Book picks similar to
Omnec Onec: Ambassador From Venus by Omnec Onec


Circus Summer

Kailin Gow - 2012
    Every season performers for these acts are chosen from the young men and women in each town, trained, and sent to perform in a live grand performance, performed literally to the death. Two performers from Sea Cliff, a beach town at the outskirts of The Center find themselves chosen to be in this Summer's Circus Act. Both must win at any cost, but could they ignore their feelings for each other? Leela Sinclair needs to win in order to get to The Center where she can get medical help from the best physicians for her ailing mother, plague with a condition no one have heard of. For Zachary Nile, his reasons for becoming a performer at the Circus is more mysterious. Only the ringmaster and the Circus of Curiosities owner Dex Hightower (Dr. Dex) knows what the touring Circus is really about amidst the magic and splendor. Despite the Great War and the poverty surrounding the land except for the towns fortunate enough to be near the Center, Dr. Dex and the Circus performers all know, "The show must go on."

Black Phoenix

B.V. Larson - 2019
    The excitement of planetfall is indescribable, but quickly transforms into sick disappointment when they find the atmosphere is a roiling mass of hydrochloric acid, carbon dioxide and other deadly poisons. They fly onward, seeking better planets. They find them, but none are ideal. The search goes on for a century, then longer still. As they move farther from Earth, aliens discover the intruding ship, and they begin to investigate humanity. They find our species unacceptable. The years and the light-years go by without relief. The colony begins to splinter. Some accept that their voyage is eternal, while others seek to end it any way they can. The colony’s culture grows darker, and a war begins, both inside and outside the vast ship. What lives among the stars we see at night? Can we reach out to them and survive? Find out in BLACK PHOENIX, a story of exploration, colonization, alien contact and civil war by Wayne Wightman and B. V. Larson, bestselling SF authors with over three million copies sold.

A.D. After Disclosure: The People's Guide to Life After Contact

Richard M. Dolan - 2010
    A.D. After Disclosure is all about what might happen after an announcement is made that UFOs are real.Someday soon, possibly this decade, our leaders may admit that people who have seen UFOs aren't crazy or liars, but honest, decent witnesses who have seen something extraordinary.Will Disclosure lead to social panic? Undermine religion? Destroy the stock market? Or will it lead to revolutionary new technologies, extended life spans, and world peace?If other civilizations have sent their own explorers across the universe to visit us, who are they? What do they want? And why would some of our own people have kept the news of their arrival from the rest of us? What will unmasking a truth of this magnitude do to our society, our way of life, our very reality?

Impossible Truths: Amazing Evidence of Extraterrestrial Contact

Erich von Däniken - 2018
    • Assess for yourself the stunning visual evidence presented in some 200 photographs. • Examine previously unpublished testimony from expert informants. • Discover new research undertaken by von Däniken after the opening up of previously inaccessible regions, such as the jungle city “Buritaca 200” in Colombia.

Crash at Corona: The U.S. Military Retrieval and Cover-Up of a UFO

Stanton T. Friedman - 1992
    Army stated that the remains of a flying disk had been recovered from a ranch near Corona, New Mexico. Now, this book exposes the government's successful 40-year conspiracy to conceal the truth behind Americ's most documented UFO encounter.

The Hynek UFO Report

J. Allen Hynek - 1977
    Originally released in 1977, this just-republished report by the world's foremost authority distills 12,000 "sightings" and 140,000 pages of Project Blue Book "evidence" into a coherent explanation. A U.S. Air Force-sponsored UFO-basher for years, Hynek had completely changed his tune by the late 1960s. Whether you believe in little green men or an official government cover-up policy, The Hynek UFO Report is must reading for your own analysis. * Can all the eyewitness reports be fantasy? * Are we victims of mass hallucination or just plain lies? * Have close encounters actually occurred? * Is the government concealing deep secrets at a hidden base? Here are answers to at least some of the mysteries...and educated guesses on others. New foreword by UFO expert Jacques Vallée.

The 12th Planet

Zecharia Sitchin - 1976
    Over the years, startling evidence has been uncovered, challenging established notions of the origins of life on Earth - evidence that suggests the evidence of an advanced group of extraterrestrials who once inhabited our world.The first book of the revolutionary Earth Chronicles series offers indisputable documentary evidence of the existence of the mysterious planet of Nibiru and tells why its astronauts came to Earth eons ago to fashion mankind in their image.The product of more than thirty years of meticulous research, The 12th Planet treats as fact, not myth, the tales of Creation, the Deluge, the Tower of Babel, and the Nefilim who married the daughters of man.

Sight Unseen: Science, UFO Invisibility & Transgenic Beings

Budd Hopkins - 2003
     In Sight Unseen, Budd Hopkins and coauthor Carol Rainey show how fascinating discoveries in modern science support the plausibility of the UFO phenomenon. Featuring sixteen never-before-published cases, Sight Unseen probes two newly uncovered patterns in alien abduction: cases of UFO "invisibility" and reports of genetically altered alien beings who interact with humans during their routine lives. The "invisibility" accounts detailed by Hopkins include numerous daylight abductions in densely populated urban areas -- all apparently unseen and accomplished through a technology of invisibility. Two air force non-coms are snatched from the tarmac of a busy military airfield. An Australian family is levitated up into a hovering craft while the father remains paralyzed on the ground with a camera to his eye. The resulting evidence on film is discussed in terms of our own scientific advances. In the second series of cases, abductees report encounters with beings who appear human but apparently possess paranormal powers and stunted emotional ranges. Three young women, unknown to each other, are mysteriously summoned to "job interviews." In ordinary office settings, they encounter human-looking beings who lead them into baffling UFO abduction experiences. A Wisconsin farmer meets "Damoe," a man with odd behavior who closely resembles his son. Damoe eventually reveals himself as an accomplice of UFO occupants in a startling abduction of the farmer and his wife. Five-year-old Jen is abducted at night to a nearby playground. There she must teach the techniques and skills of "play" to twelve seemingly identical, quasi-human children. Along with these bizarre, first-person stories told by credible people, Hopkins and Rainey explore cutting-edge advances in our own technologies and scientific theories that show how these new UFO patterns could have a concrete basis in contemporary science. Included are an examination of cloaking devices for aircraft, mind-control technologies, and teleportation achieved in the lab. Perhaps the most compelling argument to support these cases lies in the startling and controversial new science of transgenics that actually allows for the creation of alien/human beings.

