Pride and Prejudice and Poison: A Pride and Prejudice Novel Variation

Bella Breen - 2018
    Now, with Miss Elizabeth's life on the line, Mr. Darcy is the only one with the connections and means to save her life... Does Mr. Darcy bring help in time or is he too late? What caused Miss Elizabeth to be violently ill? And most importantly, who did it? Pride and Prejudice and Poison is a 52,000 word novel with over 113,000 reads on another site. Print length is 368 pages.

Darcy Chooses

Gianna Thomas - 2016
     The last thing Fitzwilliam Darcy was looking for was a wife. However, he found he was unable to forget the young woman with the chestnut curls and flashing eyes that tempted him almost beyond decorum. Unbeknownst to him, a despised former friend has also set his sights on Miss Elizabeth Bennet and is determined to do what is necessary, including the unthinkable, to woo, wed and bed her. Elizabeth Bennet has found that her mind, heart and even her body have engaged feelings never experienced before that leave her unsure and frustrated. As a result, she finds it difficult to keep her temper regulated when around Mr. Darcy, even as her feelings for him continue to grow. Will these two passionate people ever resolve their differences and obtain their ‘happily ever after?’ Or will Darcy’s adversary be successful in winning Miss Elizabeth as his own?

The Sole Love: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Florence Gold - 2020
    The Sole Love unveils a long-forgotten event that endangers the Bennet family. This tormenting dilemma compels Elizabeth and Darcy to join forces as they strive to save her family’s honour. Their journey to a peaceful solution wends its way from London to Pemberley and gives the couple a chance to reflect on their own difficulties. Will Elizabeth find in her heart the love she has long denied, and will Darcy—confronted with an unexpected answer to his second proposal—ever acknowledge that his heart, as well as Pemberley, has found its mistress? Can pride and prejudice be set aside as Jane Austen’s beloved characters struggle to discover love and happiness?

A Fortunate Alliance: A Pride and Prejudice Story

Beth Poppet - 2019
     Her sister, Elizabeth, is distraught over the engagement, and although aware of an unspoken attraction between Jane and Mr Bingley, she is powerless to alter her sister’s inevitable future without encouraging a scandal. Elizabeth’s displeasure is often manifest by way of general complaint to the even wealthier and more distinguished Mr Fitzwilliam Darcy, who confesses a propensity for offending wherever he goes. Despite assurances that Jane has made a most suitable match, Elizabeth is determined never to marry for mere security and familial obligations, but her sharp wit and biting tongue produce obstacles in making a fortunate alliance of her own. “My Dear Readers, If you have taken up the delightful chore of reading this novel, I hope that you are as fond of ‘Pride and Prejudice’ and its author, Jane Austen, as I am. I make no claims of being her equal in writing, though I strive to preserve her style and characters in a way that will do justice to those presented to us in the original. I am under no delusion that my adaptation must appeal to every reader of Jane Austen fan-works. Yet I have done my utmost to deliver to you the sort of drama we might expect from a novel of this period; that of familial duty and regret, of sisterly quarrels and affection, enduring friendships, first impressions, and yes, now and then a runaway animal, and a bit of family scandal. For any inaccuracies written in ignorance, I apologise. For liberties taken for the sake of writerly whims, I can only request your indulgence. These liberties may be most apparent in the continuing stories compiled in Volume II, as this is where my novel expands into new territory and ‘Pride and Prejudice’ could not be consulted for material, leaving me to rely on speculation. My original design to end the story by Volume I was thwarted when I found it impossible to do some of our favourite couples and their endings justice under such limitations. My wise editor, fellow author, and eternal friend, Miss Catherine Miller, suggested I take a page from the illustrious Jane Austen herself and expand into a second volume, the better to tell everyone’s stories in the most satisfactory manner. A last word to those astonishing persons who have made it this far. Thank you ever so much for choosing to read this humble author’s adaptation of such a beloved and enduring novel. I know there are a multitude of fan-works to choose from in this sphere, and I am absolutely delighted that you would consider mine worthy of your time and attention. May it prove so! Your Little Scribbler, Madam Beth Poppet”

