A Fortunate Alliance: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Emma Crawley - 2017
    When a storm obligates them to spend the day at their inn, Elizabeth befriends a young girl called Georgiana Wickham, who is travelling with her brother, George. The two become close right away, but it is obvious Mr Wickham is uneasy about their friendship. And it is just as obvious Georgiana is not whom she says she is. Why else would she seem so uncomfortable in her charming brother’s presence? When Georgiana confesses that she and Mr Wickham have travelled from Ramsgate to elope to Gretna Green, and begs Elizabeth to help her, Elizabeth is determined to do all she can. Including reaching out to Georgiana’s proud brother, Mr Darcy, who is in Bath in search of a wife of his own, and completely unaware of his sister’s plight. Can Elizabeth help Georgiana escape the avaricious ambitions of Mr Wickham? And will Mr Darcy arrive on time to save her from his old enemy? When Georgiana disappears with Wickham from her room at the inn, Elizabeth and Darcy are forced to team up to rescue her. And the experience forces a closer intimacy between the two than might otherwise have been expected.

An Engagement at Pemberley: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Rosemary Barton - 2020
    Though she has heard that the owner is a proud, unpleasant man, he is away from home and will not interfere with her enjoyment of the woods and fields surrounding the magnificent house. But when a strange man encounters her in the woods and accuses her of being a thief, she is determined to embarrass him for his error. Only to discover she has been completely mistaken in his identity. Fitzwilliam Darcy is perplexed by the strange girl before him. Her appearance is dishevelled from her walk in his woods, but her eyes sparkle, and she has a quick wit that captivates him. He is eager to know more of her, but his initial impression of her as a thief means the sentiment is not returned. As Darcy and Elizabeth are thrown together more and more in the beautiful Derbyshire countryside, their initial feelings for one another grow and deepen into something more. But Miss Bingley, the sister of Darcy’s closest friend, is not pleased by the love developing between Eliza Bennet and the man Miss Bingley is determined to marry. Fearing a proposal is imminent, she stoops to a level which shocks even those who know her best and which threatens to tear Elizabeth and Darcy apart forever.

Mr. Darcy and the Victim of Circumstance: A Pride and Prejudice Vagary

Arthel Cake - 2021
    As she recovers, Darcy finds himself attracted to his guest, but her low social status silences his desires. Soon Darcy discovers the wreck was no accident, but the work of his old nemesis George Wickham, drawing him into the official investigation. While Darcy gathers evidence of the crime, his friend Charles Bingley falls in love with Elizabeth’s sister Jane. Bingley leases an estate near her home in Hertfordshire, bringing Darcy once more into contact with Elizabeth. After Wickham is captured by an intrepid Bow Street investigator, the monstrous motive for his crime is revealed, and he is arrested for murder. Meanwhile, Bingley secures Jane’s hand, forcing his friend to confront his reservations about Elizabeth. Feeling he is free of Wickham’s shadow, Darcy follows his heart and proposes to Elizabeth, and the double wedding of the two sisters goes forward. But then, unforeseen problems arise. A vitriolic attack by Bingley’s sister Caroline, long obsessed with Darcy, shocks Elizabeth. Georgiana has a distressing secret she is afraid to share with her brother. And Darcy’s aunt, Lady Catherine deBourgh, exhibits bizarre symptoms that force her brother, Lord Matlock, to intervene before a major scandal damages the entire family, threatening Darcy’s and Elizabeth’s future. Now, as the newlyweds settle at Pemberley, Wickham goes on trial, and Darcy must testify against his one-time friend, sealing Wickham’s fate. With Wickham sentenced to die, honor, treachery and one last act of evil force a crisis no one could have imagined, and bring Darcy face to face with death..

A Year Without Summer: A Variation on Pride and Prejudice

Martin Hunnicutt - 2020
    The Bennet family recognizes that the winter is very cold but nothing prepares them for the ‘year without a summer’ that follows. Frost and cool temperatures every month of the growing season reduce harvests of important grains, vegetables, and fruits. Their England is dependent upon locally grown foodstuffs and the people are unable to bring in food stuffs from other parts of the world–in fact other parts of the world would not have had surpluses of food to send. Horse and oxen-drawn wagons could only move produce so far in any single day.With some good luck, Mr. Darcy and Miss Bennet separate after the Ball at Netherfield on excellent terms. Through happenstance, the couple meet at Hunsford at Easter during the cold spring, fall in love and become engaged. However, as the families and tenants struggle to harvest diminished harvests of grains and hay, the Bennet and Darcy families struggle to remain hopeful. The poor harvests do not prevent the marriage of Elizabeth and Fitzwilliam, and they travel from London to Pemberley for the lean winter that affects the inhabitants of manor houses and farmhouses.In Hertfordshire, Charles Bingley must deal with Caroline and his aunt from Scarborough, and Jane must rally her family as they discover how much they miss Elizabeth’s humour and wit. But in spring 1817, the weather makes all of England a green and bountiful land once again, and Jane and Charles find their way toward the happily-ever-after they deserve.