Communion: A True Story

Whitley Strieber - 1987
    how they found him, where they took him, what they did to him and why...Believe it. Or don't believe it. But read it -- for this gripping story will move you like no other... will fascinate you, terrify you, and alter the way you experience your world.

Big Bad Beast: Interstellar Brides® Program: The Beasts - 4

Grace Goodwin - 2022

Selected by Extraterrestrials: My life in the top secret world of UFOs, think-tanks, and Nordic secretaries

William Mills Tompkins - 2016
    He was personally present at the “Battle of L.A.” when a thousand rounds of ammo were fired at UFOs, and one of the Nordic craft may have selected him to be their rep in the evolving aerospace race. This book is a partial autobiography about his life to the beginning of the 1970s including some of his early work for TRW. Selected by the Navy prior to completing high school to be authorized for research work, he regularly visited classified Naval facilities during WWII until he was discharged in 1946. After working at North American Aviation and Northrop, he was hired by Douglas Aircraft Company in 1950, and when they found out about his involvement in classified work, was given a job as a to create design solutions as a draftsman with a peripheral assignment to work in a “think tank”. This work was partly controlled by the Navy personnel who used to work for James Forrestal, who was allegedly assassinated because he was going to publicly reveal what he knew about UFOs. Bill Tompkins was asked to conceive sketches of mile-long Naval interplanetary craft designs. Later, as he became involved in the conventional aspects of the Saturn Program that later became the Apollo launch vehicle, his insight to system engineering resulted in his offering some critical suggestions personally to Dr. Wernher von Braun about ensuring more reliable checkout using the missiles in their vertical position and also some very efficient launch control concepts adopted by both NASA and the Air Force. This story is peppered with very personal interactions with his co-workers and secretaries, some of whom the author believes to be Nordic aliens helping the “good guys” here on Earth. Towards the end of this volume of his autobiography, he sketches what he personally saw on TV when Armstrong was landing on the moon. Born in May 1923, Bill Tompkins is one of the few survivors of the “big war” who is still healthy, married to the same girl Mary, and is willing to tell his story about what he really did during his aerospace life in the 40s, 50s and 60s that relate to aliens, NASA and secrets that now can be told.

Unacknowledged: An Expose Of The World's Greatest Secret

Steven M. Greer - 2017
    UFOs are real. In late June of 1947, three extraterrestrial craft were downed outside Roswell Air Force Base. Many more followed, revealing dozens of ET species and a Rosetta Stone to a new physics an energy generation and propulsion system responsible for interstellar space travel. This new system could have easily replaced oil, gas, coal, nuclear plants and with them, the entire geo-political and economic order on our planet -- only a cabal of bankers, the Military Industrial Complex, and Big Oil stopped it. We've been lied to. And now, 70 years after Roswell the witnesses to that lie have come forward to testify in a MUST-READ book that will shock the world. Look for the accompanying documentary to be released from The Orchard, a division of Sony.

Boris Chronicles: Books 1-4

Paul C. Middleton - 2019
    His visage never changes, his capabilities never understood. You'll love saving money on The Boris Chronicles boxed set because it includes the entire series at a great price.The Russian government gets word he has been killed on a mercenary mission in America, allowing agents to come in and attack the villages Boris has been protecting. Using a fanatical military sub-group in the Russian military, the atrocities start.The only problem? Boris isn't dead, and now he has help.Boris won't allow his people to go unprotected, and now the Queen Bitch herself has accepted his oath of fealty.Russia doesn't have a clue what they have started when this Bear comes back from the Dead.*****Please note, there is flagrantly foul language in these novels. The main character does not have a problem with cussing, just uninspired cussing.THE BORIS CHRONICLES BOXED SET INCLUDES:Evacuation - The Boris Chronicles 01Revolution - The Boris Chronicles 02Revelation - The Boris Chronicles 03Restitution - The Boris Chronicles 04

Legend of Starcrash

Dolores Cannon - 1994
    Tuin was a member of a tribe who thought they were the only people on Earth because they had never encounter another tribes throughout their existence. Tuin reports the story of the history of his people as told by the Shaman during long narratives around the campfire. They were descendants of the Old Ones who had travelled across the void of space and had crashed in the area many years ago.

Escape From Aliens

T. Jackson King - 2015
    But the Aliens are in for a surprise! Bill is a retired Navy SEAL and Jane is an Air Force Space Command captain. Together they must breakout from escape-proof cells, fight the ship's crew, capture the captain and take over the starship--all before they are delivered to Buyers on an Alien world. Along the way they gain Alien allies, including a naive ship AI. But will their escape survive a space battle at the Market world where captives are bought and sold? All that is certain is it was a bad move to kidnap a SEAL!