Tempt You to Accept Me: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Cassandra B. Leigh - 2015
    Fitzwilliam Darcy decided to ignore the voices warning him of the dangers presented by a certain young lady? Would he be able to accept her relations whose condition in life was so decidedly beneath his own? This story begins after the Netherfield party returned to London. (Darcy’s point of view.)

A Fortunate Alliance: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Emma Crawley - 2017
    When a storm obligates them to spend the day at their inn, Elizabeth befriends a young girl called Georgiana Wickham, who is travelling with her brother, George. The two become close right away, but it is obvious Mr Wickham is uneasy about their friendship. And it is just as obvious Georgiana is not whom she says she is. Why else would she seem so uncomfortable in her charming brother’s presence? When Georgiana confesses that she and Mr Wickham have travelled from Ramsgate to elope to Gretna Green, and begs Elizabeth to help her, Elizabeth is determined to do all she can. Including reaching out to Georgiana’s proud brother, Mr Darcy, who is in Bath in search of a wife of his own, and completely unaware of his sister’s plight. Can Elizabeth help Georgiana escape the avaricious ambitions of Mr Wickham? And will Mr Darcy arrive on time to save her from his old enemy? When Georgiana disappears with Wickham from her room at the inn, Elizabeth and Darcy are forced to team up to rescue her. And the experience forces a closer intimacy between the two than might otherwise have been expected.

Fitzwilliam Darcy, Fugitive

Melanie Schertz - 2017
    Fortunately for him, Darcy learns of a position at the estate of Thomas Bennet. As the young gentleman attempts to find a way to be free of the charges, he must also hide his developing feelings he has for his employer's second daughter. Will he be able to prove his innocence and return to his life, and could he leave his heart behind if he was to regain his position in society?

Fine Eyes, Wild Temper: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

JT Hunt - 2019
    Darcy to know each other better and amend their harsh first impression. Miss Bennet’s unguarded behaviour, outspoken and obstinate nature, headstrong opinions and unladylike inclinations for solitary walks do not meet with Mr. Darcy’s image of an accomplished lady. But a pair of fine eyes on a pretty face, a loyal heart, a witty mind and a teasing smile will soon defeat his resistance and overcome his opposition, inducing him to pursue Elizabeth's friendship and then her love. The first lesson he will learn in the process is that taming a wild temper is not an easy task. “Fine Eyes, Wild Temper” is a sweet, novella-length story of approximately 20.000 words, clean and low angst, recommended to those who love Elizabeth, Darcy and pets.

Between Darcy and the Deep Blue Sea: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Jane Grix - 2017
    A stolen kiss. After a scandal at Netherfield Ball, Elizabeth Bennet must immediately choose a man to marry - Mr. Wickham, Mr. Collins or Mr. Darcy - and she doesn't want any of them.What is a dutiful daughter to do?Run away, naturally.Between Darcy and the Deep Blue Sea is a Pride and Prejudice Variation novella, based on Jane Austen's most famous couple.

Mr. Darcy and the Victim of Circumstance: A Pride and Prejudice Vagary

Arthel Cake - 2021
    As she recovers, Darcy finds himself attracted to his guest, but her low social status silences his desires. Soon Darcy discovers the wreck was no accident, but the work of his old nemesis George Wickham, drawing him into the official investigation. While Darcy gathers evidence of the crime, his friend Charles Bingley falls in love with Elizabeth’s sister Jane. Bingley leases an estate near her home in Hertfordshire, bringing Darcy once more into contact with Elizabeth. After Wickham is captured by an intrepid Bow Street investigator, the monstrous motive for his crime is revealed, and he is arrested for murder. Meanwhile, Bingley secures Jane’s hand, forcing his friend to confront his reservations about Elizabeth. Feeling he is free of Wickham’s shadow, Darcy follows his heart and proposes to Elizabeth, and the double wedding of the two sisters goes forward. But then, unforeseen problems arise. A vitriolic attack by Bingley’s sister Caroline, long obsessed with Darcy, shocks Elizabeth. Georgiana has a distressing secret she is afraid to share with her brother. And Darcy’s aunt, Lady Catherine deBourgh, exhibits bizarre symptoms that force her brother, Lord Matlock, to intervene before a major scandal damages the entire family, threatening Darcy’s and Elizabeth’s future. Now, as the newlyweds settle at Pemberley, Wickham goes on trial, and Darcy must testify against his one-time friend, sealing Wickham’s fate. With Wickham sentenced to die, honor, treachery and one last act of evil force a crisis no one could have imagined, and bring Darcy face to face with death..