The Pleasure of Mr. Darcy's Love

Glenna Mason - 2016
    Darcy’s Love begins two years after Darcy’s letter of explanation to Elizabeth. . . a time of great anguish for both. These intervening years have brought immense changes in the lives of the all the Pride and Prejudice characters. Unsurprisingly, Jane and Bingley are now married, but all our other favorites are flung into unexpected lives. The Collins will no longer inherit Longbourn. Why? Where has Lydia disappeared to? How can she be found? Who tries to kidnap Georgiana? Will Elizabeth finally find pleasure in Mr. Darcy’s love or will Caroline and Wickham and perhaps even Lydia intercede?

A Tale of Two Courtships

Jann Rowland - 2018
    Charles Bingley, and then the object of interest to Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy. Her sister Jane, away in London, visiting her aunt and uncle, returns to find Longbourn changed and a gentleman caller of her own. But there are others who do not wish for these courtships to proceed, or succeed. Two sisters, both in danger of losing their hearts. One experiences a courtship which ends quickly in an engagement, the other must struggle against the machinations of others. And one who will do anything to ensure her beloved sister achieves her heart’s desire.

Refusing Mr. Collins: A Pride and Prejudice Possibility

Carrie Mollenkopf - 2019
    This may be especially so when the man in question not only possesses the rightful inheritance of said ladies, but is also of a most odious disposition and less than agreeable in appearance. Such was the lot of five young women near the town of Meryton. Not only had they no fortune, their own father, an absentee parent at best, had not the foresight to put aside a single pound should they not have the opportunity marry. For this sole reason, their overbearing mother deemed it necessary for one of her daughters to marry this impossible man. However, a mother’s best laid plans cannot come to pass if the gentleman in question is not only repulsive, but also very, very dead. Desperate times often call for desperate measures. There is a myriad of ways to dispose of an unwanted suitor, all of which may be deemed accidental, for who would ever accuse a young lady of good family? The answer is simple… no one. However, some persons are as extremely difficult to be rid as they are to tolerate in life. The Reverend Mr. Collins, despite his obvious deficiencies when it came to appearance and personality, has an uncanny knack for staying alive but, where there is a will, there is always a way…

The Trappings of Marriage (The Moralities of Marriage #4)

Elizabeth Ann West - 2017
    Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet are off to Gretna Green! In Book 4 of the Moralities of Marriage series our dear couple have survived accidents, forced marriages, and meddling relatives. After a short stay at Pemberley where the future Mrs. Darcy comes to terms with the kind of wife Fitzwilliam Darcy will need on his arm, they take off for the border to marry over the anvil. When Mr. Darcy plans an idyllic wedding trip to his family estate just outside of Dumfries, the newly married Mr. and Mrs. Darcy discover the trappings of marriage have yet to relinquish their hold. The Trappings of Marriage delivers the highs of the Darcys’ love and devotion in spite of the lows of scandal and destruction they left behind in England. Join author Elizabeth Ann West and the thousands of readers who read this book as it was posted chapter by chapter for a unique visit into the world of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice.

Fitzwilliam Darcy in His Own Words

Shannon Winslow - 2021
    Darcy’s life like before he met Elizabeth Bennet? – before he stepped onto the Pride and Prejudice stage at the Meryton assembly? More importantly, where is he and what is he doing all the time he’s absent from the page thereafter? And what is his relationship to a woman named Amelia?With "Fitzwilliam Darcy, in His Own Words," the iconic literary hero finally tells his own story, from the traumas of his early life to the consummation of his love for Elizabeth and everything in between.This is not a variation but a supplement to the original story, chronicled in Darcy’s point of view – a behind-the-scenes look at the things Jane Austen didn’t tell us. As it happens, Darcy’s journey was more tortuous than she let on, his happy ending with Elizabeth in jeopardy at every turn in his struggle between duty and his heart’s desire, between the suitable lady he has promised to marry and the woman he can't stop thinking about.

