Great Short Works of Fyodor Dostoevsky

Fyodor Dostoevsky - 1968
    The Gambler chronicles Dostoevsky's own addiction, which he eventually overcame. Many have argued that Notes from the Underground contains several keys to understanding the themes of the longer novels, such as Crime and Punishment and The Idiot.Great Short Works of Fyodor Dostoevsky includes:Notes from the UndergroundThe GamblerA Disgraceful AffairThe Eternal HusbandThe DoubleWhite NightsA Gentle CreatureThe Dream of a Ridiculous Man

The Stillest Day: A Novel

Josephine Hart - 1998
    Bethesda Barnet is an artist and a teacher. Her village life with an invalid mother is ordered and calm until the sudden vision of a man's face imprints itself on her mind's eye -- and she becomes a woman obsessed. She paints fragmented images of Mathew Pearson, secretly and relentlessly. And then, on the stillest day, in an extreme moment, she performs an act so bold that it shatters lives. Daring to play God, she falls from grace and is sacrificed on the twin altars of convention and vengeance. "The Stillest Day" draws the reader into the darkest corner of a passionate psyche.

Absent in the Spring

Mary Westmacott - 1944
    This sudden solitude compels Joan to assess her life for the first time ever and face up to many of the truths about herself. Looking back over the years, Joan painfully re-examines her attitudes, relationships and actions and becomes increasingly uneasy about the person who is revealed to her.

The Reef

Edith Wharton - 1912
    This narrative primarily follows George Darrow and Anna Leath, a young gentleman and a widowed lady who plan to marry. Both of them experience doubts about their union, with surprising outcomes. Darrow has a brief liaison with the delicate, generous Sophy Viner, a kind woman of the working class. She later meets Anna's stepson Owen Leath, who wishes to upset social conventions and marry her. When Anna's discovers the intimate history of Darrow and Sophy, she worries about her stepson's affections and feels concerned about the alliance she herself is about to create. Wharton's talent for balancing emotional turmoil and all the social manners of her time is blended into this philosophical work that explores the metaphorical reefs in the hearts of women.

Typee / Omoo / Mardi

Herman Melville - 1982
    These three early novels are stirring romances of the South Seas; many of their fictional details resemble some of the events in Melville’s own life in the early 1840s. Like the hero-narrator of Typee and Omoo, Melville shipped out on a whaler, jumped ship in exotic ports, was held captive by native tribes—though here he might have exaggerated his own exploits a bit—and escaped to find passage home in the service of the United States Navy.Exuberant, highly pictorial, with a clear, swift narrative, Typee (1846) was his most popular work well into the 20th century, outselling all his others, including Moby-Dick. It offers a mostly idyllic account of life among the “cannibals” in which civilized innocence is contrasted with the corrosive effects of 19th-century industrial society.A sequel to Typee, Omoo (1847) continues this inquiry into Pacific culture and those who intruded upon it, specifically in Tahiti. Melville details the misadventures of the unruly and overworked crew of the Australian trader Julia after they are imprisoned for insubordination; the story will perhaps surprise today’s readers with its humor.With Mardi (1849), Melville abandons a literary Polynesia for a mythical one. “Mardi” is the Polynesian word for “the world,” and the voyage through imaginary South Sea archipelagoes stops off at Dominora (Britain), Porpheero (Europe), and Vivenza (the United States). Tracing the quest for the elusive and beautiful Yillah, it remains a timely political allegory and a thrilling adventure.Together, these three romances give early evidence of the genius and daring that make Melville the master novelist of the sea and a precursor of modernist literature.

The Complete Novels: Voyage in the Dark / Quartet / After Leaving Mr Mackenzie / Good Morning, Midnight / Wide Sargasso Sea

Jean Rhys - 1984
    Mackenzie, Good Morning, Midnight and Wide Sargasso Sea.

Enduring Love

Ian McEwan - 1997
    The perfect day turns to nightmare however, when they are involved in freak ballooning accident in which a boy is saved but a man is killed. In itself, the accident would change the couple and the survivors' lives, filling them with an uneasy combination of shame, happiness, and endless self-reproach. But fate has far more unpleasant things in store for Joe. Meeting the eye of fellow rescuer Jed Parry, for example, turns out to be a very bad move. For Jed is instantly obsessed, making the first of many calls to Joe and Clarissa's London flat that same night. Soon he's openly shadowing Joe and writing him endless letters. (One insane epistle begins, "I feel happiness running through me like an electrical current. I close my eyes and see you as you were last night in the rain, across the road from me, with the unspoken love between us as strong as steel cable.") Worst of all, Jed's version of love comes to seem a distortion of Joe's feelings for Clarissa. Apart from the incessant stalking, it is the conditionals--the contingencies--that most frustrate Joe, a scientific journalist. If only he and Clarissa had gone straight home from the airport... If only the wind hadn't picked up... If only he had saved Jed's 29 messages in a single day... Ian McEwan has long been a poet of the arbitrary nightmare, his characters ineluctably swept up in others' fantasies, skidding into deepening violence, and--worst of all--becoming strangers to those who love them. Even his prose itself is a masterful and methodical exercise in de-familiarisation. But Enduring Love and its underrated predecessor, Black Dogs, are also meditations on knowledge and perception as well as brilliant manipulations of our own expectations. By the novel's end, you will be surprisingly unafraid of hot-air balloons, but you won't be too keen on looking a stranger in the eye. --Alex Freeman