Netherfield Proposal: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Campbell Davies - 2017
    Darcy is ready to propose on the night of his friend's ball at Netherfield. His ardent admiration for Elizabeth Bennet has grown to consume him and he must have her for his wife. However, within moments after his proposal, he is mortified by Miss Elizabeth's refusal. He is on one knee, struggling to comprehend how his glorious night has gone so disastrously wrong, when Mrs. Bennet finds them. Elizabeth cannot budge Mrs. Bennet's insistence that she marry the abominable, proud Mr. Darcy. He has treated her friend Mr. Wickham with such cruelty, her family with repugnance and disdain, and seeks to find fault in Elizabeth at every turn. However, with her mother's decree that she is to be thrown out of Longbourn if she does not marry Mr. Darcy and—worse—the happiness of two of her sisters on the line, Elizabeth decides to give the abominable Mr. Darcy one more chance. Netherfield Proposal is a full-length sweet and clean romance novel exploring the trials and tribulations of Darcy and Elizabeth. Mr. Darcy and his Elizabeth must face misunderstandings, prejudice, and scandal as they seek to find an understanding with one another.

Fighting for Love: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

David Russel - 2020
    She is reunited with her sister Jane, who is still in the Gardiners’ home.As both sisters are in low spirits, Mrs. Gardiner attempts to cheer them and arranges for them to attend several parties, balls and plays.These occasions lead Elizabeth and Darcy to be caught in some awkward encounters, both filled with regret for their past behaviour.Furthermore, the beautiful Jane Bennet appears to have gained the interest of a wealthy earl, who has begun courting her. She is still very much in love with Mr. Bingley – who, however, has not appeared again.Darcy has more knowledge about the earl’s true character and does not consider him a suitable match for the kind Miss Bennet. Feeling guilty for his intervention that separated Jane and Bingley, and willing to show Elizabeth that he has taken her reproaches to heart, he intervenes to remedy a situation caused by his arrogant presumptions.When Bingley returns in town, Darcy reveals the whole truth to him. Unlike in canon, Bingley’s reaction is very strong, against Darcy, against his sisters, even against the earl who seems unworthy of Jane.Fighting for his love, Bingley is badly injured, in danger of losing his life.Darcy intervenes again, protecting his friend, helping him to heal in body and spirit and to reunite with the woman he loves.Amidst these endeavours, Darcy and Elizabeth finally put their pride and prejudice aside, and unite their efforts in a fight for love and happiness.

Matching Mr. Darcy

Leenie Brown - 2020
    Some people adapt easily to new surroundings and find delight in meeting new people. Fitzwilliam Darcy is not one of them. Being put on display in a room full of strangers is enough to make him quite disagreeable. Therefore, when he attends the Meryton Assembly and his patience is pushed beyond what he can tolerate, Darcy replies harshly to his gregarious friend's insistence that he asks Miss Elizabeth Bennet to dance.Unfortunately for her, Elizabeth is within hearing distance of Darcy's refusal. Insulted and more than a little vexed, she is determined to have as little to do with him as she can and to push him towards his amiable friend's sister when being in one another's presence cannot be avoided.When Elizabeth calls Darcy out for his offensive words and intimates that he is ungentlemanly, he is more intrigued than provoked. He is also determined to prove the lady wrong and sets a course to do just that.While Darcy seeks opportunities to prove to Elizabeth that he is indeed a gentleman, Elizabeth attempts to be rid of him until his company becomes more desirable than that of a long-time friend and hopeful, though very unwanted, suitor.Jealousy is never pretty, and a spurned suitor is not always kind or wise. When secrets are revealed and explanations are wanting, it looks as if the burgeoning love between Elizabeth and Darcy is destined to be snuffed out almost before it has begun.Unless, of course, a meddling matchmaker can pull off a well-timed miracle.Matching Mr. Darcy is the first book in a new collection of Darcy and Elizabeth variations from Leenie Brown called Sweet Possibilities. If you like Hallmark-style romances set in the Regency era, then you'll enjoy this story where love triumphs over a poor first impression, injured pride, and a jealous lover.

