Jerry D. Young's Survival Fiction Library: Book One: The Hermit

Jerry D. Young - 2016
    YOUNG After losing his family to a tragic automobile accident, Neil Young withdraws from society to live a self-reliant lifestyle as a hermit. Shortly thereafter, the world economy implodes and a limited nuclear war ensures, changing the outside world he thought he knew forever. Given Neil's newly established, and quite comfortable position living in isolation, can he remain withdrawn as those around him suffer, or will he emerge to once again face society and try to use his influence to remake a better world? ABOUT AUTHOR JERRY D. YOUNG Author Jerry D. Young has been a fixture in the survival and prepping communities for more than twenty years. The author of more than 100 novels and short stories, Jerry’s writing has been a staple for men and women of all ages and from all walks of life that are interested in prepping, survival, and all-around self-sufficiency. Jerry’s books are written with the goal of educating as well as entertaining and generally enjoyed by all who seek to expand their knowledge of prepping and survival topics while enjoying a good book or short story. As daunting as the end of the world, nuclear fallout, World War III, Civil unrest, economic collapse, solar flares, EMP attacks, and other apocalyptic scenarios may be, society has always been interested in the “What If?” of a Post-Apocalyptic World. Jerry’s stories provide interesting and practical perspectives of heroes and villains navigating Post-Apocalyptic scenarios including everything from Mad Max type of events to more relevant plot lines that seem as if they could have come from the headlines of the modern world. Find more about Jerry D. Young at

Survivors of the Sun: A post-apocalyptic thriller

Mia Kingslie - 2020
    She was a happily married woman, at home with three children and their Boston Terriers. In an instant everything changed. The power went off, and no-one knew why. By nightfall, Nathan, her husband had still not returned. In time, the water stopped running. With only three days of food left in the house and dwindling water supplies, she has no choice but to flee Kansas City. Their world changes dramatically, entering a post-apocalyptic age, with looting, rioting and violence becoming the norm. As they escape across country, Georgia has to overcome her fears and keep her loved ones safe. Together they face heart wrenching decisions as they encounter the inconceivable. Their journey leads them through a harsh new reality. The struggles and hardships that they endure, threaten their very existence, testing their loyalty, fortitude and love for each other in ways they could never have imagined.

EMP Survival Box Set: Seven Cows, Ugly and Gaunt: A Post-Apocalyptic Saga of America's Worst Nightmare

Mark Goodwin - 2018
    An EMP Attack. The Ultimate Contest for Survival! Danny and Alisa's lives are turned upside down when Danny begins having prophetic dreams about the judgment coming upon America. Through one of Danny’s dreams, they learn about the imminent threat of an EMP attack which will wipe out America’s electric grid, sending the country into a technological dark age.Living in a nation where life-sustaining systems of support are completely dependent on electricity and computers, the odds for survival are dismal. Municipal water services, retail food distribution, police, fire, EMS and emergency services will come to a screeching halt. Hunger, despair, and panic will push desperate people to commit unthinkable acts against their fellow human beings.If they want to live through the most catastrophic period in American history, Danny and Alisa will have to race against time to get prepared, before the lights go out. Don’t miss this epic thrill ride. Get your copy and start this heart-stopping EMP saga today!This is the complete, four-book box set containing Book One: Behold Darkness and Sorrow, Book Two: Ichabod, Book Three: A Haunt for Jackals, and Book Four: Vengeance.As with all books by Mark Goodwin, this book contains no profanity and no embarrassing sex scenes. However, if you're offended by conservative principles and biblical references, this book might not be for you.

The Flight

Caleb Cleek - 2015
    Time is short as they fear he will settle his grudge by adding their families to the mounting number of bodies left in the wake of his destruction.Meanwhile, Connor’s brother, Zeke, faces his own obstacles as he attempts to escape Atlanta before the virus unleashed in the Chinese bio-attack infects the entire population, turning people into ravenous, infected monsters.The brothers face overwhelming odds as they fight to protect the people they care for and do the right thing in the face of crumbling humanity. Will Connor and Matt find their families and will Zeke make it across the country to reunite with his brother? Or will they be added to the mounting casualties piling up at the feet of ruthless outlaws and the infected?

