Book picks similar to
Whatever He Wants by Bridgett Henson


Love of a Lifetime

Sally Bayless - 2019
    If she can just avoid questions from that cute guy at the newspaper, no one ever needs to find out about her past.Will Hamlin, editor of the local paper, has some serious questions about the mayor’s new secretary. She’s clearly hiding something—something that could be the big story the newspaper desperately needs to stay afloat. But after Will’s initial queries find nothing, he grows less interested in Cara’s past and more interested in winning her heart with slices of pie and stolen kisses.When a crime is uncovered at city hall just as Will unearths Cara’s secret, the repercussions shatter their romance. Can Cara ever escape her past? Can Will finally find a way to save the paper? And can they learn to place their trust in God and open their hearts to the love of a lifetime?

Saving Hyacinth

April Jensen - 2015
    They’re brought together through letters and a love of the land. But their pasts—separate and shared—threaten to destroy their newfound love. Son of a law-breaker, homesteader Ben Crenshaw swears he’ll forget all family ties and pursue a respectable way of life. He starts by marrying Hyacinth Payne, a girl from the east he courted by correspondence. On their wedding day, just as he thinks life couldn’t seem more promising, an old foe crosses his path and threatens the future he desires. With the death of her aunt, schoolteacher Hyacinth Payne is alone in the world. After a year of writing Ben, she agrees to marry him, thinking she’s finally found what she longed for—a family and the chance to return to Montana. But upon arriving in Montana, she learns things about Ben that make her wonder if she made a mistake boarding the train headed west. As Ben and Hyacinth struggle to make a face-to-face relationship work, secrets are revealed, and they realize they don’t know each other as well as they thought. Meanwhile, figures reappear and demand attention to a past they both wished forgotten. These adversaries are not easily sent away, and, if compelled to go, they just might take Ben and Hyacinth with them…to the grave. A sweet/inspirational mail-order bride western romance Stand alone. One couple finds their happily ever after. No Cliffhangers!

Emma of Aurora

Jane Kirkpatrick - 2013
    But as she clears a pathway West to her truest and deepest self, she discovers something she never expected: a yearning for the warm embrace of community.  A Tendering in the Storm Determined to raise her children on her own terms, Emma suddenly finds herself alone and pregnant with her third child, struggling to keep her family secure in the remote coastal forest of the Washington Territory. As clouds of despair close in, she must decide whether to continue in her own waning strength or to humble herself and accept help from the very people she once so eagerly left behind.  A Mending at the Edge As a mother, daughter, sister, and estranged wife, Emma struggles to find her place inside—and outside—the confines of her religious community. Emma reaches out to others on the fringe, searching for healing and purpose. By blending her unique talents with service to others, she creates renewed hope as she weaves together the threads of family, friends, and faith.

If You Believed in Love

Staci Stallings - 2011
    Stinging from an unimaginable loss, he has withdrawn from life, wanting only to live out his existence with as little interference as possible. However, when his sister talks him into auditing an English Literature class at the local community college, he reluctantly accepts the invitation to abandon his lonely apartment. Intent upon making an appearance for his sister’s sake and then disappearing for his own, Jonathon sulks into class. But when he meets Elizabeth Forester, the professor, Jonathon learns there is more to life and to love than he ever could have imagined. "Staci Stallings' books are Christian romance at its best!" IF YOU BELIEVED IN LOVE is a fascinating mix of literature and faith. A Contemporary Christian romance, the novel explores life, love, death, and redemption. It will surely find its way into your romance novels and inspirational books collections. *~* EXCERPT *~* “Turn to Appearances, page 31.” Without more than a second’s time, she continued without reading her book. “And so you found that poor room dull,/Dark, hardly to your taste, my dear?/Its features seemed unbeautiful;/But this I know—‘twas there, not here,/You plighted troth to me, the word/Which—ask that poor room how it heard. “And this rich room obtains your praise/Unqualified—so bright, so fair,/So all whereat perfection stays?/Aye, but remember—here, not there,/The other word was spoken!—Ask/This rich room how you dropped the mask! “Browning uses the metaphor of a house again in this one, a structure of some kind with different rooms. And what’s the story with this house?” “The guy likes one room but not the other.” Quiet depth filled her eyes. “Why?” She turned, and her gaze caught a raised hand. “Mr. Hansen?” “Because in one room he was trying to be something he wasn’t, and in the other, he dropped the mask.” “And the first room, where he was wearing the mask was…?” “Unbeautiful,” Susana said. “Dull and dark.” Ms. Forester seemed lost in the thought. “And the second room? What was it like?” “Unqualified,” someone down front said, “so bright, so fair.” “He’s saying the same thing in both poems, is he not?” She turned on the toe of her boot and gazed at the whole of her students. “Be who you are. Drop the mask. Be brave enough to show the world, and far from losing yourself and being criticized like a finite clod, you may be immortalized like Shakespeare, or at the very least, the room you’re standing in might just seem a little brighter than the one where you were before.” Her attention jumped up to the clock. “Oh, look at the time. Be sure to read the last selections for Thursday’s class. See you then.” It was like snapping awake from a dream and not being at all able to shake it. Jonathon stood as the others did as well. His mind spun trying to think of something, some reason that could keep him here with her for one more minute. He checked his things, gathering them slowly, watching her down front the whole time. One of the other students stepped up to her, and she bent to listen. What could he ask her? What question would be good enough to go to the front?

