Still Waters: A Pride and Prejudice variation

Elin Eriksen - 2019
    The aid of a solicitous gentleman is appreciated until her distraught mother misconstrues the circumstances and creates a situation more intolerable than she could ever have imagined.Elizabeth is grateful when her betrothed leaves the area to let her grieve the loss of her sister in peace but the gentleman who returns for their wedding is not the same gentleman who left her behind.She had not expected her life would be easy, moving halfway across the country, married to a man who found her only tolerable, yet Elizabeth is not made for misery. The decision to make the best of what life has given her was easy to make but the follow through breaks her heart as she must fight for her position and accept betrayal too despicable to contemplate.Warning: Infidelity, betrayal and descriptive sexual encounters that are appropriate for a mature audience only.

Conceit & Concealment: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Abigail Reynolds - 2017
    He even admits to collaborating with Napoleon’s troops. And Elizabeth Bennet despises all traitors. But she can’t make sense of Darcy. He doesn’t act like a traitor. He risks his own safety to save young women from the French. And how can she despise a man who loves puppies? Something about him doesn’t add up – and she finds him far too attractive. Then Darcy’s carefully constructed world crumbles, and he must entrust his closest-held secret to Elizabeth. To protect that secret, Elizabeth must disappear entirely, leaving her family and Darcy behind, to plunge herself into the dizzying world of fashionable London and the dangers of the Loyalist Resistance. Nothing will ever be the same again. Darcy is determined to find Elizabeth. Now that she knows the truth about him, there’s nothing to keep them apart – nothing, that is, until the day Darcy is forced to choose between his country and the life of the woman he loves…

To Love Mr Darcy: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Martine J. Roberts - 2016
    With Mr. Bennet’s full blessing, Fitzwilliam Darcy informs Elizabeth they are to be married. Furious that they have decided her future for her, Elizabeth sets out to change Darcy’s mind. However, the untimely interference of Lady Catherine de Bourgh, and Darcy’s subsequent actions makes it impossible for Elizabeth to break their engagement. The events that follow lead to betrayal, a renewal of affection, and even death. Yet, in the midst of all this chaos, love blossoms, and in the most unlikely manner... To Love Mr Darcy, is an exciting alternative to the original Pride & Prejudice novel by Jane Austen. UK English, spellings, grammar and terminology are used throughout this book.

A Nudge in the Right Direction: A Pride and Prejudice Variation - Novella

Nicky Roth - 2017
    Fitzwilliam Darcy, cost what it may. In her determination to make the man see reason she develops a most ingenious plan, engaging the help of her sister. But when she upsets Mrs. Hurst, her sister starts to follow her own scheme instead of helping her. - With rather unexpected results. Warning: This story contains some slight sexual innuendo. Re-edited!

Trouble Comes to Pemberley: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Rosemary Barton - 2018
    Ever since she rejected his proposal of marriage, she cannot think of him without embarrassment and regret. She had judged him harshly and allowed the lies of others to poison her opinion of him, only to discover she had misjudged him when it was too late. Taking comfort from the knowledge that Darcy is not at home, Elizabeth goes for a walk through Pemberley Woods. But when a storm strikes, Elizabeth cannot find her way back to Lambton. While trying to find her bearings, she is struck down by an accident that leaves her unconscious as the storm clashes overhead. Returning to Pemberley early, Darcy is shocked to find a young lady lying injured and unconscious in his woods during the height of the storm. He is even more horrified to discover the lady is none other than Miss Elizabeth Bennet, the woman who broke his heart all those weeks ago. Knowing he will compromise the reputation of the one woman who does not want him, Darcy has no choice but to take her to a nearby shelter for the night where he can care for Elizabeth and where they can wait out the storm. When Elizabeth awakens, she has no recollection of who or where she is. Neither does she recognise the kind, handsome man who is so concerned for her wellbeing. When Elizabeth and her aunt and uncle stay at Pemberley to help her recover, Elizabeth starts to fall in love with this sweet, generous man who goes out of his way to make them welcome. But why is Darcy so evasive about their previous relationship? And why does she hear such mixed accounts of her earlier feelings for him? Darcy’s affections and wishes for Elizabeth are unchanged, and only grow stronger as he spends more time with her. He can hardly believe she is under his roof where he once hoped she would live as his bride. But how can he marry her when she has no memory of how much she really dislikes him? When she has no idea she once told him he was the last man in the world she could ever marry? Darcy's one hope is that Elizabeth will learn to love him as the man he is now. But can she ever really love a man she cannot remember? Trouble comes when rumours spread of Darcy and Elizabeth’s night in the woods and of Elizabeth’s memory loss. Word soon reaches Brighton, where George Wickham has been having little luck in his goal of marrying an heiress. When he hears of the interesting situation between his old enemy and the woman who was once Wickham’s favourite, Wickham sees an opportunity to solve his financial problems once and for all. He travels to Pemberley, and there, he makes a shocking announcement that leaves Darcy and Elizabeth devastated and in despair that they can ever be together.