Far From The Tree: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Jeannie Peneaux - 2020
    Darcy! If I have faults to be attributed to Longbourn, then what virtues I possess must also be credited there. My character is not solely a copy of my blood. I am the result of the upbringing by a family and people – good people – that you have disdained. Do not think that all of Meryton did not perceive your contempt for us.”For twenty years Elizabeth Bennet had lived, quite contentedly, as the second daughter of a country squire. During her Easter visit to her newly married friend, Lizzy has the dubious pleasure of being introduced to Lady Catherine de Bourgh and her cosseted daughter. To Elizabeth’s surprise, the pair take a keen interest in a mere adopted daughter of the Bennet family, and when Mr. Darcy dutifully pays his annual visit to Rosings Park, her life takes a wholly unexpected turn.Lady Catherine de Bourgh, it would seem, is intent upon setting right old injustices, and she is a woman who is very much used to getting her own way.From the author of Dear Nameless Stranger, Far From the Tree follows Elizabeth’s journey as she slowly realises that affection can root itself deeply into the heart in spite of doubts and misgivings. The handsome Mr. Darcy is a different matter altogether, for how could she possibly fall in love with the proud and haughty man she had known in Hertfordshire?

A Beneficial, If Unwilling, Compromise

Bronwen Chisholm - 2017
    When Mrs. Bennet discovers all her worse nightmares are about to come true, she does not react the way her family expects. Instead the normally silly woman takes matters into her own hands and gives marching orders to her daughters. Will they follow them to the letter? Will any of them find their happy ending? Just remember, the secret to a long and lasting relationship is compromise.

In the Wilds of Derbyshire

Jann Rowland - 2017
    Bingley to make her proud, Elizabeth Bennet goes to her uncle's estate in Derbyshire, ostensibly to assist her cousin in her introduction to society. In reality, Elizabeth feels there is nothing left for her in the neighborhood of her birth. Her uncle's estate is small, and Elizabeth must work while there, and though she finds her tasks easy to bear. She quickly becomes close to her young cousin and uncle, though her aunt is a hard, demanding woman, who seems to hold a grudge against Elizabeth. But she also meets many friends, including the daughter of an earl, and the handsome friend of her sister Jane's new husband, a Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy. As Elizabeth is slowly pulled from her melancholy, new vistas open up to her, and she realizes that she can still have everything she has ever wished to have. But the jealousy of a woman who is no friend of her courtship with a wealthy man threatens her newfound happiness, and the coming of a sister who rejected her has the potential to once again disrupt Elizabeth's life and destroy her future.

The Olive Branch: A Pride and Prejudice variation

Sarah Courtney - 2021
    Collins or watch him destroy her entire family.Given a choice, Elizabeth would never dream of marrying the pompous, ridiculous Mr. Collins. But when she refuses his offer, he threatens to reveal a shocking secret that could ruin the Bennets.Fitzwilliam Darcy has no intention of giving in to his unsettling attraction to Elizabeth Bennet. Still, before he flees to London, he cannot resist seeing her one last time and discovers, to his dismay, that she is now betrothed to her odious cousin. She did everything in her power to evade Mr. Collins at the Netherfield ball, and the woman he sees before him now is not merely unhappy, but afraid. Elizabeth is in trouble, and Darcy cannot bear to abandon her in her distress.As the wedding day looms, Darcy and Elizabeth become desperate to break the engagement without scandal. It is only when a stranger arrives—a stranger Mr. Collins seems to fear—that Darcy and Elizabeth have any hope of extricating her from this frightening predicament.As Mr. Collins’s plan begins to unravel, it is clear that Elizabeth may not be the only one in danger. Will she and Darcy be too late to stop Mr. Collins’s vile plans?The Olive Branch is a clean, full-length Pride and Prejudice variation of about 90,000 words.

Against Her Will: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Cassandra B. Leigh - 2018
    Due to his “arrogance, conceit, and selfish disdain of the feelings of others”, Elizabeth Bennet refused his offer of marriage. What if Darcy refused to accept Elizabeth’s refusal? What if he learned nothing from her bitter admonishments and continued with that same self-centered, imperious behavior? What if he did the unthinkable and abducted Elizabeth from Rosings with the intent of making her his bride? What if his own family opposed him and forced him to question his behavior? We explore these questions in Against Her Will.

Strong Objections to the Lady

Jayne Bamber - 2019
    Darcy’s proposal to Elizabeth Bennet, her wrath sets in motion a series of events at Hunsford Parsonage which embroil Darcy and Elizabeth in a family fracas that grows more complicated daily.The shades of Rosings Park are soon polluted by the shocking transformation of its new mistress and her guests, as well as secrets of the past and schemes for the future.Appearances and alliances shift amidst the chaos wrought by a well-intentioned house party, and Darcy and Elizabeth must finally face their feelings for one another despite mounting obstacles and misunderstandings of every kind.