The Laws of Music

Carly Morgan - 2017
    Max Legend breaks them all. Katie Green has big dreams. She's had them since she can remember and she has the lists to prove it. They include: 
Go to college. 
Go to law school. 
Don't date musicians! Become a lawyer. Marry.
 Stay married. 
Become partner at a law firm. 
Have three children. 
Buy a home. 
Raise children. 
Stay married. 
Be a good mom. She's accomplished the first four goals on her list and has no doubt the rest will be accomplished soon. Max Legend is the lead singer of a popular Christian rock band. He's kind, talented, and beyond gorgeous. He’s also sure of his destiny, which includes sharing the good news of God’s love through music. Someday he hopes to find an amazing woman willing to love him for who he is and what he does. Katie and Max meet one fateful night at The Attic, a club where Max's band is performing. After a surprising and amazing kiss, they go their separate ways. But their meeting was obviously divine intervention. They are continuously running into each other. Rather quickly they get to know one another, but Katie won't accept that there is anything more than friendship between her and Max. Can Katie break her dating rules and follow her heart or are she and Max destined to be nothing more than a one hit wonder? The Love is a Destination series doesn’t have to be read in order. Each couple gets their happily ever after before THE END. But reading in order does make the experience more fun. ___________ LOVE IS A DESTINATION SERIES The Laws of Music The Laws of Attraction Love's Christmas Miracle My Valentine's Day Fiancé Dating by Design (March 2018)

The Language of Sparrows

Rachel Phifer - 2013
    Though April Wright stubbornly keeps an upbeat attitude about her daughter's future, she has let her own dreams slip away. Just across the bridge lives old Luca, scarred from his time in a Romanian gulag years before. Though he has seemingly given up on people, Sierra is drawn to him despite his prickly edges. No one else is comfortable with the unpredictable old man spending time alone with Sierra, not even Luca's son. Yet it is this unconventional relationship that will bring two families together to form friendships and unearth their family stories, stories that just might give them all the courage to soar on wings toward a new future.


Morris Fenris - 2015
    Justin, Kaillar and Mason Donnelly have turned their uncle’s outfitting and guide service into a profitable business. Justin, the oldest, felt a responsibility to his brothers with the passing of their uncle. With their mother dead decades earlier, and no idea who any of their fathers were, they only had each other. Jessica Andrews was running away from her messed-up life. The child of missionary parents, she blamed God for all of her trials and the losses she’d suffered throughout her life. Having abandoned God on all fronts, she’d tried to manage her own life, and after being duped by her supposed boyfriend of three plus years, she didn’t even believe she could trust in herself. In a rash decision, she takes a job in a little Colorado mountain town, hoping to start again and put her past completely behind her. Silver Springs may be the place of her new beginning, but she’ll have to go through the fire and find forgiveness in her heart for herself and others before she can get there. And Justin is just the man to help see her through the ordeal.

Why Doesn't God Speak to Me? (Believers' Boot Camp Book 1)

Lynn Hardy - 2016
    Yet, many times the only sound is silence. Over the years people have given me several reasons why God speaks to some and not to others. One night, as I tossed and turned, I brought each of these reasons before the Lord, stating why each of them did not line up with who I thought He was. Words rose from my soul, pleading for Him to reveal why He has remained silent when a single word from Him would mean so much to so many. For the next few hours, God used things I learned about years ago and things I had just discovered to show why He talks to some in demonstrative ways and why He doesn’t speak at all to others. In His grace, He also showed me how people could hear more from Him. I have included these basic instructions on how to hear more from God and how to be led by Him in this book. Thank you for taking time to consider the answers I received and share with you now.

Marriage by Mail

Jan Holly - 2015
    Longing for adventure, she arrives in northern California to meet her handsome husband to be, Charles, a blacksmith with a heart of gold who yearns for a wife. As they fall in love and learn what marriage truly is, they rely on their faith in God and help from their neighbors to see them through. A heartwarming and inspirational tale of grace and faith, Marriage by Mail is a sweet, historical, Western, Christian romance of just over 40,000 words.

Wrath: The Tribulation Has Begun, And The Church Is Still Here!

D.R. Roquemore - 2017
    But what if the first few years of the Tribulation Period are not God's wrath, but the wrath of Satan and the Antichrist? Revelation chapter six clearly says that God's wrath begins just after the 7th Seal, and before the 1st Trumpet Judgement. That means Christians will be here for the first four or five years of the Tribulation Period. In Wrath, the first book in the Wrath Trilogy, a family discovers the truth about the timing of the Rapture just a few months before the start of the Tribulation Period. They struggle with a critical decision every Believer will have to make during this time in history; whether to fight against the Antichrist and his one--world government, or to run away and hide. Go to: to learn more!

