Book picks similar to
Patriot Dawn: The Resistance Rises by Max Velocity


The Preparation

Glen Tate - 2012
    299 Days: The Preparation, the first book in the 299 Days series, depicts the inner struggles Grant must face as he exists in a social system he recognizes as unsustainable and on the verge of collapse, but one in which he has built his life around. What begins as a return to his roots, self-sufficiency and independence, becomes a full blown move to prepare for what may come. Engaging, insightful and a bit suspenseful, follow Grant’s transition from a self-perceived “sheeple” to a full-blown “prepper.” Will his fears come true? Is he an extremist? What if nothing happens? What if something does?

Dark Days of the After

Ryan Schow - 2019
    No one knows how this happened, or why America prostrated herself to the kind of foreign forces who would impose obedience through compliance.  Resistors call the occupation “creeping death.” Those countries grabbing at the reins of power see it for what it is—a full scale invasion.Security engineer, Logan Cahill, is part of the underground effort to reclaim America, but when he finds a cryptic message in the world's largest server room leading to a doomsday clock, everything changes. With the help of a local hacker, Logan traces the clock to its origins where he discovers a truth so horrific, so terrifying, the mere mention of it carries a death sentence. He now knows the enemies, the weapons and the time of America’s death, right down to the minute. If he wants to survive the apocalypse, he and the feisty Skylar Madigan have to bug out fast. This won’t be easy considering the surveillance grid in place, or the armed lock-down of all major cities.The final defensive frontier for dedicated patriots is life on the land held by their ancestors, those men and women dug into their off-grid homes and operating a black market economy.  But not everyone has what it takes to survive life outside the occupied cities, and precious few know how to defend themselves against the brutality of America’s captors.  All that is about to change…

Grid Down Perception of Reality (Grid Down Volume 2 Part 1)

Bruce Buckshot Hemming - 2013

Facing Armageddon

Darrell Maloney - 2014
    They thought they'd covered all the bases, and had planned for everything. It never occurred to them that the single thing they had no control over was the timing. Sarah was on an airplane with her young daughters when solar storms bombarded the earth with electromagnetic pulses. Everything powered by electricity or batteries was instantly shorted out and would never work again. Dave was suddenly alone. He was also unsure whether his family was dead or alive. He assumed that the airplane stopped working and plunged from the sky. But it was scheduled to land in Kansas City at almost the exact time everything stopped working. Had they landed in time? Was it possible they survived? This is the story of a man facing Armageddon alone. It chronicles the things he does to survive in a newly vicious world. It also includes Dave's desperate and poignant diary entries to his wife. Just in case she did survive, and somehow makes it back to him to find he didn't make it himself. From the author of last year's best sellers "Final Dawn" and "Countdown to Armageddon" comes a new tale of one man's journey through hell... alone.

600 Miles

G.P. Grewal - 2013
    Braving the desert wastes is a lone wanderer, his destination: the perilous ruins of Los Angeles, a place from which few have ever returned. Joined by a mysterious gunslinger, a hook-wielding Mexican warrior, and a spirited Southern gal, the crumbling city eventually reveals to him not only his destiny, but the true nature of humankind.

Final Impact: A Post-Apocalyptic Survival Thriller

Jack Hunt - 2017
    Among the group is a talented performer, a petty thief, a gambler, a lady of the night and a hard working cab driver.With the clock ticking down, and a sliver of hope found in a text message, their only hope is to get out of the city and embark on a dangerous journey across the country together.Final Impact is a story of survival, friendship, and redemption in the face of impending doom.

Apocalypse Law

John Grit - 2011
    In the bedlam of lawlessness and starvation, hungry, desperate men arrive from the nearest town to take their meager supplies. A benevolent stranger keeps coming in the night to steal food. Sensing the stranger means no harm, Nate leaves food out as charity. But the stranger ignores offers to join them, then comes to their aid when a gang of prison escapees, led by an old nemesis of Nate's, raids their home. In the end, it is the kindness of a father desperate to save his son that may give two families and the stranger an opportunity to build a new life in a post-apocalypse world.

