The Searcher: He's there when the Law can't help

Rand Osborn - 2017
    He was a Searcher of men who possessed a unique skill only a few possess. When not working he was self destructive and a town drunk. Jethro McDougal needed the services of a Searcher of the caliber of Reed Justus' ability. He found him in a saloon and his unkempt appearance made him wonder if this man could do the job. McDougal decided he would take the chance but only time would tell if Justus was really the one known as the Searcher!

The Submarine Full of Bees

Neil McFarlane - 2015
    Usually stories are about other people but this story is about you. And usually stories are made up but this story is all true. It’s about the amazing adventure you had today with those bees. I know what you’re thinking: you’re thinking: I didn’t have an adventure with any bees today! Oh yes you did! But you can’t remember because that magic flower made you forget. Let me explain ... This story is one of the thirty-one stories that make up the critically acclaimed collection A Month of Bedtime Stories Available exclusively on Amazon for $2.99 (That's 9 cents per story!) Reviews of A Month of Bedtime Stories "A wonderful book well worth adding to any collection" - Book Reviews and Giveaways "I loved each one and never once was ready to put the book down" - Chodi Kid Books "These well-written and fast-paced stories are told with a touch of humor that both the child and the storyteller can enjoy" - Online Book Club Grab a copy today

West of the Dead Line: Tales of an Indian Territory Lawman

Phil Truman - 2017
    It ran straight south from Caldwell, Kansas to Fort Reno, I.T., then down through the Cheyenne and Comanche and Kiowa lands, crossing the Red River into Bowie, Texas. It was a line on the map, a demarcation. West of it no law existed, only outlaws. On trails out there, outlaws put notes on trees and posts to let lawmen know they'd be killed if they continued their pursuits west of the Dead Line.In the storied times of the American West, in what was called Indian Territory, no place came close to matching the dangers and mortality U.S.marshals faced doing their jobs. Those who survived became titans in the legends of the West, particularly one man called Bass Reeves. These stories are fiction; the encounters this lawman faced, and The Dead Line, were not.

West to Ranger Creek

Ash Lingam - 2017
    It is eighteen sixty-six during the Reconstruction Period and many soldiers mustered out of the Armies, both North and South only to return to burned-out homes and long gone families. Some turned to the trail West and Texan territory, bringing with them the hate and violence inherited from their four years of hell. Combined with the lack of military presence in Texas during these years of civil conflict the Comanche had gained a foothold and pushed the settlers back more than thirty miles as they continue their raiding parties unchecked across Texas and Mexico. With only the Texas Rangers to stand in their way. A historically factual novel with a peppering of famous Old West characters sprinkled in. Humor, tragedy, romance, bounty hunters, gunfighters and a strong dose of action make this third book of the Sundog Series a winner. Quite the Western Adventure.

Letter of the Law

C.K. Crigger - 2010
    To this end, they ambush Sheriff Pelham Birdsall, leaving him for dead. But Birdsall, thanks to his young wife Delight, doesn't die, and as she strives to get him back on his feet in time for the inevitable showdown, more and more of the sheriff's duties fall on her shoulders. In this, she is assisted by an unlikely deputy and a three-legged dog, but in the end, it takes all of them to vanquish the outlaws. As an historical aside, a sheriff's wife was often called upon to provide meals and other amenities for prisoners in her husband's jail. In return, depending on the prisoner's character and his crime, he might chop wood for the stove or do other chores. Neither the sheriff nor his wife was paid extra for prisoner provisions or for her work.

Seth Forster: Special U.S. Marshal: A Western (The Special U.S. Marshal Western Adventure Series Book 1)

Dusty Rhodes - 2017
    He’s an expert roper, brander, hunter, and bronc buster. He goes to Chicago in 1880 to spend a bit of money. While in one of the classiest establishments, the dealer cheats him out of a high-odds win and he pins his hand to the table with the correct card under it. Taken to jail because the establishment is protected, he is drafted to be a Special U. S. Marshal without a set territory and a mission: to catch cowboys because the others don’t look or smell like a cowboy. There is a fortified ranch near the Laramie River where Texas outlaws go when Texas is too hot. Seth’s mission was to infiltrate the ranch, and find out more. Now there are three men trying to kill him: The ranch owner, a Sharpshooter, and a cannibal mountain man they’ve hired. Out in the forest, with limited supplies, he must kill each one of them. But can he, do it? If you love the writing of Brad Dennison, Paul L. Thompson and Terry Grosz…. You will love this new action-packed western adventure from Dusty Rhodes!