Best Laid Plans: An EMP Post-Apocalyptic Survival Series (The Crusader Book 1)

Tom Abrahams - 2021

Fallen Empire

Marc Alan Edelheit - 2021
    The First Galactic Empire has fallen. The Keeper of the Unknowable, Guardian of the Gates, the Eternal Emperor, is dead. Entire star systems have been ravaged by war, planets cracked by powerful weapons, and suns sent into supernova. The infrastructure of an advanced civilization that spanned thousands of stars is ruined. Trillions have died. Instead of liberation and a return to democracy, freedom, and a new golden age, humanity has been plunged into darkness.Eighteen years after the Great Fall of civilization, stranded on the wrecked world Asherho, Keira Kane struggles to make her way. Shattered by war, the climate of the planet has become inhospitable to life and is getting worse with each passing year. The government is a brutal regime, focused on maintaining its own grip on power instead of feeding the few million ragged survivors living upon its surface. What little law and order there is has begun to erode and break down.Adopted, protected, and raised by former Imperial Marines, Keira has been trained as a mechanic and technician. Her skillset is indispensable to maintaining the decaying infrastructure of her dying planet.Sent out on a routine repair job to Hakagi Tower, a seedy apartment block, Keira rapidly finds herself a fugitive, hunted not only by the government she has faithfully served, but by the planetary militia who wants her for their own nefarious reasons. A mysterious battle-damaged warship has also arrived in-system and they want something too.Unbeknownst to Keira, her Imperial Marine companions have been guarding an incredibly valuable secret, one that has the potential to save humanity or see its light extinguished from the galaxy forever.Caught up in a planetary revolt and hunted, Keira is thrust into a life-or-death struggle she never imagined possible. Though she has yet to suspect it, the road ahead is not only dangerous, but a path destined for her and her alone.Does she have the courage to walk it? Does she have the willpower to pick up a fallen standard? Or will she falter and allow humanity to continue its fall into darkness? Only time will tell…Find out why thousands of readers have fallen for Amazon bestselling author Marc Alan Edelheit’s captivating books! The battle to save the galaxy begins here!

Descent (The Walking Dead #5)

Jay Bonansinga - 2014
    A free promotional sampler containing the first chapter of the latest installment in the Walking Dead novel series!

Tales from the Butcher's Block: Featuring The Witch: Jillybean in the Undead World

Peter Meredith - 2015
    Peter Meredith delivers stories that will keep you devouring them one after another. From the Pen—a gift that just keeps on killing, to The Eyes in the Storm—a beast that feeds on those who dare to go out when nature is at its cruelest, to The Haunting at Red Feathers—a true haunting that has the young couple trapped in the woods with a demonic presence, begging: "Don't let the night catch me here!" Seven tales in all come from the Butcher’s Block and that includes The Witch: Jillybean in the Undead World. What is more terrifying than a mad woman who is snatching up the children of Rippling, Missouri in order to breed the perfect zombie? A seven year old girl with fly-away brown hair and a gift for destruction. What the readers say about Tales From The Butcher’s Block: "No frills, just raw and earnest fear." "Fun and scary, it will have you turning the pages to see if she gets it in the end..." "This has everything I love in a good story: interesting characters, vivid details, solid pacing, and a unique, fascinating premise."

Trail of Misery

N.A. Broadley - 2019
    Now forced to set out on the Appalachian Trail with only her backpack, two guns and a turkey carving knife. Will it be enough for one woman alone in the wilds?On a mission to find safety and a place to survive, Beth finds others in an unlikely trio struggling to find a new life. A young girl, mute with eyes blue as glass, a convict with a rage against evil, and a dog left abandoned by the merciless virus. But… There are others on the trail. And they have more sinister motives. They're on a mission, too - to take whatever they can from whomever they find. They won't give up the chase until they get what they want.And they want everything."


E.E. Borton - 2012
     Mother Nature had been sending signs for three years, but most didn’t pay attention until she pulled the plug on everything. Nobody will forget where they were and what they were doing at 8:13 on that morning. They’re all still waiting for 8:14. Well, at least the ones that have made it so far. He was stuck in Atlanta traffic, making his way to work, when the world fell silent. His car, his radio, his phone, his watch, anything that needed a spark, a battery, or an outlet died. The silence didn’t last long and neither did she. He didn’t know if the yellow sundress was the first to die, but he does know that she wasn’t the last. Not even close. As aircraft fell out of the sky, panicked drivers lost control in the fast lane, and pace makers stopped keeping their rhythms, he got out of his car and popped the trunk. Most didn’t pay attention, but he did. And he knew what was coming. Three years earlier during the first city-wide blackout in Atlanta, he lost his Samantha to cowards who were never caught. Those looking to take advantage didn’t hesitate, wreaking havoc at every opportunity. It took less than an hour after the event for society to start its disintegration. He made a promise to himself never to feel that helpless again. He wasn’t a soldier or a cop, but he was one of the few that did have a plan. Get out of the city, get away from people, and don’t hesitate. May God have mercy on their souls, because he won’t.

