
Olivia Black - 2014
    His entire life is turned upside down when a private investigator hands him a manila envelope. Looking through the contents, he soon realizes that his biological father isn’t the man that raised him. Instead, it's a man named William Rickett. William is very ill and his last request is to meet Jackson. Dropping everything, Jackson packs a bag and heads to Colorado. Wyatt Thompson is the foreman at the Belt Buckle Ranch. He’s also been a friend to William Rickett, the ranch owner for fifteen years. When the man passes away, it’s his responsibility to make sure William’s five sons stay at the ranch. His attraction to Jackson is instantaneous, but Wyatt is reluctant to follow his heart when the future is unknown.


Adrienne Wilder - 2013
    His new neighbor calls himself Seven, wears aluminum hats and carries around a ceramic rooster. He also seems to know what Chase is going to do or say before it happens, and talks about people named, Nine, Three, and Four.Chase knows better than to get involved with someone like that.But some men are just to hot to resist.A future of fear…Seven has been running for his life ever since he escaped Sub-Floor. In order to elude those hunting him he can never have a home, never have friends…and love? It’s nothing but a weakness that can be used against him.Hiding had become a way of life. Until Chase.Greed, power, and corruption…Dr. David Stone knows Seven has a secret. Why else would his colleague, Dr. Radcliff, help Seven escape Sub-Floor?It wasn’t the loss of a defective precog that bothered Stone, it was the fact Radcliff was willing to die to keep Stone from knowing why he did it. Or better yet, how.Two men, one love, brought together by a series of impossible circumstances and destined by fate for an entangled future.But maybe fate has nothing to do with it.


Tamara Allen - 2007
    But fate has other plans: Morgan gets knocked out pursuing a suspect... and wakes up in 1888.While cataloging ancient manuscripts at the British Museum, Ezra Glacenbie accidentally pulls Morgan out of the twenty-first century-an impromptu vacation that may become permanent for Morgan if they can't locate the spellbook Ezra used. Further hampering Morgan's quest to get home is the irresistible temptation to investigate history's most notorious serial killer: Jack the Ripper. But in repressive Victorian London, it's the unexpected romance blossoming between Morgan and Ezra that becomes the most dangerous complication of all.Third EditionCover art by Ravven


Kayelle Allen - 2006
    the Harbinger. An enigmatic man whose legendary power makes him the most feared person in the empire.For the Harbinger, saving Wulf is a simple matter of asserting his will. Luc's ties to the Thieves' Guild grant him access anywhere. He can protect Wulf without difficulty.Until Luc brings Wulf home for safekeeping, and discovers the real reason for the threats. Protecting Wulf has not only put his and Wulf's lives at risk, it's also risked the life of Luc's teenaged son. This is beyond protection, now. To the Harbinger, this is personal...

Taken by the Alpha Dragons

Marcy Jacks - 2015
    He was sold to the lottery by his own parents, and not the sort of lottery he wants to win, the sort where humans are handed over to dragons during mating season. If Jason tries to run, he will be branded a thief and thrown into prison, which, despite his best efforts, might actually happen.Warrior dragons Draco and Phobos have been searching for their third for over fifty years. They can smell him in the building, and that smell is creating a lust so heavy they can hardly stand it. After tracking him down and finding him in a cell, they're furious. They nearly lost their third because of a screw up, and now their new mission is to fight off the heat inside of them long enough to convince Jason that they are there to protect him, and they will not allow anyone to hurt him so long as they are around.

Branch of the Amazon

Joyee Flynn - 2012
    They become the Guardians of the Forests. In her wisdom, she provided ways for the cursed to have happy, loving lives. Even though their fates are tied with the land.On the outskirts of the Amazon River, Branch leads his camp. A good man who has his hands full leading his people and keeping them safe while raising two sons, his patience is tested by his lust for the person everyone seems to want, Seed… Who is the same age as his oldest son.When Branch comes to Seed’s rescue, he finally has what he desires most in his arms. But will he be able to let him go again?If that isn’t enough, the cartels are moving into their territory and destroying everything in their path, along with kidnapping other Guardian children.

Love for the Cold-Blooded, or The Part-Time Evil Minion's Guide to Accidentally Dating a Superhero

Alex Gabriel - 2014
    Evil minions. And one hell of a conflict of interest.Being related to a supervillain isn’t a big deal to Pat West. So what if his mom occasionally tries to take over the world? All Pat wants is to finish university and become an urban designer. That he moonlights as an evil minion sometimes – that’s just a family tradition.Then Pat accidentally sleeps with superhero Silver Paladin, otherwise known as reclusive billionaire Nick Andersen. It’s a simple misunderstanding. Pat never means to impersonate a prostitute, honest. But soon Pat is in way over his head, and threatening to fall for the worst possible guy.When Pat’s mother returns to bring the world to its knees, Silver Paladin races to stop her… and all of Pat’s secrets threaten to blow up in his face. How can Pat reconcile being a minion with wanting a hero? Will Nick’s feelings for Pat overcome what keeps them apart? Or will they both lose everything?“Love for the Cold-Blooded” is a light-hearted jaunt through a world of superheroes and villains, android dolphins, mind control rays, eldritch artifacts stolen from the tombs of ancient gods, and young men loving not wisely, but well.

