The Nightmare Ex-Boyfriend Before Christmas: A modern day Christmas Carol

Devon Hartford - 2019
    It’s also the epicenter of our past scandal that nearly killed me and my parents when it broke.Trust me, it made the local TV news every night for two weeks. One night, it went national.Guess who never left King City?Channing.The curb turd.As relentless as he was on the field, I would’ve thought he’d go on to play in the NFL. He never did. Knee injury. Oh, the cliche.Small pond, meet big fish.Only this fish has grown bigger than anyone ever expected, built up his own business empire. Turns out he’s better at business than he ever was at football, and that’s saying something. Despite his knee injury, he managed to keep his college football body, abs and all. Wherever he goes, it’s raining money and marriage proposals.When he finds out I’m home for the holidays, he just has to come knocking at my parents’ house bearing meaningless gifts.News flash, unless he’s hoping for an immaculate conception, he has another thing coming, and it definitely won’t be me.

Seduce Me in Dreams

Jacquelyn Frank - 2011
    Mysterious. Sensual. When Bronse Chapel, the commander of a specialized unit of the Interplanetary Militia, begins to dream about a beautiful and exotic brunette, he wants to dismiss it as being induced by lack of sleep ... or perhaps lack of sex. But his instincts tell him it's something different, something far more dangerous. Ravenna is the leader of the Chosen Ones, a small group of people from her village born with extraordinary powers. She doesn't know what draws her to Bronse's dreams night after night, but she senses that he and his team are in jeopardy. Ravenna can help him, but first Bronse must save the Chosen Ones from those who plan to use their powers for evil. Together, Bronse and Ravenna will be unstoppable. But Ravenna is hiding something that could endanger them all.

Her Empath

Mina Carter - 2011
    Feared and wanted by half the admiralty, no one can control the redheaded General. Half-human, half alien, her nature has made her tough and years of war have given her a backbone of steel. Commanding one of the most fearsome battleships in the fleet and friends with the largest mercenary clans in the galaxy, no one dare mess with her.He must walk into the lion’s den...JJ is the sacrificial lamb. One of the fleet’s Empaths, he’s been tasked with controlling Lyssa and bringing her back under the authority of the Fleet. Expecting a dried up, crabby nun of a woman, JJ takes the chance for a one night stand on the base the night before his new assignment…Only to find out the unforgettable woman he spent the night with is none other than his new assignment. And this time, she’s not welcoming him with open arms… Between the pressure from the powers that be, a mission gone wrong and a homicidal cyborg, can JJ convince Lyssa that this time his seduction is genuine?NB - THIS TITLE WAS PREVIOUSLY RELEASED AND HAS NOT BEEN SUBSTANTIALLY ALTERED OR EDITED IN ANY WAY.

Splashdown: First Contact?

Dave Cole - 2013
    "This is not possible, this isn't supposed to happen," he spoke out loud, well aware that the others couldn't hear him. He and his six passengers were going to die and there was no one in the universe that could save them.Splashdown tells a different story of first contact with extraterrestrials. L'atel is the pilot of an alien cargo ship who is illegally hauling passengers through our solar system when an accident forces them to crash-land on Earth.As L'atel and his passengers know, Earth is a primitive planet that has been placed off limits by the Ebens, the self appointed guardians of the galaxy. No outsider is allowed to land or even approach within one light year of Earth to protect its fragile culture. Or at least that is what the Ebens want the rest of the galaxy to believe.Soon L'atel and his passengers discover that all is not as it appears. The Ebens have secrets, and will go to any length to protect them, even if it means war, with the Earth as the battleground.Splashdown weaves a story to include many of the better known UFO and alien myths, as well as other conspiracy theories that are so popular in today's media. For example, Splashdown includes references to the 1947 Roswell New Mexico crash, the rumored 1954 meeting between aliens and President Eisenhower at Holloman Air Force Base, Project Serpo, the MJ12 documents as well as other lesser known events, such as, the Nuremberg Germany event of 1561. The novel also incorporates several historical events such as, the Kennedy assassination, the Cuban missile crisis, and the Watergate scandal resulting in a new and unique twist on the old aliens on Earth story.

Baby Secrets in Seattle (West Coast Players #1)

Layla Valentine - 2021
    Fat. Lie.He got what he wanted and dropped me, in more ways than one.And guess what? I’m pregnant.Now I have to choose between keeping this to myself,Or sharing it with the piece of work who robbed me of my dreams.

