Skirmish and Scandal

C.P. Odom - 2021
    More than one wealthy or noble family of seemingly sterling reputation is torn apart and sometimes all but exterminated by savage intra-family feuds.That situation unexpectedly confronts Fitzwilliam Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet in Skirmish and Scandal when Darcy’s interest in Elizabeth as a future mistress of Pemberley becomes known to Lady Catherine de Bourgh and her noble Matlock relations. Determined to prevent an affront to the reputation of their aristocratic clan, the most prominent members of the family gather with Lady Catherine to confront Darcy and force him to choose a more suitable wife. Th e resulting conflict and its aftermath involve furious arguments, abduction, pursuit, and personal clashes that narrowly avert meetings on the field of honour.How can such emotionally intense and seemingly insurmountable personal conflicts between thecouple result in an amorouos resolution?

Mr. Darcy & Elizabeth: A Better Man: A Pride and Prejudice Variation Romance

Alyssa Jefferson - 2020
    An intelligent, lively, and beautiful young lady with few gentlemen to turn her eye, Elizabeth was delighted to meet an officer who seemed to match her in every way. Mr. George Wickham seemed to be the only person who had ever read the books she had with the same feelings, or could keep up with her quick wit. He was handsome and charming, and if that were not enough, he also had such a past filled with trials and misfortunes as made him thoroughly interesting to her. She fell rapidly in love, and as the gentleman was likewise afflicted, they were soon engaged. He did not have a fortune to support their union, however, and ultimately the pair concluded that their betrothal must continue for an indefinite period until his fortune could be made.When Wickham departed in June with a plan of returning a wealthier man, Elizabeth fought valiantly against the sorrow his departure produced. However, word came shortly thereafter that destroyed all her peace. He had died under mysterious circumstances in Ramsgate. Elizabeth’s fury against the unknown culprit were only matched by her sorrow at losing the best man she had ever known.While Elizabeth was still wearing black for her beloved, she was shocked to meet a gentleman whom Wickham had often told her about. Mr. Darcy, the son of Wickham’s godfather and the chief cause of his poverty, had come to live at Netherfield house with the very agreeable, handsome man who had leased it. Though Elizabeth’s sister Jane cautioned her against being hostile toward him, Elizabeth was disdainful toward the man from the start. Seeing her to be in mourning and admiring her pretty looks, Mr. Darcy asked somebody about her. But upon learning her former fiance’s identity, he quickly became disgusted with her, as well—presuming she was a party to the wicked schemes the man was in the midst of perpetrating prior to his untimely death.Yet the pair is drawn to one another—he admiring of her valiant spirit and beautiful eyes, and she learning gradually the truth of her former beau’s character, taking comfort in how unlike his former friend Mr. Darcy evidently was. Yet neither were prepared to learn the full breadth of what Wickham had done, nor to deal with its lasting consequences. Will their pursuit of justice for all the victims of Wickham’s crimes bring them together, or tear them apart forever?

Fine Eyes, Wild Temper: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

JT Hunt - 2019
    Darcy to know each other better and amend their harsh first impression. Miss Bennet’s unguarded behaviour, outspoken and obstinate nature, headstrong opinions and unladylike inclinations for solitary walks do not meet with Mr. Darcy’s image of an accomplished lady. But a pair of fine eyes on a pretty face, a loyal heart, a witty mind and a teasing smile will soon defeat his resistance and overcome his opposition, inducing him to pursue Elizabeth's friendship and then her love. The first lesson he will learn in the process is that taming a wild temper is not an easy task. “Fine Eyes, Wild Temper” is a sweet, novella-length story of approximately 20.000 words, clean and low angst, recommended to those who love Elizabeth, Darcy and pets.

Marooned With Darcy: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Abbey North - 2020
    Collins’s younger brother when they meet Mr. Bingley and Mr. Darcy. Mr. Darcy’s disapproval of the burgeoning affection between Jane and Charles is painfully obvious, and Lizzy does her best to thwart his attempts to stop the developing relationship. She is puzzled by how invigorating it can be to trade barbs with Darcy, and he seems to enjoy it as well, but he is the last man she could ever soften toward due to his haughty manner and prideful ways.When their ship wrecks, Lizzy and Darcy end up stranded alone on an island. As the days pass while they await rescue, the undeniable attraction between them becomes overwhelming, leading them both to act. Even as Lizzy succumbs to the temptation and falls for Darcy, she wonders if he is indeed the last man she would ever marry, or if she has been fooling herself about the strength of her emotions all along? While Abbey sometimes writes sweet JAFF, this is strictly SENSUAL.

