Book picks similar to
Absolute Darkness by Kellee L. Greene


Chaos of the Covenant Series Box Set #1-3

M.R. Forbes - 2018
    Thousands are dead. A fleet is in ruins. Can a group of criminals the galaxy doesn't want become the heroes the galaxy needs? *SPECIAL NEW RELEASE PRICE FOR A LIMITED TIME.* Book one - HELL’S REJECTS: The most powerful starships ever constructed are missing. Thousands are dead. A fleet is in ruins... Lieutenant Abigail Cage never expected to find herself in Hell. There was a time when she was one of the most respected soldiers in the military. Now she's doing hard labor on the most miserable planet in the universe. Not for long. The Earth Republic is looking for the most dangerous individuals it can control. The best of the worst, and Abbey is one of them. The mission is simple. Find the missing ships and kill the traitors who stole them. It's most likely suicide, but she has nothing to lose. There's only one problem... A new evil is rising in the galaxy. One with a power unlike anything anyone has ever seen. One that's been waiting for this moment for a very, very long time. And they want Abbey too. Book Two - FIRE AND BRIMSTONE: Abbey is pissed. You would be too if you had been blamed for something you didn’t do, given something you didn’t want, and changed into something else. She still isn’t even quite sure what that else is. The one thing she does know? Things are getting messy, and this is only the beginning. Gant is gone, Captain Mann has been captured, her so-called team is ready to make a run for the stars, and she’s pretty sure the gift that saved her life is no gift at all. Even worse? The enemy didn't just steal the two most powerful starships in the galaxy. They’re building a whole fleet of them. Book Three - THE DEVILS DO The devil you know or the one you don’t? For Abbie and the Rejects, things are guaranteed to get ugly whichever they choose. On the plus side: They know where the enemy fleet is being built, they’ve got a killer new ride, a few surprising new allies, and they don’t all hate one another quite as much as they used to. On the minus: The enemy fleet is coming online faster than they hoped, the new ride is running on backup life support, the new allies can barely be trusted, and there isn't anywhere in the galaxy where Thraven can't reach. There’s nowhere to rest. There’s no time to reload. The stakes are higher, the pressure is up, and only one thing is certain: One way or another, there’s going to be hell to pay. The rest of the CHAOS OF THE COVENANT series (not included): 4. Kill the Queen! 5. Damned If You Don’t 6. Good Intentions 7. Queen of Demons Perfect for fans of Star Wars, Guardians of the Galaxy, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, or anyone who enjoys a hearty blend of military science-fiction and space opera spiced with magic. Pick it up today, and then try to put it down.

Urban Gridlock

Jaime Hernandez - 2021
    They bear witness to the furious beginning of the Zombie Apocalypse. Trapped in the middle of the city, the pair must fight their way back to the only thing that matters… their families.As the two struggle to make their way out of the city, their families must do whatever is necessary to survive. Max’s family is in a race against time to fortify their suburban castle against the coming storm, while Jesse’s family is forced to leave the comfort of their home to find a secure shelter.With danger and horrors surrounding them, they must all find their way back to each other. In the fight to stay alive, who will live and who will die?Follow the terrifying tale of these two families from one of the bestselling, award-winning authors of the Zombie Road Fan Fiction Collection.

World on Edge

Chris Pike - 2021
    No technology. No nothing.A deadly EMP obliterates the nation's power grid.The survivors must rely on themselves, their courage, and wit, while enduring horrific hardships.Joe Buck is on a collision course with a life altering event. He’ll need to rely on his skills to survive the catastrophic EMP about to unfold as he’s working behind the scenes of his blue collar job at the Super Bowl. Breakout country singer, and small-town girl Lexi Carter is on the same trajectory. She has just finished singing a well-received rendition of the National Anthem at the Super Bowl. It’s 5:23 pm and Ethan Crossfield, the lead pilot of the Blue Angels, has NRG Stadium in his sights, packed with thousands of people as he streaks across the sky at mind numbing speeds, moments before his flyover.The crowd is raucous.The performances were meticulously rehearsed, finely tuned down to the second, and should have gone off without a hitch. Except for one surprise glitch: An EMP.During the chaos and the ensuing struggle to survive, society collapses faster than expected, and an unlikely hero emerges, unknowingly stalked by powerful and ruthless people willing to kill at all costs to maintain the secrecy of their diabolical plot.Find out who is left standing in this fast-paced and thrilling first installment in the World on Edge series.

