Book picks similar to
Alpha Farm - The Beginning by Annie Berdel



William H. Weber - 2016
    Dale Hardy has managed to weather the storm by hunkering down on his homestead in Arizona. He grows his own crops, generates his own power and draws fresh water from his own deep aquifer.But when a nearby town's water supply dwindles in the searing Arizona heat, Dale's peaceful existence is threatened.The new mayor and sheriff want what he has and they're willing to do whatever it takes to get it. With a crooked local government conspiring against him, Dale will need to stand in defiance or risk losing everything.

When There's No More Room In Hell

Luke Duffy - 2011
    Mankind is on the brink of extinction. A deadly plague sweeps the globe like a tsunami causing the dead to rise and prey on the living. When there s no more room in Hell is a horror/action set in a post apocalyptic world filled with suspense, drama, humour, grief and action. While one brother fights his way home through the horrors and confusion of a savage landscape from the Meat Grinder that is Iraq, the other finds himself as the leader of a rag-tag band of survivors striving to survive against the onslaught of the dead.


Chris Harris - 2015
    After asking himself the question and researching what could happen, he decided it wouldn’t do any harm to be a little bit prepared. Just in case. He discovers the world is going to be hit by a massive Coronal Mass Ejection from the sun, which will turn the whole planet dark. He only has a few days to get ready. Will they survive? People want what they have, but is he prepared to kill to protect it?

Premonitions: Book 1: The Farm

Diana E. Anderson - 2018
    Raised by prepper grandparents, she learned at an early age to watch national and world events closely. She has been paying close attention to the economy, both around the world and at home. As she sees signs in her own community of the slowing of the economy, she begins to experience premonitions of a cataclysm to come. Denise decides to use the resources available to her to help her friends and family weather whatever crisis she KNOWS is coming. When Tom VanZant, a dear friend, confides he, too, is experiencing feelings of an impending catastrophe, they both realize it is time to hunker down to survive the storm about to occur. While they prepare, economic instability accelerates, violence escalates, and infrastructure deteriorates. Terrorist acts across the country and horrific brutality close to home further complicate this precarious situation. While safe (at least for the moment) on Denise’s farm, Denise, her family, and friends can only wonder: Have they prepared enough to let them survive?

Darkest Hour: A Post-Apocalyptic EMP Survival Thriller

Jack Hunt - 2017
    Now imagine something worse. Could you survive? After the earth shook, there was only darkness. After the fear, there was only violence. After the chaos, only disease. After the attacks, only survivors. The catastrophic event was just the beginning. 
 When Logan and his family move from Dakota to the small town of Moab, Utah, he could have never imagined the devastating chain of events that would unfold and the unspoken danger lurking in the shadows. In a matter of days his family and the rest of the world are thrust into the darkness of a post-apocalyptic world full of terrifying threats at every turn. 
 Fear everyone, trust no one. 
 Now, in a town on the brink of collapse, Logan tries to grapple with the mystery surrounding the event that’s brought the country to its knees, and the arrival of a hidden threat that kills and spreads like wildfire. Joined with a ragtag group of survivors, their only hope is to run, fight and find out how to stop it before it’s too late. 
 Will humanity have what it takes to deal with the unexpected? 
 With real people in deadly circumstances, fighting for survival, Darkest Hour is a pulse-pounding story for fans of post-apocalyptic survival thrillers.

Dark Days of the After

Ryan Schow - 2019
    No one knows how this happened, or why America prostrated herself to the kind of foreign forces who would impose obedience through compliance.  Resistors call the occupation “creeping death.” Those countries grabbing at the reins of power see it for what it is—a full scale invasion.Security engineer, Logan Cahill, is part of the underground effort to reclaim America, but when he finds a cryptic message in the world's largest server room leading to a doomsday clock, everything changes. With the help of a local hacker, Logan traces the clock to its origins where he discovers a truth so horrific, so terrifying, the mere mention of it carries a death sentence. He now knows the enemies, the weapons and the time of America’s death, right down to the minute. If he wants to survive the apocalypse, he and the feisty Skylar Madigan have to bug out fast. This won’t be easy considering the surveillance grid in place, or the armed lock-down of all major cities.The final defensive frontier for dedicated patriots is life on the land held by their ancestors, those men and women dug into their off-grid homes and operating a black market economy.  But not everyone has what it takes to survive life outside the occupied cities, and precious few know how to defend themselves against the brutality of America’s captors.  All that is about to change…

Frontier Justice

Arthur T. Bradley - 2013
    Governments have collapsed. Cities have become graveyards filled with unspeakable horror. People have resorted to scavenging from the dead, or taking from the living. The entire industrialized world has become a wasteland of abandoned cars, decaying bodies, and feral animals. To stay alive, U.S. Deputy Marshal Mason Raines must forage for food, water, and gasoline while outgunning those who seek to take advantage of the apocalyptic anarchy. Together with his giant Irish wolfhound, Bowie, he aligns with survivors of the town of Boone in a life and death struggle against a gang of violent criminals. With each deadly encounter, Mason is forced to accept his place as one of the nation's few remaining lawmen. In a world now populated by escaped convicts, paranoid mutants, and government hit squads, his only hope to save the townspeople is to enforce his own brand of frontier justice.

