Shaped by the Shadow of War

Don Catherall - 2017
    Don grew up in a world shaped by his father's silent grief, strict discipline, and painful lessons in survival. When his own turn came, Don joined the Marines and went to Vietnam. This book tells the story of his experience in Vietnam, as well as his father's experience in the South Pacific, especially the scorching battle for Peleliu. But this is also a story about family life and the way in which the shadow of war is cast beyond the individual combatants. Don grew up in the shadow of his father's war and parented his children in the shadow of his own experience in Vietnam. He saw war's impact as a child, as a parent, and in his work as a clinical psychologist. Ultimately, this is a story of generational healing and recovering one's humanity.

Drummer Boy: Honour Thy Family

E. Arthur Carkeek - 2018
    Almost twelve years of age, he volunteers for the King's service, in the struggle against Napoleon and to help his war wounded father survive. A tale of bravery, family honor and finding out just what you are made of.

Into Infamy: A Marine Sniper's War

Joe Chamblin - 2015
    The new book Into Infamy is Staff Sergeant Joe Chamblin's account of the men and Marines behind the video and what they accomplished in the War on Terror.Remembered for the video, for the first time anywhere Staff Sergeant Chamblin tells his story of the brave young men who've been so vilified by the media and their superiors when they should have been honored for the trail blazing work they performed as Marine Snipers in combat.They were so effective as snipers, introducing new tactics to the battlefield and killing nearly three hundred enemy combatants that the Commandant of the Marine Corps held a private breakfast for Chamblin's teams, along with the Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps.Read their story and how everyone suddenly forgot their accomplishments when a seconds long video appeared on YouTube. These men are victims of, yes, a their own 17 second lapse in judgment ... but more importantly the political correctness that is destroying America.

A Soldier's Protection: An Eagle Security & Protection Novel (Beyond Valor, #4)

Lynne St. James - 2019
    Now he has a second chance. All he has to do is keep her alive.Ex-SEAL Chase “Frost” Brennan was sure he’d never again see the only woman he’d ever loved. Faith Murdock was the civilian psychologist who’d brought him back to life three years ago, and now she was a seductive, alluring, burlesque dancer who’d hypnotized him. She had a story to tell, but before he could ask, all hell broke loose at the club.Faith started dancing for release but when her fan mail turned threatening, it terrified her. When Chase showed up her relief was staggering. He was the one man she trusted with her life. She’d never gotten over the pain of having to push him away for his own good, even though it broke her heart.Faith wasn’t the same woman he’d known, and Chase wanted to know why. He was determined to break down the barriers to her heart, but first he had to catch a killer and it quickly became clear he was no ordinary stalker. Even with the help of his ESP team and his best friend, Chase would have to put his life on the line for his woman. But he was willing to do anything to give Faith the happily ever after she deserved.

Lost, Abandoned & Secured by Her One-Arm Hero

Faye Sonja - 2015
    They say the people there are ignorant, that disease is prevalent, that no one can survive there. Wild animals roam, bears and wolves, the terrain is tough, and the men who live there have cut themselves off from society. It seems to some like God has forsaken this wild land.One thing they all agree on: It's NO PLACE for a woman. Being a strong woman, Isabella is ready to face any challenge.She believes God has guided her to White Elk for a reason.The people need healing. HER NEW HUSBAND, MOST OF ALL.What will happen when Isabella discovers that her new husband is a wounded war veteran with ONLY ONE ARM? Worse than that . . . a man who believes that a woman should not work, especially after marriage.And a man who doesn't believe in doctors.Can Isabella survive a life locked in doors? And can Isabella help Kit to truly heal?Kit had to wear his wedding band on his right hand. "As long as we're married in the eyes of God, it's all official, isn't it? Don't matter which finger the wedding ring goes on.""Of course not," Isabella replied quickly, smiling, looking down at her own wedding band, placed on her left hand. She saw Kit look down at it and asked him if everything was alright."Of course," he said, taking her hand, and smiling gently. "Just thinking...that it's odd we will wear the bands on different hands."At thirty-three years of age, Isabella thought she would NEVER MARRY.But everything changed after the war. . . Everyone - and everything - she loved was DESTORYED, and now she must start again.Isabella feels UNWANTED, UNNEEDED, in her old life and she is DESPERATE to find a place where she belongs. Maybe even love. But at her age, Isabella thinks that falling in love is just an impossible dream. Until she travels to White Elk.Until she meets Kit . . .Can Isabella find a place where she is truly needed and accepted?Can Kit learn to open his heart and mind to the brave new ideas Isabella brings with her?Can he leave his painful memories behind, and start again with his brave new wife? . . . "Take the journey with Kit and Isabella, as they discover that God has a plan for them. A plan for them to heal, grow, and to find the perfect love they have both been seeking" . . .

