Ramblin Man

Angery American - 2015
    David Campbell got through the virus by staying drunk, hidden away from most everyone. On his way to visit his sister in Kansas City he finds himself stranded in Montezuma Iowa. He wasn't there when his mother died as a result of the virus, he's not going to let his sister down, the only family he has now. It's a long journey to Kansas City and David has to battle his inner demons all the way, temptation and fate will continue to intervene. When it seems the God's are testing man's limits, some men will rise to the challenge and some will fail. David's on the bubble.

Boondock Pilgrims: Book Three in The Way of Dan Series

Franklin Horton - 2022

Fire From the Sky : Embers

N.C. Reed - 2021

The Ghost of Voodoo Village

William Alan Webb - 2016
     Before Project Overtime, Task Force Zombie, or Green Ghost, there was just Nick Bauer, a teenager. Then he, his twin sister Nikki, and two of their friends dared to visit Voodoo Village, and everything changed. Find out how Green Ghost became Green Ghost in The Ghost of Voodoo Village. Then find out more about General Thomas Steeple, the brain behind Overtime, and his ominous visitor from Texas. See if Captain Randall and Lieutenant Carlos' new crew chief has her eyes on more than their AH-72 Comanche. And what about those ten mysterious CHILSS in their special, hidden chamber? If you're one of the thousands who read Standing The Final Watch and can't wait for Standing In The Storm this spring, let this bonus material tide you over until you can get your next fix of Nick Angriff, Green Ghost, and the 7th Cavalry. You bought the ticket, now take the ride.

Utopia Project: Everyone Must Die

Billy Dering - 2021

The Awakening

Michael Kaye - 2013
    economy. John first learns that the U.S. economy is about to collapse from a long time friend and client, who is a partner and the COO of one the top 100 asset management firms. Only days later, John's mentor, who has spent the last thirty-years in the banking industry, confirms this dreaded information about the U.S. economy. John's first thought is "Oh Sh!t"... Follow along as John, his wife Cindy, and step-daughter Skylar, scramble against time to become properly prepared for this shit-hit-the-fan reality.

Arkhangelsk Box Set: The Complete Arkhangelsk Trilogy

Mike Kraus - 2017
    In the days after the apocalypse, a handful of survivors travel to a distant shore in search of a strange radio transmission with the hopes of discovering others who survived the end of the world. The would-be rescuers quickly discover that something sinister still lurks in the shadows, threatening the survival of all. Final Dawn is a thrilling post-apocalyptic world that follows the journey of those who survived the end of days. Full of fast-paced, gripping action, this post-apocalyptic trilogy will keep you glued to the edge of your seat as you read about ordinary men and women pushed beyond their breaking point as they struggle to survive in a hostile and brutal world. This box set contains the following books: Final Dawn: Archangel Rising Final Dawn: Archangel Falling Final Dawn: Archangel Triumphant The Arkhangelsk Trilogy is the first follow-up series to the critically acclaimed original Final Dawn series (www.amzn.com/B01MRAE8VO). In the Arkhangelsk Trilogy you'll follow along with the survivors of the apocalypse as they desperately try to cope with the new world. Note that reading the original Final Dawn series is not necessary as this is a standalone series.

All We Have

Sean Patrick Little - 2018
    There are crops to plant and harvest, and animals to feed. There is the daily grind of life after a viral apocalypse where things they used to take for granted, like food, water, and safety, are no longer a given, especially with predators prowling at the perimeter of the farm. It is two against the world, and all they have is each other.

