Elizabeth Bennet: Heiress

Don H. Miller - 2021
    Mr. Bennet receives news that Mr. Collins has died, and, there being no other living male descendants of the grandparent who created the fee tail on Longbourn, Mr. Bennet may will Longbourn to the daughter of his choice. He chooses Elizabeth, with the full agreement of Jane, her elder sister. Thus, although the family fortune is not affected, Elizabeth’s personal standing is raised because she is now the heiress of a desirable estate. This story explores the effects this may have on Elizabeth’s life and her somewhat contentious relationship with Darcy.

Schemes of Felicity: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Suzan Lauder - 2020
    Darcy desires marriage to Elizabeth Bennet, but he ruins any such prospect during his proposal at Hunsford. The resulting general sense of malaise interferes with his usually amicable yet stately demeanour, and his Fitzwilliam relatives resolve that Darcy is lonely-he must be in want of a wife. His cousins convince him to leap into the London Season for one month and partner every lady they select for his felicity.At Longbourn, chaos erupts as Mr. Bennet undergoes a transformation, and Jane and Elizabeth receive the gift of a month in town to enjoy the Season. Meanwhile, Elizabeth pores over Mr. Darcy's Hunsford letter and wonders about him, warmed by his words.It's only a matter of time before the two meet again in this Pride and Prejudice novella. But will their encounter be a repeat of the earlier disaster, or will they overcome their tenuous history? And can Elizabeth's credentials pass the stringent criteria of the scheming Fitzwilliam cousins who direct Darcy towards the single daughters of every peer of the realm?

Artifice and Attraction: A Darcy and Elizabeth Pride and Prejudice Variation

Maddie Rowden - 2017
    Darcy is in need of a wife. Business keeps him in London, but Georgiana must go to Pemberley for the sake of her health. He cannot trust her care to the servants. He knows his duty - he must seek a wife. A ball at Almack’s is the place to seek a wife of good breeding and wealth. So Mr. Darcy must force himself to attend. Miss Elizabeth Bennet is pleasing to look at. Miss Elizabeth Bennet is lively, playful and intelligent. Miss Elizabeth Bennet is wearing exquisite, costly gowns. Miss Elizabeth Bennet has a voucher to Almack’s, so she must be from a highly suitable family. Mr. Darcy knows his position in life is such that no lady will refuse his offer of marriage, even when he makes it clear that the arrangement does not include affection. Nothing can possibly go wrong. Artifice and Attraction is a sweet and clean Regency Romance novel of over 89,000 words

A Chance Encounter in Pemberley Woods

Brigid Huey - 2019
     Fitzwilliam Darcy returns to his beloved Pemberley with one thing on his mind—to forget Elizabeth Bennet. Riding ahead of his party and racing a storm, he happens upon the very woman he wants to avoid. To his astonishment, she is holding a baby whose name and parentage are unknown. Elizabeth Bennet never dreamed she had wandered into Pemberley’s woods on her afternoon walk. But when she finds an infant alone in the storm, she turns to the last man in the world she wants to see—and the only one who can help them both. As the mystery of the baby’s identity intensifies, Elizabeth finds Mr. Darcy to be quite different from what she expected. But when the child’s family is discovered, will the truth bring them together or tear them apart?

Pride & Perception: a Pride & Prejudice variation

Sue Barr - 2021
    What if…The entail on Longbourn had been broken?The Bennets owned Netherfield Park?Lizzy overheard the second derogatory comment Darcy made about her beauty? After the Bennets had dined at Netherfield Park, he said, “Her a beauty? I should as soon call her mother a wit.”Yeah – that one.This is a story where we explore all these beautiful what ifs.

