The Presidents and UFOs: A Secret History from FDR to Obama

Larry Holcombe - 2015
    Now, as governments around the world open their files and records on internal UFO investigations, the US remains steadfast in its denial of interest in the UFO issue. As more of the world's population accepts the possibility of an extraterrestrial presence, the demand is building for disclosure from the United States.Using newly declassified and Freedom of Information Act documents, eyewitness accounts, interviews, and leaked documents being authenticated, THE PRESIDENTS AND UFOS details the secret history of UFOs and the corresponding presidential administration. Starting in 1941 with the Roosevelt administration, author Larry Holcombe examines the startling discoveries facing a president preoccupied by WWII, the explosion of UFO sightings during the Truman years, first contact during the Eisenhower administration, and the possibility of a UFO connection to the Kennedy assassination. In 1975, the Nixon administration came very close to admitting that UFOs exist by funding a documentary by Robert Emenegger. Almost 40 years later, this book will examine Emenegger's findings.For the first time, the involvement of all of the modern presidents up to and including President Obama, and the rise and then fall of their influence on UFO issues, are told in one story that is an integral part of the fascinating UFO tapestry.

Disclosure: Military & Government Witnesses Reveal the Greatest Secrets in Modern History

Steven M. Greer - 2001
    The classic Disclosure book - full info re aliens taken directly from government official documents...

Inside the Real Area 51: The Secret History of Wright Patterson

Thomas J. Carey - 2013
    Only a select few have ever had access to the truth about what became known as Area 51.But what happened to the remnants of that crash is shrouded in even greater mystery. What began in the high desert of New Mexico ended at Wright-Patterson, an ultra top-secret Air Force base in Dayton, Ohio. The physical evidence of extraterrestrial visitation was buried deep within this nuclear stronghold.How tragic that such seismic news should be kept from the people of the world...pieces of history, now quickly dwindling into oblivion as the last of the secret-keepers passes on.In spite of its rich history of military service to our nation, Wright-Patterson also stands as the secret tomb of one of the greatest occurrences in recorded history. But be prepared...the real Area 51--Wright-Patterson's vault--is about to be opened.

The Flying Saucers Are Real

Donald Edward Keyhoe - 1950
    Keyhoe states that while Earth has been visited by extraterrestrials for centuries, the Air Force was actively investigating these cases & hiding them. He researched sightings, concluding the saucers are interplanetary. Keyhow, who had some access to original military files, didn't believe in space visitors before starting this book. He examines the most prominent UFO cases up to 1950: the Kenneth Arnold sighting, the Mantell Crash, the Chiles-Whitted UFO sighting etc, offering his own views. After checking every other possible answer thoroughly, he saw that they didn't fit with the reports. This is a must for anyone who wants to know the truth about UFO phenomena. It wasn't only one of the 1st, but also one of the best reports ever written on the subject. There is no sensationalism in its pages, just cold, hard, well-researched facts. Keyhoe was one of the most prominent figures in the early history & development of UFO studies in the USA. His book established him as a leading figure in the field. Over the next two decades he'd be frequently interviewed on tv & radio. In '57 he became the leader of NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena), the largest, most influential civilian UFO research group of the '50s & 60s. He remained its leader until 1969.

Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens

John E. Mack - 1994
    John Mack never intended to become an expert in the controversial study of alien abductees. But after investigating over 60 cases of alien abduction through hundreds of hours of interviews and treatment, Dr. Mack now presents the mesmerizing tales of alien encounters revealed by his patients-- none of whom are mentally ill-- and the profound, surprising and at times deeply spiritual impact these experiences have has on their lives. Providing details of alien encounters never before reported or depicted on the screen, the men and women whose experiences are related here in unforgettably vivid detail are not extremists recounting dreams or hallucinations. Rather, as Dr. Mack reports, they are survivors of harrowing, real-life experiences that challenge the most basic assumptions that make up our understanding of our existence and our role in the universe.

Project Blue Book

Brad Steiger - 1976
    When their conclusions did not support the official position, the findings were suppressed.Now, the secret findings of Project Sign, Project Grudge, Special Report #14, and Project Blue Book are revealed in this explosive and significant document!Examine it and decide for yourself . . . but you may not be able to dismiss the riveting testimony of scientists, the military, pilots, and citizens all over the country who have witnessed UFOs!

Selected by Extraterrestrials: My life in the top secret world of UFOs, think-tanks, and Nordic secretaries