A Necessary End

Holly Brown - 2015
    Tragedies are inevitable, just like the great love stories, like us.”Thirty-nine-year-old Adrienne is desperate to be a mother. And this time, nothing is going to get in her way.Sure, her husband, Gabe, is ambivalent about fatherhood. But she knows that once he holds their baby, he’ll come around. He’s just feeling a little threatened, that’s all. Because once upon a time, it was Gabe that Adrienne wanted more than anything; she was willing to do anything. . . . But that was half a lifetime ago. She’s a different person now, and so is Gabe. There are lines she wouldn’t cross, not without extreme provocation.And sure, she was bitten once before by another birth mother—clear to the bone—and for most people, it’s once bitten, twice shy. But Adrienne isn’t exactly the retiring type.At nineteen, Leah bears a remarkable resemblance to the young woman Adrienne once was. Which is why Adrienne knows the baby Leah is carrying is meant to be hers. But Leah’s got ideas of her own: Her baby’s going to get a life in California; why shouldn’t she? All she wants is to live in Adrienne’s house for a year after the baby’s born, and get a fresh start.It seems like a small price for Adrienne to pay to get their baby. And with Gabe suddenly on board, what could possibly go wrong?

Rising Sun / Jurassic Park / Sphere

Michael Crichton - 1993
    Rising Sun was as timely in 1992 as it now seems ironic. It brilliantly taps the early-'90s American terror of Japan's then apparently invincible high-tech economy with a snappy murder mystery. While celebs rub elbows at the opening party of a Japanese high-rise in L.A., a gorgeous woman is murdered in a boardroom far above. Surveillance cameras capture the deed, but looks deceive, and LAPD detective John Conner soon discovers that when these Japanese guys say "business is war," they're not kidding. Jurassic Park--the famous tale of an entrepreneur who clones dinosaurs who then run amok in what was supposed to be a theme park--is as good a thriller in book form as the movie version, and far more full of the fun, scary ideas that Crichton's books exist to popularize. Malcolm the malcontent scientist is even better than he was in the film. (You might also check out The Science of Jurassic Park and the Lost World.) Sphere concerns an ancient spaceship on the ocean floor, black holes, and the perils of investigating all of the above. Not just sci-fi, Sphere reflects Crichton's keen interest in the unexplained powers of the human mind. The book also contains a profound lesson: when you're staring down a giant squid with an eyeball the size of a dinner plate, don't blink first.

How to Make an American Quilt

Whitney Otto - 1991
    As they gather year after year, their stories, their wisdom, their lives, form the pattern from which all of us draw warmth and comfort for ourselves.A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE COMING OUT FALL 1995-- with Maya Angelou, Winona Ryder, and Rip Torn

River, Cross My Heart

Breena Clarke - 1999
    This highly accomplished debut novel reverberates with ideas, impassioned lyricism, and poignant historical detail as it captures an essential and moving portrait of the Washington, DC community.

Robin Hobb Trilogy 3 Books Set Pack The Rain Wild Chronicles Collection

Robin Hobb
    Robin Hobb Collection The Farseer TrilogyRobin Hobb3 Books SetRRP: £ 26.97Brand NewTitles in This SetBook 1: The Dragon KeeperBook 2: Dragon HavenBook 3: City of Dragons (Hardback)

The Longest Journey

E.M. Forster - 1907
    M. Forster once described The Longest Journey as the book "I am most glad to have written." An introspective novel of manners at once comic and tragic, it tells of a sensitive and intelligent young man with an intense imagination and a certain amount of literary talent. He sets out full of hope to become a writer, but gives up his aspirations for those of the conventional world, gradually sinking into a life of petty conformity and bitter disappointments.

Thomas Hardy: Poems

Thomas Hardy
    This selection of Thomas Hardy poems are selected by Tom Paulin.

The Driver's Seat

Muriel Spark - 1970
    One day she walks out of her office, acquires a gaudy new outfit, adopts a girlier tone of voice, and heads to the airport to fly south. On the plane she takes a seat between two men. One is delighted with her company, the other is deeply perturbed. So begins an unnerving journey into the darker recesses of human nature.