Mistaken Identity

J. Dawn King - 2021
    Two ladies with the same appearance. What happens when they meet? MURDER!!!When Fitzwilliam Darcy’s life is threatened, he seeks refuge in Hertfordshire where he meets a woman who looks remarkably like the female who twice shot at him. Why was Elizabeth Bennet trying to kill him? How could he be attracted to her when he should do everything in his power to stay away?Accidentally mistaking Mr. Darcy for someone else, Elizabeth Bennet determines to have nothing to do with him until she learns that her first impression might have been a mistake. Where she expected arrogance, he was kind. When she anticipated a lie, he proved himself trustworthy. Who was the man behind the name, Fitzwilliam Darcy, and why was she drawn to him despite knowing he was dangerous?In this Regency romance with a hint of dark mystery written by bestselling author, J Dawn King, the true nature of the characters from Jane Austen’s Pride & Prejudice are revealed as they search through a complex web of deceit to find hope and lasting love.

Travelling Towards Happiness: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Kevin Lawrence - 2021
    It is the story of a powerful, determined, honourable and brave Darcy, ready to put his life in danger for the woman he loves, and a strong, witty, kind-hearted Elizabeth, ready to admit her errors and to receive and return his ardent love. What if, instead of meeting for the first time after the failed proposal at Pemberley, their first encounter instead takes place while they are both travelling toward the North.The story begins in July, at the beginning of the Gardiners’ and Elizabeth’s journey towards the Lakes. A storm thwarts their plans and a broken wheel on their carriage forces them to make an impromptu stop at an inn, which is already overcrowded and has no rooms left to accommodate them. With no place to stay, no carriage to continue their travel and even in danger of falling ill, their plans seem entirely ruined. Unless…Still grieving over his failed marriage proposal, Darcy is on his way home to Pemberley. As usual, he stops for the night at his favourite inn, together with his valet and two coachmen. An unexpected storm causes the inn to be overcrowded and, faced with so many people without shelter, he is trying his best to offer his support. To his utter astonishment, one of those in need is the woman of his dreams and nightmares, Elizabeth Bennet.Since they seem to share the same destination, the same regrets and sorrow and the same hopes, could they mend the past and build a happy future whilst travelling together? What if new villains and new dangers threaten their lives, forcing them to face the most difficult choices? Will Darcy be able to protect his love?Find out all the answers in this romantic and adventurous tale of our beloved couple.

Skirmish and Scandal

C.P. Odom - 2021
    More than one wealthy or noble family of seemingly sterling reputation is torn apart and sometimes all but exterminated by savage intra-family feuds.That situation unexpectedly confronts Fitzwilliam Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet in Skirmish and Scandal when Darcy’s interest in Elizabeth as a future mistress of Pemberley becomes known to Lady Catherine de Bourgh and her noble Matlock relations. Determined to prevent an affront to the reputation of their aristocratic clan, the most prominent members of the family gather with Lady Catherine to confront Darcy and force him to choose a more suitable wife. Th e resulting conflict and its aftermath involve furious arguments, abduction, pursuit, and personal clashes that narrowly avert meetings on the field of honour.How can such emotionally intense and seemingly insurmountable personal conflicts between thecouple result in an amorouos resolution?

Duels of Every Sort: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Sarah Brown - 2019
    What if the Bennets did have a son? How would the addition of another one of those witty Bennets to the story alter Darcy's point of view? Arguments, adventure, romance, and duels of every sort are sure to follow.