A More Gentlemanlike Manner: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Sophia King - 2017
    He is desperate to forget his failed marriage proposal to Elizabeth Bennet and desires nothing more than to banish both the lady and his humiliation from his mind once and for all. A storm breaks and he decides to stop at a small cottage on his land until the morning. But as he approaches shelter, a tree branch snaps loose in the storm, and renders him unconscious. Miss Elizabeth Bennet is cursing her luck that a storm should break out on the very day she decided to explore Pemberley Woods. She had relished the chance to be alone on her tour of Derbyshire with her aunt and uncle, but now she is trapped in the middle of nowhere, and the weather is growing worse. She hears a horse, and runs in the direction of the sound to find the unconscious form of very man she least wishes to encounter. She is forced to drag him into the cottage, where they spend the night alone together. Unfortunately, when he awakens, Mr Darcy has no idea who he is, and has no memory of anything that happened before his accident. They return to Pemberley where Mr and Miss Bingley have been searching frantically for Mr Darcy. Miss Bingley is not too pleased that Mr Darcy has now compromised Elizabeth’s reputation, and will be obliged to marry her when his memory recovers. But the lady realises his lack of memory could also be the opportunity she herself has been hoping for. Can Mr Darcy recover his memory before he is manipulated by those around him who would seek to take advantage of his vulnerable state? And why is the pretty and lively Miss Elizabeth so reluctant to share memories of their former encounters together? Elizabeth is intrigued by the new side to Darcy she sees, and believes this is a man she could love. But is it just a result of his accident, or has he really changed? And as her feelings for him grows, she wonders if it’s possible he will still love her when his memory returns? Or will he resent her as the lady who rejected him and his previous marriage proposal?

Darcy Steps In: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Nicole Goodall - 2019
    Principles and feelings must now be forgotten: Elizabeth knows what she must do in order to save her family. As unpalatable as it is, she prepares to swallow her pride and travel to Kent. There is one factor Elizabeth did not anticipate: Fitzwilliam Darcy. Is he really as hard as he seems or is a kinder nature lurking just below the surface? Elizabeth does not dare allow herself to hope. Darcy may be the only one who can save her from a life of unhappiness.

When Duty Calls

Belén Paccagnella - 2020
    Mr. Bingley’s departure leaves the eldest, Jane Bennet, heartbroken whilst Mr. Collins’s proposal induces Miss Elizabeth to make a hasty escape. During her flight, she happens upon Mr. Darcy, a gentleman she despises. A moment of solitude in the woods leads to rather improper behavior, and the couple departs with the promise they will tell no one about their minor indiscretion. When their secret is finally uncovered, marriage becomes the only solution to saving Elizabeth from social disgrace. Her other grudges against Mr. Darcy are amplified by resentment and the prospect of spending her life with a man she can never respect. Nonetheless, the marriage takes place, forcing the young couple to deal with their pride and prejudices as husband and wife.Originally posted online almost twenty years ago, this Regency tale of redemption narrates the struggles of two people, their differences, and their rocky start. But will they succeed in overcoming lies, misunderstandings, and their own errors to finally find love?

A Longbourn Entanglement

Monica Fairview - 2021
    If Darcy discovers it, will it spell the end of their fledgling romance?When Mrs. Bennet falls ill after the Netherfield Ball, Mr. Darcy and Mr. Bingley postpone their trip to London to offer their assistance. But things are never what they seem. Before long, Darcy is entangled in a chaotic situation at Longbourn, and Elizabeth is faced with a thorny dilemma that could drive Darcy away from her forever.Will Elizabeth and Darcy muddle their way through the mayhem, or is everything just too tangled for them to find love?If you are looking for a sweet, frolicsome Jane Austen short read, this romantic comedy is just what you need.

A Fortunate Alliance: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Emma Crawley - 2017
    When a storm obligates them to spend the day at their inn, Elizabeth befriends a young girl called Georgiana Wickham, who is travelling with her brother, George. The two become close right away, but it is obvious Mr Wickham is uneasy about their friendship. And it is just as obvious Georgiana is not whom she says she is. Why else would she seem so uncomfortable in her charming brother’s presence? When Georgiana confesses that she and Mr Wickham have travelled from Ramsgate to elope to Gretna Green, and begs Elizabeth to help her, Elizabeth is determined to do all she can. Including reaching out to Georgiana’s proud brother, Mr Darcy, who is in Bath in search of a wife of his own, and completely unaware of his sister’s plight. Can Elizabeth help Georgiana escape the avaricious ambitions of Mr Wickham? And will Mr Darcy arrive on time to save her from his old enemy? When Georgiana disappears with Wickham from her room at the inn, Elizabeth and Darcy are forced to team up to rescue her. And the experience forces a closer intimacy between the two than might otherwise have been expected.

