"Stagecoach" Mary Fields: Montana's Legendary Pioneer

Julie McDonald - 2016
    Little is known of her during her 30 plus years as a slave in Tennessee, or her life shortly thereafter. Her arrival and subsequent life in Cascade, Montana would make her a legend. Enjoy this great, inspiring and very humorous story of one amazing woman!

Juvie & Solai: A Hood Love Story

BriAnn Danae - 2018
    Upon leaving three years prior, her feistiness, and what others assumed to be, privileged attitude, had caused tension in a relationship she was only trying to see flourish. Being bashed for her upbringing, she thought was a thing of the past until she met Juvie. Wrongfully doing so, Solai shuts down any chances of him trying to win her over, but with time comes maturity for some, and she was now overwhelmed with the pressure to rekindle the flame that had long ago been burned between she and Juvie. Juvie, redefined in every sense of the word, has transformed from the average Joe to the head honcho. After his confidence was shredded at the hands of Solai, unintentionally, he was left with no other option than to boss up! Years have passed in between the two, but their reunion is none other than amazing. However, the tables have shifted, and Solai no longer desires to have him at her side. Being the nigga that he is, Juvie uses the skills that he’s acquired in her absence to try and reel her back in. Looking on, friends and family of Juvie and Solai both seem to enjoy their reconnection, all while dealing with their own issues at hand. The lifestyles once lived are a thing of the past and they all seem to be struggling to hit the hardball life keeps pitching their way. Love, lust, betrayal, and denial all hit the surface at once, and they are left to question only one person… themselves. In this gritty, drama-filled hood love story from BriAnn Danae, read along as loyalty is questioned, secrets are being kept, but friendship is the one thing that never wavers. Life is quickly changing around them, and if Juvie and Solai aren’t careful with the decisions they make, the love they seem to yearn for will be the least of their worries.

Down Milldyke Way

Harry Bowling - 1997
    Forced to quit her terraced house in Bermondsey for rent arrears, Kate has to take the unpalatable step of moving to a slum tenement block in Milldyke Street, Dockhead. Here she meets the attractive Amy Almond whose friendship opens new doors of opportunity for fresh relationships. When Kate stumbles over the murdered body of a single woman who lived in the next block, she realises that she, herself, could be a target. She turns to the attractive and sympathetic Sergeant Cassidy for protection and finds that her emotions, as well as her life, are in danger...

Sinfully Loved

Bianca Xaviera - 2020
    From dealing with her religious zealot of a grandmother to birthing a child that was a product of rape, Lavender deals with more issues at thirteen than most women twice her age. Not ready to be a mother, Lavender leaves her baby on her grandmother’s doorstep and finds the first ride she can out of the city. On a quest to find herself, Lavender rides a rocky road, teetering between life and death. Fifteen years later, she’s still searching for herself when she meets Shyheim Roosevelt. A caring, charming, and handsome youth pastor, Shyheim Roosevelt has been tasked with finding Lavender and bringing her back home. Carnal opposites attract when, in finding Lavender, Shyheim finds himself. From her outspoken opinions and alluring personality, she’s everything he could ever ask for in a woman. Her past is of no consequence to Shyheim, who also has a rocky past but has been living how his parents wanted him to for a little over a decade: by the Word. However, after spending just a small amount of time with Lavender, he understands that, like the Bible, people are capable of being multifaceted. The only things standing in the way of their love are Lavender’s reservations, his parents—and the woman he’s due to walk down the aisle with.

Call to Kill: The first in a brand new high-octane SAS series

Billy Billingham - 2021

A Matin Christmas: A Novella

Dominique Thomas - 2017
     With Ahmad being released from jail, Sophie is ready to celebrate. The family hasn’t taken a trip together in years so for Christmas Sophie rents out a luxury log cabin in Colorado. She struggles to get everyone on board at first but once they see their only option is to come they quickly relent. Between Drew and Aamil bickering over her working more and being home less and Aamil and Kasam fighting over past family drama the holiday trip is just what the family needs. With a host of supporting characters such as Bucks, Hayward and, Mauri you’ll get to catch up on the Matins and their friends that turned into family. Spend the holidays with them and have one more read about your favorite Matin men.

Cashmere Mafia

Keisha Ervin - 2013
    Tired of being alone, Sunday Rose decides to set out on a quest to find the ‘perfect man’ before the year is done. With the help of her family and friends, she’s set up on multiple dates that will make you shake your head and laugh out loud.