Rise of Tyranny

Thomas A. Watson - 2015
    Michelle is a nurse, a mom, and fully capable. Nelson and Michelle are hardworking Americans with a secret: they are part of a circle of individuals who are prepared for the worst. They know that the worst is coming; it's just a matter of time. When the stock markets in Asia crash, the family knows that it is time to pull together with their circle of friends and get to their safe zone. But nothing worth doing is ever easy. Not content to just seize the assets of Americans, the United States government paints a target on the backs of survivalists and preppers, demanding that all Americans turn in their guns, ammunition, and food, and placing restrictions on travel. With the family in the cross-hairs, will they make it safely to their farm? Or will they fall victim to the machinations of a government who no longer believes in the Land of the Free?


Orion Enzo Gaudio - 2014
    Things get unimaginably worse when two nuclear devices are detonated in the atmosphere over the United States. The country is torn to pieces and only the strong can put it back together again.Nick is stuck in traffic on his way to work in Denver. General Sutherland is on his way to Ft. Drum for a routine inspection. Sandra is sitting on her porch and drinking her morning tea. The United States of America is about to change forever.

A Smaller Country

Phillip Tennison - 2015
    Nations cease to exist. Refugees flock to other lands in search of safety and security.What remains of the Australian Government moves its borders to the south and evacuates the survivors from the northern half of the continent. Australia becomes a smaller country.But some survivors are left behind. They face a perilous existence.One such survivor is John Timms, a former outback cop.Timms embarks on an odyssey that takes him across much of the north. Along the way he encounters other Australians as well as many of the newcomers. Timms finds that he must confront the darkness and violence of the new frontier.

Brushfire Plague

R.P. Ruggiero - 2012
    As he organizes his neighbors for self-defense and strives to save those around him, he soon discovers the first clues about the origin of the Brushfire Plague that is killing untold millions around the world. In his pursuit to learn the truth, Cooper must combat looters, organized gangs, and those protecting the Brushfire Plague's secrets. When his son falls ill, his search to uncover the plague's origin and a possible cure transforms into a race against time. Ultimately, Cooper faces a paralyzing choice between exposing what he has learned with potentially shattering consequences, or abetting a horrible secret and giving his nation a chance to recover and rebuild.Surviving the Plague was just the beginning...

The Ranch: A Legacy of Darkness (The Legacy Series Book 3)

Sean Liscom - 2019
    He had worked the same job his entire adult life, he had never married and he had no children. He was used to doing things on his own. His comfortable life was shaken to the core the day he learned of his fathers death. It set in motion life altering events and the allure of a new life that was too great to walk away from. When an Electromagnetic Pulse brings the modern world to its knees, Jason's choice proves to be the right one. EXCERPT “You should see yourselves,” the rough male voice said. There was something eerily familiar about it. He chuckled a little. “You see, I told you girls, didn’t I? The looks on their faces would be purely magical, priceless even!” the man said. The two women stepped farther into the light. They were identical twins. I knew one as Kari, Braden knew the other as Isabella. When the man stepped into the light. My heart stopped. “OH….” Jill said quietly. “MY….” I whispered. “GOD….” Braden finished. “Is that any way to greet your father and your sisters?” Jack Sterling asked as the trio closed to a few feet from us. I felt my knees go weak; my head was spinning. I wasn’t even sure if I was still breathing. The fine line that separates reality from imagination was suddenly gone. What had only a few minutes before been a straight, defined path, had become shrouded in a mist of skepticism and fear. Just before I’d lost sight of that path, I could swear I’d seen a “Dangerous Curves” road sign. I also knew things were travelling far too fast to even attempt negotiating those twists and turns. There are times when reacting too slowly can save your life. For instance; you have a blowout on your car at 70 MPH on the freeway. Reacting slowly can keep you from doing the opposite and rolling your car. This wasn’t one of those times. This wreck was going to happen. Just like the blowout, I was experiencing the sudden onslaught of emotions. Panic.... Surprise.... Anger.... Most of all was fear. Pure, unadulterated fear. You know, the kind of fear that leaves you unable to speak or scream. The fear that leaves you unable to move, let alone run for your life. The fear that can cause time to stop along with your heart. A slight breeze picked up in the late summer night and it felt like a blast straight out of the arctic, in the dead of winter. I could feel the goosebumps on my arms and neck. Even though I was sweating profusely, my entire body was frozen. All I could do was stand there, mouth open, thoughts racing. My mind was beginning to explode with questions for the man before me, my father, Jack Sterling. Every thought stopped just short of exiting my mouth. The words prob-ably couldn’t get past the fact that my heart was jammed firmly in my throat. That’s probably the same reason I hadn’t taken a breath either. Was I dead? Was this the spirit of my father coming to take me into the light? That thought left as quickly as it had come only to be replaced by anoth-er, darker notion. Maybe he had come to take me to Hell.... I stood, unmoving, as he began to cover the last few steps between us. This was it. This is how it all ended. He stopped less than an arm’s length away. I could smell him now. The slightest hint of body odor with just a hint of diesel fuel. The only scent of him that I could remember was his cologne. He’d always been clean shaven, wearing a pressed blue or black suit and that damned cologne. He reached for me, and as much as I wanted to, I was unable to pull away. I wanted to run away screaming like a small child. I could feel my muscles tremble as his hand came ever closer.