A Fortunate Alliance: A Pride and Prejudice Story

Beth Poppet - 2019
     Her sister, Elizabeth, is distraught over the engagement, and although aware of an unspoken attraction between Jane and Mr Bingley, she is powerless to alter her sister’s inevitable future without encouraging a scandal. Elizabeth’s displeasure is often manifest by way of general complaint to the even wealthier and more distinguished Mr Fitzwilliam Darcy, who confesses a propensity for offending wherever he goes. Despite assurances that Jane has made a most suitable match, Elizabeth is determined never to marry for mere security and familial obligations, but her sharp wit and biting tongue produce obstacles in making a fortunate alliance of her own. “My Dear Readers, If you have taken up the delightful chore of reading this novel, I hope that you are as fond of ‘Pride and Prejudice’ and its author, Jane Austen, as I am. I make no claims of being her equal in writing, though I strive to preserve her style and characters in a way that will do justice to those presented to us in the original. I am under no delusion that my adaptation must appeal to every reader of Jane Austen fan-works. Yet I have done my utmost to deliver to you the sort of drama we might expect from a novel of this period; that of familial duty and regret, of sisterly quarrels and affection, enduring friendships, first impressions, and yes, now and then a runaway animal, and a bit of family scandal. For any inaccuracies written in ignorance, I apologise. For liberties taken for the sake of writerly whims, I can only request your indulgence. These liberties may be most apparent in the continuing stories compiled in Volume II, as this is where my novel expands into new territory and ‘Pride and Prejudice’ could not be consulted for material, leaving me to rely on speculation. My original design to end the story by Volume I was thwarted when I found it impossible to do some of our favourite couples and their endings justice under such limitations. My wise editor, fellow author, and eternal friend, Miss Catherine Miller, suggested I take a page from the illustrious Jane Austen herself and expand into a second volume, the better to tell everyone’s stories in the most satisfactory manner. A last word to those astonishing persons who have made it this far. Thank you ever so much for choosing to read this humble author’s adaptation of such a beloved and enduring novel. I know there are a multitude of fan-works to choose from in this sphere, and I am absolutely delighted that you would consider mine worthy of your time and attention. May it prove so! Your Little Scribbler, Madam Beth Poppet”

Follies and Nonsense: A Variation on Pride and Prejudice

Martin Hunnicutt - 2020
    Now a widow with a young son, she returns to Meryton to help her family where she meets Mr. Darcy and takes the young man to task for his unkind statements at the Meryton Assembly. As they meet and talk at tea, suppers and hunting parties, they discover common interests and form a friendship that grows into a warm regard. Miss Bingley causes problems immediately and then Mr. Wickham, Mr. Collins, and Lady Catherine arrive on the scene to compound complications. While Elizabeth hides her situation from Mr. Darcy, his habit of doing things his own way creates misunderstandings and trouble.What will his reaction be when he discovers the truth about her situation?

An Engagement at Pemberley: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Rosemary Barton - 2020
    Though she has heard that the owner is a proud, unpleasant man, he is away from home and will not interfere with her enjoyment of the woods and fields surrounding the magnificent house. But when a strange man encounters her in the woods and accuses her of being a thief, she is determined to embarrass him for his error. Only to discover she has been completely mistaken in his identity. Fitzwilliam Darcy is perplexed by the strange girl before him. Her appearance is dishevelled from her walk in his woods, but her eyes sparkle, and she has a quick wit that captivates him. He is eager to know more of her, but his initial impression of her as a thief means the sentiment is not returned. As Darcy and Elizabeth are thrown together more and more in the beautiful Derbyshire countryside, their initial feelings for one another grow and deepen into something more. But Miss Bingley, the sister of Darcy’s closest friend, is not pleased by the love developing between Eliza Bennet and the man Miss Bingley is determined to marry. Fearing a proposal is imminent, she stoops to a level which shocks even those who know her best and which threatens to tear Elizabeth and Darcy apart forever.