You'll Never Walk

Andy Grant - 2018
    He had a broken sternum, two broken legs, a broken elbow and shrapnel lodged in both forearms. He had a severed femoral artery, while sustaining nerve damage to his hands and feet as well as facial injuries. He had been blown up during a routine foot patrol in Afghanistan. Within days of coming to his senses, a doctor told Andy that because of the blast he would no longer be able to have children. You’ll Never Walk is his story. This is the tale of a Scouser who had to cope with losing his mum at the tender age of 12. The story of how a dream career in the Royal Marines descended into nightmare at the hands of the Taliban. The painstaking account of how he grew back six centimetres of shattered bone in his leg and learned to walk again. However, Andy wanted to run and push himself to the very edge of his limits and so he made a colossal decision. Against doctor’s advice and pleas from his father, he chose to have his leg amputated. The operation was a success, although there was a minor twist. Where once Andy’s treasured Liverpool FC tattoo had carried the message ‘You’ll Never Walk Alone’, surgery to create a stump removed a key word from the slogan. The scars of his amputation had been decorated with an ominous new motto, which read ‘You’ll Never Walk...’ Andy would walk again – he would do much more than that. Armed with a running blade he learned to run and play football, scaled mountains in South America and Italy and claimed two gold medals at Prince Harry’s Invictus Games. Through public speaking he brought hope to people right across the country. In 2016, he set his sights on a 10k below- the-knee-amputee world-record and completed the run in an unprecedented 37 minutes 17 seconds. And, most preciously of all, after every obstacle placed in his path, Andy became a father to a little girl.

Gold Team Box Set 1 (Special Forces: Operation Alpha)

Riley Edwards - 2019
    One look at her scarred flesh tells the tales of her time in captivity. But it's not only her skin that bears the marks of her failures, doubt and a healthy dose cynicism now clouds her vision. She's also mastered the fine art of deception. In her line of work it is a necessity. Former Navy SEAL Brooks Miller is living the good life working as a mercenary. Employed by the highly sought-after Z Corps, a private, special-ops company, there are no shortage of contracts sending him around the world. When the Gold Team's latest mission takes them to Bahrain, Brooks thinks it will be a quick in and out. That's until he walks into a shitstorm and comes face to face with the woman who's about to turn his world upside down. There was something working behind her intelligent eyes, and it looked a lot like pain. Not the physical kind, the emotional aftermath of heartache. It will take more than the Gold Team to bring down a Saudi Prince out for blood. Their only hope is the one and only, king of all things cyber, John "Tex" Keegan. Can Tex get a search and rescue team to them in time, or will it be a recovery mission? THADDEUS- There had been a time, I’d been happy—blissfully happy—then a single act of brutality tore Thaddeus Bench from my life. But not from my heart. I never thought I’d see him again. But I did. In a cantina in Mexico. And when he looked over at me with so much hatred in his stare, it pulverized what was left of my heart. Emerson Pierce was my own personal hell. The agony of her betrayal still as sharp as it was the day I’d come home and found her gone. I’d spent years doing whatever I could not to think about her. To stop myself from wondering where she was and why she’d left me. Now my team needs answers from her to stop a criminal mastermind and I can’t trust a damn thing that comes out of her pretty mouth. Emerson’s no longer the sweet girl I fell for, she’s the girlfriend of a notorious drug runner and dog fighter. Or at least that’s what I thought until her lies unravel and the truth explodes. Nothing about Emerson was what it seemed. Nothing about our latest mission was easy. But one thing is for sure...I will save Emerson Pierce, even from herself. KYLE- Anaya Baker knows pain—she got her first taste when she was orphaned and put into foster care. Then it was forever embedded into her soul when she was sold to a sex trafficking ring. Since being rescued, Anaya has dedicated her life to helping others, yet no amount of good she’s done has lessened her anguish. While on an assignment with the Peace Corps she learns of brothel posing as an orphanage and she cannot turn her back. Anaya has one mission: save the young girls for the horrors she herself had suffered. Kyle Smith couldn’t say no. Not when the beautiful woman with haunted eyes asked him and his teammate to escort her to a remote island to save a bunch of children. Her plan was crazy. The island was overrun with rebels and the unrest was at an all-time high. There was no stopping the woman, she was resolute and Kyle was just as determined to keep her safe. He had no business falling in love—but was helpless against her bravery and strength. But when the threat closes in and one of their lives hangs in the balance, Kyle has to make a choice. And the wrong one could mean death.