Fortress Farm Trilogy: Volumes 1, 2 & 3

G.R. Carter - 2015
    Chilling in concept, the series remains hopeful as people work together to survive a worldwide catastrophe. This box set contains: * The Case for Continuity (Brand new prologue) * The Pullback - Book 1 (New scenes surrounding the timeline of the Reset) * Shield of the Okaw - Book 2 (New chapters with added character background) * Red Hawk Rising - Book 3 * A key to important terms, characters and maps in the world of Fortress Farm. Includes pictures. Also includes three never before published short stories complete with background information on related characters: * History of the North American Caliphate * Jenkins Family Dilemma * Fruit of the Valley: Quest for the Phoenix The motivation for the Fortress Farm series was simple; all across America there’s one thing people can agree on…something just isn’t right. A gut reaction is warning us that we as a people are in grave danger. Special interests tear at each other and divide us. Mounting debt becomes more unsustainable with each fiscal cycle. Most important, for the first time in human history, we don’t know how to feed ourselves. Society teeters just nine meals from chaos. We are at the mercy of intricate supply chains for the most basic of needs. If tomorrow that supply chain stopped, and the grocery store was empty, what would we do to care for our families? In the setting of the Fortress Farm series, the world’s electrical and communications grid fails. People are left people without food, water or heat. Leaders seize remaining resources for their own benefit, forsaking those they claimed to serve. Bandits roam the countryside preying on the weak. Humans once more fear what lurks in the night. Fortress Farm charts the progress of different societies as they reform in the void. Some try to create libertarian republics, others benevolent dictatorships, caliphates and military rule. Some Churches join forces and once again help lost souls find hope, while other religions take the opportunity to prove God's judgement is upon them. Each situation presents unique challenges and this new dark age survivors to the point of collapse. But all is not lost. This is not just a story detailing the implosion of a fragile society, but a blueprint for how we might prepare before catastrophe strikes and how we rebuild afterwards. More important than governmental theories, Fortress Farm follows common people doing the best they can to defend and care for their families in a chaotic world, each trying to build a better life for their loved ones.

A World Torn Down: A Novel of Survival After the Apocalypse

Rebecca Fernfield - 2019
     Cassie Morgan watched the world die from the comfort of her penthouse suite. She never expected her life of privilege to come to an end but, with all food gone, she has to face the survivors in the city alone. Sometimes, when the SHTF, you have to kick off your strappy sandals, let your fake tan fade, your Brazilian grow out, and become the woman you were meant to be. Rick Carter is the last of his unit to survive. To stay alive he must escape the disease infested city and head north to his prepper friend's self-sufficient farm. The last thing he needs is to rescue a woman with zero survival skills. When the apocalypse arrives, most will die, some will survive, whilst others will thrive. With most of the city dead, and no sign of rescue, Cassie and Rick have to rely on their own ingenuity to deal with the end of the world. Working together wasn’t what either had planned, but these are desperate times. Does Rick have what it takes to get them to the farm? Can Cassie rise to the challenge of survival? Will Rick have the stomach to help when he discovers Cassie's secret? 'A World Torn Down' is an epic tale of the apocalypse with a fresh take on TEOTWAWKI. Read today! Previously published as six books: 'The Road to Ruin', 'The Savage Road', 'The Outcast's Journey', 'The Path to Despair', 'The Route to Justice', and 'The Road to Redemption'. What readers say: The series gave me a very Walking Dead comic feel. I loved it, and the characters were all very well written. The detail that went into all the characters was brilliant. It was fast paced and kept you interested right to the the last sentence. I loved the strong female characters, Cassie being my absolute favourite, I love how she just gets things done and doesn't let the male characters walk over her. This series kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time I was reading. I would have to stop to go to work, and all I could think of was the book and getting back to finding out what would happen next.

The Long Ride Home

Susan Gregersen - 2012
    Despite the shaky conditions in the world, she and a friend embark on a cross-country bicycle trip. She's nearly two thousand miles from home when an EMP (Electro-magnetic pulse) over the eastern third of the nation takes out the power grid and cripples transportation. She must get home! Her husband, kids, and grandkids are back at their homestead in Montana! Ride along with Sue on her harrowing and often dangerous journey from Mississippi to Montana across a country just realizing that the world as they knew it is gone.(In January 2013 the author pulled the book file to rewrite some sections in response to reader comments and suggestions, which made a good story even better. This is the new version.)