Grid Down Perceptions of Reality: Volume 2 Part 2

Bruce Buckshot Hemming - 2014
    In Grid Down Reality Bites, a high-altitude nuclear blast causing an EMP (electrical magnetic pulse) destroys the power grid, catapulting life as they knew it, back to the 1800's. The saga continues in Grid Down Perceptions of Reality (volume 2, part 2), A small band of survivors desperately struggle to survive the chaos that ensues. Now a post-apocalyptic world, they must rely on their primal instincts to escape destruction, disease and death. In this book, the story of Grid Down continues, following Clint and Junior with their small band of survivors. When we last left Clint and Junior, both were suffering gunshot wounds while trying to escape after an attack on a group of Rainbow Warriors (Grid Down Reality Bites, Chapter 37).

15 Miles From Home

P.A. Glaspy - 2018
    It shouldn't have happened. Yet it did. The world as they knew it was gone. Technology all but disappeared. Everything that defined their modern lives dead in one big flash. No more luxuries, only survival. Now if they can just figure out how to do that. With a president hell-bent on taking their supplies and their liberties for his own agenda, the people of this once flourishing land will have to fight on all fronts for their very existence. Most of them don't know how to do that. They're going to have to learn. Fast. Book 2 in the Perilous Miles Series by P.A. Glaspy. A different kind of prepper fiction. Continue the journey!

600 Miles

G.P. Grewal - 2013
    Braving the desert wastes is a lone wanderer, his destination: the perilous ruins of Los Angeles, a place from which few have ever returned. Joined by a mysterious gunslinger, a hook-wielding Mexican warrior, and a spirited Southern gal, the crumbling city eventually reveals to him not only his destiny, but the true nature of humankind.

Secession: The Storm

Joe Nobody - 2014
    Working a series of heinous crimes, Zach uncovers a dark, treacherous secret – a conspiracy that could alter America’s future and result in the secession of Texas. Co-authored by P.A. Troit and bestselling writer Joe Nobody, Secession explores a world where a hopelessly gridlocked government fuels an ever-deepening divide between right and left. The public’s frustration with the country’s direction forces desperate leaders on both sides of the political spectrum to consider splitting the union.Based on actual historic events, current economic realities, and a growing global trend, Secession immerses the reader in a lifelike scenario that could be America’s future.

Surviving Abe

J.Z. O'Brien - 2014
    struggles during the worst megastorm in its history. As the outside environment deteriorates, a group of radical environmentalists exploit the ongoing natural disaster with an inside cyber attack on software controlling the availability of America's fuel, food, and electrical power.Societal conditions deteriorate and the U.S. Government is quick to declare martial law, but slow to deliver relief supplies. Only those skilled at survival will weather this one-two punch to the soft underbelly of a technologically dependent civilization.While elk hunting in Colorado's Rockies, Gus catches on that he is fast becoming snowbound in a high-altitude blizzard. Making his way out of the mountains, Gus encounters critters that help and characters that kill.Andy, on a cross-country bicycle trek, gets glazed over in an East Texas ice storm. Trapped at a roadside convenience store with the farmer's daughter might be the stuff of dreams, if it didn't include a jealous ex-boyfriend, big-city gangs, and hungry cattle rustlers.On the Chesapeake Bay, solo sailor Tess, is caught in rapidly changing climates; both meteorological and political. As a female on her own, deadly heat waves and tornadoes aren't the only dangers she has to face, and Abe isn't the only adversarial male to show up on her radar.

Fortune and Glory (The Change)

John Birmingham - 2017
    Set in S.M. Stirling’s epic storyworld of The Change, ‘Fortune and Glory’ drops readers into the dead heart of post-apocalyptic Sydney.

Dark Days Rough Roads

Matthew D. Mark - 2013
    He needs unconventional skills and resources to mount a daring and deceptive plan to retrieve his daughter who is away at college. He’s hundreds of miles away and it seems like thousands. It’s a trip he planned for, but a trip resulting in some unexpected and deadly events as chaos grips the country.Encountering friends and enemies along the way, the journey becomes a fight for their lives. With the help of both family and friends, they all hope to work their way towards a safe haven. A rogue militia group has a different idea in mind however. Teetering on the brink of a small civil war, drastic measures must be taken. Without technology, society begins to collapse. Without the basics to survive, people change. Without rule of law, it’s every person for their self. They have Dark Days and Rough Roads ahead of them.This book is not only loaded with action and adventure, but suspense and drama as well. If you're a prepper or survivalist you'll love the military style guerrilla warfare, the tips, tricks and gadgets. If you're just an apocalypse reader, you'll love the insight into human behavior after the SHTF.

Survive The Dark (At Any Cost #1)

K.M. Fawkes - 2019
    But when the EMP strikes, will anything be left to reclaim? Garrett is an architect, of sorts. A renovator of unique dwellings, he makes his living creating luxury doomsday bunkers for a wealthy, paranoid clientele. He never thought he’d end up living in one… As a mysterious “nano virus” ravages the world above, Garrett hunkers down in a former missile silo in the New Mexico desert. Underground, he’s as equipped and prepared as can be, save for the grinding loneliness, and mounting horror of witnessing the fall of human civilization. Then one night, everything changes. A series of blasts in the sky, and then all of a sudden, every electronic device is rendered useless, including — he hopes — the nanobots responsible for decimating the population. In the wake of the EMP, Garrett’s doomsday bunker goes from survivalist haven to ready-made grave. He knows he’s going to have to leave, but has no idea what will be waiting for him, or what kind of people will have survived to tell the tale… This is the first book in the At Any Cost series. It’s set within the same universe as the Enter Darkness series.