Against Every Expectation

Paige Badgett - 2022
    Instead of the reprieve she desired, she finds herself trapped and miserable—a direct reflection of Mr Collins’s peculiar sense of hospitality, justice, and duty.. The tension in the parsonage is significant, and her friend is much changed. Elizabeth’s only relief is derived from her morning rambles, where she finds great solace in the strangest of places—walking with Mr Darcy. His steadiness, kindness and dependability greatly oppose her previous perceptions of the man, and yet she cannot help but continue to compare his character in Kent with the man she had supposed him to be during their previous acquaintance in Hertfordshire. Could it be that he was now showing his truest self to her?JUST WHEN IT SEEMS FELICITY is near, however, insidious jealousy arises and the betrayal of one close to the two couples threatens their nascent happiness. Elizabeth is pulled away too soon, and Darcy is left to wonder if she ever had feelings for him at all. Can the truth be untangled in time for their course of love to reach its completion?

Felicity in Marriage

Aria Benedict - 2017
    Beginning where Jane Austen’s classic left off, this collection of six humorous and heart-warming stories takes readers from Lizzy and Darcy’s first argument as a married couple, to their youngest daughter’s first season. Follow our favorite couple as they overcome the trials and tribulations of wedded life, learning and laughing through it all. Stories included: For Better, For Worse A Moment Alone Lizzy’s News The Missing Bonnet A Letter to Mother The Last Miss Darcy Approximately 15,000 words total.

Lord Harpenden's Daughter : Pride and Prejudice variation

Elin Eriksen - 2021
    It was the talk of the town; not even Mr Darcy could avoid hearing about it, with his best friend's loquacious sister in tow.The sisters, dressed in their mourning garb, do not quite meet the expectations of the fastidious Mr Darcy, who soon finds himself in the unenviable position of trying to rectify a poor first impression. But then a dramatic event forces them to unite against a common enemy—a master of deception—to save their sisters.A chaste Pride and Prejudice variation of approximately 63 000 words, appropriate for adults due to graphic descriptions of nonsexual violence. A forced marriage scenario with no compromise.*Henry and Emma, a poem by Matthew Prior (1664-1721)

Our Particular Friend - A Pride and Prejudice Variation (The Sweet Regency Romance Series Book 11)

Perpetua Langley - 2017
    Elizabeth Bennet counts herself as one among them, the neighborhood has been dull of late. According to Meryton’s most reliable source of gossip, the house will soon contain a certain Miss Caroline Bingley, her particular friend Mayria Hoppenstack, their companion Mrs. Younge, Mr. Charles Bingley, Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy and Mr. Darcy’s distant relation from Scotland, Mr. Hamish Mackay. At Mr. Bingley’s urging, he and his friends appear at the Meryton assembly and the party are welcomed by all. All, excepting Elizabeth Bennet, who has managed to insult Mr. Darcy before he has even fully got himself inside the doors. She would have worked to appear more contrite over the mishap if Mr. Darcy had not seemed to glory in repeatedly pointing it out to her. As it was, the man made it impossible to accept defeat gracefully. After this ill-omened start, how on earth could anything promising begin? Amidst Elizabeth’s mortification, Mr. Mackay is found to be a source of strange tales from Scotland, Miss Hoppenstack is not all she claims to be, Mr. Collins discovers his esteemed father was mistaken about a few things, Mary proves herself to be more than a musician and reciter of facts, Charlotte finds success without having to say a word, Lydia has a revelation, Wickham ensnares himself in a web of lies, Lady Catherine is subdued by one clever Bennet while she seeks to subdue another, and most importantly, Mr. Darcy has a plan. #11 in The Sweet Regency Romance Series

Sons of Pemberley: A Pride & Prejudice Reimagining

Elizabeth Adams - 2020
    a retelling of the circumstances that shaped the man we have come to love... a reimagining of the friendships and relationships that formed each iconic character... a tale of love, loss, heartbreak, and triumph—that is Sons of Pemberley.