Confessions of an Organized Homemaker: The Secrets of Uncluttering Your Home and Taking Control of Your Life

Deniece Schofield - 1994
    This newly expanded and updated edition offers homemakers hundreds of ideas and techniques on how to unclutter their homes and take control of their lives.

The Home Edit Life: The Complete Guide to Organizing Absolutely Everything at Work, at Home, and on the Go

Clea Shearer - 2020
    The Home Edit mentality is all about embracing your life--whether you're a busy mom, a roommate living with three, or someone who's always traveling for work. You just need to know how to set up a system that works for you.In the next phase of the home organizing craze, Clea Shearer and Joanna Teplin go beyond the pantry and bookshelf to show you how to contain the chaos in all aspects of your life from office space to traveling bags to pet supplies and holiday storage. Take quizzes and get to know your organizing style, tailor it to your family's lifestyle, and lead the low-guilt life as you apply more genius ideas to every aspect of your life.Clea and Joanna are here to remind you that "it's okay to own things" (we all do!) in the quest for pretty and smart spaces. With The Home Edit Life, you'll be corralling phone cords, archiving old photos, packing your suitcase like a pro, and arranging your phone apps by color in no time.

Hot Mess to Mindful Mom: 40 Ways to Find Balance and Joy in Your Every Day

Ali Katz - 2015
    But it is important to slow down and take a minute to focus on the things that matter most—and the first step is to connect with yourself again. This book will show women that by caring for themselves first, they can better care for everyone they love.In her first book, Ali has woven together a compilation of all the tools she used to transform herself from “hot mess” to “mindful mom,” and is divided helpfully into three parts:• Everyday practices• Tools used as needed• Attitude adjustments made along the wayReaders will learn how small tweaks and changes can lead to huge results, and that they too can leave stress behind in favor of calm and peace. With humor, grace, and an extremely relatable manner, Ali gives women the tools to make the same changes in their own lives.

Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster

Peggy Huddleston - 2002
    Mind-Body techniques that will help a patient: feel calmer before surgery, recover faster, have less pain after surgery, strengthen the immune system, use less pain medication, and save money on medical bills.

Rossen to the Rescue: Secrets to Avoiding Scams, Everyday Dangers, and Major Catastrophes

Jeff Rossen - 2017

The Latter-day Morning: Create a Happier, More Successful, Spiritual Life Before Breakfast

Mark Bacera - 2015
    But instead of snoozing, what if you devoted that time to growing yourself and your relationship with your Heavenly Father? Imagine how much better things would be. Learn how to transform you life and create a healthier, happier, more successful, and more spiritual life by using a special morning routine just for you.

52 Ways to Live the Course in Miracles: Cultivate a Simpler, Slower, More Love-Filled Life

Karen Casey - 2016
    First introduced to ACIM during the early stages of sobriety when she hung on to Alcoholics Anonymous like her life depended on it (and, of course, it did), she yearned for something that could quiet her near constant anxiety. ACIM has done that for her, bringing her a simpler, softer, slower, and more loving life." Writing a book of essays about the course, suggesting how one can practice it for personal benefit, is so pleasurable. Every word I write is a constant reminder to me of how to cultivate greater peace in my own life. What could be better than that? Nothing comes to mind, frankly. " from the introduction"52 Ways to Live the Course In Miracles" takes readers on a journey through simple ideas and affirmations for meditation. Casey not only offers an explanation of the ideas, but also shares her own experiences with them stumbles and all offering proof of how helpful and practical they really are and showing that the goal isn t perfection, but rather progress toward creating a life of love and peace."

OneNote: OneNote User Guide to Getting Things Done: Setup OneNote for GTD in 5 Easy Steps (OneNote & David Allen's GTD (2015))

Jack Echo - 2015
     Would you like to capture your thoughts and to-do's so they don't ALWAYS run loose and rampant in your mind?Would you like to significantly improve your efficiency and productivity so you free up YOUR time?Or maybe you'd like to reduce your stress AND still get more DONE. If so, you've found the right book!Unless you've been living under a rock for the past 13 years you would have heard about David Allen's "Getting Things Done" (GTD) System detailed in his New York Times Bestseller Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-free Productivity. Jack Echo has built upon the same best-selling productivity principles in the newly revised 2015 GTD system by providing a comprehensive guide on how to integrate these principles with OneNote (a free digital note-taking software developed by Microsoft). Through integration of the two systems you have the added benefit and ability to note-take wherever you are without a pen and paper whilst supercharging your productivity in all your daily activities.No matter how technologically illiterate you may be, this guide will walk you step by step on how to set up the GTD system in OneNote within 30 minutes by following the diagrams and 5 simple steps laid out for you. If you aren't familiar with the GTD productivity system by David Allen, Jack has you covered as he explains the foundations of the productivity system. Inside You'll Discover... What the 2015 GTD System Is and WHY It Significantly Improves Your Productivity What OneNotes All About and How to Easily Navigate the Features The #1 Thing You MUST Avoid for Enhanced Productivity The Answer to the Ever Eluding Question: OneNote or EverNote?! How to Set OneNote Up Rapidly in 5 Savvy Steps Why OneNote and GTD Form the Dream Team 6 Productivity Hacks & Tricks with OneNote that Will Make You a Productivity Ninja Integration of OneNote with Other Software 7 Lucrative Lists to Stress-free Productivity How to Use OneNote with GTD to Decrease Stress and Get More Done in Less Time The Core Principles of the GTD System Results from Studies Done by Cognitive Scientists on Productivity and the Implications It Has On You Three Reasons Why Things Are Always on Your Mind PLUS: How to Get Six Free Bonus eBooks Inside... What are you waiting for?Times ticking! Get more out of your TIME and EFFORT today by making the smartest investment you could possibly make. An investment in yourself , your future and your productivity. Scroll up NOW and Buy with 1-Click!