Among the Living

Jordan Castillo Price - 2006
    But then a serial killer surfaces who can change his appearance to match any witness’ idea of the world’s hottest guy.Solving murders is a snap when you can ask the victims whodunit, but this killer’s not leaving any spirits behind.Words: 32081 (approx)

My Partner the Wolf

Hollis Shiloh - 2014
    They're a great team, and they have fun together, too: joking and enjoying each other's company in a way that doesn't happen every day.Tom is also a married man. And his husband hates the wolf shifter with a passion. Tom tries to balance the sides of his life—one minute on a high-pressure chase with Sean, the next placating his husband Lowell.Then the unthinkable happens: his marriage ends. Heartbroken, he's not expecting to ever get over Lowell's betrayal or to be able to love again.Sean offers a solution: sex as friends. They have chemistry, and they trust each other.But can they change their partnership that much? And is Sean secretly harboring feelings for him—expecting more than just sex?Sean is a loveable, funny, strong, and protective. He's the best buddy a guy could have. But Tom might not be able to keep from breaking his heart—if Sean is in love with him, and Tom can't love him back.


Chris Owen - 2007
    He lives in the same world, it seems, but in his Alpha dimension, contacting anyone in what Finn thinks of as Beta is forbidden. Against the law, even if he could figure out how to do it.One day everything changes, though. Ari becomes aware of Finn, and of the Alpha dimension, and the two begin a strange dance where they can see one another, and talk, but never touch. According to everything Finn knows, physically crossing dimensions is a death sentence, and he's not even sure how to make the attempt to get his hands Ari.With government conspiracies, a friend who knows more than he's willing to admit, and time running out for Finn before he's caught in his watchful obsession, something has to give. Ari and Finn have become more than just watchers and friends, and Finn finally makes a mad dash for Between, trying to cross the barriers that keep Alpha and Beta apart. Can he make it to Ari alive?

Safe in Your Fire

Darien Cox - 2016
    When asked to locate and interview an off-the-grid former child star for a magazine feature, novice journalist Rudy Sansone thinks he’s getting yet another demeaning assignment from his boss. But finding ‘Baby James’ Waterman proves to be a personal and professional challenge, as the elusive, hostile, and surprisingly sexy James is nothing that Rudy expected. But Rudy’s scrappy motivation to get the story at all costs plunges him into the mountain community of Singing Bear Village, where he senses strange and frightening secrets simmering beneath the surface. But what’s simmering between Rudy and his reluctant interview subject is something more carnal and heated, and his desire to be consumed by it clouds his judgement when warning bells urge him to flee the village and never look back.

The Duality Paradigm

Lia Cooper - 2014
    He’s spent eight years building a life for himself in Seattle, far from his father's shadow. He works hard, lives under the radar, and fucks whoever catches his eye.Detective Patrick Clanahan, beta-heir to Pack McClanahan, is a tightly wired bundle of rage and guilt, still trying to come to terms with the murder of his last partner.When a human woman is murdered in werewolf territory under suspicious circumstances, Ethan is reassigned to worked the case with Clanahan in the hopes that he'll be able to balance out the wolf's rougher edges.Too bad they mostly just rub each other the wrong way.This is the first of three books in the Blood & Bone Trilogy.DISCLAIMER This work contains language and sexual content that may not be suitable for readers under 18. This work contains sexual MALE/MALE content. Not your cup of tea? Don’t read it. Otherwise, please enjoy.

Changed: Mated to the Alien Alpha

Robin Moray - 2018
    They said Omega IV was safe. They were wrong. The giant humanoid inhabitants of Omega IV are conditioned to the Change—a biological event in their development that designates them altha or amekha—but for the new colony of humans, the Change comes as an unpleasant surprise. Dr Cameron Grant, bitter after a turbulent break-up, finds himself in a first-contact situation that was never covered in training. The alien warrior Tal'jen, seven feet tall and distinctly male, has taken an interest in him, an interest with a clear and pressing conclusion. Dr Grant can't deny his attraction, even as his body undergoes strange and frightening changes. Whatever is happening to him, it's obvious that Tal'jen understands it instinctively. He will have to place himself in the hands of an alien and hope that Tal'jen's interest is as benign as it seems. Meanwhile, Tal'jen, chief-in-waiting of his people, seeks a mate. The handsome and strange Cam'ren of the newcomers calls to him powerfully, though he has not yet gone through his Change. To be chief Tal'jen must mate with a bearer, so while he longs to claim Cam'ren for his own, he must be patient and hope that Cam'ren's Change will grant him the gift of bearing young. As the Change spreads through the human colony, leaving chaos in its wake, Cameron and Tal'jen must fight to protect both the delicate bond growing between them, and each other. This book is first in the Omega Colony series, however it can be read as a stand-alone title. This book features adult content and language, sexual situations, and male pregnancy.

The Seer

Jordan Reece - 2015
    And Jesco Currane has just gotten stuck with him on the most frustrating case of their careers.When the body of a courier is discovered in an alley, Jesco is called in to assist with his seer skills. All he has to do is touch the clothing of the deceased to identify the killer. But the victim has been stripped naked, and the only evidence at the scene is a timepiece. The people he sees within it have nothing to do with the murder, yet they must be related to the case.Chasing down leads with Scoth lets Jesco see another side of the surly, if handsome, detective. But as their feelings for each other grow heated, so does the investigation. Someone doesn’t want them to know who killed the courier . . . and plans to add them to the death toll if they don’t stop pursuing it.

Soldier Mine

Amber Kell - 2011
    Will Kreslan be willing to give up his dream of being an ordinary soldier to partner with an extraordinary creature?Vohne has been named by his human half, and the longer they’re together the more he’s remembering the details of their previous lives—lives he shared with Kreslan before watching him die. When they reach the Thresl home planet, Vohne has to break the news to his skittish mate that they not only does he belong to Vohne, but he is fated to be his other half for the rest of eternity.Reader Advisory: This book was previously released at another publisher. It has been revised and re-edited for release by Total-E-Bound.