Necrose Apocalypse: The Complete Collection

Tim Moon - 2018
    Catch up today with the complete collection! First they rise. Then they spread. Soon...they'll evolve. Dead Apocalypse - Necrose Series Book One You don't expect the zombie apocalypse when you're on vacation. The Necrose-7A virus is spreading. It catches up to Ben Chase on his way to Kona, Hawaii for an adventurous trip with his friend Ty. Unwilling to acknowledge the reality of the horrors they witness, they nevertheless find themselves surrounded by flesh-eating monsters - zombies. The infection spreads virtually unchecked, forcing them into a daring fight for survival. When Ben is faced with a critical decision that places the fate of his friends in his hands, what he must do to save them is unthinkable. Dead Apocalypse will leave your skin crawling as you follow Ben's desperate attempt to survive the doomed island paradise. Dead Horde - Necrose Series Book Two First, the zombies rose. Now, they're closing in. Ben Chase and his friends are taking refuge in a government run Quarantine Center. His heart calls him home to save his mom, but the military is planning to evacuate them further away on the uninfected island of Molokai. Flights from Hawaii to the mainland are grounded. It's an impossible task. Just as the infected are sweeping across the Big Island of Hawaii, and all seems lost, a glimmer of hope catches Ben’s eye. But will it be worth the cost? Dead Frozen - Northern Infection Book One The zombie apocalypse has struck Alaska! Working security at the airport is often interesting but rarely dangerous. Yet Gavin McKnight finds himself up against a tough choice: follow the rules or defend his coworker. When things spiral out of control, Gavin rallies survivors in a heart-thumping battle that will forever change his life. Long Way Down - A Necrose Series Story Would you face your worst fear to survive? I never thought I'd have to answer this question. We never really know what we'll do until the stuff hits the fan. Split-second decisions can alter our lives forever. When some idiot burned down my high-rise apartment building, and my friends and I were forced to hit the streets of Miami, I found out exactly what I was capable of. Because reality is harsh when the streets are filled with zombies and the world doesn't give a damn how you feel about it. Not everyone is up to the challenge. Are you?

Flare: The Line

Theresa Shaver - 2020
     Lila Duncan fought her way over the Rocky Mountains to get back to her kids. She made it through the gruelling elevation changes of the mountains. Pushed through the injuries she sustained from her accident. Lived to tell the tale of a grizzly bear encounter and escaped from a raging forest fire to make it home. Finding her kids missing and her home empty, Lila now has to change from being just a determined mother to something else. She will need to be a soldier, a mercenary, and be willing to cross any Line to get them back because she has to face her biggest challenge so far…a city that has descended into madness.

Bridgers Box Set: Books 1-3

Stan C. Smith - 2018
    As a child, she had to fight for survival. Then she fought professionally. But when humans obtained the technology to bridge to alternate versions of Earth, she saw a chance for a new life. She signed up to become a bridger—an elite fighter and survival expert who protects tourists bridging to alternate worlds.Desmond Weaver is a tourist making a last-ditch effort to complete his PhD in evolutionary biology. He has booked the excursion of a lifetime, a data collection mission to a vastly different version of Earth. If he fails, his career will be over.Infinity is Desmond’s assigned trainer and bridger. She is one of the best, willing to die protecting tourists. And also willing to kill. When it’s time to bridge, Desmond and his two college roommates feel well prepared. But they aren’t. Naked and weaponless, on an extraordinary world teeming with lethal predators, the team becomes entangled in a life-and-death struggle more terrifying than anything they could ever have imagined. Bridgers 2: The Cost of Survival How far would you go to save the human species? Heart to blood, muscle to bone, tourist flesh above my own. It’s the bridgers’ directive: risk your own life to save tourists bridging to alternate worlds. Bridger Infinity Fowler has no qualms about the directive. Risking death is just what bridgers do. But now the earth is dying. Bridgers have a new directive—save as many humans as possible, even if some must be sacrificed in the process. Sacrificing lives is not what Infinity signed up for.Desmond Weaver, determined to help save the human species, has volunteered to be Infinity’s partner. He has ingenuity and grit, but is this enough to make it as a bridger? Their mission: bridge 718 refugees to a new world and establish a colony. If the world is occupied, avoid conflict and learn to coexist.Once bridging begins, there is no turning back. The new world is indeed occupied, but not by humans, and avoiding conflict isn’t so easy. As violence erupts, Infinity and Desmond realize they may have only one hope of saving the colony—sacrificing refugees they have sworn to protect. Bridgers 3: The Voice of Reason A devastated world. A desperate colony.As Earth’s destruction approaches, bridgers Infinity Fowler and Desmond Weaver wrestle with the fact that eight billion people are about to die. While on the road to see Desmond’s mother one last time, they witness chaos like nothing they’ve ever seen.Infinity and Desmond must fight their way back to SafeTrek to fulfill their primary duty—saving the human species. Their next mission: bridge 718 civic leaders to an alternate world. They'll then have thirty-six hours to help the refugees find their place in this new world, after which the bridgers will return to SafeTrek—assuming the building hasn't collapsed.But when the bridgers and refugees arrive, they don’t find the civilized world they had expected. Instead, they find a ravaged planet where humans are forced to live in caves and fight for scraps. They discover creatures that shouldn’t exist and weapons that do worse than kill.

