A Vision of the Path Before Him: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Elizabeth Frerichs - 2019
    Fitzwilliam Darcy at Pemberley. With the help of George Wickham, events spiral out of control, leaving Darcy destitute of love for the rest of his life—until fate intervenes. What will Darcy do with his second chance? Will he be able to convince Elizabeth that he is no longer the proud man he once was? Will they ever get to “happily ever after”? And how will his changed character affect the people around him along the way?

Against Every Expectation

Paige Badgett - 2022
    Instead of the reprieve she desired, she finds herself trapped and miserable—a direct reflection of Mr Collins’s peculiar sense of hospitality, justice, and duty.. The tension in the parsonage is significant, and her friend is much changed. Elizabeth’s only relief is derived from her morning rambles, where she finds great solace in the strangest of places—walking with Mr Darcy. His steadiness, kindness and dependability greatly oppose her previous perceptions of the man, and yet she cannot help but continue to compare his character in Kent with the man she had supposed him to be during their previous acquaintance in Hertfordshire. Could it be that he was now showing his truest self to her?JUST WHEN IT SEEMS FELICITY is near, however, insidious jealousy arises and the betrayal of one close to the two couples threatens their nascent happiness. Elizabeth is pulled away too soon, and Darcy is left to wonder if she ever had feelings for him at all. Can the truth be untangled in time for their course of love to reach its completion?

Equal Affection: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Layla Johnson - 2021
    It tells the old beloved story of Elizabeth and Darcy with new, original, unexpected twists. It speaks about the depth of feelings versus shallow infatuation, about appearances and truth, about regrets and redemption.The story focuses on Elizabeth and Darcy's interactions, the development of their characters and their slowly building affection that grows into a deep, everlasting love. Alongside them, there are Jane Bennet and Mr. Bingley, with their own tale that appears similar and yet proves to be quite different.The book starts in London, in April 1812. Elizabeth has returned from Kent after Darcy’s disastrous proposal and stays in London, at the Gardiners, together with Jane. Both sisters try to overcome the distress caused by the gentlemen that had once lived at Netherfield.The plot pushes Elizabeth and Darcy into each other's path, inducing them to struggle with pride, prejudice, flaws and misunderstandings, along their journey towards the point of equal affection.Among well-known classic characters, a new one claims her share of conversation: Mrs. Welford, Mrs. Gardiner's aunt, a lady who spent her youth in Lambton and her adulthood living an adventurous life.Married and widowed three times, Mrs. Edwina Welford possesses a large fortune, manners on the edge of decorum, a passion for life, and genuine affection for her relatives. She interferes in the story bringing mockery, fighting, tears and laughter, spicing up the tale and adding more surprising turns of events between the main characters."Equal Affection" is the author's second JAFF book. It comes after the readers' wonderful reactions that turned the first one - "Locked in the Netherfield Library" into a bestselling novella.

Smoky Dreams: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Jaeza Rayleigh - 2018
    Now is his chance to be the hero and get the girl by helping his friend to his own romantic happily-ever-after. Or is it? Darcy soon learns that showing up is only the first step in the battle when his true enemy is his own pride and arrogance. Now he must change his own ways and undo the harm he has unwittingly done. Only then can he hope to win the hand and heart of the woman he loves. As he overcomes the flaws in his own nature and the opposition of a prideful aunt, he is helped along by family and friends in ways he would never have expected. Will his smoky dreams of sorrow and guilt turn to a living dream of happiness? Read on and find out...

Being Mrs Darcy: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Elizabeth M. Bridges - 2018
     Elizabeth Bennet takes her friend's words to heart and when Mr Darcy proposes to her in Hunsford, she doesn't reject his hand. She decides to put her feelings aside and responds in a more reasonable manner. Flattered at his affection and devotion, Elizabeth is drawn to Mr Darcy, realising that they are both well-matched in a sense, and their tempers are complementary to each other. Nevertheless, his condescending attitude and pride still trouble her. And the gentleman himself is indeed very proud of his excellent bride and the mistress of his home. And being very selfish in his love for Elizabeth and grateful to her for his happiness, Mr Darcy doesn't recognise her true sentiments. And he isn't aware that he is forcing his wife to acknowledge that she is depending on him for her finances, her social status, and even her name. Their marriage is just the beginning of getting to know one another. Therefore, the misunderstandings between the young couple increase and their felicity in marriage is soon to be threatened...

