Solar Storm: Homeward Bound

Vincent Keith - 2017
    He'd spent years learning to live in a minimalist and sustainable way. He'd changed careers, and he had a plan. A plan just in case the worst happened. Unfortunately for Jack, he was far from home when disaster struck, when the end of the world as we know it came. Now he is on foot, with winter coming. Jack and his two dogs will need to trek over 750 miles to get home. How do you cope when almost everything you depend upon is lost? When everything you've come to rely on stops working. There was no way to predict a Solar Storm. There was no way to predict its enormous magnitude or the damage that it would do. What do you do when you can't call for help? When transportation stops and the lights go out? How hungry do you have to be to steal, to kill? What will people do when there is no law? Who can you trust? Jack would most likely run out of food before he got home, even if nothing went wrong. But something had already gone wrong, and it was just the beginning. He had choices to make and no information. Every decision was a trade-off. Would he survive if he chose wrong? Jack was about to find out.

The Bear (Mystery Babylon #1)

Jamie Lee Grey - 2021

Long Haul Home Collection (A Post-Apocalyptic Dystopian Thriller): Series Books 1-3

Dana Fraser - 2016
     Blind Spot Army veteran Cash Bishop chases little white lines around the South and Midwest, working as a long haul trucker to make ends meet until the homestead he is building with his mother and sister can support the family. When a security breach at Hoover Dam takes all the U.S. hydroelectric power stations offline the day after a category five hurricane hits the Gulf of Mexico, cutting off electricity to millions and threatening an already compromised fuel supply, Cash figures it's time to chase those white lines home to Tennessee. By the time he hits Chicago, the lights are out across the country, throwing America into a new dark age in which only the strong and the prepared will survive. Down Shift More than two days go by before solar scientist Hannah Carter realizes that the power and communication systems have gone out across America. Obtuse? No — her state-of-the-art research facility has all the power it needs and Hannah is elbows deep in a patent application. When she does wake up to the New America, her first thought is of her teenage brother, Ellis — stuck on his own in a boarding school with similarly troubled boys. To reach him, she’ll have to escape everything from riots to solitary killers on the road. First she has to escape her employer. The research company isn’t what she thought it was. And the men in the shadows know her name. Dead Head After weeks of traveling dangerous roads, Cash Bishop is almost home. But other forces are converging on Dover, each with their own plans for Cash and those he is sworn to protect. In a contest of who will live and who will die, sometimes it’s the lucky who win.

Point Of Transmission

Max Lockwood - 2017
    A virus so vicious that it reduces the infected to a terrifying version of themselves that could lead to the end of our race as we know it. Elaina has been identified as the point of transmission and the reason for the chaos and havoc. She created the virus and let it out. Now, more than just the infected would like to see her head served up on a platter. When havoc unfolds in the city, law enforcement officer Alec is involved in an accidental shooting. Put on paid leave, he bitterly lays low during the madness until he’s called back to help control the alarming spread of the virus, while hoping to put an end to the person responsible for the virus and his near-shattered career. Elaina is trying to stay under the radar too, but she can’t hide forever. She has to help stop this and come up with a cure before it’s too late. When Alec and Elaina cross paths, they’ll have to decide what’s more important… revenge, redemption, or survival.

Dark Coup (The Dark Grid Series)

David C. Waldron - 2013
    However, looming dangers to life and liberty remain--and not all of them come from outside of the community.As the Colonel's attacks on neighboring bases increase in both number and ferocity, the rebels uncover the startling, almost unbelievable, truth about a corrupt and shadowy cabal linked by greed and lust for power, and their dangerous conspiracy to fulfill a lethal agenda that originated years ago. With diminishing resources and an unequal fighting force, can the rebels recapture America for those who value freedom, self-determination, and God-given rights, over exploitation and suppression?