Home Run

Cole Bates - 2016
    Since he came out of the closet in middle school he’s been tormented by the same group of boys he goes to high school with, the jocks on the baseball team who have shown him no mercy. He keeps to himself as much as he can and doesn’t even tell his mother who raised him alone and has been his best friend. So, when his mother meets and marries the father of one of those very same boys an Alex is faced with a choice between breaking his mother’s heart and living under the same roof as one of his tormenters, he chooses the latter. Now the question he faces is how to survive with Ryan Reed, one of the most popular guys on the baseball team living in the room next door. Alex tries to ignore him both at home and at school, but in spite of all of the years of strife between them, Alex begins to see something in Ryan that goes way beyond his hot body, gorgeous face and seemingly black soul. Can Alex save Ryan from himself, and if so, at what cost to his own life? Ryan Reed is good-looking, athletic and one of the most popular seniors in school. He’s grown up with a single father so most of what he’s learned about life was how a “real man” would handle things. He has it in his head that masculinity also means keeping your emotions tucked away where no one can see them and they can’t be used against you. He’s learned how to channel his feelings into baseball and any angst that’s left over is used spent in the torture he and his friend’s heap on his new step-brother, Alex Matthews. Picking on Alex is not as much of an option now however since his father has warned him not to. But not participating in the actual bullying and doing something to stop it are two different things and Ryan’s not ready to risk his reputation to save a boy he’s not even sure he likes. When Ryan’s future is threatened by failing out of high school he’s surprised when the most unlikely of all people steps up and offers to help him. Alex is willing to tutor him and Ryan is willing to try and use his step-brother’s brilliant brain to get what he wants. What he hadn’t bargained for was how spending so much time with Alex would change the way he looked at things. He begins to realize that although Alex doesn’t have the physical size and strength that he does, he has something Ryan does not. Alex is brave and even after everything he’s gone through, he’s good. Ryan goes from wanting to take advantage of his step-brother’s kindness to actually wanting to stand up to his friends and protect him. But will he be able to find the courage to do that and in the process will his most tightly guarded secret be revealed?

Forever in One Second

Finn Marlowe - 2012
    Nothing would please him more than to share those stolen moments with the man who, literally, held his life in his hands. First, though, he has to find him. Then convince him it’s safe to come out of his self-imposed shadows.Even if it means playing dirty.Court has no regrets about manipulating that one second of fate to save Dane’s life, but having this accursed power to cheat death isn’t the only thing darkening his lonely existence. The last thing he needs is an eternal optimist shining a cheery light on the dark, tortured corners of his past. Except now that Dane has found him, there’s no shaking him...and the longer Court basks in Dane’s relentless warmth, the more he begins to believe that maybe, just maybe, happiness can at last be his.Distracted by the devilish sparkle in Dane’s eyes, Court begins to forget that there are those who would kill to control his stunning power. And that Dane is the perfect bait…Warning: Beware—features a man with absolutely no scruples about resorting to seduction and cheap tricks to get what he wants. Plus a skittish, supernaturally gifted paramedic who’s about to discover that it’s okay to go along for the ride.


A.B. Gayle - 2012
    The fact that he gets to work in Gay Central, aka San Francisco, is just the icing on the rainbow-colored cake. Ben sets himself just three goals: be out and proud enough to participate in the Pride parade; seek out the company of like-minded souls in the clubs; and maybe, if he's lucky, fall in love. But the men Ben meets are everything he's not: suave, confident, sophisticated, and sexy. Unlike redneck Ben, they're blue bloods from blue states, born with status, wealth, and the responsibility that comes with the package. Ben's still wondering if red and blue can mix when he discovers what risk really means. The global economy tanks. The job he looked forward to is in jeopardy, and every dream Ben ever had is threatened, especially love, the biggest dream of all.

As You Are

Ethan Day - 2009
    Julian may have no idea what he wants to do with his life, but he definitely knows he‘s in love with the boy next door: The one in next room to be exact, his roommate Danny Wallace.Danny owns a used text book store just off campus and while Julian has done his level best to make Danny fall for him, all his hard work appears to have been in vain. Danny doesn’t seem to view Julian as anything other than that…a roommate and friend. So when new guy in town Andy Baker asks him out on a date, Julian can’t seem to think of a good reason to say no.Julian has already instituted a Reverse Operation Danny plan, which he’s positive will purge all thoughts of love and lust for his roomie out of his head. He’s ready to move on and start looking for his next Mr. Right, and Andy just might fit the bill.