Darcy's Labours of Love: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Renee McKenzie - 2021
    Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy immediately regrets his insult to Elizabeth Bennet at the Meryton Assembly, and takes the opportunity during a chance meeting on Oakham Mount to apologize. Reticent to so easily forgive Darcy's boorish behaviour, Elizabeth announces that she will consider Darcy's request after further studying his actions. Darcy impulsively offers to complete six labours chosen by Elizabeth, in the tradition of The Twelve Labours of Hercules, to demonstrate that he can be a better man. In exchange, Darcy will not only receive Elizabeth's friendship but also a token, of his choosing, at the completion of each labour.Join the traditional P&P characters, and some new ones, as Elizabeth designs labours to test the boundaries of Darcy's social faults. The outcomes surprise both Elizabeth and Darcy as the completion of Darcy's labours and the collection of his tokens deepens their friendship. However, just as their friendship blossoms into something more their future is threatened by an act of revenge. Will Darcy's labours lead to a deep, abiding love?Author's Note: Readers should be aware that there is an event in the book of a violent physical attack which is described explicitly, both as it happens and in its re-telling. There are some descriptions of kissing that demonstrate the ardent love of our dear couple, but the situations are written in good taste. For Regency period enthusiasts, there are some liberties taken with the behaviour of a courting couple.

Strong Objections to the Lady

Jayne Bamber - 2019
    Darcy’s proposal to Elizabeth Bennet, her wrath sets in motion a series of events at Hunsford Parsonage which embroil Darcy and Elizabeth in a family fracas that grows more complicated daily.The shades of Rosings Park are soon polluted by the shocking transformation of its new mistress and her guests, as well as secrets of the past and schemes for the future.Appearances and alliances shift amidst the chaos wrought by a well-intentioned house party, and Darcy and Elizabeth must finally face their feelings for one another despite mounting obstacles and misunderstandings of every kind.

A Happy Accident: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Amelia Wood - 2019
    And only the understanding that he is away from home allows her the freedom to explore the peaks around Pemberley, his magnificent estate in Derbyshire. But as Elizabeth as navigating the treacherous ground on her return to Lambton, she and Darcy come upon one another unexpectedly. Her shock caused Elizabeth to lose her footing and stumble. Darcy never thought he would have a greater shock than seeing Elizabeth Bennet exploring his lands only weeks after she broke his heart. That was until he had the shock of seeing her lose her footing and stumble from his sight. While Darcy cares for Elizabeth’s injuries at Pemberley, the two tentatively grow closer as they explore the misunderstandings and the growing feelings between them. But not everyone is pleased by Elizabeth’s stay at Pemberley. And they are prepared to do all they can to keep them apart. Even if it means corrupting their own honour and destroying the happiness of Elizabeth and Darcy forever. A Happy Accident is a Pride and Prejudice variation novella of approximately 30,000 words.

Happy by Accident... or Not?: A Pride and Prejudice variation

Michelle D'Arcy - 2021
    Phillips’ house and the disturbing conversation during which Wickham reveals to Elizabeth his past misfortunes caused by Darcy.On a cold autumn morning, Elizabeth takes a long walk to clear her thoughts and to escape Mr. Collins’s annoying attentions.Her solitary reverie is interrupted by cries for help and she discovers Mr. Bingley, who has fallen from his horse and is lying at the edge of a marsh. While Elizabeth tries to assist him, Darcy appears in search of his friend. With the threat of a storm approaching, Darcy hurries to fetch more help and Elizabeth remains with Bingley — a good opportunity for them to disagree about Darcy’s character.Mr. Bingley’s wounds are not severe, but serious enough to affect his plans for the ball. Also, the disclosure of his argument with Miss Elizabeth will trouble Darcy, contradicting all his previous beliefs about the woman he secretly admires.Therefore, the two gentlemen must decide how they want to proceed with the ladies of their hearts.With several surprise visitors attending the Netherfield Ball, with opinions and feelings changed, with secrets unveiled and the truth finally exposed, our beloved couples will interact, argue, reconcile, bear some misunderstandings and suffer from a little bit of jealousy before they reach their well-deserved ‘Happily Ever After’.

