Book picks similar to
Twelve months: Broken chord by R. Gadd


With You

Nashoda Rose - 2013
    I didn’t think it would be a problem. I could handle a few bruises. What I hadn’t anticipated was landing on my back with Sculpt on top of me and my entire body burning up for him.I tried to ignore it.I failed of course. And having a hot, tattooed badass on top of me week after week, acting completely immune to what he was doing to my body—it was frustrating as hell, so I broke his rule—I complained.Then he kissed me. Author’s Note: This novella is Sculpt and Emily’s beginning and how they met. It is an extra and not required to be read before “Torn from You”. Their story and what happens to them is the novel “Torn from You”. *Warning* Huge cliff-hanger. Like huge! But “With You” and “Torn from You” are released on the same day.*

Bad Rep

A. Meredith Walters - 2012
    Maysie Ardin is soaking up the summer before her junior year of college, shopping, hanging by the pool and shopping some more. But when her black belt in spending lands her in trouble with her parents, she is forced to take a second job at a local bar to dig herself out of a deep financial pit.She thought she’d be miserable. But then Maysie didn’t count on Jordan Levitt, the hot, pierced and tattooed, drum playing bartender who also happens to be very interested in her. And the feelings are totally mutual.It had the makings of the perfect romantic set up. Boy meets girl. Boy likes girl. Boy has girlfriend? Okay, maybe not.But attraction is a hard thing to ignore and soon Jordan and Maysie find themselves in the middle of a gossip induced firestorm. Maysie has to learn whether she can set aside her fear of public disapproval in order to be with the one she wants. Or will she let the opinions of others dictate her life and her heart?

Dirty Like Me

Jaine Diamond - 2016
    An indecent proposal. How can a girl resist?Struggling barista Katie Bloom doesn’t even know who Jesse Mayes is until she inadvertently wins the coveted role of sex kitten in his hot new music video.But by the time she’s in bed with him, she knows his reputation.Love maker. Heartbreaker. Making out with a stranger in front of a camera crew isn’t how Katie imagined herself getting over a broken heart, but when Jesse touches her, sparks fly. The sex is fake but the chemistry is real, and before long, the steamy video is blazing up the charts.Then Jesse makes Katie a tantalizing offer: act as his girlfriend for six weeks while he promotes his new album. The only catch? Their sizzling make-out sessions will be for the cameras only.Which suits Katie just fine, since she’s not about to trust her heart to rock’s most legendary lover. Her body, though? Maybe.As it turns out, pretending to fall in love is incredibly sexy…And falling in love for real, with a man she promised not to fall for?Irresistible.

My Soul to Keep

Kennedy Ryan - 2015
     KAI I had two things in life that mattered. My mother and my music. Mama was taken from me too soon, and now music is all I have left. It’s the thing that’s pushed me right out of backwoods Georgia into Los Angeles, where the line between fantasy and reality shimmers and blurs. I’m finally making my way, making my mark. I can’t afford to fall for one of music's brightest stars. Not now. Music is all I have left, and I’m holding on tight with both hands. I won’t let go, not even for Rhyson Gray. RHYSON I had one thing in my life that mattered – music. The only constant, it’s taken me to heights most people only dream about; a gift dropped in my lap at birth. I thought it was enough. I thought it was everything until I met Kai. Now she’s all I think about, like a song I can't get out of my head. If I have to chase her, if I have to give up everything - I will. And once she's mine, I won't let go.


