingly misjudges the condition of Miss Elizabeth Bennet’s health. What begins as complete disinterest soon develops into pity when an unknown surgeon offers an even more bleak outlook for the young woman’s future. He will see that her last days are worth living. Annoyed by her father’s apparent lack of concern and wishing to do something himself, he commits himself to be her champion… irrevocably.Elizabeth Bennet is confused. Except for her father and arrogant Mr. Darcy, everyone in her acquaintance either avoids her or bursts into tears when in her company. What tragedy are they withholding from her? She is baffled by Mr. Darcy’s insistence and assumes improper motives. When the truth comes out, will she see him differently? And will he discover his feelings are more than just pity on a dying woman? This delightful Regency tale filled with beloved characters from Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice reveals what remains when layers of pity, confusion, and miscommunication are peeled away from literature’s most stubborn couple - a happily ever after for the ages.Indisposed is a sweet, clean Regency novella of approximately 20,000 words.

Duty Demands: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Elaine Owen - 2017
    Darcy wants to marry her- and even more surprised when her uncle tells her why. But after they are married she begins to see a different side of her husband.Darcy thinks that Elizabeth has married him for love, but slowly begins to realize that all is not as it appears in their marriage. Will he still love her when the truth is revealed?Will our two favorite characters overcome their misunderstandings and achieve a marriage based on more than duty and obligation? This is a Pride and Prejudice variation brought to you by the author of Mr. Darcy's Persistent Pursuit, Love's Fool: The Taming of Lydia Bennet, and One False Step. This is a new release of an edition originally published by Elaine Owen.

The Darcy Brothers

Abigail Reynolds - 2014
    Where Fitzwilliam Darcy is proud and awkward among strangers, Theo is a charmer. Fitzwilliam took his studies seriously, while Theo was sent down from Oxford for his pranks. Still, the brothers were the best of friends until tragedy and George Wickham tore them apart.What if Theo were to meet Miss Elizabeth Bennet? Would he charm the young lady's stockings off... or would he help his brother win her hand?Find out as the two brothers lock horns in this unique Pride & Prejudice variation collectively written by five respected authors.The Darcy Brothers was first conceived as an interactive group writing project and has developed into a full-length novel featuring the charismatic Theo Darcy.

The Unreformed Mr Darcy

Lin Mei Wei - 2018
    While Elizabeth is in Kent, visiting her recently married friend Charlotte, she receives letters which tell her how Jane is soon to be wed to a man Elizabeth can't stand. And then, unbelievably, Mr Darcy, the last man in the world she would ever choose to marry, proposes to her. Elizabeth is torn. But thoughts of rescuing Jane make her do something that will change the course of her life forever...The Unreformed Mr Darcy is a Pride and Prejudice variation romance by the author of Stranded with Mr Darcy.

Mr Darcy: A Man with a Plan

Lucy Marin - 2020
    If only he had done this made, or said that! If only he had made more of an effort? 
Was too late?Perhaps it was not for soon after that fateful April day, Darcy unexpectedly sees Elizabeth in London. He seeks her out again, ostensibly to ensure she now thinks better of him. He quickly decides that he wants to win her affections.It would require effort, perhaps a great effort, but Elizabeth Bennet was worth fighting for.But in order to do so, he would need a plan.

Sketching Character

Pamela Lynne - 2015
    She carries a secret that would ruin her family if exposed and she must deceive the ones closest to her to conceal the truth.She unexpectedly encounters Mr. Darcy on her journey and his gentlemanly behavior confuses, yet comforts her. Their daily encounters in the woods surrounding Rosings soothes Elizabeth’s weathered conscience and she soon falls in love. Her doubts, along with the well-placed words of another, threaten to destroy the peace she finds in Darcy’s company and she wonders if she has again failed to correctly sketch his character. When the truth behind her deception is uncovered, will Darcy shun her as Elizabeth fears, or will his actions prove that he is the very best of men?

Hypothetically Married: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Renata McMann - 2018
    Trying to do better for his remaining wards, Mr. Phillips moves them to London. Elizabeth is happy enough to visit London with her uncle and sisters, until town life throws her into the company of Mr. Darcy. She met him the autumn before, when he and his friends visited Hertfordshire, and found him thoroughly disagreeable. Now, it seems she must be in his company nearly every day. Darcy is aware that Miss Elizabeth Bennet doesn’t care for him, which suits him perfectly. After all, he has no intention of courting the aggravating country miss. Even so, he must see her often and they develop a tentative friendship. Both make it clear to each other that it is friendship, not love. As those around them seek their help for their romantic relationships, Darcy and Elizabeth are steadfast in avoiding romantic involvement with each other. Or are they? This is a Pride and Prejudice variation novel of approximately 59,000 words. Renata McMann and Summer Hanford began writing Pride and Prejudice Variations together in 2014 and have since become immersed in the amazing world Jane Austen created. Whether you’re a fan of Darcy and Elizabeth specifically or of clean Regency Romance in general, you will enjoy both McMann’s ability to imagine variations of this classic love story and Hanford’s skill in turning these variations of Mr. Darcy, Elizabeth Bennet, and their enduring love into entertaining stories.