Surviving the End: The Complete Series

Grace Hamilton - 2020
     Even before becoming a husband and father, safety had been Shane McDonald’s priority for most of his forty-five years. As a nuclear engineer, it’s his responsibility to keep the Sequoyah Nuclear Plant functioning at optimum levels to avoid what protesters fear most—a meltdown. But when a coronal mass ejection from the sun wipes out power across the globe, stopping a nuclear chain reaction is no longer his primary concern. Fallen World Family is all that matters when friend becomes foe—and the stakes are survival. The world has become a dangerous place for Shane McDonald and his family since the solar storm wiped out the power grid. Tensions flare when it grows clear the dire situation will be prolonged and most are ill-prepared. Even the friendly small town of his prepper mother-in-law has drawn unwanted attention as word gets around about sharing their supply stores. And strangers begin to infiltrate the once peaceful Georgia community. All Shane can think about is where his wife and son ended up in all the chaos as the hours stretch into days since they last communicated. Jodi is far too trusting a soul, her desire to help the downtrodden a dangerous commodity among desperate and increasingly hostile citizens. New World They’ll protect what’s theirs—or die trying. The McDonald clan have learned their lessons the hard way these last months. Shane and Jodi finally realize they must keep their reunited family close and protect their own above all others to survive in this new post-apocalyptic reality. The repairs on the home are complete, solar panels installed, and the now operational pump means they won’t have to continue collecting rainwater for the foreseeable future. But it’s no longer just outsiders wreaking havoc on the small Georgia town, as unprepared townsfolk learn of their hard-earned stores—and threaten to take their prepper supplies by force.

Fury (Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse Book 15)

Shawn Chesser - 2021

Dustfall: The Complete Post Apocalyptic Series

Glynn James - 2019
    When Jonah inherits leadership of the Elk Clan from his father, many in the old man’s inner circle question his son’s ability to lead the tribe to their winter shelter at the ruins of Eliz. A dark stranger, a journey over hundreds of miles of dangerous highway and clashes with feral gangs will push Jonah to the edge. From bestselling authors J. Thorn and Glynn James comes Dustfall, a new post-apocalyptic series chronicling one man’s challenge and his epic quest to save what remains of humanity.

Kiamichi Refuge

C.A. Henry - 2016
    When events on the other side of the world threatened everything they cherished, Erin and her friends find themselves in a struggle to survive the ravages of a collapsing society. As America falls apart, this growing group bands together to help others and save themselves in their Kiamichi Refuge.

The Battles of Rock Harbor: A "Bugging In" Tale of the Apocalypse

J.B. Craig - 2018
    Even worse, this lifelong prepper has almost all of his preparing supplies at home in Atlanta! Torn between heading home, and rescuing his daughter at College, he opts to "bug-in", as everyone in the family has been trained, and knows to get to the river house if anything bad happens. He's terrified he'll pass them if he goes in either direction. Instead, he decides to pull together the full-time residents of this weekend community, even though only a small percentage of the homeowners are on the peninsula when the lights go out. What follows is a tale of leadership, survival, combat, romance and heartbreak as this veteran combat engineer uses every trick up his sleeve to hold off those that would take what they want from the community of Rock Harbor, VA. As the days go by, he builds an unexpectedly resilient team of retirees, stay-at-home mom's, Honduran construction workers and some neighbors from around the peninsula. This book of survival has some fishing stories, some romance, lots of things that go BOOM, and a group of interesting and diverse characters who are all just trying to survive when the United States is attacked. He builds a pack of Sheepdogs to protect the residents against the Wolves, who are constantly trying to conquer this seemingly unprotected community.