Being Mrs Darcy: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Elizabeth M. Bridges - 2018
     Elizabeth Bennet takes her friend's words to heart and when Mr Darcy proposes to her in Hunsford, she doesn't reject his hand. She decides to put her feelings aside and responds in a more reasonable manner. Flattered at his affection and devotion, Elizabeth is drawn to Mr Darcy, realising that they are both well-matched in a sense, and their tempers are complementary to each other. Nevertheless, his condescending attitude and pride still trouble her. And the gentleman himself is indeed very proud of his excellent bride and the mistress of his home. And being very selfish in his love for Elizabeth and grateful to her for his happiness, Mr Darcy doesn't recognise her true sentiments. And he isn't aware that he is forcing his wife to acknowledge that she is depending on him for her finances, her social status, and even her name. Their marriage is just the beginning of getting to know one another. Therefore, the misunderstandings between the young couple increase and their felicity in marriage is soon to be threatened...

Headstrong: Book Three: Overcome

Melanie Rachel - 2019
     It’s been a stressful Christmas for Elizabeth. She’s working thousands of miles from home and is out of contact with everyone she loves. She’s trying to keep her mind on her work—lives depend upon her ability to concentrate—but she can’t stop thinking about Will Darcy. Back in the States, Will’s company, FORGE, has barely averted disaster. As he works to manage the recovery, he’s left to wonder when Elizabeth will return and whether she’ll still be his when she does. Worse yet, he is haunted by the possibility that she’s in harm’s way—and that it’s his fault. Elizabeth’s work has always been dangerous, but this time, going home might pose the greater risk. Can she and Will work together to overcome all the obstacles they’re about to face? JOIN ELIZABETH AND WILL FOR THE EXCITING FINAL BOOK IN THE HEADSTRONG SERIES!


Jessie Lewis - 2017
    Miss Elizabeth Bennet, headstrong and usually self-assured, returns home to Longbourn chastened and confused after a surprising marriage proposal from Mr Darcy—a man she thought she despised. When Mr Bingley arrives soon afterwards, sent by his friend Darcy to resume his romantic attentions to Elizabeth’s beloved sister Jane, Elizabeth begins to feel something like regret for the man she so cruelly spurned.The once proud Fitzwilliam Darcy, thoroughly humbled by the rejection of his suit and resolved to become a man worthy of the woman he loves, sets about righting all the wrongs of which Elizabeth has accused him. But when terrible news reaches him from Hertfordshire, it becomes apparent that encouraging the capricious Charles Bingley to return to Meryton might just be the worst decision the master of Pemberley has ever made.Having assumed their own actions have ruined all hope of reconciliation, Elizabeth Bennet and Mr Darcy soon learn they have greater troubles to overcome when betrayal of the worst sort threatens to forever ruin their chances of happiness.Mistaken is a novel-length Pride and Prejudice variation set in Regency England.

Darcy and Elizabeth: The Faces of Love

Arthel Cake - 2017
    The arc of their courtship, marriage, and the starting of a family serves as the foundation for a turbulent series of events. As it always is within Austen’s world, there is the familiar carousel of suitors, betrothals, triumphs, and societal disgrace. Many of the familiar characters are on hand, including Mr. and Mrs. Bennet; their daughters Jane and Elizabeth; Colonel Fitzwilliam; and Bingley, who has his eyes on Jane. Also here is the bitter Lady Catherine, as the novel also considers the more ominous social realities of the fondly remembered age. The handsome but conniving Mr. Wickham seeks to even an old score with his former friend Darcy. False accusations challenge Elizabeth’s love for her new husband, and the novel careens to a violent climax that is the result of society gossip and damaged reputations. This attention to the consequences of the contemporary mores of the day in the lives of these characters represents a fresh take on this time-honored tale.

Mr. Darcy's Bet

Regina Jeffers - 2019
    4, William Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure FITZWILLIAM DARCY has done everything within his power to prove his devotion to ELIZABETH BENNET. He believes they are so close to knowing happiness; howbeit, when his aunt, Lady Catherine de Bourgh, accosts Elizabeth with predictions of Elizabeth never being able to fit in with his social connections, everything changes. Although the lady sent his aunt packing with words to the contrary, a bit of doubt has slipped under Elizabeth’s shield of confidence, and she again refuses his hand in marriage: This time to protect him from the gossiping 'beau monde.' Therefore, Darcy must take a leap of faith; he proposes to her before the congregation gathered for the marriage of Jane Bennet and his friend Charles Bingley—a public proposal from which Darcy cannot legally or morally withdraw, one only Elizabeth Bennet can refuse. He bets, this time, he can win not only her heart, but also her consent. With the assistance of his family and hers, a plan is put into motion to prove to all comers that Elizabeth Bennet is not only worthy of his attentions, but also the only one Darcy should consider marrying.