Studdin' Axxel: Inappropriate Date Agency

Donna R. Mercer - 2018
    Nor do we assume liability for any freaked out parents, embarrassed siblings or food fight that may or may not have started on account of their contractors.***   Winifred Hamilton was taking her life back.   For twenty-six years her mother has guilt tripped her into playing it safe. Now she and her friends wanted Wendy to live the same throwback 1960 lives that they did. No way, no how was Wendy going to succumb to the pressure.   Little did she know that reading an innocent looking ad in the back of a magazine would change her life forever.   Axxel Rhodes, put the BA into Bad Boy. He excelled at being an A-hole and now he was bringing that skill to Wendy. He was hired to convince Wendy's mother that she was more than capable of deciding her own future including her husband.   Go big or go home was the motto he lived his life by and he was big all over. More importantly he was willing to show Wendy how big he could get in and out of bed, against the wall, on the living room floor….

The Joy of Children

Gerry Robinson - 2016
    Some quotes and description below: "Wow! I just read this book today. Yes, I read the whole book in one day! It is a wonderful account of the joy of a large family. His writing is hilarious, heartwarming, and inspiring. So many of his stories brought back fond memories of life with our gang. I would highly recommend this book!" See additional endorsements below the description. Description: On their wedding day in November 1998, Gerry and Mary Robinson would never have thought they would have 10 children nine years old and younger before their 11th anniversary. Yet, that is exactly what happened. In what can only be called a miracle, their family grew in record time, and the fun that came along with it is a story for the ages. This is their story. It is a testament to how children bring joy to the family, and how God has a loving part in all of it. The stories are hilarious and the lessons life long. This is a great read for all couples, whether they be dating, engaged, or married. Quote from Dr. Theresa Farnan: The Joy of Children is a candid, funny, first person account of a family that lives the meaning of “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done” and never seem to want for their “daily bread.” Gerry and Mary Robinson and their beautiful family are living proof that God is never outdone in generosity. In addition to being a wonderful tribute to the joy of children, this book is filled with insights about the joy of marriage. The Robinsons' inspirational story illustrates that family life is not always easy but it can be consistently joyous when families commit themselves to complete, trustful surrender to Divine providence. About Dr. Theresa Farnan: Theresa is the Co-Author of the Book: Where Did I Come From? Where Am I Going? How Do I Get There? and Consultant to the USCCB committee on Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth. Quote from James M. Littleton, President and Co-founder of Forming Faithful Families: The Joy of Children, by Gerry Robinson is a beautiful, candid story of heroic parents who overcame the fear-driven popular mindset of the modern culture by faithfully trusting in God's loving Providence by taking perceived risks in being open to a large family which opened the floodgates of blessings and joy to be poured into their lives and their family. The Joy of Children is full of hilarious anecdotes that make it a fun read. It is an important book for these times, jarring our spirit to awaken to the realization that God and family are so much more important and lasting than the things of this world. I highly recommend the Joy of Children. About James M. Littleton: James Littleton is a hope-filled, inspirational national speaker and Evangelist, Co-Founder and Co-Director of Forming Faithful Families and One More Baby For Jesus, Co-Host, Co-writer and Producer of Forming Faithful Families Formational Video & Televisions Series

The Girlfriends' Guide to Pregnancy

Vicki Iovine - 1995
    Your mother buys you baby clothes. But who can give you the real skinny when you’re pregnant? Your girlfriends, of course—at least, the ones who’ve been through the exhilaration and exhaustion, the agony and ecstasy of pregnancy. Four-time delivery room veteran Vicki Iovine talks to you the way only a best friend can—in the book that will go the whole nine months for every mother-to-be. In this revised and updated edition, get the lowdown on all those little things that are too strange or embarrassing to ask, practical tips, and hilarious takes on everything pregnant. What really happens to your body—from morning sickness and gas to eating everything in sight—and what it’s like to go from being a babe to having one. The Many Moods of Pregnancy—why you’re so irritable/distracted/tired/lightheaded (or at least more than usual). Staying Stylish—You may be pregnant, but you can still be the fashionista you’ve always been (or at least you don’t have to look like a walking beachball)—wearing the hippest designers and proudly showing off your bump. Pregnancy is Down To a Science—from in vitro fertilization to scheduled c-sections, there are so many options, alternatives, and scientific tests to take that being pregnant can be downright confusing! And much more! For a reassuring voice or just a few good belly laughs, turn to this straight-talking guide on what to really expect when you’re expecting.

The Memory Journal

Steena Holmes - 2015
    Just when she thought it was safe to dream about a future again, Charlie Peters world came crashing down when she received word her sister was in the hospital. She left her fiancé in a small village in the Congo where they both work for Doctors Without Borders and rushed home to take care of her sister. She wants to believe that love will conquer all and all that other nonsense hopeless romantics believe, but can love overcome the lies she’s kept from Marcus about her past?Charlie wasn’t meant for happily-ever-afters, even though Marcus was her Prince Charming. This novella follows the story of Charlie Peters, sister of Diane in The Memory Child and is sure to touch your heart as The Memory Child did.

Michelle's Story: One Woman's Escape from a Lifetime of Abuse

Shelley Chase - 2012
    Her first husband, and then her second husband end up abusing her also. Later on, both her surviving children were abused, one by her ex husband, another by a trusted boyfriend. Michelle finally manages to free herself from this cycle of abuse. This is her true story of her escape. It is Michelle's hope that her story will encourage others who are trapped in abuse to seek freedom.

Getting the Little Blighters to Eat

Claire Potter - 2013
    Does your child decide they don't like a food before they've even tried it? Do they say 'Yuk' to foods they used to eat happily? Would they live off chips and ice-cream and never touch a vegetable again if given the chance? This little book provides easy-to-follow, easy-to-remember rules to help re-programme your child into a happy, healthy, adventurous eater.