8,000 Miles: Part 1: A World Apart

Sean P. Thomas - 2017
    While unconscious, the world has fallen apart and he finds himself alone and unaware that a virus has spread across the globe and has turned a majority of the population into undead monsters. After he realizes that the world he knew no longer exists, his one motivation for survival is to get back to his wife Angie and son Sam who are 8,000 miles away in West Texas. John has to figure out how to make an impossible journey across the globe absent modern infrastructure, all while battling flesh eating zombies, hostile survivors, thirst, starvation, and nature itself. He has no idea if his family survived the apocalypse, but he will travel 8,000 miles to find out. In part one of this series, John struggles to escape Afghanistan with a group of fellow survivors. They are challenged with traveling across a foreign and hostile land with little understanding of the extent of the zombie apocalypse. The group charges ahead into the unknown, with the hope that they may one day be reunited with their families back home. Meanwhile, Angie encounters her own challenges back in the United States. She struggles to keep her son safe while desperately seeking a sanctuary, where they can survive the apocalypse.

The Legend of White 19 (The Watson Saga #3)

Roger Maxim - 2015
    He does, but not by the path he expected. Confused records, a drunken instructor, and an ineffective squadron commander all affect Dave's future. Frustration and danger surround him. And then he's in the thick of the Battle for Okinawa, one of the most difficult invasions in history. Join Dave as he returns to the Pacific, deals with surprises and challenges ...and becomes a legend! Packed with flying excitement, this final book of The Watson Saga brings it all together!

When Duty Calls

Leighton Harding - 2011
    William Calvert was an exception to the rule. His advancement was due solely to his actions against the enemy. As Admiral the Earl St. Vincent said of him. “Luck! It has nothing to do with luck. I don’t consider being wounded three times in as many years as luck! No this young man plans meticulously, trains and exercises his crew to the highest degree, and then it is a matter of bravery and innovation!”“Like a young Nelson without the vanity!” Added Admiral Gambier.The French Revolution is in progress and Britain awaits war. 17 year old William Calvert joins the Royal Navy as a Master’s Mate. This is the Navy of the time of Nelson. Already fully trained in Navigation and Seamanship by his late Merchant Captain and Owner father, Will soon proves his worth.When the Master falls ill and the second Master is sent to another ship, Will deputises as Master on a 74 gun ship-of-the-line. The Squadron soon becomes aware of Will’s outstanding ability, when with a hurricane threatened; as a result of his precautions his ship comes through the storm with the least damage. Promoted to Master he also saves his ship during a full gale in the Atlantic. Back in Britain, with the country at war, Will is sent as Master to the frigate Artful. Although injured he finds himself the sole officer on the quarterdeck at the moment the frigate is about to engage two French frigates.Promoted to Lieutenant he joins HMS Victory where he is noticed by Admiral Lord Jervis. After the Battle of Cape St. Vincent, Will is sent back to Britain, where with the Admiral’s strong recommendation; he is appointed Commander of the schooner Snipe. A ship to become famous for its daring exploits.