Last Stop

Lou Harper - 2012
    Quiet, uneventful, safe from his shadowy past. The breezy young drifter who answers his help-wanted ad makes him uneasy in ways he dare not examine too closely. Except he can't help but be pulled in by Jay Colby's spunky attitude, endless stories, and undeniable sex appeal.Fresh off yet another romantic disaster, Jay doesn't understand his attraction to the taciturn line cook, but there's no fighting the chemistry that lands them in bed together. Where Sam's subtly dominant streak takes command, and Jay delights in discovering the pleasures of his submissive side.Safe in the assumption their relationship is temporary, neither lover holds back when the heat is on. Until Sam's deadly past catches up with them with a vengeance, forcing him to drop the life he's built, pick up his lover, and run. As danger cuts closer to the bone, Sam and Jay are forced to face the truth. About themselves, about the depth of their love-and the newly forged bonds that are about to be tested to the limit.Warning: Contains enough sparks to ignite a sexual fire, ably fanned by the judicious use of some interesting props, as well as some butt-warming spanking. Sizzzzle.

Tigers and Devils

Sean Kennedy - 2009
    His friends despair of him ever meeting someone, but despite his loneliness, Simon is cautious about looking for more. Then his best friends drag him to a party, where he barges into a football conversation and ends up defending the honour of star forward Declan Tyler—unaware that the athlete is present. In that first awkward meeting, neither man has any idea they will change each other's lives forever.Like his entire family, Simon revels in living in Melbourne, the home of Australian Rules football and mecca for serious fans. There, players are treated like gods—until they do something to fall out of public favour. This year, the public is taking Declan to task for suffering injuries outside his control, so Simon's support is a bright spot.But as Simon and Declan fumble toward a relationship, keeping Declan's homosexuality a secret from well-meaning friends and an increasingly suspicious media becomes difficult. Nothing can stay hidden forever. Soon Declan will have to choose between the career he loves and the man he wants, and Simon has never been known to make things easy—for himself or for others.


John Inman - 2012
    Throw in an incontinent Chihuahua, an unrequited love affair, a severe case of social anxiety disorder, a dying father, and a man-eating hog and it becomes darned near impossible. Still, it takes two to tango—and when Tom Morgan, a mild-mannered assistant bank manager with a debilitating case of shyness, meets Frank Wells, who is straight off the farm and even shyer than he is, sparks start flying.Just when Tom and Frank’s burgeoning love affair is rolling along nicely, Frank must return to Indiana to oversee the farm while his father battles cancer. Tom tags along to help Frank out and finds himself slopping hogs and milking cows and wondering what the hell happened to his orderly citified existence. And what’s with all the chickens? Tom hates chickens!With Frank’s help, Tom grits his teeth and muddles through. Funny what a couple of guys can accomplish when they’re crazy about each other. Not even nine hundred chickens can stand in the way of true love.

My Christmas Present

Toni Griffin - 2011
    The one present he wants more than anything is the one that's been forever out of his reach, his dad's best friend, Mitchell.Mitchell has watched Lucas grow over the years into a smart, sexy young man. Falling in love with his best friend's son was never in his plans. The early Christmas present Mitchell receives will change his life forever.

Out in the Field

Kate McMurray - 2012
    His dream comes true and then some; he finds himself playing alongside his idol, first baseman Matt Blanco, who is everything he dreamed of and more. Matt Blanco is entering the twilight of his career, plagued by injuries and two decades of lying about who and what he is, but he thinks he still has a few good years left in the major leagues. Then he meets Iggy and everything turns upside down. But carrying on an affair with a much younger man is one thing. Having an affair with his teammate introduces a whole new set of complications. When a trade and a career-ending injury threaten to keep them apart, both men have to figure out what they’re willing to risk for the love of baseball and each other.