Snake Keeper: Alien First Contact Romance (The Federation's Keepers Book 1)

Alexandra Norton - 2021
    What's next, getting abducted by a red-eyed alien snake monster?The Federation came to invite humanity into the fold. The last thing I want to worry about is alien "Keepers" or the humans they want to bring back to their worlds for an "evaluation period". I want to keep my head down, study, and live my normal life in peace.Xioumar, the Keeper put forward by the serpentine species of Xiorn, has plenty of willing human volunteers to go with him. I saw the one they assigned him, fawning over the towering, statuesque alien like a lovesick puppy.So why does it have to be me?He moves like a viper ready to strike, and his touch sends a very unsettling jolt of electric heat down my spine. Are they all like that, or is it just him?Ripped from my home against my will and taken hundreds of thousands of light-years away, I am trapped. And now I have to learn to live with this monster.But I'm not worried. I have a plan.

Dragon's Secret Baby (Silver Talon Mercenaries Book 1)

Sky Winters - 2018
    His next assignment? Travel to New Orleans at the behest of the mysterious and powerful Abruzzi dragon clan, to kidnap a girl named Adelaide Wilson. The job seems easy enough, but there’s one catch—Thorne is taken by Adelaide’s beauty from the start. As the heat between them rises, will Thorne abandon his mission for his feelings? Will he put the Silver Dragon Mercenaries in jeopardy? 18+ Only. This is a full length 40k word shifter romance novel. Bonus stories included.

Snarky in Space

Juniper Jaxx - 2020
    Who doesn’t, right? But the next thing I know, I’ve been bundled into a spaceship, shuttled to another galaxy and presented to Khaze’in—elite Zo’tox warrior and taciturn grump, all rolled into one blue, musclebound package. When he discovers that I’m a puny human, and not the ‘skilled negotiator’ he was promised, he’s not impressed. At all. But for no reason I can understand, instead of rejecting me, he hauls me off to his alien palace. And before I know it, those scary eyes of his are roving all over me—like he can see right through my clothes. Khaze’inIf I hadn’t taken the soft-bodied human home with me, she would’ve been sent to the breeding program—at least, that’s what I tell myself. But I didn’t bank on her smart mouth, her constant demands for a “fulfilling job”, and her distractingly sexy curves, and before long, she’s getting right under my scaly skin. Zo’tox do not kiss; Zo’tox do not mate other species. And yet—The moment Meghan’s soft lips press against mine, my entire being screams that she’s mine. But taking the sexy earthling as my queen is strictly forbidden, and will have serious consequences. When The Dark threatens to destroy all sentient life, Meghan’s negotiating skills might be the only thing that can save them. But will they be enough for her own happy ending? Promised: lots of fun, sensual alien times, with a ton of snarky humor.

Aliens And Cupcakes

Aurora Caine - 2021
    But how should I have known that stainless steel from Earth is toxic to him?And no matter what you do, don’t accept help from the alien that lingered in the shadows and watched the whole thing go down.Seriously, don’t.Dark-ish sci-fi romance. Contains the right alien to put the frosting on your cupcake. No cheating. HEA.

The Ithaden’s Slave

Daniella Wright - 2019
    Since I got back I've been feeling someone is watching me.PTSD, maybe?But the fact that I know this mysterious stranger probably doesn't exist, makes me want to go running after him...I certainly didn't expect to catch him, though.He turned around and looked at me with those blue eyes of his. The sadness in them took me by surprise, as did that sudden flare of... something, something unmistakably stirring inside me.Unless I was having a full-blown psychotic episode, this man was very real. "Who are you and why the heck are you stalking me!?" -- I scream."Ith-rassil, ptet sirihis ra roross. Hroussil htemtep ra grassil, ith-ihadentet ra." I realized that I understood completely what that he was saying, regardless of what language it was:"I can't say much here. If you want answers, here's where you need to be."39° 57' 9.2988'' N75° 9' 54.7992'' W...This is a stand-alone novel with a HEA. 18+ only!

Conquered By the Alien Prince

Rebel West - 2018
    Only problem? He's an alien.When a confidential mission sends Doctor Cali Taylor to Luminar, her project is thrown in jeopardy and more than one life, including her own, is at risk.The one constant? The alien prince and a scorching interplanetary rendezvous. But can their budding romance withstand the danger that threatens to tear them apart?Enjoy the first book in the Luminar Masters Series by Rebel West. The books are interconnected and can be read in any order. Guaranteed HEA and no cheating!Note: This book contains elements of dominance, submission, BDSM elements including corporal punishments. If this material offends you, please do not buy this book.