Follies and Vices: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Emily Russell - 2019
    In particular, she’d been looking forward to dancing with the charming, amiable George Wickham. But when he fails to appear, Elizabeth blames the proud Mr Darcy and his animosity against Wickham for keeping him away. Disappointed in Wickham’s absence and eager to escape Mr Darcy and the flirtation of her boorish cousin, Mr Collins, she escapes to a quieter part of the house. But she is not alone. Wickham owes money to dangerous criminals and the only way he can pay them back is to allow them into Netherfield Park while everyone is distracted by the ball. To Elizabeth’s horror, Wickham and his accomplices seize her so she cannot expose them. Fitzwilliam Darcy has never been so bewitched by any woman as he is by Elizabeth Bennet. When she agreed to dance with him, he was so overwhelmed with delight, he could hardly speak. But she attracts him more than he likes and she is far too unsuited to be mistress of Pemberley. Wanting to avoid her before he makes her an offer he will regret, Darcy escapes to the garden. While there, he witnesses a strange sight; two men running across the lawn holding the very woman Darcy hoped to avoid. He pursues them but is soon outnumbered. Only the knowledge that Darcy’s wealthy family will pay for his return keeps him safe. Darcy claims Elizabeth as his betrothed to add her to the ransom but when the thieves decide Darcy’s uncle will pay more for a Mrs Darcy than a Miss Bennet, the pair are forced into an illegal marriage ceremony. When they finally escape with help from an unexpected source, they are forced to put their differences aside as they navigate a dangerous countryside littered with rogues and highwaymen. And as their journey brings them closer together and forces them to disregard the rules of proprietary, they discover that their unwanted spouse might just be more perfect for them than they ever imagined.

Love Unsought

Kay Bea - 2020
    But fate, with assistance from Darcy’s scheming cousins, contrives to keep them together.When Miss Darcy is summoned to Kent, the couple has a chance to begin anew, and their budding friendship carries them to London and Hertfordshire. Their feelings deepen but before their new understanding is made known, Elizabeth is sent to Brighton as chaperone to her youngest sister. Her stay there ends in ruin when Darcy’s past comes to call.Upon discovering the situation is worse than he feared, Darcy determines he must be the one to make things right. His departure leaves Elizabeth in doubt and their future in question. Was their love too new to withstand a scandal?A series of missed chances, misdirected letters, and miscommunications keeps the couple apart; it make require the intervention of their nearest relations to bring them back together.

Fitzwilliam Darcy: An Honourable Man

Brenda J. Webb - 2011
    Not a simple retelling, it is an intriguing new story that does not follow canon and it is rated for Mature audiences. Leaving England after his disastrous proposal was refused at Hunsford, Darcy spent two lonely years in Scotland and Ireland before returning home to face Elizabeth Bennet, certain that he could regard her as an indifferent acquaintance. Events that transpired in his absence have left Elizabeth a changed woman. The victim of a marriage by deception to Count Stefano, she has suffered greatly at his hands. Will Mr. Darcy rescue the woman he vowed to forget?

Two More Days at Netherfield

Heather Moll - 2020
    Not sure what to think of his praise after all of their previous disagreements (and more flattered than she wants to admit) Elizabeth responds by teasing him, forcing Darcy to reconsider his opinion of a woman who has truly bewitched him.The ensuing day and weeks see confrontations and apologies and the beginnings of a friendship between Darcy and Elizabeth. But their warming acquaintance impacts the behaviour of those around them inciting jealousy, anger and malicious falsehoods. Is the strength of their emotional connexion enough to reunite them and put them back on the path to love?

In Search of Happiness: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Nicky Roth - 2019
    In this slow-paced feel-good variation of Pride and Prejudice, Fitzwilliam Darcy, disillusioned and tired of London society, decides that it is time to take a break and do something both drastic and unexpected to at long last find himself again and quite unexpectedly also happiness and love.

Dare to Refuse Such a Man

Mary Smythe - 2021
    When his dearest, loveliest Elizabeth is taken from him with only a curt note of explanation, he determines that, far from accepting her father’s rejection of his suit, he must instead find her again and make his case. After all, a woman worthy of being pleased is also worth fighting for.SEVERAL MONTHS SHY OF HER MAJORITY, it is not so simple a thing to defy Mr Bennet’s will, but Elizabeth, for the sake of her future happiness, must try. With various allies in her corner, as well as foes standing against her, Elizabeth’s courage must rise against all attempts at intimidation. Even from her own, much beloved father.

A Better Understanding: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Jennifer Kay - 2020
    Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet argue about more than Mr. Wickham at the Netherfield Ball. Provoked, Elizabeth insinuates that Jane does love Mr. Bingley – and lets Mr. Darcy know that he is not gentlemanly enough to tempt her affections. With two of Darcy’s usual assumptions refuted early in the story, how will the gentleman react? Will the words be enough to set him on a path to redemption following the ball, or are more hardships required before Darcy and Elizabeth can find their happily ever after? And how will Darcy convince Elizabeth that Mr. Wickham is not worth her concern?