
Heath Stallcup - 2014
    Little did anyone realize the threat was real and slowly working its way to the surface, but not in the form of magma. Lying deep within the bowels of the earth itself, an ancient virus waited. Recently credited with the extinction of Neanderthal man, the virus erupts into a crowded Yellowstone. The park is packed with sight seers and party goers during a benefit concert who are all now fodder for the ancient rage virus. Follow along as Park Rangers and local Sheriff’s find themselves overwhelmed with a park full of infected human cannibals.

Apocalypse Z

G.E. Swanson - 2012
    Zombies roam the streets and mankind is nearing extinction. In an attempt to escape the virus and zombie's grasp, the Jacobs family and a group of young adults must travel 1,300 miles up the West Coast to a cabin located high in the mountains of Washington. Things don’t go as planned and their trip quickly turns into a life or death struggle. Along the way they fight zombies, psychos, freaks, and sometimes amongst themselves.This book contains: graphic violence, sex, and strong language.This is the first book in the Apocalypse Z series.

The Extinction Pandemic (The Hatchery Compound #1)

Grayson Hawkins - 2015
     Bryce Sloan was the epitome of the patriotic American. He joined the Army with the vision of action on far away continents. Instead, he was thrust into the job of a Soldier serving stateside and the only action he saw was at military bases across the United States. After his time with the Army was up, he settled down with his family in Arizona, where he intended to live out an average lifestyle, but before he could settle in, the "Outbreak" began. The “Outbreak”, a mysterious illness, quickly began to spread across the country. Before the “Outbreak” could reach critical mass, Bryce had the foresight to prepare his family for the mass exodus to come. He found the perfect sanctuary for his family; a fish hatchery. As the “Outbreak” unfolded, Bryce ran into multiple groups of like-minded people that all sought out a place to call home, and for those who could contribute to the cause, they found sanctuary in the Hatchery Compound.

Unhappy Endings

Chris Philbrook - 2015
    With stories by;Chris PhilbrookAlan MacRaffenJoe TremblayJ.C. FiskeAnd more…

The End of Everything: Book 10

Christopher Artinian - 2021

The Last Prayer

Lyndon Perry - 2013
    For generations, an oligarchy of priests and politicians preserved their standing while the common workers lived in ignorance. When a young girl starts speaking of heaven as if it were just outside, the rigid caste system begins to crack. Sides are quickly drawn. The only thing preventing a violent upheaval is an old priest's confession and the child's last prayer. But will such simple faith be enough to save them all?

The Dead Won't Die

Joe McKinney - 2015
    . .First, the dead rose up--and civilization fell. Those who survived struggled to rebuild, creating makeshift societies with harsh new rules and harsher punishments. Some would be leaders, others slaves. But none would ever be safe from the walking death. Humanity's Last Hope. . .Off the coast of Texas, an island research facility offers sanctuary, supplies--and hope--to a desperate trio of survivors. But when they learn what the scientists are doing, how their experiments could unleash armies of the undead, they have no choice but to fight back. Kill Them All. . .Dead or alive, the enemy drives the survivors to run and hide--in the last place any human wants to go. Underground. In the tunnels below. Where the dead hunt in herds. . .and the survivors' numbers are dwindling. . .


Scott A. Johnson - 2009
    Survivors live underground, ever on the defensive against rotters -- mindless corpses that troll the sweltering surface. A new menace has evolved, set on human annihilation.

Infected Waters: A Titanic Disaster

Alathia Morgan - 2016
    But does that mean it’s the truth? Nora Ryan couldn’t believe her luck when she’s appointed as the onboard nurse for White Star Line’s pride and joy. It was the biggest cruise liner in the world and she was being paid to go on the maiden voyage. Nora was prepared to treat common illnesses, but what she found aboard was something she’d never witnessed before.A virus unlike anything her schooling had taught her had found its way aboard the cruise liner. One passenger had already succumbed, dozens more were infected as the virus rapidly spread through the ship. Nora would have thought death would bring peace to the ill, little did she know they would wake with a blood thirst threatening the few remaining survivors. It’s a race against the clock to find a way to stop the virus from spreading. She turns to Gill, a stowaway, to help her find a solution. But Nora and Gill soon realize a solution wasn’t the goal, survival was. A Titanic Disaster is the second installment in the Infected Histories Series. Alathia Morgan makes you look more closely at the facts you have learned and make you question everything and everyone. Is history a true reflection of the past, or merely palatable fiction at its best? You decide.

Virus The Unknown

Larry Finhouse - 2014
    But whatever you do, don’t pray for hope.”– Season 1 of Dying Hope, Zombie Apocalypse Kindle book description:Brody had always wanted to live like the rich kids did, with their hot meals and shiny cell phones. Unfortunately, life had other plans for him and his sister Pippa. Struggling to pick up the pieces after their father’s mysterious death and coping with their mother’s drug use and her abominable new boyfriend, the children felt even more removed from hope. In this thrilling debut novella, Brody and Pippa are about to learn to rely on a completely different set of survival mechanisms — a set that would keep them alive while horror, a virus that slowly poisons the human brain, tears apart their small town. Amid the outbreak, tales of fright breed and people begin using the word zombie — something Brody, even though young, thinks is foolish.The horror and fun begins here, Episode 1

Dawn Patrol

Camille Picott - 2019
     A zombie outbreak that will put his endurance skills to the test. It was just another training day for Niles. Getting ready for a one-hundred-mile footrace takes dedication. Twenty-five miles into his run and Niles is faced with the unthinkable. A campground overrun. People dead. Corpses reanimated, eating the living. With his skills and training, Niles could outrun the zombies. But when he stops to help two hunters, he needs to slow his pace and teach them to run. Can endurance running be taught on the go? Will they make it out alive? Dawn Patrol is the prequel to the Undead Ultra series.

