The Monster Hunter Diaries (Book 1): First Quest (An Unofficial Minecraft Book for Kids Ages 9 - 12 (Preteen)

Mark Mulle - 2016
    Now that he's thirteen, he thinks that he can finally go out and do things on his own. But he can’t look for dangerous mobs on his own, though. He’ll need some help from an expert crew...or a group of teenagers that also want to get out of the village. With the help of Blair, a monster hunter; Fontaine, a guy looking for revenge on mobs that hurt his family; Emily, a girl who wants to get over her fears; and Chunky, Emily's pet ocelot, Dean will be able to accomplish his goals. What is Dean’s goal exactly? He wants to fight some of the most dangerous mobs out there and find out the truth of the world. Are Ghasts really real? What makes a Blaze tick? What does it take to defeat an Enderman? Dean only really wants one thing--experience. He wants to be able to say that he’s done all of these great and exciting things, but he needs to get out and do it first. Will Dean be able to adventure and live to tell the tale? What will he need to risk to get what he wants? Find out in his diary, The Monster Hunter Diaries. Other books in The Monster Hunter Diaries Book 2: Building the Herobrine Totem, 3: Stopping Herobrine,’s Note: This short story is for your reading pleasure. The characters in this "Minecraft Adventure Series" such as Steve, Endermen or Herobrine...etc are based on the Minecraft Game coming from Minecraft ®/TM & © 2009-2013 Mojang / Notch

The Storm (Clay Brentwood Book 5)

Jared McVay - 2017
    He's looking forward to an easy job, and then settling down for a bit. At least that’s the way he had it figured. What he hadn’t considered was how plans could change in a heartbeat, bringing him closer to deaths door than he ever wanted to be. Excerpt from Book 5: The Storm It was late afternoon of the first day and they were still several miles inside the Kansas border, when Clay found a place to camp for the night, near a small lake that would provide enough water for the herd. They would have to camp out in the open, but the weather was decent enough so that it shouldn’t be a problem. By tomorrow noontime, they should reach the Panhandle of Oklahoma where water was scarce. Clay didn’t want to push the herd too hard. He wanted them in good shape because it would be at least two more days before they could reach the Cimarron River and cattle don’t travel well without water. He figured they would lose a little weight during the three-hundred-and-fifty-mile drive, but once they got to his land, it wouldn’t take them long to put the weight back on. The White River ran through his property with several small tributaries, and there was plenty of tall grass. The cattle weren’t used to walking all day and were more than ready to settle down for the night when the time came. No one knew how Mrs. McIntyre did it, but that evening for supper, they feasted on corned beef and cabbage with soda bread and large slabs of butter, and blackberry pie. She’d seen some blackberries growing wild and since the herd was moving slow, she’d stopped and picked enough for six pies. “Ya know, boss,” Riley, a tall young man from Texas, said, “if this is the way we’re gonna eat, I don’t reckon you’ll ever be wantin’ fer hands. Women or not, this is the best trail drive I’ve ever been on, and if my work suits ya, I’ll be stayin’ on when we get to yer ranch.” Riley was young, just seventeen, but he’d been around cattle drives most of his young life and he knew his business. Clay was lucky to have him. Young he might be, but Clay was guessing the young man would ride for the brand, should trouble arise. Clay looked out across the herd and watched as his men worked the cattle. There was a mixture of ages, which was good as far as he was concerned. The men new to this kind of work would learn from the more experienced riders. Colleen blushed and waved the end of her apron at him. “Ah, go on with ya now. You and yer silver tongue. Ah man works hard, he needs ah good meal, that’s all.” Bert took his slice of blackberry pie and backed away, saying, “Yes ma’am. Whatever you say, ma’am.” After the evening meal, Cindy brought out her guitar and sat on the tailgate of the wagon and to everyone’s surprise, began to strum a slow, song of home. Then she began to sing and as if by magic, the cattle settled down. Singing was what cowboys did while riding night herd to help keep the cattle calm, but none of them had a voice as soothing as Cindy McIntyre. Clay had just poured himself a cup of coffee and was enjoying Cindy’s singing, when a young man came riding up to the camp and got down. He took a double take when he saw the two women, then spied Clay and walked up to him. “Mister Brentwood?” Clay smiled. He was just a boy, no more than fourteen and dressed in town clothes. “Sorry son, but I got all the wranglers I need. The boy grinned. “I’m not a cowboy, sir. I’m Ben Masterson and I work for the railroad. I’m training to be a telegraph operator.”

My All Wasn't Enough: A Twisted Love Affair

Tynessa - 2016
    She is all about money, and does not care a bit about them going back home to their wives. After the heartache that her ex-husband left her with, she vows to never fall for another man. That is until she meets, Cainan Wallace, better known as Cain, a handsome 28-year-old businessman. His hood demeanor has Zoe ‘judging a book by its cover’ and not wanting to get to know him. When she does, he steals her heart in a matter of time. Yet, Cain has secrets of his own and demons that he’s trying to fight off. We’ll see if he’s able to keep his secrets and Zoe apart. Or will he have to sacrifice his reputation, all for the love of Zoe. Linda is Zoe’s sister, and the type who wants everyone to believe she has the picture perfect marriage. Behind closed doors, there are secrets, infidelities, and lines that have been crossed in more ways than one. Let’s just see if love is enough to keep this family as one.