Bestfeeding: How to Breastfeed Your Baby

Mary Renfrew - 1990
    The culmination of 60-plus years of hands-on experience from three dedicated and internationally respected authors, this newly updated classic blends academic knowledge, clinical expertise, and practical skills to educate first-time and experienced mothers alike. Mothers will find precisely the information they need to help their babies grow and thrive-physically and emotionally-as a result of breastfeeding. The book answers all questions a new mother may have, and it is fully illustrated with dozens of helpful photos and drawings that demonstrate all the dos and don'¬?ts of breastfeeding. In addition to the basics, mothers will find tried-and-true solutions to both common and more unusual problems, as well as remedies for babies with special needs. With its sensitive and informed advice, BESTFEEDING is a supportive reminder of what women have always known: that breastfeeding is, quite simply, the best way to nourish a baby. An illustrated guide to the basics of breastfeeding your baby, with more than 100 photos. Topics include the benefits of breastfeeding for both you and your baby; posture and positions; medical and dietary concerns; and causes and solutions to numerous breastfeeding problems. Revised and thoroughly updated with new information on feeding multiple babies and adopted babies, and a discussion of the emotional rewards of breastfeeding. The first two editions have sold more than 120,000 copies.

The Good Birth Companion: A Practical Guide to Having the Best Labour and Birth

Nicole Croft - 2011
    Full of wise advice and simple skills to prepare you mentally and physically, Nicole tells you everything you need to know to ensure you have a very positive experience giving birth, whether you labour naturally or require medical intervention.- Be calm, relaxed and prepared for childbirth- Feel less pain during labour and help your birth progress naturally- Remain confident and in control throughout the birth- Feel very positive about your birth, with or without medical intervention- Flourish with your baby in the first weeks after birth Warm, wise and incredibly reassuring, The Good Birth Companion will give you all the information and resources you need to give birth safely to your baby.

Nursies When the Sun Shines

Katherine Havener - 2011
    Book by Havener, Katherine C

Green Babies, Sage Moms: The Ultimate Guide to Raising Your Organic Baby

Lynda Fassa - 2008
    Filled with necessary and convenient advice that takes the reader from the first months of pregnancy and beyond, this indispensable book explains:- The safest ways to get the house ready for the baby - The best baby gear-from clothes to crib mattresses - Organic recipes for health-conscious breastfeeding moms - How to throw a green baby shower - The best solutions for storing breast milk safely - How to keep play areas safe from chemicals - How to handle the diaper dilemma: wash vs. toss - And much more!

The Breastfeeding Mother's Guide to Making More Milk

Diana West - 2008
    Written by two leading experts who have been there themselves and officially recommended by La Leche League International, The Breastfeeding Mother's Guide to Making More Milk incorporates the latest research and discoveries about causes of low milk supply, the way your body makes milk, and how babies contribute to your milk production. Best of all, you'll find valuable suggestions for both time-honored and innovative ways to make more milk.Learn the facts about:Determining if baby is really getting enough milkSupplementing without decreasing your supplyMaximizing the amount of milk you can makeIdentifying the causes of your low supplyIncreasing your supply with the most effective methods, including pumping, herbs, medications, foods, and alternative therapiesMaking more milk when you return to work, exclusively pump, have a premie or multiples, relactate, or induce lactation

Musings of a 20-Something Mom, and the Perils of being a Mommy Blogger

Jenny Schoberl - 2011
    Moms are everywhere; they've even taken over Blogging. Hundreds of blogs about how Fluffy got his first tooth, or Muffy said a new word. It's enough to make people want to vomit sugar.I've been told that i'm not your typical mom, and my blog is not your typical blog; I've even been called the "Eminem of Mommy Blogging”, honest, blunt, and usually vulgar. This book is my experiences and stories as I ventured through the Mommy Blogging world, trying to make light of some disgusting situations, and it wasn't always pretty. I had to learn the hard way that blatant honesty may not always be the best policy... not if you want to keep your kids."Musings of a 20-something Mom" is a lesson on how NOT to blog, unless you want to piss off your friends, family, and get a pack of crazies chasing after you; and a reminder that when it comes to parenting, there's always going to be someone out there saying "you're doing it wrong!"

Trying Again: A Guide to Pregnancy After Miscarriage, Stillbirth, and Infant Loss

Ann Douglas - 2000
    It also imparts essential advice about preparing and planning for another baby when you decide the time is right.

Needles and Delaney: Angry, Unreasonable & Implacable

Todd Dorsey - 2021

Breastfeeding Made Simple: Seven Natural Laws for Nursing Mothers

Kathleen A. Kendall-Tackett - 2005
    It is the biological norm, but it is not the cultural norm. By learning the seven basic principles in this book, mothers can dramatically increase their likelihood of success and make breastfeeding the enjoyable experience it should be. The seven laws taught in Breast Feeding Made Simple are easy for mothers to understand and are sure to help them avoid some of the pitfalls that they might otherwise face.The seven principles include: Babies Have the Urge to Self-AttachUse the Power of Skin-to-Skin: A Baby's Natural HabitatBreastfeed Ad LibReach for the Comfort ZoneExpect Cluster NursingMore Milk Out = More Milk MadeBabies Outgrow BreastfeedingThe book also addresses how to solve common problems and deal with special situations such as breast reductions and babies with special needs. The authors describe some of the social, psychological, and cultural reasons why breastfeeding is not currently the norm, and what this implies for mothers. In all, this is an easy-to-use breastfeeding resource for new mothers, which includes all the latest research and techniques used by those in the lactation field.