A Fist Full of Credits

Tao Wong - 2021
    Veteran. Survivor.Hal Mason's still going to find surviving the System Apocalypse challenging.While bringing in his latest fugitive, Hal's payday is interrupted by the translucent blue boxes that herald Earth's introduction to the System - a galaxy spanning wave of structured mystical energy that destroys all electronics and bestows game-like abilities upon mankind.With society breaking down and mutating wildlife rampaging through the city of Pittsburgh, those who remain will sacrifice anything for a chance at earning their next Level. As bodies fall and civilization crumbles, Hal finds himself asking what price is his humanity. Are the Credits worth his hands being ever more stained with blood?Or does he press on - relentless?A Fist Full of Credits is the first book in a new series in the System Apocalypse universe. Written by debut author Craig Hamilton in Tao Wong's bestselling post-apocalyptic LitRPG universe, System Apocalypse - Relentless is another glimpse into what humanity will do when the chips are down and the monsters are crawling from the shadows.

GMO 24- The Coalition- A Tale Of Prepper Survival

James Hunt - 2015
    The human race has finally succeeded in perfecting the art of food production at the molecular level. GMO-24 was a strand of altered proteins that could be inserted into the genetic layout of any crop, allowing it to maximize the natural nutrients of the soil around it. Can you imagine the harshest environments where thousands of square miles of soil lay untouched and unused because of low nutrient content now able to support crops to help feed the starving masses of the world? Imagine crops that yield double to triple the level of vitamins and minerals without the need for harmful pesticides. Imagine… Everything that could go wrong. Alex Grives is living in that realm, the world where GMO-24 triggered the very famine it was designed to prevent. James Hunt, author of the “Broken Lines” and “Exiled” series takes you into a world where that hunger is never fulfilled, and always leaves you wanting more.

Countdown to Armageddon

Darrell Maloney - 2013
    He wasn't dumb, but he'd never be invited to join Mensa either. He'd liked to have married a beauty queen, but his average looks certainly did nothing to attract any. Neither did his vanilla personality. No, Scott was average in every way, except when it came to luck. He was a very lucky man. And that's how he managed to discover what the Mayans really meant about the world ending on December 21st, 2012. Scott learned that the Mayans never said the world was going to end that day. What they said was that day marked the beginning of a period that would see the end of civilization as we know it. The Mayans called it "The last period of progress." Scott knew that big changes were coming. The Mayans left several clues about the pending disaster. He just didn't know when. He didn't know if he had two days to prepare, or two years. To protect his family, Scott threw every resource he had into preparing for the end. And some resources he didn't have.This is Scott's story.

Lights Out EMP Thriller Super Boxset

Roger Hayden - 2016
    And when the power shuts down across the city, which submerges the masses into chaos and cuts her family in half, tough decisions are only the beginning. Grid Down (The Beginning, Strike Against America, EMP Survival) A small, northeastern town is crippled after a mysterious electromagnetic pulse causes a massive blackout, leaving residents stunned and unprepared. But the loss of power is only the beginning. Communications and mobility have been disabled with vehicles stopped dead in their tracks for miles. Grocery stores, banks, hospitals, and other services no longer function. Cell phones, computers, televisions, and radios are rendered inoperable. In the chaos that follows, one family embarks on a journey of survival in a vastly different world, changed within a flash.

The Reversion (Stonemont Book 1)

Steven C. Smith - 2017
    When the world did crash, his family’s home of Stonemont became not only a refuge, but a place where it might be possible to start over again, and reclaim the American ideal. Among the many novels in the SHTF/TEOTWAWKI genre, The Reversion stands apart – and, perhaps, alone. It does not follow the survival learning curve of the unprepared or minimally-prepared, as so many excellent books have already done so well. Rather, it is the story of a man who was prepared, and of how his preparation and foresight provided not only a safe haven for him and his family, but a re-start point for those who come together to survive the collapse of the world around them. As such, it is an unbelievably positive book about an unbelievably negative circumstance, and carries within it the lessons of preparedness and survival that every person should strive to learn. Tightly woven into the story are threads of history, morality, politics, economics, philosophy and comparative justice – the kind America was founded on, the kind they had devolved to under the weight of an increasingly liberal and socialist society, and the kind that might re-establish a society reflective of America’s original ideals. As these threads are woven into the fabric of the larger story of survival, the realization emerges that a great catastrophe enabled the return of what makes us, as human beings, truly happy and fulfilled, and that, perhaps, only a great catastrophe could. The Reversion, written by an expert in survival and preparedness with an interesting government and non-government background, is destined to be an instant classic in the preparedness/survival genre. More than a good story, it is a manual and a resource for all who are interested in these fields, and deserves to be kept on your desk or chair-side table where it can be read, re-read and referred to often.