Fighting for Love: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

David Russel - 2020
    She is reunited with her sister Jane, who is still in the Gardiners’ home.As both sisters are in low spirits, Mrs. Gardiner attempts to cheer them and arranges for them to attend several parties, balls and plays.These occasions lead Elizabeth and Darcy to be caught in some awkward encounters, both filled with regret for their past behaviour.Furthermore, the beautiful Jane Bennet appears to have gained the interest of a wealthy earl, who has begun courting her. She is still very much in love with Mr. Bingley – who, however, has not appeared again.Darcy has more knowledge about the earl’s true character and does not consider him a suitable match for the kind Miss Bennet. Feeling guilty for his intervention that separated Jane and Bingley, and willing to show Elizabeth that he has taken her reproaches to heart, he intervenes to remedy a situation caused by his arrogant presumptions.When Bingley returns in town, Darcy reveals the whole truth to him. Unlike in canon, Bingley’s reaction is very strong, against Darcy, against his sisters, even against the earl who seems unworthy of Jane.Fighting for his love, Bingley is badly injured, in danger of losing his life.Darcy intervenes again, protecting his friend, helping him to heal in body and spirit and to reunite with the woman he loves.Amidst these endeavours, Darcy and Elizabeth finally put their pride and prejudice aside, and unite their efforts in a fight for love and happiness.

Being Mrs Darcy: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Elizabeth M. Bridges - 2018
     Elizabeth Bennet takes her friend's words to heart and when Mr Darcy proposes to her in Hunsford, she doesn't reject his hand. She decides to put her feelings aside and responds in a more reasonable manner. Flattered at his affection and devotion, Elizabeth is drawn to Mr Darcy, realising that they are both well-matched in a sense, and their tempers are complementary to each other. Nevertheless, his condescending attitude and pride still trouble her. And the gentleman himself is indeed very proud of his excellent bride and the mistress of his home. And being very selfish in his love for Elizabeth and grateful to her for his happiness, Mr Darcy doesn't recognise her true sentiments. And he isn't aware that he is forcing his wife to acknowledge that she is depending on him for her finances, her social status, and even her name. Their marriage is just the beginning of getting to know one another. Therefore, the misunderstandings between the young couple increase and their felicity in marriage is soon to be threatened...

Reversed Fortune: A Regency Romance inspired by P&P

Sydney Salier - 2022
    In this variation, Lady Anne Darcy is still alive and so is Sir Lewis de Bourgh, but Lady Catherine passed away 18 months before the events in this story.Mr Bingley requests that his friend Mr Darcy accompany him to his newly leased property, Netherfield Park in Hertfordshire, to teach him how to manage an estate.Darcy agrees, and his mother as well as his sister accompany them, together with Bingley’s family.Once in the area, they meet their neighbours, foremost amongst them the Bennet family of Longbourn estate, who are also entertaining a visitor.During that time, complications arise when a secret is uncovered which causes the fortunes of several people take a sharp turn.Will it be for better or worse?

Smoky Dreams: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Jaeza Rayleigh - 2018
    Now is his chance to be the hero and get the girl by helping his friend to his own romantic happily-ever-after. Or is it? Darcy soon learns that showing up is only the first step in the battle when his true enemy is his own pride and arrogance. Now he must change his own ways and undo the harm he has unwittingly done. Only then can he hope to win the hand and heart of the woman he loves. As he overcomes the flaws in his own nature and the opposition of a prideful aunt, he is helped along by family and friends in ways he would never have expected. Will his smoky dreams of sorrow and guilt turn to a living dream of happiness? Read on and find out...

Out There In The World: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Harri Whilding - 2020
    Disgrace falls upon the Bennet family and further tragedy strikes.After time compromises must be made, and life must go on. The stories of all the Bennet sisters go forward in different ways. Elizabeth settles for motherhood and mundane respectability. Darcy's life at Pemberley also goes forward but hearts still call to one another out there in the world.The 'year of no summer' throws up challenges for both families. Loss and heartache, dread reality, longing and resignation, it seems, must prevail. Can our beloved couple find their way back together?This version explores fully and explicitly, the adult, sometimes oppressive nature of the various relationships of our characters, and the behind-the-scenes realities of life in the early nineteenth century.A happy ending is, at last, of course, guaranteed!

The Enigmatic Mr. Collins: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Laraba Kendig - 2021
    Darcy, now happily married to Elizabeth, is honored to be the patron of Mr. William Collins, formerly an idiotic and self-serving flatterer to Darcy's autocratic aunt, now an eccentric genius. Despite such remarkable abilities and far-ranging pursuits, he works to positively affect the lives and loves of those in his orbit.Lydia Bennet, who had been devoted to self-indulgence and chasing officers, discovers in Mr. Collins a caring teacher who stokes in her a new passion for scientific endeavors and introduces her to a fascinating and handsome young scientist. Her sister, Kitty, struggles with a sense of worthlessness. With poor prospects for marriage, she worries she will be the only unmarried Bennet sister. Georgiana Darcy longs to pursue her passionate love for music, but a marriage of convenience threatens to dash her dreams. Love fills the pages as problems both big and small are solved by the enigmatic Mr. Collins.