Ginger Voight - 2013
    At first it is easy to use her freelance writing career as an excuse to indulge the steamy flirtation from city to city. As she gets ever closer to making her lascivious fantasies a reality, however, she finds herself trapped in the fake and sometimes dangerous world of celebrity where nothing is as it seems, including the celebrities themselves. She hangs on to find something real amidst the illusion, while Giovanni balances what he wants against what he fears most. Over three years they come together and blow apart with the same kind of combustible passion. This keeps them orbiting in the others' stratosphere despite new relationships and bitter betrayals. They are bound together by something they can't fight, something that draws the ire of another fan determined to claim Vanni all to herself. Unknowingly they all race toward a dramatic moment of truth that will leave two people injured, and one dead, with a twist of an ending you may never see coming. Author of Love Plus One and My Immortal, Ginger Voight once again brings Rubenesque romance to life through a curvy heroine and the sexy rock god who wants her. It is the ultimate fantasy for anyone who has ever indulged a celebrity crush, and wondered "what if" you ever got that one chance to be with your idol. More than a romance, Groupie is a sizzling contemporary read that throws back the curtain on the lives of celebrities and the fans who love them. Adult content intended for readers 18+.

All The Wrong Reasons

J.L. Paul - 2011
    That first night with him was a mistake.So was the second, the third...And what about Dustin?

Brooklyn Rockstar

Jennifer Ann - 2016
    He’s America’s hottest rockstar, and he’s harboring a dark secret…one that could end with deadly consequences.She’s a small-town girl from the Midwest, escaping an overprotective family.After catching the first solo gig by the rocker with the looks of a Greek god and the voice of an angel, Evelyn’s a goner.But Charlie Walker is the worst kind of bad boy all wrapped up in a smoking hot body, surrounded by scandal, and completely untouchable to someone as ordinary as Evelyn.Or so she thought.When the chemistry between them is unleashed, the danger involved extends far beyond the threat of their relationship being thrust into the spotlight.

Chasing Dreams

Nicole Edwards - 2013
    And he has knowingly just dropped off the grid. The first decision he has made on his own in quite some time. Cooper only thought he was looking for a challenge when he walked off of that concert stage in Chicago. After finding himself in Devil’s Bend, Texas, he soon realizes that the dream he’s been chasing might not be the one he was after all along. Now he’s found himself not only starting over in a new town, but he’s pretty sure he’s met the toughest challenge of his life... she just happens to be an angel in blue jeans. Tessa Donovan hasn’t been the best of friends with Fate for quite some time now. Owning and operating The Rusty Nail, a small bar in her hometown of Devil’s Bend, has been enough to keep her going through the motions of her life. But it’s the only thing she’s got. After losing her husband fifteen short months after they were married, Tessa has spent the last four years chasing dreams in order to maintain her sanity. Only those dreams are soon ripped right out of her grasp by a sexy country music star who claims he descended on her small town by accident. Coincidence? Or has Fate stepped in once again? Whatever the case, Tessa knows the handsome cowboy might get to overtake her dreams, but she’s bound and determined that he won’t take her heart.

Love on the Rocks

Kay Harris - 2016
    She has a couple weeks to kill before heading to her summer job, so she hits the road for a little adventure. But in a lonely cafe in the middle of the nowhere Nevada she runs into two rock stars. They are kind and funny... and ridiculously hot. They offer her a ride on their tour bus that ends up changing Dani's adventure, and her life, for good. Hank Tolk he is definitely her type, and definitely a terrible player. Sean Rush is a bigger-than-life, scary-looking, tattooed monster of a man. Falling for a rock star is not in Dani’s itinerary. But when disaster strikes and one of them proves what kind of man he really is, she can’t resist. Dani has to decide – do a park ranger and a rock star really stand a chance at love?

Down Beat

Max Henry - 2018
    Others a celebrity bad boy. Me? I call him the arrogant bastard who stole my concert venue. His apology? To take me and my violin on tour with the band. It’s an offer I can’t refuse, even if it does come with strings attached. Because Rey Thomas isn’t who he seems. Life isn’t pretty behind the deviant frontman’s facade. It’s raw, ugly, and at times downright painful. But it’s real. And far better than the lie he presents to the world. The man behind the face of Dark Tide is beautiful in his chaos. All I have to do is keep him alive long enough to see that too.Nobody ever said loving a rock star would be easy.