Elizabeth's Challenge: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

E.A. Batten - 2021

A Year Without Summer: A Variation on Pride and Prejudice

Martin Hunnicutt - 2020
    The Bennet family recognizes that the winter is very cold but nothing prepares them for the ‘year without a summer’ that follows. Frost and cool temperatures every month of the growing season reduce harvests of important grains, vegetables, and fruits. Their England is dependent upon locally grown foodstuffs and the people are unable to bring in food stuffs from other parts of the world–in fact other parts of the world would not have had surpluses of food to send. Horse and oxen-drawn wagons could only move produce so far in any single day.With some good luck, Mr. Darcy and Miss Bennet separate after the Ball at Netherfield on excellent terms. Through happenstance, the couple meet at Hunsford at Easter during the cold spring, fall in love and become engaged. However, as the families and tenants struggle to harvest diminished harvests of grains and hay, the Bennet and Darcy families struggle to remain hopeful. The poor harvests do not prevent the marriage of Elizabeth and Fitzwilliam, and they travel from London to Pemberley for the lean winter that affects the inhabitants of manor houses and farmhouses.In Hertfordshire, Charles Bingley must deal with Caroline and his aunt from Scarborough, and Jane must rally her family as they discover how much they miss Elizabeth’s humour and wit. But in spring 1817, the weather makes all of England a green and bountiful land once again, and Jane and Charles find their way toward the happily-ever-after they deserve.

Of Silver Linings And Glad Tidings...: A Pride And Prejudice Variation

S. Neha - 2021
    The incident brings her face to face with the less than ideal situation existing in the Bennet household and forces her to acknowledge some unpalatable truths about herself, her family and their society. These realizations compel her to take matters into her own hand and initiate some much needed changes. What are these changes? Would her sisters and family cooperate with her?What effect these changes evince on the conduct of the gentleman from Derbyshire and his friend when they come to stay at Netherfield a year down the line? How would the sudden visit of heir to Longbourn impact the unfolding events. And when a roguish Lieutenant in the militia stationed at Meryton, tries his hand at some mischief how would the young ladies handle this challenge?

Matching Mr. Darcy

Leenie Brown - 2020
    Some people adapt easily to new surroundings and find delight in meeting new people. Fitzwilliam Darcy is not one of them. Being put on display in a room full of strangers is enough to make him quite disagreeable. Therefore, when he attends the Meryton Assembly and his patience is pushed beyond what he can tolerate, Darcy replies harshly to his gregarious friend's insistence that he asks Miss Elizabeth Bennet to dance.Unfortunately for her, Elizabeth is within hearing distance of Darcy's refusal. Insulted and more than a little vexed, she is determined to have as little to do with him as she can and to push him towards his amiable friend's sister when being in one another's presence cannot be avoided.When Elizabeth calls Darcy out for his offensive words and intimates that he is ungentlemanly, he is more intrigued than provoked. He is also determined to prove the lady wrong and sets a course to do just that.While Darcy seeks opportunities to prove to Elizabeth that he is indeed a gentleman, Elizabeth attempts to be rid of him until his company becomes more desirable than that of a long-time friend and hopeful, though very unwanted, suitor.Jealousy is never pretty, and a spurned suitor is not always kind or wise. When secrets are revealed and explanations are wanting, it looks as if the burgeoning love between Elizabeth and Darcy is destined to be snuffed out almost before it has begun.Unless, of course, a meddling matchmaker can pull off a well-timed miracle.Matching Mr. Darcy is the first book in a new collection of Darcy and Elizabeth variations from Leenie Brown called Sweet Possibilities. If you like Hallmark-style romances set in the Regency era, then you'll enjoy this story where love triumphs over a poor first impression, injured pride, and a jealous lover.

One More Time: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Sophie Lynbrook - 2020
    For Mr. Darcy the answer is obvious: his duty, as always. A gentleman does not go back on his word. Fortunately, he is already half in love with the lady, but he cannot bear her deplorable connections. Falling in love again may be easy, but learning to tolerate her family could be the hardest thing he’s ever done.

Mrs Bennet's Surprising Connections: Prequel to ‘Don’t flatter yourself’ (The Denton Connection Book 1)

Sydney Salier - 2019
     In ‘Don’t flatter yourself’ the second Mrs Bennet kept quiet about her aristocratic background. This book follows the lives of Lady Francine and Thomas Bennet. Her early life, their initial meeting, their disastrous first marriages and the life they built together. This is the story of Mrs Bennet's family, both the aristocratic one and the genteel one she married into. And it fills in some of the blanks about the personalities described in ‘Don’t flatter yourself’.