Coming Together: The Blaine Family Chronicles Vol 2

David Nelson - 2014
    Matt Blaine's fears have been realized: EMPs (electromagnetic pulses) have knocked out all power across the globe. Now his "Disaster Circle" buddies, Rondell Mixon, Lonnie Llewellyn, and Frank Marshall, must make their way to the safety of Matt's secluded farm near the shores of Lake Huron. Traveling from various points across Michigan's mitten, they all have to deal with adversity- thieves, rapists, weather, injuries, and a gang of raiders calling themselves the Vikings. With communications nonexistent, they have no way of knowing if the others will make it to their destination. They all meet new people- a teacher, a survivalist wannabe, an expectant couple, and a pair of hiking enthusiasts. Dodging bullets and bandits, the Disaster Circle members are helped by some, and pay it forward by helping others. The question on everyone's mind is, Will they all make it to the farm, and will they make it in one piece? Travel with Matt's friends as they struggle to come together.

The America Falls Series: Books 4-6

Scott Medbury - 2018
    No Zombies. No games. After their hurried escape from the Drake Mountain Facility, Isaac, and his group stumbled upon a farmhouse in a secluded valley. It's what they've been looking for. A place to make their home, both now and in the future.Can it be so easy though? Danger is coming and only time will tell if they have found the salvation they've been seeking or if their dreams will be crushed, leaving them to the same fate as all of those that died before them. This boxed set contains episodes 4-6 of America Falls, a compelling, action-packed series about who we are, and who we have to become in order to survive.What Amazon readers are saying: ★★★★★ "The characters are rich and believable, I was cheering, raging and crying as I read."★★★★★ "The story kind of sneaks up on you and before you know it, the afternoon is gone."★★★★★ "Compelling action! I could not stop reading this series... give me more, more, more!★★★★★  " I LOVED IT ! I couldn't skip words or chapters or paragraphs, I was afraid I would miss something!!!

Flight of the Wild Geese: A Grid Down Journey of Redemption

Liam Morgan - 2021
    The complex fabric of modern society unravels in mere days as panic ensues. Riots, looting, and anarchy begin in the inner cities but soon spread to the suburbs. But even before disaster struck, Adam was a tormented man.As a former Green Beret, he had seen enough war and suffering for a lifetime. Living as a recluse in the woods of Maryland, he thinks he can ride out the coming famine by relying on his well-stocked liquor cabinet and food supply. Nevertheless, the onslaught of hundreds of thousands of starving refugees compels Adam to flee. His journey turns out to be cathartic, helping him to regain his warrior ethos. With each passing day, his strength and hardiness increase. As his metamorphous continues, Adam approaches the point of turning feral until he comes upon a lone Amish woman in the woods of Pennsylvania who needs his help, but perhaps he needs her help even more. Together, they face the worst of Mother Nature and even more threatening, the worst of human nature.”Through the onslaught of murderous reprobates, deprivation, fierce weather conditions, and Adam’s own personal demons, the two sojourners are challenged to evaluate their own faith and belief in providence.““Flight of the Wild Geese is a gripping disaster thriller which combines enough spiritual and intellectual reflection to rationally engage the reader, while taking the reader on an exhilarating journey. This was an enjoyable faith-based story of redemption.”

The Way of the Dogs (The Colter Saga)

Joel Baker - 2013
    The first novel entitled Friends of the Family followed the struggle of Jesse and Sarah Colter and their family as they face the overnight end of civilization. They are forced on a journey through a desolate and dangerous landscape, testing the courage and resolve of the family and the friends they meet along the way. As they reach Haven, Jesse’s childhood home, they struggle to fight evil and build a life of love and decency for their family. The second novel entitled The Way of the Dogs begins some eighty years after the Colter family arrived at a place called Haven. Sarah and Jesse’s son Paul, now in his nineties, is the sole survivor of the family. The extended Colter family has prospered, unaware of the gathering storm of wickedness swirling around them. James Colter, the only grandson of Mark, is a loner, and very much like his great grandfather Jesse. Not comfortable with the progress around him, he could be the last best hope as evil descends on Haven.