Cat Grant - 2014
    His band No Rules is burning up the charts and headlining a world tour. His bodyguard doubles as a hot, kinky boyfriend who knows just how to push all his buttons. But behind the scenes, he’s suffocating.Jase Hewitt never imagined he’d have a shot at bedding the larger than life rock star - never mind dominating him - but now he’s worried he’s in over his head. Jordan’s kinks run deep, dark, and sometimes dangerous, putting Jase’s desires to both pleasure and protect him at odds.They might have a fighting chance at finding the safe, happy medium between what Jordan needs and what Jase is willing to give, but there’s one problem: Daniel, Jordan’s childhood best friend, the band’s talented guitarist — and a volatile, hard-partying drug addict. Jordan is determined to save Daniel from himself, but Jase has been there, done that, and desperately wants to protect Jordan from the inevitable heartache of watching an addict self-destruct.When Daniel goes off the rails again, Jordan calls off the tour to get him help. Tension within the band skyrockets and pressure from the record label sends Jordan into a dark spiral. Now his band — and his life — are balanced on a knife's edge, and Jase is the only one who can pull him back... but only if the echoes of his own tragic past don't push him over first.

Fall From Grace

Christine Zolendz - 2012
    But, home is definitely a bit different. My best friend (the only person alive now that knows my secret) has a new boyfriend; and he has a friend. Shane Maxton: bad boy, tattooed rock god, eye candy extraordinaire. He is also New York City's most arrogant, self-serving, son of a, well, a definite one-night stand kind of a guy.But, it doesn't matter to me because I've spent my existence looking for the love of my life, my angel. And, there is nothing that Shane Maxton can do to change that.A paranormal romance.


Stevie J. Cole - 2014
    This material is intended for a mature audience. "My name's Jag Steele. I’m the lead singer and guitarist to the band Pandemic Sorrow, and I have a drug problem. Well, I mean it's not really a problem – unless you count the fact that I almost made my heart explode from all the blow I shoved up my nose a few weeks back..." That was my introduction during my first stint in rehab. I'm messed up. If you asked anybody who I am there’s a list they will go down: Famous, rock star, legend, drug addict, womanizing man-whore, but if you asked me, I wouldn't have the first idea of what to say, because I don’t know who Jag Steele is. Really, I’m living every other damn person's dream, and all I want is reality. Roxy Slade, that girl was my reality. My brutally flawed and beautifully broken reality. And she hated everything I stood for. To her I was just one of “those guys”, and she’d rather be buried alive with poisonous snakes than give someone like me a piece of toilet paper to wipe their ass with. Brutal. Life. Is. Brutal. And it is just a giant pain, which is why I chase after anything to make it numb, anything that can fill this void. I just want anything that can make me not feel. I just don't want to feel.


L.D. Davis - 2014
    Alden is used to getting what he wants, especially women, but Noa can't stand the cocky, pelvic thrusting rock star. Some things should remain in the dark, but by grudgingly spending time with one of the biggest superstars in the world, every dark corner of Noa's life will be illuminated under the spotlight. Will she be able to survive it? Will Alden be able to survive the consequences of Noa's past? Will Noa be able to survive the sexy, brash, and talented Alden Breck?

Echoes of Silence

Anne Malcom - 2016
    Intricate. Novels try to capture its intensity; music tries to rein in its soul.I’ve read every novel I could. I’ve lived and breathed every song that I could listen to. The sounds fill my unquiet mind.Then he came.Killian.He brought with him the beauty of silence that echoes through my soul and showed me love isn’t complicated. It’s simple. Beautiful.Some say love at first sight doesn’t exist, that you can’t find your soul mate at sixteen years old. Those are people rooted in reality, chained to the confines of life that dictates how you are meant to think. Killian broke those chains. He broke everything, shattered it so I can see that reality is overrated, that daydreams can somehow come to life.My life tumbled into darkness in the time after I met him, so dark I’m not sure I’ll ever see the light again. But he is always at my side. His life means he knows how to navigate the dark and he can lead me out.I wade through the darkness with him at my side.We’ll be together forever; I’m certain of that.Until I’m not.Note: This is book one of two. Killian and Lexie's story does not end here and will be continued in a following book.