Four Months to Wed: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Bella Breen - 2019
    A forced marriage. Can love bloom? Miss Elizabeth Bennet's secret beau is in London when the epidemic strikes, a rare and deadly form of smallpox. Now, due to a new law, all unmarried men and women of age must wed by the end of the year. Elizabeth, in secret mourning, now must find a husband, but can any gentleman find a place in her broken heart? When Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy joins his friend at Netherfield to find a wife, but her family is beneath him, so he sets his sights on another. But returning to Netherfield after attending his aunt, he finds his careful plans ruined. And then the drama starts... Can Mr. Darcy make amends for his insulting Elizabeth at the Meryton assembly? Will Elizabeth recover from an unexpected and heartbreaking surprise? Dare Mr. Darcy offer for the woman he desires? This novel features the handsome and genial Col. Fitzwilliam visiting Meryton, an overly officious Mr. Collins, a strong-willed Lady Catherine de Bourgh asserting her opinions and a slow burn love story between Mr. Da
rcy and Elizabeth Bennet.

Lizzy: A Mr Darcy Mystery

Beth Massey - 2021
    This story is both a 'Pride and Prejudice' what if as well as a murder mystery. Lizzy Bennet has been killed by highwaymen. However, the crime is unnecessarily vicious and appears personal. Her family, including her identical twin sister Mary, demand justice. They engage the help of Sir Hugo Darcy, a judge in the Old Bailey. He in turn asks the aid of his nephew, Fitzwilliam Darcy. Fitzwilliam had be taken by Miss Elizabeth Bennet (Lizzy) a year and a half earlier as she and her twin participated in the Season. Darcy with the help of a former army captain and Bow Street Runner, Christopher (Kit) Marlowe who is masquerading as his valet, accept an invitation to Netherfield Park to begin their investigation among the deceased's family and friends. He meets the grieving Miss Mary Bennet and sparks of many different kinds ignite.

Progression Vol. 3: A Continuation of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice

Jodi L. Covey - 2017
     After a long and arduous Season in London, Mr. and Mrs. Darcy wish more than anything to return to Pemberley and await the birth of their first child. Life, however, has other plans for the couple. As Elizabeth's pregnancy advances, they are ultimately obliged to part long enough to face ordeals without the benefit of each other's company, comfort and support. Will the separation serve to strengthen or torment them? Just returned from battle, Richard Fitzwilliam finds himself grudgingly adapting to a life forever altered by a sudden and tragic change of circumstance. His duties vastly more significant, he discovers a threat to his family that cannot be ignored as a nefarious nobleman appears bent on claiming the infatuated Anne de Bourgh's hand and fortune. Will Fitzwilliam's honorable endeavors to protect his cousin only make things worse? Charlotte Collins, meanwhile, is granted no more peace as she frets over her vulnerable friend and her own burgeoning attraction to the local physician. Will her prayers to find serenity in her comfortably secure situation be answered? Is the scorned Caroline Bingley truly mad, or just horribly bitter? And who will be hurt by her poor judgment as a result? Is Georgiana Darcy finally ready to make her own decisions, or is it best to continue trusting in her wise, well-intentioned and ever-devoted brother with regards to her future? For better or worse, Jane Austen's beloved characters continue to make choices and suffer consequences in this third installment.

Lady Catherine Decamps (The Sweet Regency Romance Series Book 14)

Perpetua Langley - 2018
    Mr. Darcy is equally determined that Lady Catherine have her own house, as the last time she visited was more than trying for everybody. Bingley is sent off to locate a suitable dwelling and in the process discovers a relation at Lucas Lodge. Netherfield is soon selected. Lady Catherine, upon being informed of the scheme to send her off to Hertfordshire, claims she will not go unless Mr. Darcy and Miss Darcy come for an extended visit. And so begins the bringing together of Mr. Darcy, Mr. Bingley, Elizabeth, Jane. and sadly, Mr. Collins and Mr. Wickham. This is #14 of the Sweet Regency Romance Series

Ready For Capture: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Lorell C. Hornbrook - 2021
    Bennet is dead. Her second eldest daughter, Elizabeth, has no time for suitors. She must placate a melancholy father and help raise her younger sisters. Fitzwilliam Darcy is of like mind. He struggles to keep his family's legacy alive and support a younger sister beset with problems of her own.The two meet at a country assembly. While she teases out his quiet charm, he delights in her fiery intelligence. As soon as he lets his feelings be known, duty pulls him away.Will Elizabeth conquer her prejudice against the first circles to see a man worthy of respect? Will Darcy deliver justice for the sins committed against his sister, or forever drown in the silence of his inherit pride? Will he capture the only woman to bewitch him body and soul?