Advancing Your Spirit 4-CD Set: Finding Meaning In Your Life's Journey

Wayne W. Dyer - 2008
    This is a rare opportunity to hear two luminaries from the field of self-development together for the first time on an audio program.As you absorb the information on these four CDs, you’ll find that you can transform your challenges and concerns into spiritual triumphs; learn the keys to empowering yourself in the midst of change, chaos, and complexity by understanding and applying spiritual principles to your life; and discover the deeper meaning inherent in your daily experiences and see your life as a blueprint for growth and personal evolution.

Make Your House Do the Housework

Don Aslett - 1990
    Presenting the radical new idea of PREVENTING HOUSEWORK! Shows you how to take advantage of work-saving products, materials, and approaches that will make your house keep itself in order.

It's Okay About It: Lessons from a Remarkable Five-Year-Old About Living Life Wide Open

Lauren Casper - 2017
    Those are lessons he shares, often unknowingly, with his mom, Lauren Casper.For Lauren, living with Mareto is a lot like playing the telephone game. He blurts out little phrases that have their origin in something he saw or heard, but by the time they make their way through his mind and back out of his mouth, they’ve transformed—often into beautiful truths about living a simple, authentic, love- and joy-filled life.From “it’s okay about it,” a simple reminder that even when life is painful or difficult, things will be okay because God promises never to leave or forsake his children, to “you’re making me feelings,” which teaches the importance of leaning into one’s emotions and, in doing so, sharing a piece of oneself with loved ones—Mareto’s simple yet profound wisdom is a reminder to embrace the broken beauty of life, to believe in a God bigger than human comprehension, and to love others even when it doesn’t make sense.For all those looking to recapture the faith, simplicity, wonder, hope, courage, and joy of life, It’s Okay About It provides a guide to look inward and live outward, to discover the most wide open and beautiful life possible.

Getting Rid Of It: Eliminate the Clutter in Your Life

Betsy Talbot - 2011
    You have not seen your kitchen counters in months. Your junk drawer has exploded into an entire room of things you don't use. How can we say that when we don't even know you? Well, because most people do and we were just like you. In 2008 we put our decluttering and downsizing skills to the ultimate test: Get Rid of Everything we owned in order to follow our dream and travel around the world. From that experience we documented every step in the process to provide you with the comprehensive guide to decluttering your home and putting some extra cash in your packet.How do you think your life could change if you got rid of some of the stuff tying you down? You don't have to go as far as we did, but you'll benefit from our extreme experience no matter big or small your decluttering project may be. We know decluttering inside and out, and you can take advantage of our experience to create your own clutter-free zone for relaxing, socializing, and spending time with family and friends.

Living with Less So Your Family Has More

Jill Savage - 2010
    This book includes true stories from families who have used Jill and Mark's techniques for living richly.

Learning to Dance in the Rain (The Power of Gratitude)

Mac Anderson - 2009
    However, it's not the adversity, but how we react to it that will determine the joy and happiness in our lives. During tough times, do we spend too much time feeling sorry for ourselves, or can we, with gratitude...learn how to dance in the rain?It almost sounds too simple to feel important, but one word...gratitude, can change your attitude, and thus your life, forever. Sarah Breathnach said it best..."When we choose not to focus on what is missing from our lives but are grateful for the abundance that's present... We experience heaven on earth."Mac Anderson and BJ Gallagher have written a classic on "the awesome power of gratitude." No matter what your circumstances are, you cannot read this book and not feel extremely blessed.Learning to Dance in the Rain is an inspiring and beautiful book full of wonderful stories, quotes, poems and insight to help you reflect on the positives in life. A wonderful book to give to someone in need of encouragement - it can take you from feeling down to feeling blessed.

Simplify Your Life with Kids: 1 Ways to Make Family Life Easier and More Fun

Elaine St. James - 1997
    Here is the paperback edition of Elaine St. James's best-selling guide to making life with children easier, simpler, and happier.Everyone with children has experienced the frustrations of trying to juggle softball practice, PTA meetings, meals, laundry, and comforting a crying child with marriage, a hectic career, and what used to be a social life. It's a familiar challenge in many of today's harried households. In fact, in nearly three-quarters of American homes with children under eighteen both parents are employed full-time. Life can quickly get complicated.Simplicity expert Elaine St. James now has solutions for beleaguered parents everywhere. Simplify Your Life with Kids offers practical, down-to-earth advice for the vital, time-demanding, perplexing issues that all parents face; it promises to be an easy read for busy parents whose lives are so hectic they don't have the time or energy to wade through a heavy tome.Like St. James's previous simplicity books, Simplify Your Life with Kids will become the classic gift choice for anyone with kids, for anyone who's expecting kids, for older boomer parents, for parents of the currently developing baby boomlet, and for everyone who knows anyone with kids.