Colter's Trail: A Western Adventure

Lee Selders - 2017
    The excitement never slows; outlaws; Indians; a passenger who turns out to be a thief; gunfights; getting lost in the desert, etc. It seems that wherever Colter goes, trouble follows. However, he’s a very resourceful character who can handle anything that comes his way. Although the story-line is fairly traditional, the main characters and some of the events are not. Colter is quite unusual for his time His appearance, personality, style of dress and the equipment and weapons he carries are very unique. He smokes a pipe and loves his coffee, and he is continually making something to suit his needs from what he has on hand. He has a unique rapport with his horse that is exciting, interesting and very often humorous, while his weapons and knowledge of hand-to-hand combat make for some exciting fight scenes. This is not just another “Western”. It has humor, romance and suspense scenes that will keep a reader’s heart pounding. The dialog and the never-ending excitement make a story that is hard to put down.

To The Tall Timber (Buckskin Chronicles Book 2)

B.N. Rundell - 2016
    The journey allows for a visit with Jeremiah's only living relative, his sister. Jeremiah finds himself obligated to make and keep another promise that sets the trio on the trail West, and that journey sees them join up with a wagon train of settlers and missionaries searching for a new land and a new life. But tragedy strikes and everyone must learn to survive against the trials and challenges of the life-threatening wilderness of the West. The long trip across the plains give the mountain men challenges never before imagined, but with the added resolve of determined settlers, the journey continues to Fort William where the group divides to seek their own futures. Yet the ultimate goal of being reunited with the one woman that truly stirs Jeremiah's heart and give meaning to life, is realized as the journey for the traveling companions ends as they reach the Summer camp of the Arapaho, the second family to Jeremiah.

Red Runs the Plain

W.R. Benton - 2007
    Army Scout'Escaping from the Oto Indians who brutally slaughtered his whole family, fifteen-year-old Jarel Wade runs aimlessly into a snowstorm. On the verge of death he's rescued by a pair of cantankerous old mountain men as rugged as the mountains off which they live. Taken under their wing, Jarel proves himself worthy of the trail, but something's coming; something far more sinister that will test every ounce of his newly earned skills and mettle. A rogue former British Army officer is systematically exterminating the free trappers. He wants to corner the fur trade for himself, and he commands a pack of thieves, murderers and outcasts who know the mountains as well as they know how to dig Jarel a grave."RED RUNS THE PLAIN is a crackerjack story written by a craftsman at the top of his form. A whirlwind of a tale that will keep you turning pages."— Matt Braun

Vikram And Betaal: Famous Illustrated Tales

Maple Press - 2016
    Through these tales children will learn about the myriad of tricky questions that Betaal poses while riding the king’s back, and the quick, witty and thoughtful answers that king Vikram gives with his presence of mind. The book is replete with colourful pictures to give wings to the children’s imagination.

The Dance of the Caterpillars

Adele Marie Crouch - 2010
    Therefore, The Dance of The Caterpillars was written as a fun way to teach prepositions. This exciting children's book contains twenty-two prepositions, one two-word multiple, and two three-word multiples. It is destined to become a valuable learning tool for children as well as English as a second language students. You will find English, traditional Korean characters and Korean transliterations. There is also a vocabulary list in the back of the book for your continued study.


Frank Roderus - 1981
    He had been saving the pay he sweated so hard for, and he reckoned there was enough to set himself up with a spread of his own. He thought he might look into the Triple X Ranch, the one they called the Whiskey Brand. It had prime cattle land and was a bargain... or so it seemed.

Crossed Arrows: Mountain Men

Terry Grosz - 2010
    The rugged mountains that lay beyond America’s frontier remained mostly unexplored. In those days, when beaver were plentiful and the buffalo roamed freely, the killing was good. The two young men would also find that life would be hardscrabble in the high frontier. They would face grizzly bears and hostile Indians. And they would risk horse wrecks and mountain storms to trade their furs each year at “rendezvous.” Crossed Arrows is the story of two adventurers who lived hard in the earliest days of the Wild West.

Brand Justice: A Classic Western

Sam Scott - 2018
    and everybody’s armed Territory of Arizona, 1882: Luther Ames returns to the settlement of Trinity Meadows to discover his brother’s fresh grave. It lies beside the charred remains of his cabin. Billy was shot point-blank and burned with a branding iron.He’s the third such victim in as many weeks.Rumors swirl that Billy was part of a band of cattle rustlers, but Luther knows that’s a lie.Scores of cattle are going missing and the town is on the brink of a shooting war between the homesteaders and the wealthy ranchers.With the killers out for blood, Luther comes across a lone woman hiding in an abandoned shack right in the path of the rustlers. She’s hauntingly beautiful, she’s in danger, and she’s one of the rancher’s daughters.Suddenly the lines that have been drawn are no longer clear. Allies might be enemies, friendships are not what they seem, and everybody’s armed…

Doc Holt

C.J. Petit - 2018
    What they were doing bothered him. Why they were doing it bothered him. But most of all, why he wasn’t doing anything to stop it bothered him. He always had believed that what others did wasn’t his business. But this would have to become his business now. He had to stop it.