The Mist of Her Memory: A Pride & Prejudice Romantic Suspense Variation

Suzan Lauder - 2019
    She continues to suffer from strange, angry voices in her head and to recall events that people tell her never happened. Even those who love her refuse to believe her. Elizabeth can barely endure the confusion. Fitzwilliam Darcy is desperate for any hint of his beloved’s well-being, yet he lacks the information he seeks as her family forbids him contact with Elizabeth. His frustration mounts when he learns that her mental impairment incited taunting and torment in her home village of Meryton. Which of Elizabeth’s recollections bear the closest resemblance to the truth? And what is the result of her sister Lydia’s elopement with Mr. Wickham? How is Mr. Darcy to rekindle his romance with Elizabeth when her aunt and uncle strictly shield her from him? Prepare to grip the edge of your seat during this original romantic tale of suspense and mystery, another Pride and Prejudice variation by bestselling author Suzan Lauder.

A Marriage of True Affection: Pride and Prejudice Continues

Jodi L. Covey - 2019
     That a couple in love truly know one another makes not for a Happily Ever After, but rather prepares them better for the rough road ahead. Such is gradually discovered as Mr. and Mrs. Darcy begin their marriage in sensual bliss, each looking forward to a lifetime of felicity, and neither of them cognizant of the great challenges therein. A Marriage of True Affection is a collection of vignettes chronicling the first eleven years in the union of the most beloved couple in English literature. Beginning on their wedding night, the work highlights significant moments that sometimes test, but moreover strengthen the Darcys' relationship as they struggle to overcome the very faults that so nearly separated them forever. For despite the lessons learned and the love they share, our supremely stubborn couple remains, in essentials, very much what they ever were. Chapters include: A Midnight Embrace - Awakened on their wedding night, Darcy and Elizabeth express physically what they cannot in mere words Disturbing Recollections - As they remain haunted by past transgressions, the couple wonder if forgiveness can ever truly be attained The Storm - The onset of a violent storm en route to Derbyshire leads to their first heated quarrel as a married couple The Dinner Party - Soon after the birth of their first child, Mr. Darcy battles sexual frustration and jealousy as his charming wife enchants the neighbors Welcoming Janie Darcy - Elizabeth falls into labor at a time most inconvenient, while Darcy works diligently to save their land from a natural disaster For Better or Worse - A terrifying encounter befalls the traveling couple, leaving them to work through the ensuing grief and a shared desire for revenge (warning: some disturbing scenes) Christmas in Spring - When a poacher is caught in Pemberley Wood, the Darcys are not in accord with regards to his punishment A Jarring Revelation - In Pemberley's library, Elizabeth makes a remarkable, yet potentially devastating discovery. Dare she share it with her husband? And many more! With the return of some of our old favorites come new characters, as well, each of whom either helping or hindering our dear couple in good times and bad. And as they learn and grow from each new experience, by their eleventh anniversary, can we really expect the idyllic love Jane Austen so expertly built to have endured? This work is meant for mature readers.

Darcy's Melody

Jennifer Redlarczyk - 2018
    Raising funds to build an additional structure at the London Hospital for the wounded has become a top priority for Lady Eleanor Fitzwilliam, Countess of Matlock. She has not only enlisted members of the ton to assist with her committee, but women who are well-known throughout the trade community. It is within this endeavour that Elizabeth Bennet and Georgiana Darcy meet through a mutual love of music. This is the story of how music and friendship bring two families together, challenging Fitzwilliam Darcy to embrace a new melody within his heart.

