
Charity B. - 2020
    Or some psychotic bullshit like that. The truth is, he’s completely insane. His mind’s been shattered by the sadistic belief that we’re meant to be his ‘family’. Everything about him makes my insides rot, yet on the outside, I remain Daddy’s good little girl. It may have been my mother’s choices that brought us here, but I don’t blame her for it. Besides, she hates herself enough for the both of us. The only thing that gets me through this horrific family portrait is dreaming about the day when I won’t have to see his smile, feel his touch or hear him call me that cringey nickname, Corie Bee, again.Every day, pieces of me wither away, like petals falling from a dying flower. Still, I bide my time, waiting until he least expects my betrayal. I refuse to let him desiccate me. Trigger Warning: If you’ve read the Inferno series, this warning is unnecessary. However, if you haven’t, please take note: this is not a romance. The taboo, explicit, and violent nature of this book may be unsettling for some readers.


Jennifer Bene - 2019
    I never wanted to be like my father. I just wanted to be loved by him. Accepted. That’s how this happened, that’s how I became this person. Too many years of listening, too many years craving his approval. His words burned into my mind. And now I crave things the world says I shouldn’t. I open doors that should remain closed. I cross lines meant to be straight and narrow. But they’ll understand, they’ll see just like I did. This is the right way of things. The way it’s meant to be. And whether I have his name or not, at least I’ve finally become the perfect son.


Ally Vance - 2020
    It was always just me and Mom, until it wasn't. She left me alone in the world with nothing but a name, an obsession, and a fierce yearning to know where I came from.He doesn't even know I exist, but I found him, and he was everything I could want…Pater's blood runs in my veins, and the darkness inside of him paints my soul as black as his heart. I want to hate him, but all I can do is love him. There's no escaping what binds me to him, but I can still try.


Dani René - 2019
    They hid me away, thinking they could cure me. Locked in the darkness, I was forced to forget her, but I couldn’t. Not even for a moment. When I turned eighteen I was taken from what I’d become accustomed to, and shoved into a life I never thought I’d have. She was my light. My everything. But she couldn’t be. It was forbidden in the eyes of the world. Each time I pushed, she pulled. The monster goaded us, he taunted us. I tried to be strong. I tried to refuse what was burning inside me. But I’m merely a broken man. One that needs her more than he needs his next breath. I need to make a choice—break the rules and devour her, or run far, far away and break the last remaining part of me, my heart.

Simmer: An Inferno World Novella

Measha Stone - 2020
    It's our job and we won't fail her.There are rules here. Don't eat until Papa has.Do all your chores. Learn your lessons. Be grateful.Don't break the rules. But I did...


Emery LeeAnn - 2019
    He has taught me every twisted desire I hold dear. My only goal is to please him. Do not think you know what happens behind closed doors because the truth will not set you free- it will only rip your insides out. Family ties can be deadly, but is it wrong I enjoy the pain?I am an Iniquity- a wicked act or thing because that is what pleases him.


Murphy Wallace - 2019
    Inconsequential. Nothing. That I’m not worth his time. He knows how I feel about him. That it’s not only his acceptance I want. I get off on the sting of his words as they roll off the tip of his tongue. He tells me that I am a fool to think that we are anything alike. I know that he’s enticing me in his own sick and twisted way. If I’m ever going to prove to him how wrong he is, the time is now. Just as he’s about to cast me out of his life, I meet Aurelia, and everything becomes clear. My world unraveled the day I met Samael. As a model, I rely on my image to survive. In this cut-throat industry, you can’t get too close to anyone, and thick skin is a must. I’ve been called greedy, selfish, and rude. It’s all true, but it’s imperative for self-preservation. I abide by a strict routine to stay relevant and strict values keep me pure. I was preparing for the biggest audition of my career when I was approached by a beautiful man full of promises and stardom. He was right. Aurelia Vega was about to become a household name. Only, it wasn’t for the reason I had always dreamed of. That dream had been decimated and my worst nightmare has come true.


Yolanda Olson - 2019
    This is the conclusion to the Inferno series. It is highly advised to read Inferno, Cinere, and Sparks first. I swore to myself that I would never love you. I promised my children that they wouldn’t suffer for my sins. But it’s so hard, Daddy. It’s hard to not love the man that gave me life. It’s hard to not love the man that’s taken care of me the only way he knows how. I know it’s not your fault, and maybe one day, I’ll find out why you became a monster. While we still have time left together, I want you to know that I forgive you for everything you’ve done. I want you to know that I do love you, even if not in the way you would have hoped for. It’s almost over, Daddy. Close your eyes and go to sleep; I’ll be here with you, holding your hand and letting you know that everything will be alright. Because it will be, won’t it? That’s the promise that you made to me—that no matter what happens between us, everything will always turn out okay. I know you don’t care much for anything you can’t control, but sometimes life folds its cards and we have to go when it’s our time. Please stop fighting it, Daddy. It hurts me to see you suffering so much. I’ve done my best to take care of you, but it’s time to go. Hurry along and know that we’ll be behind you shortly because I can’t live in a world that doesn’t have you in it. I love you, Daddy. Always and forever.