The Matchmaker: A Pride & Prejudice Novella

Christie Capps - 2021
    Determined to help her brother out of his blue spell, she decides that her new acquaintance—Miss Jane Bennet—is just the lady to fill Darcy’s heart with cheer. And while she is at it, would not Miss Elizabeth Bennet suit Georgiana’s cousin Colonel Fitzwilliam perfectly?Misunderstandings abound as the characters readers know and love take matters into their own hands, leaving Miss Darcy caught unaware.Will Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy and Elizabeth admit they are in love with each other, or will the interference of a well-meaning girl keep them apart? What happens when the course of true love does not run straight? Does Miss Darcy learn the lesson that it is best not to interfere?Told primarily from Mr. Darcy and Miss Elizabeth’s point of view, this charming 25,000-word Regency tale by best-selling author Christie Capps is appropriate for all ages.

Second Son: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Cherith Boardman - 2017
    When tragedy strikes, he is called to fulfil his role as the “spare,” struggling to meet the demands placed upon him, overcoming the distrust of those who wish him to fail, and devoting himself to the good of Pemberley’s dependants. Disgusted with Society, and scorned by the sister he loves, Darcy visits his friend in Hertfordshire, where he meets the Bennets of Longbourn. He discovers in their second daughter, Elizabeth, a new source of hope and purpose for his life. When his family questions the lady’s fitness to be Mistress of Pemberley and demands he fulfil his responsibilities to his family and the legacy of the Darcy name, Fitzwilliam is left torn between duty and his heart… Duty has taken his dreams once, is Pemberley to take Elizabeth from him as well? Second Son is a full length novel and a variation of Jane Austen's Pride & Prejudice, using British and historical spellings. Both the Darcy and Bennet families differ somewhat from canon.

A Look Behind the Mask: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Tiffany Thomas - 2021
    She learns the hard way that a handsome face can mask cruelty and depravity.This experience forever alters her relationships with her sisters, her parents, and her friends.How will a changed Elizabeth Bennet react to Fitzwilliam Darcy's insults at the Meryton Assembly?Can Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy overcome their altered pride and prejudices to find happily ever after?A Look Behind the Mask is a full-length, clean Pride & Prejudice variation of 112,000 words.**Trigger warning: the prologue shows an experience of an adult male abusing a young female teen. It does NOT go into detail, but it may be disturbing for some. If it becomes uncomfortable for you, you can skip to chapter 1 without missing any of the story.**Praise for A Look Behind the Mask:“I enjoyed how you used the Jane Austen characters and set them in your own story. I really enjoyed all the differences and unique plot twists. Well done.”“Wow what a glorious story!”“Oh my god I SOBBED during the epilogue. What a beautiful story and a beautiful end.”“This was a wonderful story! I really enjoyed the exploration of these characters and how real they were.”“Your story is one of the top stories I've read… Please keep writing, you have a talent that should not be wasted.”“Just the idea of Elizabeth dumping a pitcher of water on Lydia's head is giving me more enjoyment than I ever expected.”“What a great story. You carried the many plot lines beautifully.”“Your story is one of the top Jane Austen Fan Fiction stories I've read.”

An Inn-cidental Compromise

Dee Kay - 2021
    They decide to keep the marriage a secret until they can have a proper English wedding, so their sister’s marriage prospects are not tainted by scandal. Sometimes keeping a secret can get hard. (Warning: British spelling variants used.)This is a racy Pride and Prejudice comedy. If you do not like farce, this may not be the book for you. Then again, maybe you will enjoy all the improbable situations our odd couple find themselves. Experience the trials and tribulations of trying to keep a secret marriage a secret while wanting nothing more than to be alone so you can…I apologize in advance for any mistakes; please forgive me. I had an editor lined up to help me out, but unfortunately, it fell through like much of last year. So I was forced to slog through it on my own, along with the program Grammarly. It tells me I have done a decent job, but I find some of the suggestions it tells me to make suspect. Therefore I am suspicious of its accuracy in finding problems. Also, if you think it is a typo it could be the British variant spelling of the word.As a struggling author in these difficult times, I did not have the time to find another editor. I hope the reader will understand. As many times as I have read through the story, I always find something wrong. Or something I want to change. At a certain point, one must move forward or be forever stuck in the same spot in anything one does in life.