Miss Bingley's Revenge

Wendy Soliman - 2013
    Darcy, Lizzy is determined to prove her detractors wrong by throwing a magnificent house party at Pemberley. The smallest details have been worried over for weeks; nothing can possibly go wrong, can it? Lizzy starts to wonder about that when a distraught Lydia descends upon Pemberley on the eve of the party. Wickham has quit the army and gone to London to resurrect his career in the law.Miss Bingley is quite determined to rescue Darcy from his reckless marriage, convinced he must now regret it. She finds an unlikely ally in George Wickham, both of whom wish to avenge themselves on Lizzy, albeit for very different reasons. If Darcy were to find his ‘fine-eyed’ wife in a compromising position with Wickham of all people, he would surely never forgive her.Lizzy finds herself in a desperate fight to save her marriage, but can only do so by exposing Miss Bingley’s evil machinations. What damage will that do to Jane’s happiness with her Mr. Bingley? And what of Lydia? Even if Lizzy can prove to Darcy that she has been manipulated, how can she protect her sister in the face of Wickham’s desperate and despicable actions…A sparkling continuation of Pride and Prejudice.

Obligation and Redemption: An Alternative Journey Through Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice

Georgia McCall - 2016
    Darcy had lived his life free of the vices that often ruled the hearts and minds of his contemporaries, enjoying the benefits of pride in the strength of his own virtue. He knew that if anyone had reason for confidence, he had more: his lineage was impeccable, a Cambridge graduate, a gentleman; as to integrity, blameless. Under his rule, his country estate had prospered beyond any point in its long history; every decision he made had affected hundreds of livelihoods for the good. He was a most conscientious brother, sacrificing so much for his sister’s benefit. And then he took the most honourable route and gave up his plans for marriage to save a family utterly unconnected to himself. And yet, Darcy cannot find peace. His world begins to unravel before his eyes as he desperately tries to regain control. Upon connecting himself to Elizabeth Bennet, his faults are laid bare before him as he fails time and again. At first he lays blame on the woman who, he is certain, contrived his destiny, but will he ever be able to see how his own pride endeavours to destroy his happiness? And will he ever discover the unmerited freedom that has eluded him throughout his life?

The Last Miss Bennet: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Wynne Mabry - 2018
    One at a time, Elizabeth’s sisters marry until she is the last Miss Bennet. The round of weddings begins with an unexpected union for Mary, which changes her outlook on life. Jane’s happiness is reclaimed, and Kitty finds love along with some much-needed good sense. No family is without its troubles though, and Lydia can be counted on to provide those. Her foolishness threatens to stand in the way of Elizabeth’s matrimonial happiness, but it also serves to create new bonds between sisters who have not always been close.

Travelling Towards Happiness: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Kevin Lawrence - 2021
    It is the story of a powerful, determined, honourable and brave Darcy, ready to put his life in danger for the woman he loves, and a strong, witty, kind-hearted Elizabeth, ready to admit her errors and to receive and return his ardent love. What if, instead of meeting for the first time after the failed proposal at Pemberley, their first encounter instead takes place while they are both travelling toward the North.The story begins in July, at the beginning of the Gardiners’ and Elizabeth’s journey towards the Lakes. A storm thwarts their plans and a broken wheel on their carriage forces them to make an impromptu stop at an inn, which is already overcrowded and has no rooms left to accommodate them. With no place to stay, no carriage to continue their travel and even in danger of falling ill, their plans seem entirely ruined. Unless…Still grieving over his failed marriage proposal, Darcy is on his way home to Pemberley. As usual, he stops for the night at his favourite inn, together with his valet and two coachmen. An unexpected storm causes the inn to be overcrowded and, faced with so many people without shelter, he is trying his best to offer his support. To his utter astonishment, one of those in need is the woman of his dreams and nightmares, Elizabeth Bennet.Since they seem to share the same destination, the same regrets and sorrow and the same hopes, could they mend the past and build a happy future whilst travelling together? What if new villains and new dangers threaten their lives, forcing them to face the most difficult choices? Will Darcy be able to protect his love?Find out all the answers in this romantic and adventurous tale of our beloved couple.