A Lesson in Pride

Jordan Chambers - 2015
    After the closeted college student has a drunken meltdown at his well-to-do family's Christmas party (involving a few bombshell confessions and some not-so-polite uses for the angel tree topper) he suddenly finds himself disowned and cut off from the family funds. Back in New York, Josh tries to put the hangover behind him as he prepares for a swanky art competition. Of course fate has other plans, and after crossing paths with a mysterious bad-boy named Luke, Josh begins to question everything he thought he knew about himself. Josh can't help but think that this unrefined biker (dreamy as he is) is the last thing his reputation needs right now. But when Luke drops a few bombshell confessions of his own and Josh is left to find out who his true friends are, the artist might just find that opposites attract. "A Lesson in Pride" is a steamy standalone novel with HEA and no cliffhanger.

Long Tall Drink

L.C. Chase - 2011
    Having seen what can happen to an openly gay cowboy in small town America, and not willing to risk his ranch Ford Creek’s legendary reputation, he keeps that part of himself tightly locked down. Everything changes one Sunday morning when Ray, out of character, picks up a handsome hitchhiker looking for work. Hiring the enigmatic cowboy stretches the bounds of Ray’s control and, suddenly, he finds himself asking just what he’d be willing to risk for a chance at true love. Travis Morgan learned a hard lesson early in his life—love is conditional. Even though he’s a world-class horse trainer in high demand, he lives the life of a drifter, moving from ranch to ranch like the wind. He’ll play when the opportunity arises, but he won’t invest himself emotionally. But when he takes on the job training horses at Ford Creek Ranch, the stoic rancher with the sexy five o’clock shadow just might change all that—if Travis can take the risk and stick around long enough to find out. Note: This title was previously published at Loose Id, and has been revised to include an extended ending.

The House on Hancock Hill

Indra Vaughn - 2014
    He’d blame his past if he wasn’t trying so hard to avoid it.When his family’s farmhouse burns to the ground, he’s summoned to identify a body found in the ashes. Jason returns to Hancock, Michigan, and reunites with a childhood friend, small town vet Henry McCavanaugh. After fifteen years apart, their rekindled friendship soon develops into much more. But Jason’s baggage threatens their blossoming romance, and he leaves town unannounced to escape his feelings—and Henry’s feelings for him. He has learned the hard way if something seems too good to be true, it’s best to run for the hills. Jason stress-bakes more confections than he knows what to do with before wondering if he’s running in the wrong direction.

Rode Hard

Kelex - 2015
    He’s got a long habit of thinking with the wrong head, as his desire for a spot of fun is all he really cares about. Luckily, he’s a hard worker, too, and lands a job at the Triple M ranch in the next county alongside three of the toughest ranch hands around.Jensen James has been in a three-way with ranch hands Owen and Davis for years. They’d worked well together and loved hard all night, but Jensen couldn’t stop feeling like the odd man out. When ranch owner, Mack Maitland, announces he’s bought the ranch next door and wants to increase his herd—and bring in new hands—Owen and Davis see it as the end to their fun. Jensen sees it as an opportunity, especially after he meets hot-bodied new hand Austin.The two of them combust when they’re around one another, but soon learn they just might not suit. Jensen refuses to give up, though, and quickly wears Austin down.

Maybe With a Chance of Certainty

John Goode - 2011
    Brad is the baseball star at Foster High. Both boys are damaged in ways that the rest of the world can’t see. When they bond over a night of history tutoring, Kyle thinks that maybe his life has taken a turn for the not-so-lonely.He finds out quickly that the promise of fairy-tale love is a lie when you’re gay and falling for one of the most popular boys in school, and if being different is a sin in high school, then being gay is the biggest sin of all. Now Kyle and Brad need to come to an understanding amidst the scrutiny of their peers or their fledgling relationship will crash and burn before it ever gets off the ground.

Haven's Creed

Parker Williams - 2015
    To escape his haunted past, he joins the military, where, as a sniper, he is trained to kill with precision and detachment. When a covert organization offers him a new purpose, he becomes Haven, an operative devoted to protecting the innocent when he can and avenging them when he cannot.After ten years of battling the evil in the world, the life no longer holds the attraction or meaning it once had, and he’s ready to walk away. Then he meets Samuel, a young man forced from the age of twelve to work as a sex slave. If ever a man had a need for Haven, it is this one.Yet nothing about this growing relationship is one-sided. Sammy gives Haven a stability he’s never known, and Haven becomes the rock upon which Sammy knows he can depend.When Sammy reveals something about the enemy Haven has been hunting for months, Sammy fears it will destroy what they’ve built and he’ll lose his home in Haven’s heart.