B-24 Co-Pilot: First Lieutenant John F. Lance

Kathryn Lance - 2016
    A short book detailing: The most terrifying missions: The first mission to Balikpapan, an important Japanese fuel depot, and why it was considered impossible to achieve. Coping with boredom and fear: How joking and calculating survival odds helped deal with the realities. The snafus: The time a temporary Group Commander tried to bomb the US Seventh Fleet. True stories from a man who was there--as dictated toward the end of his life.

Conroy's First Command (K Company 2)

Robert Broomall - 1994
    The station is in a quiet area, and the company commander thinks this will be a good opportunity for Lt. Tom Conroy ("K Company") to exercise his first independent command. Tom worries about whether his men, hard cases like Link Hayward, will obey him. Then Indians attack the station, and Tom's worries get a whole lot more serious.

One Man's War

Joe Nethercott - 2013
    Within months he was driving big lorries and cranes in the Battle of Britain, recovering crashed planes. He went on to the North African Western Desert, Egypt, Libya, Tunis and El Alamein. From there to Italy: Naples, Monte Cassino, invasion of Sicily. Then Corsica followed by France, landing near St Tropez in the D-Day of the South. Finally after four years abroad, back to the UK, a wedding and release from the RAF. Along the way he was blown up, bombed, burnt, and ill.He was not one of the commanders, or the shooting and bombing action heroes. He was responsible for the transport that contributed to everything else being possible. He tells of the problems in organising vehicles, keeping them on the road, repairing, bodging, cannibalising, improvising and inventing. This is the not often heard voice of an ordinary young bloke going through a terrible time, and doing what he could. That surely makes him a hero too.

F-4 Phantom: A Pilot's Story

Robert Prest - 2017
    One of the best military aviaton memoirs ever written’ Rowland White, author of Vulcan 607 ‘I only have to think Speed, and I am at 600 knots in seconds. Think Height and I am gazing down from a eight-mile-high perch within one minute. Think Freedom and I am wrested away from a dank, cold world, cloudbase at 300 feet, through a brief shock of cloud to emerge into a golden blue world, another dimension, crystal clear for miles and miles’ Fighter Pilot. Robert Prest had never wanted to be anything else. And even as a boy he had set his sights on flying the awesome McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom. The big, twin-engined interceptor offered an irresistible combination of charisma, power and performance. Air combat, strike, gunnery, bombing and rocketry, the F-4 was jack-of-all-trades, master of most. From the lonely pursuit of Soviet intruders out over the North Sea and strength-sapping high-g dogfights, to maintaining Quick Reaction Alert on Germany’s Eastern border, ready to scramble Battle Flight at a moment’s notice, Prest and his fellow aviators stood toe-to-toe with a powerful opponent. But the defence of the West came at a cost, and comrades in arms would pay with their lives. No other book so vividly brings to life the high-pressure, high stakes, high-speed world of an RAF fighter pilot on the Cold War frontline. But it’s more than that. In capturing a sense of the wonder and magic of flying, Prest’s book ranks aviation classics from writers like Saint-Exupéry, Richard Bach, Cecil Lewis and Ernest Gann. ‘The best book I’ve ever read about flying fast jets for the Cold War RAF. Both thrilling and elegaic, F-4 Phantom makes poetry of complex, exacting world of the fighter pilot. This is as close as you’ll ever get to flying the Phantom yourself.’ Rowland White, author of Vulcan 607 ‘What First Light does for Spitfires and the Battle of Britain, Robert Prest does for the F-4 Phantom in RAF service … Superbly written.’ Royal Aeronautical Society Insight Perfect for fans of books like Skyfaring, Apache, First Light, Tornado Down, Fate is the Hunter or Sagittarius Rising

The Gathering Clouds

Andrew Wareham - 2019
    Young Thomas witnessed the atrocities that the Nazis had carried out in Spain and trained his pilots to show no mercy when towards the end of the book, he breached the rules to attack German planes. Published by The Electronic Book Company