Anything Is Possible: A Story of the Darcys and Bennets

Don H. Miller - 2018
    She is on her way to America to retrieve her sister, Lydia, who had eloped to America with George Wickham, but their marriage went sour, he abandoned her, and thus, pregnant and penniless, she wants to return to England. Unknown to Elizabeth, she is sailing on a ship which Darcy had built in honor of his mother, and he, his sister Georgiana, and his cousin Col. Fitzwilliam, are also sailing on the ship. The three of them are on the ship both because they wanted to be on its maiden voyage and because they wanted to visit America for the first time. Part 1 of the story is about the forty-five day voyage to America and the romantic struggles of Darcy and Elizabeth, as well as an unexpected attraction between Col. Fitzwilliam and a woman he meets on board. Part 2 tells of their reception back in England by their respective families and friends and the subsequent romantic adventures of Georgiana and Catherine Bennet, Elizabeth’s next-to-youngest sister.

Mr. Darcy's Twelfth Night: A Steamy Pride and Prejudice Sequel

Elizabeth Ann West - 2021
    For the first time, Elizabeth is thrown head-first into the world of Mayfair shopping, dinners, and balls. You can take the headstrong woman out of the country, but London's highest society isn't ready for Mrs. Darcy's fearless ways.Warned by his uncle that marriage changes a man, Fitzwilliam Darcy confronts expectations not only from his peers, but also his household and even his wife! Absolved of joint decisions when they were with the Bingleys in Hertfordshire, residing in London even for a few weeks places a strain on the new Darcy marriage. Old insecurities and parlor privateers demand a price to be paid and it's the first time Mr. Darcy's wealth may not be enough.One thing is certain, with those fiery tempers come fiery passions. The love shared between Mr. Darcy and his Elizabeth helps smooth over their struggles in communication. If only people would stop knocking on the door! When the Matlocks' Twelfth Night Ball becomes the can't be missed event of the Ton, Darcy and Elizabeth have a big decision to make. Will they remain in London answering to the whims and antics of the fast set close to the Prince Regent? Or will they carry the topsy-turvy night beyond dawn and run away to Pemberley?Mr. Darcy's Twelfth Night is a steamy Regency romance novel for fans of If Mr. Darcy Dared.

The Golden Apples of the Sun: A Variation on Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice

Ivy May Stuart - 2018
    “Mr. Darcy, who are you to dictate? My sister is twenty-one years old: therefore an adult. I will guarantee nothing on her behalf! Of course, you may treat Mr. Bingley as a child if you choose. It would be quite in keeping with the rest of your arrogant behavior. And now, I bid you a very good day, sir.” Angry tears pricked behind her eyelids and she turned to walk away. But Darcy reached out and placed a heavy hand on her arm. “Not so fast, Miss Elizabeth…” he began to say, when a shrill voice called out behind them. __________________________________________________________________________________ A QUEST FOR A LIFE OF MEANING. Elizabeth Bennet, a young woman possessed of a keen intellect and sharp wit has spent most of her young life in forced seclusion in the small rural village of Meryton. But with the arrival of two wealthy young gentlemen, things look set to change for the Bennet family, especially when Elizabeth encounters and clashes with the arrogant and controlling Fitzwilliam Darcy, never dreaming that he will come to admire her or that the social barriers between them can ever be surmounted. Darcy, despite being born to power and privilege, has always been discontented with his lot – not least because family obligations make marriage to his sickly cousin, Anne, unavoidable. Until he visits the small town of Meryton his attitude is characteristically contemptuous and bitter and it is only when he has to contend with Elizabeth Bennet and her disturbing ability to pinpoint his faults while mocking him at every turn that he is compelled to examine his own behaviour more closely. Slowly, Darcy travels the path to self-knowledge and in the process over comes his cynicism and begins to yearn for a life of purpose, passion and real fulfilment. BUT CAN DARCY HONOUR HIS OBLIGATIONS TO HIS FAMILY AND RESIST HIS DESIRE FOR ELIZABETH AND THE PROMISE SHE HOLDS FOR ENDING HIS LIFE OF LONELINESS? AND CAN ELIZABETH OVERCOME A FAMILY SCANDAL AND HER ABSORPTION IN THE WORLD OF IDEAS, TO SEE PAST DARCY’S ARROGANT EXTERIOR TO THE MAN WHO IS ON A QUEST FOR THE MOST PROFOUND FORM OF LOVE?