Meryton Vignettes: Tales of Pride and Prejudice

Elizabeth Adams - 2016
    Time leads these beloved characters down roads of self-discovery, courage, and heartbreak. And sometimes the journey takes them to surprising places. The stories are -1 - Mistress of Longbourn2 - Life After Darcy3 - First Attachments4 - To Do Her Duty: 5 - To Fool A Fool6 - He Had It Coming

Expectations & Apologies

Elizabeth Squire - 2020
    Darcy's caustic remarks about her at the assembly. Would she still have seen him as arrogant, selfish and conceited? Would he have been able to remain aloof and prideful if Elizabeth was not initially prejudiced against him? The road to true love turns in unexpected ways. Although there will be others in my What if series they are all stand alone stories.

A Marriage of True Affection: Pride and Prejudice Continues

Jodi L. Covey - 2019
     That a couple in love truly know one another makes not for a Happily Ever After, but rather prepares them better for the rough road ahead. Such is gradually discovered as Mr. and Mrs. Darcy begin their marriage in sensual bliss, each looking forward to a lifetime of felicity, and neither of them cognizant of the great challenges therein. A Marriage of True Affection is a collection of vignettes chronicling the first eleven years in the union of the most beloved couple in English literature. Beginning on their wedding night, the work highlights significant moments that sometimes test, but moreover strengthen the Darcys' relationship as they struggle to overcome the very faults that so nearly separated them forever. For despite the lessons learned and the love they share, our supremely stubborn couple remains, in essentials, very much what they ever were. Chapters include: A Midnight Embrace - Awakened on their wedding night, Darcy and Elizabeth express physically what they cannot in mere words Disturbing Recollections - As they remain haunted by past transgressions, the couple wonder if forgiveness can ever truly be attained The Storm - The onset of a violent storm en route to Derbyshire leads to their first heated quarrel as a married couple The Dinner Party - Soon after the birth of their first child, Mr. Darcy battles sexual frustration and jealousy as his charming wife enchants the neighbors Welcoming Janie Darcy - Elizabeth falls into labor at a time most inconvenient, while Darcy works diligently to save their land from a natural disaster For Better or Worse - A terrifying encounter befalls the traveling couple, leaving them to work through the ensuing grief and a shared desire for revenge (warning: some disturbing scenes) Christmas in Spring - When a poacher is caught in Pemberley Wood, the Darcys are not in accord with regards to his punishment A Jarring Revelation - In Pemberley's library, Elizabeth makes a remarkable, yet potentially devastating discovery. Dare she share it with her husband? And many more! With the return of some of our old favorites come new characters, as well, each of whom either helping or hindering our dear couple in good times and bad. And as they learn and grow from each new experience, by their eleventh anniversary, can we really expect the idyllic love Jane Austen so expertly built to have endured? This work is meant for mature readers.

The Longbourn Quarantine

Don Jacobson - 2020
    A feared specter has escaped London’s grimy docklands and now threatens the wealthy districts. Amongst that ragged stream is a single carriage jostling its way toward Meryton. Inside are the Darcy siblings along with Charles and Caroline Bingley. They desperately seek the safety of Netherfield Park.For all their riches, they could not evade the epidemic’s dark hand. Bingley’s leasehold had been reduced to rubble as roving bands raped, pillaged, and burned. The only sanctuary was Longbourn where, once installed, the Darcys and Bingleys were barred from leaving by a fortnight’s quarantine.Events converge with disease in The Longbourn Quarantine. Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy abandon old prejudices to face grief and mourning. Pride is set aside as Death hovers nearby. The couple forges ahead. knowing that love unexplored is love lost: that words must be said lest they remain unspoken in the time of smallpox.