Necrose Beginnings: Books One and Two

Tim Moon - 2017
    Then they spread. Soon...they'll evolve. Prepare for the third book in the trilogy with this special limited-time box set of Dead Apocalpse and Dead Horde. Ben Chase went to Hawaii for adventure. He never expected the zombie apocalypse. The infection is spreading virtually unchecked, obscured by political cover ups and mistrust in media reports. Trapped on the Big Island, Ben and his friends find themselves surrounded by the infected. When Ben is faced with a critical decision that places the fate of his friends in his hands, what he must do to save them is unthinkable...

Humanity's Edge: The Complete Trilogy

Paul B. Kohler - 2018
    Can civilization survive ... and escape from the Edge of Humanity?3 books & nearly 800 pages of non-stop zombie action that readers are calling "fresh" with "dollops of violence" to satisfy even the most discriminating post-apocalyptic fan. From an Amazon bestselling author.BOOK 1: Turn -- A town on the run ... The Crazed that wants their flesh. Will they make it out alive?When a meteorite crashes to earth it catapults a small Utopian town into an archaic nightmare. It's up to one man to protect them, not only from the flesh-eating monsters but also from the maniacal colonel who storms in, barking orders for immediate evacuation. Clay Dobbs is the small town sheriff about to, unknowingly, take on the end of the world. When the Crazed come for your flesh, how will you survive?BOOK 2: Detour -- Their escape was certain ... or so they thought. Their survival is, and forever will be, in question.With the nanite epidemic out of control, Clay leads his skeleton crew head first into the aftermath. The nightmare continues as he battles both the Crazed and the rouge, as well as his own inner demons. The once small town sheriff must find order where there is no law until he encounters his near equal at the end of the world. But, is she all that she seems? Will Clay unravel all the clues before it's too late?The road is a dark and chilling place. There is no time to rest if you want to survive.BOOK 3: Reversion -- At the end of the world ... never dismiss the unexpected. A surprise reunion. A forgotten friend. Long odds and determination reward Sheriff Clay Dobbs with a bit of what he wants most. But, he won't rest—he can't rest—not until he's dead. And he has no plans for that until he defeats the insane military General that has caused so much hardship. But, it's not as easy as he thinks, not when there's an even more neurotic psychopath standing in his way. Can Clay learn to control himself, and the undead around him?When the Crazed come for you, where will you hide?

The Promise

Shawn Chesser - 2018
     Hopeful that the unknown sum of money included in his portion of the inheritance will be sufficient to bring an end to his latest run of bad luck and trouble, Riker boards a Greyhound bus in Atlanta with his duffel bag, less than two hundred dollars to his name, and a secret he must protect at all costs. Riker makes it to Middletown only to learn his sister has recently witnessed a gruesome death. Insisting she saw the victim rise from a pool of his own blood to attack the Samaritan rendering aid, Tara floats the idea that the man may have been a zombie. While the siblings are comparing what Tara thinks she saw to the conflicting stories about the event being reported on the news, the emergency broadcast system is activated and they find themselves under order to report to one of three newly established quarantine centers. With this unexpected turn of events looming over their heads, and as a result the reading of the will likely postponed indefinitely, Riker informs Tara of the promise he made to their mother on her deathbed months ago. A promise whose details leave Tara nearly as confused as those of the grisly attack haunting her every thought. A promise that Riker insists is worth ignoring the government edict in order to fulfill. A promise that requires the Rikers to leave town even as shadowy forces seek to seal it off from the rest of the country—a tall order they soon learn will be easier said than done.

The Most Uncommon Cold I: Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse

Jeffrey Littorno - 2013
    Her neck was still bent awkwardly to the left. I was struggling to make sense of what I was seeing when she spoke. “Wha…what…hap… happened t…to me?” She stuttered and slurred, but her words could be understood. Her eyes were still glassy as she slowly turned her head to look at me. I took me a few seconds to respond. Replying to someone who was just a moment earlier to all appearances dead has a way of taking your breath away. Eventually, I managed to say, “Well, I don’t really know, I...uh...came in and there was a man in...airport coveralls named James and...” “I f-feel cold,” she muttered slowly as if she had not heard me. Sluggishly and with difficulty, she raised herself at the waist. She looked down at her bloody body surveying the damage. Until this point, I had not noticed that her right shoulder looked as if a bite had torn away a chunk of the flesh and her left cheek had four parallel deep scratches as if fingernails had ripped down the side of her face. I couldn’t see other wounds, but blood covered most of her light green uniform making it look black. “You shouldn’t move!” I yelled. “Don’t move! I’ll go find a doctor!” I was standing a few feet from her, but somehow she managed to twist around a reach my leg. I felt her hand grab hard into the skin of my calf. “No, s-s-stay here,” she hissed as I yanked my leg free and backed away. “You need a doctor!” I cried out as I spun around to leave. When I reached the doorway, I looked back at her. She was still struggling to stand even as she slid her body toward me. A trail of smeared blood stayed on the white tile floor behind her. “Stay,” she hissed again, but I was already out the door.Kevin Turner is having a very bad day. People around him aredying... but they are not staying dead. Even in a world that seems to have gone crazy, the reporter is determined make sense of it all. Now he just has to stay alive long enough to get the facts.