An Accident at Pemberley: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Linda C. Thompson - 2017
    Bingley takes up residence at Netherfield Park, Elizabeth travels into Derbyshire with her Aunt and Uncle Gardiner. On a day when her relations are visiting with some of Mrs. Gardiner's childhood friends, Elizabeth decides to explore the small village instead. Without realizing it, she strays further and further from the village, unconsciously walking in the direction of Pemberley, the estate they visited two days prior. Lost in her thoughts and the beauty of the Derbyshire countryside, Elizabeth wanders further than she realizes and fails to notice the storm clouds building above her. With the first flash of lightning and peel of thunder, she seeks somewhere to shelter from the storm. Rushing for a dense tree line where she might stay dry from the impending rain, Elizabeth Bennet meets with a dreadful accident. Returning from business in London, Fitzwilliam Darcy races across the grounds of Pemberley trying to outrun the storm. Coming across a beautiful young woman who is injured, he takes her home so his staff can care for her. Darcy hopes her presence will help lift his mother's melancholy. When Elizabeth regains consciousness, she has no memory of her name or her past. During the many weeks of her recovery, Elizabeth grows close to Mr. Darcy and his mother, Lady Anne. When Elizabeth recovers enough to leave the estate, the Darcys decided she needs an identity that will protect her from gossip. And so, Miss Elizabeth Chamberlayne, a long-lost Darcy cousin is born. After receiving two requests, Darcy accepts an invitation to stay with his friend, Mr. Bingley, at Netherfield Park and the ladies will join him. What will happen when Elizabeth comes face to face with her family? Will she remember them, or will her memory still be a blank? All of the original characters of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice make an appearance. How will Elizabeth's lack of memory affect her interactions with them?

Saving Jane: A Variation on Pride and Prejudice

Martin Hunnicutt - 2020
    Bennet becomes even more determined to find them husbands. The family is shocked to discover that Lydia will have an ‘unexpected visitor’ in the spring and to avoid scandal, the youngest daughter is married far from Longbourn. When Mr. Bennet announces the impending visit of his cousin, Mr. Collins, Mrs. Bennet sends Elizabeth to London to stay with the Gardiners. With Elizabeth out of the house, Mrs. Bennet speaks with Jane of her duty to her family.When the engagement of Mr. Collins and Miss Jane Bennet is announced, Elizabeth is saddened and seeks solitude in the park across from the Gardiner’s home where she meets a distressed young lady who has been deserted by her lady’s companion. Miss Georgiana Darcy requires a friendly shoulder and an escort home where Elizabeth meets the cold, older brother. When Elizabeth and Georgiana begin a friendship based on books and music, Mr. Darcy pays attention to Miss Elizabeth Bennet and they begin to fall in love. But can Elizabeth and Darcy save Jane from her betrothal to Mr. Collins?

Darcy and Elizabeth: A Peculiar Courtship: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Alice Morgan - 2018
     How Mr Darcy is going to win Elizabeth's heart? *** This is an edited version of the story "Five Questions" published online several years ago. ***