The Belial Series: Books 4-7

R.D. Brady - 2016
    She didn't realize there was one thing left for her to lose. . . Her life. Life has not been easy for fifteen-year old Lou Thomas. In the last few years, her once happy family has been whittled down to just herself and her unreliable older sister Charlotte. It's been a daily struggle to make it through. And it's about to get worse. Because Lou's abilities - enhanced strength, speed, and healing - have just awakened. While Lou may not understand what is happening to her, another group does. And they won't let anyone get in the way of gathering their new recruit. Jennifer Witt, though, is determined to keep that from happening. She sees herself in the tough teenager and will do whatever is necessary to keep her safe. But how can you keep someone safe when they insist on running into danger? *** The Belial Children. All children should be safe from harm . . . Someone didn't get the message. Life has not calmed down for Delaney McPhearson now that she has become the ring bearer. For the last few months, she, Henry Chandler, and Jake Rogan have been finding the camps of the teenage potentials left behind by Amar. In their search, they've come across something they didn't expect: More children are missing but these children are younger - much younger. One of the largest lines of investigation leads them to early American history and the legends of an ancient race of giants. But are they getting closer to the missing children or heading down a path that will only lead them farther away? Together, Laney, Jake, and Henry have faced incredible odds together and won. But this time the cost feels that much steeper. Because this time it's not just their lives at risk - this time it's children who may pay the ultimate price. *** The Belial Origins Revelations, death, and destiny The three forces have ruled Delaney's McPhearson's life for the last two years. But the greatest revelation is yet to come . . . And the greatest sacrifice. *** The Belial Search. The world is reaching a crisis point as an ancient threat re-emerges. And the clock has just begun ticking on a whole new battlefront. Delaney McPhearson is still reeling from the events in Heaven's Gate six months ago. Henry and Jake are physically healing and while Laney might look fine, not all wounds are so easy to see. At the same time, the Fallen have made themselves known across the globe. Laney is being pulled from one crisis to another. But soon a new threat arises that requires all of her focus: Someone is targeting the people who are connected to the Fallen. And they are not distinguishing between the good and the bad. The quest to stop the murders ranges across the Pacific and back in time to a dark period in human history when human sacrifices were commonplace. Laney will do whatever she must to stop these people. But the question is, will that be enough?

Sink: The Lost World

Perrin Briar - 2015
    It can happen anywhere, anytime. It drinks lakes dry, consumes jungles, and even demolishes entire mountains. You may have seen one in your street. But these things aren’t lost. They’ve simply been moved. Things are forgotten on the surface all the time. Beneath the crust, they’re always remembered.SINK. A forgotten world. A lost world. But not for long.

Through the Storm

Kyle Pratt - 2017
     That’s the news Neal Evans hears while hundreds of miles from home at a conference in Nevada. Will it cause only beautiful auroras to dance across the night sky or plunge technology back a hundred years? As politicians and scientists debate, Neal drives north toward home. On the family farm, Drake Evans is a happy high school freshman. Instead of staying home with his younger brother, Conner Evans has gone hunting. So, it’s party time for Drake! As the world descends into darkness, Neal and Conner must confront panic, hunger, and fear on their long journeys home. Drake, alone on the farm, must become a man even before he unravels his teen years.

The Exterminators Trilogy: A Post-Apocalyptic Thriller Box Set

Mark Gillespie - 2018
     And all the people are going mad in the darkness. Has humanity met its match? Or will hope spring from the unlikeliest of places? For the first time ever, The Exterminators Trilogy (Black Storm, Black Fever, Black Earth) is available for you to own in one handy box set. Read this chilling post-apocalyptic horror series from start to finish at your leisure with no waiting in between for the next installment. And when it’s all over, you’ll never take sunlight for granted again… Get The Exterminators Trilogy now!