Erin Tate - 2015
    But that was then. This is now. As a marine biologist, Maris Xayer is used to observing all types of marine life, but she never imagined she’d come face to tail with an Ujal. In the middle of a hurricane, Maris and Vados came together—ahem—and then he disappeared. She figured it was a one-storm stand with an Ujal and moved on. Except Vados hadn’t really gone anywhere and now the sexy as sin, red-skinned Ujal is back. For her. **This is a stand alone 37 page SHORT STORY.**

Earth Must BE Stopped (The Assassin Guild, #1)

Saxon Andrew - 2018
    Fifty-colonies were founded hundreds of years ago, after Nordstrum Haladay discovered Phase Field technology. Millions of Colonists left Earth to escape the incessant wars, famine, and over-population plaguing the planet. Earth regressed to a primitive civilization after nuclear holocaust killed more than twelve-billion. They became little more than primitive farmers; blaming science and technology for the climactic nuclear war and abhorred all technology. The colonies were left to fend for themselves. Four-hundred-years after the war, the Colonies sent starships back to Earth to trade for the crops and forced an unfairly low price on the farmers. Earthlings came to detest the colonies and decided that technology might be needed for defense. Earth began evolving quickly and three-hundred-years, after the colony traders first arrived, Earth rivaled the colonies in advanced technology. However, Earth did not possess Phase Field Technology, and was held captive inside their Solar System for lack of stardrive technology. The colonies knew if Earth possessed a stardrive there would be reason to worry. The President of the Colonies’ Council has intel information that a scientist on Earth might be close to developing a working Phase Field Stardrive and felt that Earth must be stopped! The Assassins Guild was contracted to eliminate the scientist and all those working around him to prevent the discovery of a stardrive. The Assassins Guild kills millions of citizens in the colonies every year and receives billions in payment. This contract would be the most difficult ever accepted by the Guild. The assassins will take on the daunting task of blending in with Earth’s population, being forced to operate on a planet they are completely unfamiliar with while avoiding Earth’s formidable Security Forces. The top two ranked assassins are chosen for the contract and don’t know what lies ahead. The twists and turns in this full-length novel at 94,000 words will keep you guessing at what’s coming next as you keep turning the pages to find out. Excerpt: Earth Must Be Stopped Tal lowered his eyes, “The Council will be extremely unhappy if the Assassins Guild fails to carry out their contract.” The Guild Master’s face turned angry, “What are you saying? Is this a threat?” “No, Guild Master, I’ll accept the job on one condition?” “And what is that?” “I want the names of the guild members that paid you off to send us?” The Guild Master stared at Tal, and Tal continued, “You know you’d prefer to not have to look over your shoulder wondering if they’re angry if we survive. I’d be doing you a favor, Guild Master.” The Guild Master turned to Ka, “Are you in or out?” Tal turned to Ka, “He’s right, Ka. The reason he’s sending two-agents is because the security forces on Earth know that assassins usually work alone. If either of us tried to do this alone, Earth’s agents would be on us like white on rice. We know nothing about what we’ll be facing on Earth and scouting will be close to impossible. Going as a couple makes sense and increases the odds of success.” Ka stared at Tal and then turned back to the Guild Master, “I’m in, if you give him the names…” The Guild Master stared at her and she smiled, “before we leave.” “You won’t have time to do anything about it.” “Even so.” The Guild Master took out a business card from a desk drawer and wrote on the back of it.

The Academy

Jonathan Yanez - 2018
    And Earth’s about to be blindsided with annihilation...It’s up to Emma to rise up.Her problems go far beyond carb-counting mean girls. She’s got ears pointy enough to pass for an elf and a stuttering problem brought on by anxiety. A mother not of this world is about to enter her life with dire news. And by “dire news,” we mean Earth is about to get an atomic wedgie by the bully of the universe. If Emma is going to step up and help her home planet survive the oncoming invasion, she’s going to have to say, “#byefelicia” to unicorn Frappuccinos and gluten-free pizza and “Heyo” to new blasters and ancient martial arts.


E.A. James - 2017
    What began as exciting quickly turned into the morass of routine and Angelica was left wondering what was left to look forward to? Aerdan Covendane is the crown prince of Zheka. His talents as a legendary warrior are only matched by his talents for bedding the eager women of Zheka. By all accounts, Aerdan should have been happy. But, the superficial titles, ceremonies and women all served as a reminder that so little of what Aerdan had achieved had truly been earned. He longed to find a mate that would match him as his equal. Ancient magic brings Angelica and Aerdan together, and they soon find themselves locked in a passionate battle against tradition as the kingdoms of Zheka resist their union. Will their relationship withstand the jealousy and rage of those who stand to lose the most? Or will they be torn apart by those who seek the throne for themselves? Fans of T.S Ryder and Terry Bolryder will enjoy this new fast paced series from Best Selling author E.A. James This is a 30,000 word standalone romance novel with a HEA and mature themes intended for 18+ audiences.