William Mills Tompkins - 2016
    He was personally present at the “Battle of L.A.” when a thousand rounds of ammo were fired at UFOs, and one of the Nordic craft may have selected him to be their rep in the evolving aerospace race. This book is a partial autobiography about his life to the beginning of the 1970s including some of his early work for TRW. Selected by the Navy prior to completing high school to be authorized for research work, he regularly visited classified Naval facilities during WWII until he was discharged in 1946. After working at North American Aviation and Northrop, he was hired by Douglas Aircraft Company in 1950, and when they found out about his involvement in classified work, was given a job as a to create design solutions as a draftsman with a peripheral assignment to work in a “think tank”. This work was partly controlled by the Navy personnel who used to work for James Forrestal, who was allegedly assassinated because he was going to publicly reveal what he knew about UFOs. Bill Tompkins was asked to conceive sketches of mile-long Naval interplanetary craft designs. Later, as he became involved in the conventional aspects of the Saturn Program that later became the Apollo launch vehicle, his insight to system engineering resulted in his offering some critical suggestions personally to Dr. Wernher von Braun about ensuring more reliable checkout using the missiles in their vertical position and also some very efficient launch control concepts adopted by both NASA and the Air Force. This story is peppered with very personal interactions with his co-workers and secretaries, some of whom the author believes to be Nordic aliens helping the “good guys” here on Earth. Towards the end of this volume of his autobiography, he sketches what he personally saw on TV when Armstrong was landing on the moon. Born in May 1923, Bill Tompkins is one of the few survivors of the “big war” who is still healthy, married to the same girl Mary, and is willing to tell his story about what he really did during his aerospace life in the 40s, 50s and 60s that relate to aliens, NASA and secrets that now can be told.

The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects

Edward J. Ruppelt - 1956
    With the exception of the style, this report is written exactly the way I would have written it had I been officially asked to do so while I was chief of the Air Force's project for investigating UFO reports--Project Blue Book."Foreword1 Project Blue Book and the UFO Story 2 The Era of Confusion Begins 3 The Classics 4 Green Fireballs, Project Twinkle, Little Lights, and Grudge 5 The Dark Ages 6 The Presses Roll--The Air Force Shrugs 7 The Pentagon Rumbles 8 The Lubbock Lights, Unabridged 9 The New Project Grudge 10 Project Blue Book and the Big Build-Up 11 The Big Flap 12 The Washington Merry-Go-Round 13 Hoax or Horror? 14 Digesting the Data 15 The Radiation Story 16 The Hierarchy Ponders 17 What Are UFO's? 18 And They're Still Flying 19 Off They Go into the Wild Blue Yonder 20 Do They or Don't They?

Exo-Vaticana: Petrus Romanus, Project Lucifer, and the Vatican's Astonishing Exo-Theological Plan for the Arrival of an Alien Savior

Cris Putnam - 2013

Alien World Order: The Reptilian Plan to Divide and Conquer the Human Race

Len Kasten - 2017
    government• Explains how the Reptilians have created alien-human hybrids under their control to replace the human populationLong ago, the Galactic Federation sent the Atlans, a fierce group of humans from the Pleiades, to Earth to confront the newest colony of the combative ever-spreading alien race known as the Reptilians. The ensuing battle sank the continent of Lemuria and drove the Reptilians underground beneath the Indian subcontinent as well as to Antarctica. Able to shapeshift to appear human, the Reptilians then infiltrated the Atlantean civilization, abducting humans and creating Reptilian hybrids. As Len Kasten shows, this technique of infiltration and hybridization prior to an all-out attack has been the hallmark of Reptilian conquest throughout the galaxy.Chronicling the history of the Reptilian Empire’s influence on Earth and their conquest of 21 star systems, Kasten reveals how the human race is enmeshed in a skillfully concealed plot to enslave humanity and exploit our planet’s physical and biological resources. Revealing Hitler’s pact with extraterrestrials and the Reptilian influence on the Nazi state, he shares new documents that disclose the rescue and rehabilitation of Nazi war criminals to assist in the Cold War, which then corrupted many U.S. government institutions. Focusing on crucial events in the decade after World War II, he examines the Reptilians’ human allies, the Illuminati, who control the levers of financial, technological, and military power throughout the world through various secret societies. He shows how Eisenhower’s treaty with the Greys, signed at Holloman Air Force Base in 1954, gave the aliens permission to take humans up to their spaceships, ostensibly for genetic study--in return for alien technology--and how these abductions led to the creation of a hybrid race under Reptilian mind control. He also explains how Kennedy was assassinated by the CIA because of his plans to rout out this Nazi–Reptilian presence.Contrasting the Reptilians with the benevolent Ebens, the aliens from Zeta Reticuli who crashed at Roswell, Kasten exposes the stealthy tactics of the Reptilians, their relationship with the Greys, and their advanced genetic bio-technology and teleportation abilities--as well as what we need to do to defeat their plans.

The Phoenix Lights

Lynne D. Kitei - 2004
    Amber orbs in formation. It was a massive triangular array of lights moving silently but in unison as though they were connected. Many people throughout Phoenix and across the state of Arizona saw them.Optical illusion? Unlikely. Military aircraft? That's what the U.S. government wanted her to think. UFOs? That's what her evidence and subsequent years of careful research, interviews, and documentation, including photographic proof, strongly suggest. The result is The Phoenix Lights, a sober, well-researched account, both personal and scientific, of the story behind the lights, of the theories and cover-ups, the facts and denials that surrounded this event.Kitei, a well-respected Phoenix physician, had always thought of herself as grounded and practical, not one to be taken up with new age interests. But her firsthand experience and the undeniable reality of the photographs she took changed all that. She found herself a key insider in a complex mystery that has baffled humanity for centuries. What are UFOs? Who are the beings presumed to fly them? What do they want? How does it change your life to see one?The answers to these questions and more are found in The Phoenix Lights. Over the years since the sightings, she's become an ardent, tireless researcher into the truth of the Phoenix Lights and an advocate for public disclosure by the government about the subject of unexplained phenomena.