Another Family Affair Anthology

A.A. Davies - 2020
    Seven authors.Seven new families.Seven taboo romance stories.Get lost in this set of brand-new, never before released, forbidden romance tales.TAKE A CHANCE on KENJI while facing the RIVALRY and DECEIT of the secrets that the forbidden can hide.From the BURIED TRUTHS that uncover HARLEY’S AERO, and time spent with the COTERIE, you'll find that a family's love is forever and always.A Family Affair Volume 2 is a gripping collection of taboo romance stories that will have you turning the pages non-stop.

Zeke's Eden: The Beginning

K. Webster - 2016
    Smile. Nod. Repeat. Until I met Zeke. Dark. Dirty. Sinner. A hungry beast, released from his cage. And I’m on the menu. Tonight, I’m Zeke’s Eden. His sugar. His whore. Daddy’s little girl is all grown up… ***Warning: This is an erotic novella.***


Shannon Youngblood - 2019
     Thank The Master The Lord giveth and the Master taketh away. Thank The Faith The Faith giveth and the fire taketh away. In a society where men are superior and women belong at their feet, Master Zander and his slave, Phoenix, must find a way to navigate through the horrors they were born into. Three menacing tasks are all that separate Zander from his inheritance. Three gruesome tasks and Phoenix might finally be free. The question is can Phoenix complete them and keep her sanity in check? Can Zander play the part without unleashing the monster behind the mask? Will they rise from the ashes of their present and soar into the future, or will they both be engulfed by the flames of their past?

Pretty, Dark and Dirty

Margot Scott - 2020
    But then one day, he vanished, leaving me lost and alone.I was devastated.Years later, just when I thought I had put the pieces of my life together, my world splintered apart again. Everything I thought I knew about my biological father and Mason’s role in my life? Turns out, it was all a lie. Every. Last. Word.Now Mason’s back.However, he offers no excuses, no explanations. He just wants me to be what he claims I’ve always been: his little girl.But the ache inside me won’t be denied. The longing I feel isn’t one of a little girl who misses her father.No.I need Mason to be more than just a father figure.More than a loving protector.I need him to be my Daddy.***Author's Note: The word “Dark” is in the title for a reason, folks. Please read responsibly...Brace yourself for a twisted, forbidden romance so deliciously devious, it'll tie you up by your heartstrings and then drag you along for the ride. If you’re a fan of forbidden love pairings, broody, protective Daddy figures, and contemporary Gothic vibes, then this book was tailor-made for your Kindle.However, please be aware that this novella contains depictions of sexual activity within a highly taboo relationship dynamic, in addition to brief discussions of past sexual abuse.If you are uncomfortable with any aspect of the above description, I recommend you sit this one out.


Jaimie Roberts - 2016
    In fact, I’m a real bitch. If the opportunity arises, I will take your husband, give him the best sex he’s ever had, and laugh behind your back once I’m done with him. I do not put on airs and graces. I just take what I want whenever I want it. I am the abused who has become the abuser. I live for power because all power had been stripped from me for years. Now that I have it back, I feed off of it like it’s my primary sustenance, and I don’t care who I hurt in the process.Every woman hates me, but do you know what? I don’t give a shit.You won’t like me. I’m not here to be liked. You want to know my story? I won’t stop you from observing. Just know that once I’m done with you, no shower—no matter how scalding—will ever get me out from under your skin.Warning: If you’re looking for pink, fluffy clouds, rainbows, and HEA’s, then this book is not for you. These pages contain flashback scenes of child abuse in all forms (physical, sexual, and emotional) as well as BDSM and other taboo themes. Love does not live in this book. Only dark, twisted, and sick obsessions thrive here. You. Have. Been. Warned!

Secrets & Lies

Nicky James - 2019
    He came without warning. Without permission. I didn’t want him there, and a small part of me loathed his very existence. But then something changed. Overnight, he became everything to me. I loved him. I cherished him. He was mine. But they took him from me. They tore him from my life with such cruelty, my heart wept. My soul cried. For years I went without him. Until… He was back. And everything had changed. Our bond was deeper. Our needs greater. He was my addiction. But it was dangerous. Too dangerous to hold on to. Too dangerous to keep. Loving him like this wasn’t safe. Loving him… was wrong. **This book contains content of a taboo nature. Please heed warning**


Anita Gray - 2016
    Conditioned. Sold to the enemy.My name is Blaire. I'm head of security to a man who controls the Russian underworld in Europe. His name is Maksim and he's my master. He bought me ten years ago and conditioned me with brutality to worship and protect him. And I have protected him. I've slain everyone who has tried to do him harm. Everyone but a man he loans me to; a man who threatens to break me and everything I believe in. You're going to need a strong stomach and a strong heart to follow my story, because take my word for it, it's no fairy tale.