Breaking Barry

James Banks - 2016
    He’s broke, balding, overweight and living a life that he didn’t plan…in Stroud. His wife hates him, his kids have turned into jabbering, texting, strangers and at forty-five, he’s probably never going to be the pop-star he knows he was born to be. It’s time to turn things around. With his best friend Terry, Barry embarks on a desperate journey to get noticed. With the help of an old Jamaican Reggae star, some Rohipnol and some pretty forceful persuasion tactics, Barry tries in earnest to break into the big-time. From Debut author James Banks comes a hilarious and touching tale of middle age and second chances.

Trap the Devil: Thriller: Free 9-Chapter Preview (A Dewey Andreas Novel Book 7)

Ben Coes - 2017

Who Killed the Kaneez?

Vijay Kakwani - 2019
     Farzana is one of the prostitutes at Begum's kotha and Ramakant Bannerjee, the writer, loves her deeply. He's promised to marry her once he has enough money. He's currently writing his most ambitious novel, the story of Kaneez. As the story of Kaneez unfolds, so does the intriguing life of Farzana. What fate does she meet? Read on to find out.

Out of the Desert

Tom Walker - 2021
    Joining the proud and distinguished XXI Squadron, Peter will risk everything to win the plaudits and reputation he desires.But his navigator, Charlie Kendrick, doesn’t see it the same way, and treats his new crew as a marriage of convenience.That is until a series of unforeseen disasters befall the squadron – after their home base is attacked and its aircraft ambushed - suspicions are raised of a double-agent operating in their midst.Braving Italian and German fighters, deadly flak, and a conspiracy of silence, Peter and Charlie enlist the help of Margot Dacre, a gifted intelligence officer with secrets of her own, in a race to prevent further setbacks before it’s too late.The blistering crescendo comes in an intense air battle to prevent the invasion of Greece. XXI Squadron is committed to the fight in a last, desperate struggle to hold onto the Balkans. Peter and Charlie will have to sacrifice everything, to save their friends – and to save Greece.

The Wretched Needle Worker

Iris Cole - 2021
    Her father was a monster.How could Vera have been so blind to what was right before her eyes?After the death of her kind and loving Papa, Vera’s home is claimed by ne’er do well Uncle Merritt, who drives the household with cruelty and deprivation. Working for her keep, the once privileged Vera is driven to skin and bone and dreads the harsh beatings that Merritt regularly delivers.Ralph, Papa’s loyal and brave stableboy, cannot bear to see Vera shrinking daily under the hand of Merritt. In an attempt protect her, he challenges Merritt and now, tossed to streets, must survive however he can.With the loss of Ralph, Vera’s soul aches, made worse as she watches her father’s elderly servants treated with cruel indignity. In a desperate bid to protect them from Uncle Merritt, his rage is fuelled, and Vera is delivered an ultimatum, causing her to flee from her home. With nowhere to go, Vera too, finds herself on the streets.As starvation threatens, it is only Ralph and her new friend, Maggie, that keep her alive. But when Maggie unexpectedly reveals the truth about Vera's Papa, Vera is plunged to new despair. Will the truth destroy her? Can she keep secrets for the rest of her life? Will she ever be able to make things right? And will she agree to Ralphs’s plan, even though it means she may lose him forever?For fans of Dilly Court and Historical Romance

Virgil Dalton: Mountain Man: Vengeance in the Rockies: A Mountain Man Adventure (Virgil Dalton: Mountain Man: West of the Rockies Series Book 1)

Harvey Wood - 2020

Goliath: A Thriller

Oceanview Publishing - 2016
    On this maiden voyage, Captain Borodin is at the helm. He is the only one aboard aware of the mission.Soon an engineer discovers a defect—seemingly minor, but one with disastrous potential. Despite his attempts to correct the problem, a fire erupts, contained at first, then rapidly spreads out of control, consuming the behemoth ship.A Mayday call alerts Sonny Wade some two hundred miles from the burning ship. This could be the lifeline that Sonny and his rag-tag crew need to save their failing salvage business. But Dan Sharp, Sonny’s nemesis and former employer—the owner of the largest salvage business in northern Alaska—also hears the call. A brutal race is on to claim the burning ship before it sinks or runs aground, contaminating the entire north Pacific Rim—and not only with oil.

To Kill a Mockingbird, Chapter Compilation

Jordan Krane - 2016
    The novel was so successful that it had earned him a Pulitzer Prize back in 1961. The story of the novel revolves around historical background of American society in the middle of 20th century, prior to the African-American Civil Rights Movement, which was largely led by racism and the cruel regime of white people towards the colored minority. Main character of the novel is a woman nicknamed Scout and her family that, unlike many other white families from that time, raise their voices against the justice system which proclaims racism against African-American people. Read more....