A Mother's Sacrifice: The most moving and page-turning saga you'll read this year

Jennie Felton - 2020

Operation Broken Reed: Truman's Secret North Korean Spy Mission That Averted World War III

Arthur L. Boyd - 2007
    So valuable were the mission's findings about the North Korean-Soviet-Chinese alliance that it is no stretch to say they prevented World War III. Only one man — sworn to secrecy for a half-century—survived Operation Broken Reed. Arthur Boyd recalls his role as cryptographer on a team of Army Rangers, Navy Frogmen, Air Force officers, and CIA operatives that posed as the captured crew of a B-29 bomber in January 1952. Given cover names and cyanide capsules in case of discovery, the men were transported by Chinese Nationalists wearing Communist uniforms across North Korea, where undercover allies delivered information about troop strengths, weaponry, and intention. Fraught with danger, the mission came apart on its last day when the Americans came under fire from Chinese forces wise to the operation. The members of Broken Reed supplied Truman with proof of massive Chinese and Soviet buildups and a heavy Soviet bomber group in Manchuria, fully loaded with atomic weapons. With the potential destruction of the world outlined in front of him, Truman chose not to escalate the Korean War, saving millions of lives.

Mosquito Point Road: Monroe County Murder & Mayhem

Michael Benson - 2020
    There’s Killer of the Cloth, The Baby in the Convent, Mosquito Point Road, Death of a First Baseman, The Blue Gardenia, and Pure/Evil. Three of the killers are female.

The Boats of Cherbourg: The Navy That Stole Its Own Boats and Revolutionized Naval Warfare

Abraham Rabinovich - 1988
    The boats, ordered by Israel from a local shipyard, had been embargoed for more than a year by French President Charles de Gaulle. In a brazen caper, the Israelis were now running off with them. As the boats raced for home and Paris fumed, the world media chortled at Israel’s hutspa. But the story was far bigger than they knew.Eight years before, the commander of the Israeli navy had assembled senior officers for a brainstorming session. The navy faced downgrading to a coast guard unless it could reconstitute itself as a fighting force on a starvation budget. What to do? A desperate proposal emerged from the two-day meeting.Israel’s fledgling military industries had developed a crude missile which was rejected by both the army and air force. The navy would now try adapting it. If placed on small patrol boats, the missiles, with their large warheads, could give these cheap vessels the punch of a heavy cruiser.Over the next decade, engineers working virtually round-the-clock developed the first missile boats in the West. Of a dozen boat platforms ordered in Cherbourg seven sailed before the embargo. The five that escaped completed the flotilla. But the Soviets had meanwhile also developed missile boats which they distributed to their Arab allies. Their powerful and accurate missiles had twice the range of Israel’s. To secure Israel’s sea lanes, the navy devised electronic countermeasures that would hopefully divert the enemy missiles.On the first night of the Yom Kippur War, an Israeli squadron engaged three Syrian missile boats in the first ever missile-to-missile battle at sea. The Syrian boats fired first but all three were sunk. Two nights later, three Egyptian missile boats were sunk. The electronic umbrella had worked and no Israeli boat was hit. A new naval age had dawned.

Waiting Wives: The Story of Schilling Manor, Home Front to the Vietnam War

Donna Moreau - 2005
    Author Donna Moreau was the daughter of one such waiting wife, and here she writes of growing up at a time when The Flintstones were interrupted with news of firefights, fraggings, and protests, when the evening news announced death tolls along with the weather forecasts. The women and children of Schilling Manor fought on the emotional front of the war. It was not a front composed of battle plans and bullets. Their enemies were fear, loneliness, lack of information, and the slow tick of time. Waiting Wives: The Story of Schilling Manor, Home Front to the Vietnam War tells the story of the last generation of hat-and-glove military wives called upon by their country to pack without question, to follow without comment, and to wait quietly with a smile. A heartfelt book that focuses on this other, hidden side of war, Waiting Wives is a narrative investigation of an extraordinary group of women. A compelling memoir and domestic drama, Waiting Wives is also the story of a country in the midst of change, of a country at war with a war.