Extinction Horizon

Nicholas Sansbury Smith - 2014
    When a top secret Medical Corps research facility goes dark, Team Ghost is called in to face their deadliest enemy yet--a variant strain of Ebola that turns men into monsters.After barely escaping with his life, Beckham returns to Fort Bragg in the midst of a new type of war. The virus is already spreading... As cities fall, Team Ghost is ordered to keep CDC virologist Dr. Kate Lovato alive long enough to find a cure. What she uncovers will change everything.Total extinction is just on the horizon, but will the cure be worse than the virus?

77 Days in September

Ray Gorham - 2011
    Kyle Tait is settling in for his flight home to Montana when a single nuclear bomb is detonated 300 miles above the heart of America. The blast, an Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP), destroys every electrical device in the country, and results in the crippling of the power grid, the shutting down of modern communications, and bringing to a halt most forms of transportation.Kyle narrowly escapes when his airplane crashes on take-off, only to find himself stranded 2,000 miles from home in a country that has been forced, from a technological standpoint, back to the 19th Century. Confused, hurt, scared, and alone, Kyle must make his way across a hostile continent to a family he’s not even sure has survived the effects of the attack. As Kyle forges his way home, his frightened family faces their own struggles for survival in a community trying to halt its slow spiral into chaos and anarchy. 77 Days in September follows Kyle and his wife, Jennifer, as they are stretched past their breaking point, but find in their devotion to each other the strength to persevere.

Post Grid: An Arizona EMP Adventure

Tony Martineau - 2014
    Kelly Wise flees the chaos of the city in hopes of reaching the relative safety of her mother's rural Arizona ranch. Along the way she encounters Jared Malloy, a sheriff's deputy. His gunshot wound makes him more of a liability than a useful ally, but Kelly is a nurse, and without her aid he likely won’t live. They might just find the help they need from a refugee Civil Air Patrol ground team that has gathered at her mother’s ranch. Kelly and Jared throw their lot in with this diverse group. But the question on all their minds is: will the group’s combined skills and knowledge prove to be enough to survive?***** REVIEW - 5.0 out of 5 stars *****Grabs you from the first page.This book literally started off with a "bang". As I have said in other reviews I am always skeptical of new post-apocalyptic fiction. I was pleasantly surprised and entertained thought out the book. I know this sounds a bit silly, but I really like that they had characters in the book that weren't young and fit and of military origin. Since I am over 50 years old, I like it when writers use our experience and knowledge to educate the young. If an "event" were to happen, a large number of the population is over 50. Characters were multi dimensional and had flaws, a plus for the readers. Scenario was realistic. Living in hot and dry California, I swear I could feel the hot, dusty weather leap off the pages. I was very entertained and it kept my interest to the point that I finished it in 2 days. I look forward to the next installment.Special thanks to our tireless beta readers, copy editor, blocker, graphic designer and family, without whom this work would have suffered. Please feel free to contact us with corrections and comments at PostGrid@cox.netJoin our Facebook page: Art by Linda Kage Covers Copyedit by Champagne Book EditingKey Words: Post apocalyptic, Civil Air Patrol, Electromagnetic Pulse, Amateur Radio, HAM radio, Western, Teens, Survival, Homesteading, Horses, Medical, Prepper, Romance