The Shoebox Project

Jaida Jones - 2013
    Remus Lupin (Moony), Peter Pettigrew (Wormtail), Sirius Black (Padfoot) and James Potter (Prongs). The narrative follows them through two years at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and beyond, and explores the exploits, friendships, and relationships of an antecedent generation of Hogwarts students. One of the most emotional, witty, and memorable fanfictions ever written, The Shoebox Project is a perennial favorite. Though it was never finished, it is one of the most involved and stunning extracanonical fan-written additions to the Harry Potter series ever written

To Serve is Divine

R.E. Hargrave - 2013
    All traits she trained hard to enhance when she discovered the world of Dominance and submission in college. In an attempt to start fresh after the unexpected death of her last Dom, Catherine moves to Dallas, TX to escape the shroud of darkness he left behind in her life. She has tried to fight the need that resides deep within her to submit, but finally has to admit she can’t for it is not a choice, but part of who she truly is. After months of mental preparation, she ventures back into the lifestyle by attending a coveted open-night event at Dungeons and Dreams, an exclusive BDSM club.Is it fate or coincidence that Catherine garners the attention of one of the club’s board members who happens to be on the hunt for the perfect sub – a partner who enjoys receiving pain and pleasure as much as he enjoys doling it out?Jayden Masterson is many things: a firm Dom, a shrewd businessman, and a gentleman. What he isn’t, is someone who partakes in relationships outside of contractual ones with his multiple, un-collared, regular submissives. While he likes rough sex, he is not an animal, and can find pleasure only if it is consensual. What his harem is missing is a pain slut; could there be one in his future?Upon meeting Catherine, Jayden feels an instantaneous spark inside him that has him wanting to know not just her body, but her mind. He wants to unravel her mysteries and discover her secrets. Through pain can they find the pleasure they seek? Can part-time pain lovers find full-time fulfillment when it’s not in their contract?

The Boy Who Only Lived Twice

lettered - 2012
    Draco Malfoy is the wizard who shagged him. Adventure! Intrigue! Secret identities, celebrities, spies! It's all right here, folks.54,117 words complete

Be My Boy

Casey K. Cox - 2011
    When he finally gives in and gives up, an angel pulls him from the filthy ground of a back alley.Mitchell isn't in the market for a new boy, but he can’t bear to stand by and watch Owen's demise from the sidelines. He finds more than a companion in the older man when he takes him under his wing, and makes it his mission to show Owen it’s never too late to teach an old dog some new tricks.Original Prompt:Dear Author,I'm an older sub who has lost my Dom (you tell us why). Could this younger man with the killer eyebrows be my new love? I feel so lost and vulnerable. Can I trust this new lover? Is this man the one who will provide me with comfort and stability?Picture Description: Two naked, wet, soapy men, one older, one younger, hold each other in the shower, faces turned toward the viewer. The younger, dark-haired man has both arms wrapped around his lover's neck. The silver fox has his left hand at his lover's waist, his right cupping his lover's ass.Download the story, read it online or find it in Don't Read in the Closet, Volume 2.__________Genre: contemporary slave fictionTags: gay m/m, d/s, kink, light BDSMWord Count: 9,109

Fix Your Attitude

Kassanovella - 2016
    You're desperate for recognition in your career, but issues with your assignment (spoiler alert: it's the Command Shuttle) end up making you the clean-up crew, instead. Your annoyance with Kylo Ren lands you into some hot water. How many messes is he going to make you responsible for?Warnings: This is a very smut-heavy fanfic. Please don't read if you're uncomfortable with that.

As He Watches

Finn Marlowe - 2013
    I’d ask him to tell me more, but he’s got a fetish for self-denial, and if I push I might not get to touch him at all. That’s the last thing I want.The thing is, I don’t have to listen to him. What we do together, it’s completely voluntary and pretty undefined. We set up a meeting, he gives me directions, I obey. He’s not paying me, not coercing me, and he knows if he tried to do either I’d be gone. We didn’t meet in a club; it’s remarkable that we met at all, when we live in two very different worlds. He likes to look, to touch, but he almost never gets off. I like the feeling of his eyes on me, I like doing all the things he says, but I want more. How do I push the boundaries when I barely know what they are?Photo Description: A handsome young man, wearing only tight boxer-briefs pulled slightly down to bare his buttocks, stands at a window, hands flat on the glass, his well-defined muscles on display. It’s early in the morning, overcast, but the man’s not looking outside, he’s facing the camera. His expression betrays many emotions, a shy wariness, annoyance, a touch of hurt, and perhaps a little anger. He’s stunning. You can’t look away. That expression beguiles— what does it mean?This story was written as a part of the M/M Romance Group's "Love Has No Boundaries" event. Group members were asked to write a story prompt inspired by a photo of their choice. Authors of the group selected a photo and prompt that spoke to them and wrote a short story.