Scouting on Two Continents

Frederick Russell Burnham - 1926
     Born on a Dakota Sioux reservation he was taught the ways of the Native Americans from as soon as he could walk. At the tender age of fourteen, having had little formal education, he was supporting himself and learning from some of the last cowboys and frontiersmen of the Old West. These lessons would pay dividend in his later life, first as a tracker for the United States Army in the Apache Wars and later as a scout for the British Army in the Matebele Wars in Southern Africa. Frederick Burnham Russell was a remarkable figure who revolutionized the art of scouting in both the British and United States armies. Indeed his influence would lead his friend, Robert Baden-Powell, to begin the international Scouting Movement. In Scouting on Two Continents Burnham records the details of his brilliant life in fascinating detail and provides insight into the life of an unique adventurer in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. “Burnham in real life is more interesting than any of my heroes of romance.” Rider Haggard “Burnham is a most delightful companion ... amusing, interesting, and most instructive. Having seen service against the Red Indians he brings quite a new experience to bear on the Scouting work here. And while he talks away there’s not a thing escapes his quick roving eye, whether it is on the horizon or at his feet.” Robert Baden-Powell Frederick Burnham Russell has been described as the “Father of Scouting.” He fought in the Pleasant Valley War, Apache Wars, the First and Second Matabele Wars as well as the Second Boer War. His book Scouting on Two Continents was first published in 1926. He passed away in 1947.

The Captives of Abb's Valley: A Legend of Frontier Life

James Moore Brown - 1854
     The Moore family were early settlers from Ireland, who eventually made their home in Virginia. A branch of the family discovered Abb’s Valley; a remote settlement, isolated but idyllic, and which had once belonged to Cherokee and Shawnee natives. After many years of happiness, forming a successful and religiously-devoted community, the Moore family was brutally attacked. The Shawnees ruthlessly killed the majority of the family, taking the survivors prisoner, including Mary Moore, James Moore Brown’s mother. Mary found herself sold into slavery, and thus began a long and arduous journey to gain back her freedom and return to the home of youth. With unwavering faith in God and a belief that following His path would set her free, Mary was eventually rescued. This remarkable book, long suppressed because of the politically incorrect facts it contains about early frontier life and the interactions between white settlers and Indians, provides a dramatic insight into the sufferings of the early European pioneers in America. Indians regularly captured whites for use as slaves — although those were the lucky ones. The less fortunate were tortured and killed, often for sport. Written with a strong focus on Presbyterianism, the book’s value lies in its dispassionate detailing of the everyday life and dangers for families on the frontier. Born in Rockbridge, Virginia, USA on 1799 to Samuel Brown and Mary Moore (one of the captives of Abb’s Valley), James Moore Brown married Mary Ann Bell and had 6 children. He passed away on 1866 in Virginia, USA. His only book, The Captives of Abb’s Valley was first published in 1854.

Right for a Reason: Life, Liberty, and a Crapload of Common Sense

Miriam Weaver - 2014
    We conservatives have truth and rationality and logic on our side. We just need to remind ourselves why we are right, and we need that reminder delivered in a way that’s not a lecture, not a history lesson, and not a complicated political diatribe.” If you think all conservatives are old white dudes, think again. Meet the Chicks on the Right (if you haven’t already). Everyone loves to tell them they’re wrong. Everyone. Liberals say they’re wrong because, well, they’re conservative. Conservatives tell them they’re wrong because they are not conservative enough. Or because they’re too conservative. Or because they’re the wrong kind of conservative. With all the blame flying around, it’s easy to lose sight of one important thing: They think like you. And they are right. It’s right to revere the Constitution. It’s right to value personal responsibility, economic liberty, and free enterprise. It’s right to think that political correctness is crap, and it’s right to call out the mainstream media for bias. And it’s right to laugh at the so-called War on Women and to stand up for the unborn. As they do every day on their blog and radio show, Miriam Weaver and Amy Jo Clark offer a definitive response to critics on the right and the left, and a cheerfully snarky pep talk for likeminded conservatives. On the one hand, they are tired of the media’s portrayal of conservatives as repressed sticks-in-the-mud; on the other hand, they are sick of GOP leaders who play right into that stereotype. With humor and insight, Mock and Daisy, as the Chicks are known on their blog, explain why:Capitalism is a good thing—success and the money that comes with it are nothing to be ashamed of! First Amendment protections extend to all Americans, not just those with whom we agree. Americans have a constitutional right to things that go pew-pew-pew. Skin color is irrelevant. It makes sense to be pro-life and pro-Plan B. The Chicks offer suggestions for a conservative makeover that will realign the GOP with the regular folks who are frustrated with uptight and clueless politicians. But they also show why conservatism makes sense for everyone, especially those who love their country, their families, God, rock and roll, and a well-made cocktail (not necessarily in that order).