Skinwalker Ranch : NO TRESPASSING

Ryan Skinner - 2014
    Due to the untold number and frequency of unexplainable encounters this location has earned itself the name of Skinwalker Ranch. But the Skinwalker—a legendary creature feared back before the time of the Native Americans indigenous to the Great Basin—is only a small part of a phenomena that includes some of the most intense UFO sightings ever witnessed and recorded, inter-dimensional portals, intelligent orbs of energy, physical entities beyond identification and other real-life manifestations. For the first time you have the opportunity to hear the voices and words of those who have dared to enter into that vortex, to know of their experiences first hand, to separate truth from fiction and decide for yourself if the world is really what you think it is. Skinwalker Ranch No Trespassing is Ryan T. Skinner’s second book exploring the paranormal activity associated with the property in north-east Utah. Unlike his first book which was drawn from his own personal experience and the deep emotional impact it had on him, this second work is a historical perspective that traces the origin of the Skinwalker back more than 3000 years up until the most recent sighting reported in and around the Great Basin and the Four Corners area of the United States, relying on and drawing from the stories and narratives of eye witnesses, including confidential sources with first person knowledge of and experience on and around the Skinwalker Ranch itself. Written with co-author D. L. Wallace, one of the field’s most prolific ghost writers, Skinwalker Ranch No Trespassing is assured to bring you where you have never been before.

Flying Saucers - Serious Business

Frank Edwards - 1966
    What was the mysterious solid object that struck a Comet jetliner in flight over India? - Has modern science already communicated with intelligent beings from outer space? - Why have UFO's undergone drastic design changes in the past sixty years? - What was the thing that followed a Polaris missile in 1961 and caused the radar tracking gear to lock on it instead of the missile? How could British television viewers pick up signals form a Texas TV station that had gone out of business three years earlier? What was the strange substance that dribbled from a crippled disc over Brazil in 1954? What was the reason for the mysterious power blackouts of the Northweat and the Southwest in the fall of 1965? What will the next UFO phase be and what are its unprecedented implications for the human race? FLYING SAUCERS -- SERIOUS BUSINESS The most revealing and astonishing story on UFO's ever to appear in print!

Fire in the Sky: The Walton Experience

Travis Walton - 1978
    One of them, Travis Walton, recklessly left the safety of their truck to take a closer look. Suddenly, as he walked toward the light, Walton was blasted back by a bolt of mysterious energy. His companions fled in fear. When they reported an encounter with a UFO--something they would have considered impossible if they had not witnessed it themselves--the men were suspected of murder. For five days authorities mounted a massive manhunt in search of Walton or his body. Then Walton reappeared, disoriented & initially unable to tell the whole story of his terrifying encounter. In Fire in the Sky Travis Walton relates in his own words the best documented account of alien abduction yet recorded, the story of his harrowing ordeal at the hands of silent captors & his return to a disbelieving world of hostile interrogators, exploitative press & self-styled debunkers. Travis recounts the struggle to get a fair hearing & confronts his detractors with a stinging rebuttal.

Inside UFOs: True Accounts of Contact with Extraterrestrials

Preston Dennett - 2017
    A wide variety of ETs are presented, including various types of grays, Praying Mantis-type ETs, humanoids and Nordics. The witnesses are normal everyday people who suddenly find themselves in very unusual situations. The unique and unusual nature of the cases in this book will surprise even those well-versed in the UFO literature. • A Navy Corpsman is invited aboard a UFO by his shipmate, only to meet fifteen-foot tall friendly Praying Mantis-type ETs. • A young child experiences an encounter with Nordic ETs that marks a lifelong series of contacts. • A paperboy encounters a UFO and missing time, leaving him with an undiagnosed illness and a mystery that remained unsolved for years. • An office-worker is confronted by a nine-foot-tall praying mantis, only to discover that she’s also having contact with gray-type ETs too. • a teacher stops on the road when a huge metallic sphere drops from the sky, and out steps a handsome-looking spaceman. • A new mother is shocked to see an alien right outside her window, staring intently at her newborn son. • a desperately ill housewife is transported from her home into an unknown base and cured by an eight-foot-tall orange-haired humanoid. • A young farm-boy encounters UFOs on his family’s farm, beginning a very close and lifelong relationship with ETs. • A Navy Electronics Specialist has a complex UFO encounter aboard a Navy Ship, and is taught by the ETs about alternative energy sources. • A nursing assistant experiences a life-long series of missing time incidents culminating in a fully conscious encounter with gray-type ETs who attempt to answer all his questions Why are the aliens here? What is their agenda on our planet? Are they hostile or benevolent? This book answers these questions and more, directly from the witnesses’ themselves. This is not just another book about abductions by grays. This collection of true UFO stories shows how fascinating and bizarre extraterrestrial contact can be.