The Second Sister

Rae D. Magdon - 2014
    Ripped away from the only home she has ever known, Ellie is forced to live at Baxstresse Manor with her two new stepsisters, Luciana and Belladonna. Luciana is sadistic, but Belladonna is the woman who truly haunts her. When her father dies and her new stepmother goes suddenly mad, Ellie is cheated out of her inheritance and forced to become a servant. With the help of a shy maid, a friendly cook, a talking cat, and her mysterious second stepsister, Ellie must stop Luciana from using an ancient sorcerer’s chain to bewitch the handsome Prince Brendan and take over the entire kingdom of Seria.

The Seahorse

Memphis86 - 2008
    Jensen Ackles, a successful 3rd-year resident in obstetrics and gynecology at Grace's Heart hospital in San Francisco. But when a 22-year-old art student shows up at claiming he's pregnant, Jensen is completely certain he's crazy. After a bunch of tests, a sonogram and a bizarre story about having invoked the wrath of a ram-headed Egyptian fertility god, it turns out that Jared Padalecki isn't joking: he really did get knocked up! And when Jared insists on having an OB-GYN of his own gender, Jensen's long stretch of successfully not falling for one of his patients is finally at an end.----------Artpost: Count: 36,208 complete

Sell Your Body to the Night

Dira Sudis - 2014
    "I'm not a cop. I'm someone who wants to exchange my money for your sexual services. I was told you were in that line of work." "I, uh, yeah, sorry," Stiles said. He glanced around again and then up--the full moon was almost directly overhead. Just one of those nights, maybe. "Yeah, I am. I do that."Completed - Words: 121,553Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Prostitution, Sexual Assault, Car Sex, Barebacking, Comeplay, Fisting, Watersports, Scent Marking, Secrets


Dolce. - 2016
    But when his lifelong friend and ex-boyfriend invites him to his last-minute destination wedding in the Bahamas, Lucas realizes his corporate success can’t hide his private loneliness. Nor will he be able to escape seeing his family at the wedding—and having to explain, yet again, why he’s rich, handsome… and still single.Fate and a taxi ride change everything when Lucas meets the charismatic and clever Jack McQueen, who just so happens to be a male escort. Jack’s presence on Lucas’s arm at the wedding keeps questions at bay, but their pretend relationship turns into something more after ten days of sun, sand, and sex. And before the trip is up, both men will discover that what started as a simple escapade in paradise might just lead to their very own happily ever after.

The Lip-Lock Jinx

Cassis Luna - 2010
    It's just Harry's luck that he gets jinxed by Ginny Weasley and that he's in love with Draco Malfoy.Words: 21,436 complete


In Dreams - 2017
    Upon seeking to escape the following morning, she realizes he is her new neighbour and is quite insatiable. Winner of best Healer!Hermione in the Granger Enchanted Awards 2018.Words: 92,722

Leo Inter Serpentes: First Year

Aeternum - 2013
    Fandom: Harry Potter--------------------------------------------------Harry Potter fan-fiction: A retelling of the original series, but this time our hero wears green and silver, not red and gold.

Tea and No Sympathy

who_la_hoop - 2014
    It's been nearly a year since the unpleasant business at Hogwarts, and Draco's getting on with his life quite nicely, thank you, until Harry sodding Potter steps in and ruins it all, just like always. At first, though, the time loop seems liberating. For the first time in his life, he can do anything, say anything, be anything, without consequence. But the more Draco repeats the day, the more he realizes the uncomfortable truth: he's falling head over heels for the speccy git. And suddenly, the time loop feels like a trap. For how can he ever get Harry to love him back when time is, quite literally, against him?Fanfiction for Harry Potter by J. K. Rowling. HP/DM.

First Against the Wall

Manna Francis - 2010
    Between bruises and handcuffs, he didn't have much success. On the first day, in the first cell, the lights had been on, the water dispenser working, and the prisoner feeding schedule still running. Then the lights went out, and things had gone steadily downhill from there. Now, he sat in darkness so absolute that he couldn't see a hand in front of his face, if he'd been in a position to check. The last time he'd been taken out of the cell it had been light in the corridors, which was something. If the power to the building failed totally, they would suffocate down here. At the moment, the air cycling was still functional, feeding chill air into the cell--like the lights, the heating systems had been switched off or had broken down. He couldn't accurately estimate when he'd last eaten. Two days or so, probably, but he was starting to feel the effects. The water system worried him most. It worked only intermittently and the water had an unpleasant, overly chemical flavor. The systems were failing. Something had gone badly wrong, and had continued to go wrong for so long that he'd been forced unwillingly to conclude that it had to have hit more than I&I. Revolution has come to the Administration, as the citizens rise up against government and corporate oppression. With old and new enemies all around them, what will the new future hold for despised para-investigator Val Toreth, and corporate highflier Keir Warrick? And how long will that future last?