Truly Madly Darcy (A Pride and Prejudice Variation)

Kate Bedlow - 2017
    Charles Bingley, is instantly drawn to Elizabeth Bennet’s sister Lydia. More than twice, he asks the youngest Bennet daughter to stand up with him, and soon all the neighborhood is speculating on when Mr. Bingley will make an offer to their dearest girl. Elizabeth cannot understand the attraction. In her heart, she believes a match between Mr. Bingley and Lydia would end in tears all round, while Jane and Charles seemed made for each other. While Mrs. Bennet is giddy over Mr. Bingley’s attentions to Lydia, Elizabeth devises ways to divert them to Jane, but her every stratagem is thwarted by his friend—the arrogant Mr. Darcy. The man is maddening—truly! Excerpt: "Oh, Jane!" Elizabeth cried before she could stop herself. "How... how dramatic." "You're adorable, both of you." Aunt Gardiner was dressed as Queen Cleopatra of Egypt. She beamed at her nieces, apparently of the opinion that their costumes were a great success.Jane was dressed as the goddess of love and beauty, every bit as shocking as Elizabeth's Eve. Mrs. Swan had crafted a costume so provocative, so inviting to the male eye, that Elizabeth feared her sister would be too mortified enter Beaufellmont, let alone the dance floor. The pale pink chiton-style gown was cinched around the waist by a pale blue girdle of Hephaestus, embroidered with tiny silver and gold seashells. The girdle alone emphasized Jane's figure, and two large satin seashells covered her breasts. Her arms were bare from the shoulders, in the Greek fashion, and she wore short pink lace gloves that stopped at her wrists. Her hair was hidden under a pale pink satin turban, which had a golden apple affixed at the top. "You make a wonderful Aphrodite, Miss Bennet," Sally said. "So beautiful. It's a shame you'll be wearing a mask." Jane self-consciously touched the turban's ornament, the golden apple given to Aphrodite according to the judgment of Paris. Her face was red as a berry. No, Elizabeth thought. It is a very good thing we will be wearing masks. "The finer the lady, the more risqué the costume," Mrs. Swan said with full authority on the matter. "I certainly come up to the mark on that account." Elizabeth frowned at the serpent's head at rest on her breast. "Or should I say down to it?" "It is fancy dress, my dears." Aunt Gardiner laughed. "Do not spoil the fun by being unnecessarily overmodest. Lord Beaufellsey's affairs are notorious for their notoriety." "I like that," Elizabeth said drolly. "Let your imaginations take flight. For one night, we shall be outrageous! The three most dangerous females in history: Aphrodite, Cleopatra, and Eve." Elizabeth sat down at her dressing table to allow the second assistant to sweep her hair up and hide it under a turban of pale green satin. "I suppose I won't mind a little outrageousness. Especially as we shall be safely incognito behind our masks." She had always enjoyed her aunt's youthful vigor, but never so much as at this moment. Why not be daring? Especially when so little risk was involved. Even if their masks were to slip, it would not signify.

Refusing Mr. Collins: A Pride and Prejudice Possibility

Carrie Mollenkopf - 2019
    This may be especially so when the man in question not only possesses the rightful inheritance of said ladies, but is also of a most odious disposition and less than agreeable in appearance. Such was the lot of five young women near the town of Meryton. Not only had they no fortune, their own father, an absentee parent at best, had not the foresight to put aside a single pound should they not have the opportunity marry. For this sole reason, their overbearing mother deemed it necessary for one of her daughters to marry this impossible man. However, a mother’s best laid plans cannot come to pass if the gentleman in question is not only repulsive, but also very, very dead. Desperate times often call for desperate measures. There is a myriad of ways to dispose of an unwanted suitor, all of which may be deemed accidental, for who would ever accuse a young lady of good family? The answer is simple… no one. However, some persons are as extremely difficult to be rid as they are to tolerate in life. The Reverend Mr. Collins, despite his obvious deficiencies when it came to appearance and personality, has an uncanny knack for staying alive but, where there is a will, there is always a way…

Growing Pains: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Kate Speck - 2018
    Colonel Fitzwilliam and Georgiana join Darcy at Netherfield and everything changes. Darcy does not insult Elizabeth and their acquaintance turns onto a different path from the classic Jane Austen story. Majority of characters canon in beginning. Rated T for minor violence and sexual situations.