Recognizing Love: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Lizzy Brandon - 2018
    Darcy’s proposal and allowing him to assume a love she does not yet feel pains Miss Elizabeth Bennet but she is certain she can love him…in time. After all of the miseries he endured to salvage her youngest sister’s reputation, how could she not come to love such a man? Unfortunately, Lady Catherine arrives, bringing even thornier complications. With the many objections Darcy’s family will have regarding his marriage to the daughter of an unremarkable country squire, what more trouble can Lady Catherine stir up should she learn Elizabeth’s secret? In this Pride and Prejudice variation, what will Mr. Darcy do when he learns his beloved has accepted him although her heart is not engaged? New through Kindle Unlimited, Recognizing Love is a Jane Austen adaptation of about 73,000 words. If you are a fan of Pride and Prejudice variations, vagaries, fanfiction, and sequels, check out Recognizing Love today.

In Search of Happiness: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Nicky Roth - 2019
    In this slow-paced feel-good variation of Pride and Prejudice, Fitzwilliam Darcy, disillusioned and tired of London society, decides that it is time to take a break and do something both drastic and unexpected to at long last find himself again and quite unexpectedly also happiness and love.

The Nunnery: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Anne Morris - 2018
     Colonel Fitzwilliam arrives. Mr. Collins invites Lady Catherine. And Bingley requests that Caroline keeps house, then she brings a friend. With the weather keeping everybody in the village, intrigues begin... With its neat blend of drama and humour, The Nunnery will have you transfixed and laughing simultaneously throughout. Anne Morris is popular on fan fiction sites for her unique blending of genres whilst penning solid variations of the famed Pride and Prejudice story.

Fine Eyes, Wild Temper: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

JT Hunt - 2019
    Darcy to know each other better and amend their harsh first impression. Miss Bennet’s unguarded behaviour, outspoken and obstinate nature, headstrong opinions and unladylike inclinations for solitary walks do not meet with Mr. Darcy’s image of an accomplished lady. But a pair of fine eyes on a pretty face, a loyal heart, a witty mind and a teasing smile will soon defeat his resistance and overcome his opposition, inducing him to pursue Elizabeth's friendship and then her love. The first lesson he will learn in the process is that taming a wild temper is not an easy task. “Fine Eyes, Wild Temper” is a sweet, novella-length story of approximately 20.000 words, clean and low angst, recommended to those who love Elizabeth, Darcy and pets.

Consequence & Consequences: "Ooops" A Regency Romance inspired by P&P

Sydney Salier - 2021
    As he is leaving the area, and afraid that he might have raised the young lady's expectations, he informs her that the difference in their stations prohibits him from following his heart.Miss Elizabeth Bennet is furious with the arrogance of the man, but she has quite recently found out that her father, Mr Thomas Bennet is the heir to an almost forgotten great-great-uncle, the Duke of Barrington, which will make her the daughter of a Duke.Elizabeth, without mentioning her background, agrees with Darcy that the difference in their stations would be perceived by society as an unsuitable match.A few months later, when Mr Darcy finds out about the change in fortune of the Bennet family, he has a difficult choice - be labelled as a fortune-hunter or refrain from courting the woman he loves.He never considered that his unfortunate attitude about consequence could have such consequences…

Where There's a FitzWILLiam Darcy: There's a Way

Regina Jeffers - 2018
     ELIZABETH BENNET’s world has turned upon its head. Not only is her family about to be banished from their beloved Longbourn after her father’s sudden death, but Mr. Darcy has appeared upon her threshold, not to renew his proposal, as she first feared, but, rather, to serve as Mr. Collins’s agent in taking an accounting of the estate’s “treasures” before her father’s cousin steals away all her memories of the place. FITZWILLIAM DARCY certainly has no desire to encounter Elizabeth Bennet again so soon after her mordant refusal of his hand in marriage, but when his aunt, Lady Catherine de Bourgh, strikes a bargain in which her ladyship agrees to provide his Cousin Anne a London Season if Darcy will become Mr. Collins’s agent in Hertfordshire, Darcy accepts in hopes he can convince Miss Elizabeth to think better of him than she, obviously, does. Yet, how can he persuade the woman to recognize his inherent sense of honor, when his inventory of Longbourn’s entailed land and real properties announces the date she and her family will be homeless?