Married To An East Cleveland Bully 3

Keisha Elle - 2019
    Since meeting and marrying Chevron, she’s seenenough to last a lifetime. She’s no longer the ‘goody-two-shoes’ that she was known to be. Life is different; even unbearable at times. Sadness, guilt, anddepression loomeverywhere she turns, but she is Chevron’s rib; anything that affects him, affects her. Pregnant or not, she’s determined to seek justice for her mother and help eliminate Chevron’s new archnemesis, Ro. Coming face-to-face with the devil himself, Roxie’s past comes back to haunt her. Ambria continues to distance herself from Jaren. He may have been her long-lost love, but his commitment to another woman proves that he’s not the man for her. Reconciling with Roxie, she’s pulled into her sister’s crazy scheme for revenge. Trying to be the peacemaker, Ambria agreesbut soon realizes that they are in way over their heads. Everything in Jonah’s life isn’t good for him. His loyalty to Cicely has resulted in a sleuth of bad decisions that put his entire operation with Chevron in jeopardy. Those decisions cost him money, and that’s something Jonah doesn’t play about. Vowing that Ro’s days are numbered, Jonah contemplates what to do about the woman who used to share his bed. Cicely will always have a piece of Jonah’s heart, but someone he least expects slowly moves in to take that spot. His guard is up, but she’s loyal – a trait he’s never been able to find in another woman. Romaine continues to cause trouble all over Cleveland. He hates Jonah and Chevron with a passion, but his number one mission is to get rid of Cicely for good. After kidnapping her from Jonah’s spot, he takes her on a wild ride that results in Cicely’s life hanging in the balance. His cockiness, invincible persona, and unexpected luck runs out when his greediness leads him right into the lion’s den. Will he be able to use his wit and quick thinking to get away once again? Or, will his reign of terror finally come to an end? Find out the answers to these questions and more in the third installment of Married to an East Cleveland Bully!

Maid in Dubai: Dusting sand. Changing a life.

Zana Bonafe - 2019
    They also experience the property bubble, traffic jams, and the unbearable summer heat.Thousands of maids serve these expats, cleaning their villas and apartments seven days a week, battling tirelessly to keep the sand and dust away. MAID IN DUBAI is the harrowing journey of one such maid.Meet Aubrey, a Filipino girl who works for a cleaning agency in Dubai. Aubrey sees a city that is quite different from the one presented in travel brochures. She experiences the hardships of life in a city with many secrets. From her encounters with maids who lie, steal, prostitute themselves, and swindle their bosses to the shocking stories of corrupt employers, illegal schemes, and seemingly unending greed, Aubrey reels from one scandal to another as she tries to work hard and build a better life for herself in the infamous “City of Gold”.From ironing competitions to banned sex toys, MAID IN DUBAI perfectly captures the oddities of everyday life in one of the richest cities in the world, and is a captivating, often heartbreaking tale of one maid’s struggle for empowerment in a thankless industry. MAID IN DUBAI delivers the perfect mix between Jean Sasson’s Princess setting in the Middle East and Elisabeth Gilbert's Eat, Pray and Love journey of self-discovery, on a diary format, from a unique and very realistic point of view. A novel that will challenge all your perceptions about Dubai!

Death on the Coast

M.A. Comley - 2021
    Who is he? Why is he defensive when Lucy questions him about his intentions?Every day a new suspect is highlighted for Angie’s murder, can Lucy uncover who the perpetrator is while battling her own internal demons?Book two - Death by Association coming soon.

Summary of The Girl on the Train | Summary & Analysis

aBookaDay - 2015
    If you have not yet bought the original copy, make sure to purchase it before buying this unofficial summary from aBookaDay. SPECIAL OFFER $2.99 (Regularly priced: $3.99) It is just a daily train ride, a little imagination running wild as she enjoys the scenery from her window seat. It is something we all do, right? Rachel Watson makes up innocent stories about the people she sees. For Rachel it is comforting, something steadfast in her crumbling world. She rides the train every morning like she always has, but without the purpose she once had. Her failed marriage and her descent into alcoholism make her an outcast. She rides into town to a job she no longer has, only to come back at the end of the day to a roommate she is lying to. She has no purpose and nothing seems to be changing until she witnesses something important. Rachel’s favorite imaginary couple that she peers at every day from the train seem to be having trouble. She calls them “Jason” and “Jess”. Rachel can’t quite figure out where she fits in. She was wandering around in a drunken stupor the night “jess” disappears. Rachel starts trying to regain her memories from that night. She tries to piece together the memories of that hazy night. Rachel’s new found hobby is a welcome distraction from her life and problems. She has been dealing not only with an ex-husband, but his new wife as well. Once his mistress, Anna is now having Tom’s baby. Rachel feels inadequate as a result of her infertility and her alcohol problems, blaming herself for the demise of her marriage. Rachel starts out trying to offer a little information into what might have happened to “Jess”, but she becomes obsessed with the case and the people in it. Rachel tries to fill a void with strangers and a case that, supposedly, has nothing to do with her. As Rachel learns to trust herself and her instincts she comes face to face with something she never expected. Read more.... Download your copy today! for a limited time discount of only $2.99! Available on PC, Mac, smart phone, tablet or Kindle device. © 2015 All Rights Reserved