Tender Love

Juliette Duncan - 2016
    Once you read one, you crave them all…” FALL IN LOVE WITH BEN & TESSA TODAY!! Tessa Scott is a vet with a broken heart, questioning God’s plan for her life.Ben Williams is a single father doing his best to raise his teenage son after his wife abandoned not only him, but their son, for a life of fame and fortune.When Tessa’s housemate, Stephanie, inadvertently sets up a meeting between the two, there’s no denying the magnetism between them, but will that mutual attraction do more harm than good?If their relationship develops, Tessa would become a mother to a teenager. Is her love for Ben strong enough? Is this what God wants for her life?Heart wrenching and real, this tender love story will warm your heart and soul as you witness the power of God at work in these broken lives. JOIN 1000'S OF OTHERS AND FALL IN LOVE WITH BEN & TESSA TODAY - GET YOUR COPY NOW! Books in "The True Love Series": Book 1: Tender Love Book 2: Tested Love Book 3: Tormented Love Book 4: Triumphant Love True Love at Christmas Promises of Love Books in "The Precious Love Series": Book 1: Forever Cherished Book 2: Forever Faithful Categories Literature & Fiction > Religious & Inspirational Fiction > Women's Fiction Literature & Fiction > Women's Fiction > Christian Literature & Fiction > Contemporary Fiction > Christian Literature & Fiction > Religious & Inspirational Fiction > Romance Literature & Fiction > Women's Fiction > Religious Religion & Spirituality > Christian Books & Bibles > Christian Fiction > Romance > Mystery & Suspense

Moving On

Trisha Grace - 2012
    After the horrific accident that took away his parents’ life, Tyler’s grandfather removed him from the mansion and sent him away.Now, after twenty years, his grandfather had passed away and he could finally go home. However, even in his death, Tyler’s grandfather had betrayed him once again, leaving the mansion to a woman he had never met.Even though Kate Mitchell had never met Tyler, she knew all about the accident that changed the Hayes’s family. Unbeknownst to her, was how she was going to end up being caught in the middle of a long estranged relationship between two different generations.Two complete different personalities would have to learn to get along and play nice in order to survive a will that would change their lives.

A Shenandoah Christmas: A Novella (Winds of Change)

Lisa Belcastro - 2014
    His Christmas wish is to marry the woman he loves. But where has she gone? Andrew Roberts hasn’t felt such anticipation for Christmas day since he was five years old. This year he has plans, life-changing plans. He is going to propose to Allyson Flanders, the woman of his dreams. He’d lived his first thirty years as a confirmed bachelor, contented with dating, managing the family’s fleet of ships, fishing, and sailing anywhere he wanted, whenever he wanted.Until . . .One date with Allyson, and Andy was hopelessly caught by the smartest, kindest, most beautiful woman he’d ever met. He had no complaints. Life with Allyson was better than anything he’d ever imagined. They spent hours of every day together, casting lines into the waters off the shore of Martha’s Vineyard, talking, laughing, and dreaming. He hadn’t spent a day without being in Allyson’s company.Until . . . Something happened after Thanksgiving. Something he can’t figure out. Something he can’t name. But that something has created more distance than a two-month sail from Vineyard Haven Harbor to Sri Lanka. Allyson had no time for him, barely spoke to him, and made secret plans without him.The diamond and sapphire ring resting in the black velvet box looked lonely, but not as lonely as Andy felt. Where was she spending her time? Why didn’t she return his phone calls? Had she found someone else? Was there any hope his Christmas wish might still come true? A Vineyard RomanceRomance, Faith, and Adventure on the Island of Martha’s Vineyard

The Eyes of the Heart

Embassie Susberry - 2014
    It is also a story about Edith Holden, a young woman living in the deep south who finds herself unwillingly confronted with racism, social injustice and her love for a man she is unsure she will ever have.

Welcome to Fred

Brad Whittington - 2003
    The problem is, he can't really tell anyone. Especially not his dad, the Baptist preacher. As the last of the modern nomads, a preacher's family is always on the move, and Mark has learned to cope with life as the new kid in town. At least he's in a town. Until he is whisked away behind the Pine Curtain of East Texas to the microscopic community of Fred. There, his urban coping skills fall flat as he fumbles every attempt to fit in. And the girl of his dreams is immune to his Sixties counterculture charm. But these frustrations fade in comparison to the crisis prompted by a dusty book he finds lodged between the stacks on the library. Before it's over, Mark will have to face his doubts. And his father. This award-winning novel is a moving and hilarious coming-of-age story set against the vibrant backdrop of the 1960s and rural America. eBook extras: Reader's Guide, 900+ SAT words, Preview of Living with Fred