Semley's Necklace: A Story

Ursula K. Le Guin - 1964
    Le Guin is renowned for her spare, elegant prose, rich characterization, and diverse worlds. "Semley's Necklace" is a short story originally published in the collection The Wind's Twelve Quarters.

Lightning Strike: Book 1

Catherine Asaro - 2014
    As Tina struggles to understand Althor, this strange, attractive man with golden, metallic-looking skin and other variations from Earth humans -- she and Althor find themselves the targets of a manhunt by police and by the military, who have captured the damaged starship. From memories of her childhood in a Mayan village, to the streets of Los Angeles, to a military base and a chance to reach the stars, Tina comes alive as an astute, sympathetic narrator, facing life and tough choices with courage, wit and compassion. Part of Asaro's highly acclaimed Skolian Empire/Ruby Dynasty series which SF Chronicle called "One of the major series in the genre, which Booklist found "in many ways as compelling as Dune, if not more so", LIGHTNING STRIKE, Book I is an expanded and revised version (along with LIGHTNING STRIKE, Book II) of her novel CATCH THE LIGHTNING.

Switchblade Honey

Warren Ellis - 2003
    The solar system will be annexed by the Chasta within the next thirty days. If humankind can't be the U.S. Army anymore, then it will have to be the Viet Cong. Disgraced Captain John Ryder gets a ship and crew and leads them into space as guerrilla fighters. Once clear of the system, they locate a place to hide between sorties and begin fighting. They strike from behind and shoot from cover. If they can't give them hell, Ryder and crew at least give them a hard time. The Chasta throw a ring of steel around the system as they close in on Earth, so Ryder pokes holes in it. They're on their own. No support. Naval vessels won't even recognize their callsign. They don't exist... but they're mankind's last hope.

The Baroque Cycle: Quicksilver, The Confusion, and The System of the World

Neal Stephenson - 2014
    Get all three novels in Neal Stephenson's New York Times bestselling "Baroque Cycle" in one e-book, including: Quicksilver, The Confusion, and The System of the World. This three-volume historical epic delivers intrigue, adventure, and excitement set against the political upheaval of the early 18th century.

Fahrenheit 451; The Illustrated Man; Dandelion Wine; The Golden Apples of the Sun; The Martian Chronicles

Ray Bradbury - 1987
    Five Complete Novels.

The Demon Awakens / The Demon Spirit

R.A. Salvatore - 2002
    A. Salvatore was born in Massachusetts in 1959. His first published novel was The Crystal Shard. He has since published more than a dozen novels, including the New York Times bestsellers The Halfling's Gem, Sojourn, The Legacy, and Starless Night. He makes his home in Massachusetts with his wife, Diane, and their three children. "From the Paperback edition."

Mother of Demons

Eric Flint - 1997
    . .

Hammer of the Emperor

Lucien Soulban - 2011
    This omnibus collects three tales of savage warfare and heroism on the frontline.

Shadowrun: Doc Wagon 19

Jennifer Brozek - 2015
    Willing to go anywhere, rescue anyone, as long as that “anyone” has forked out enough advance cash to justify the effort. Reporter Simone Hart has embedded herself with a DocWagon team to see what their life is really like, and she’s in for a wild ride. From an OD’ing celebrity to an aggressive team of hackers, from pesky gangs to an extremely rich and powerful client teetering at death’s door, this night will give the team all they can handle. But will they survive long enough to remember that in the Sixth World, nothing is truly random? Full of memorable characters and rich Sixth World flavor, DocWagon 19 is a thrilling ride with the people struggling to save lives in a sprawl with a million ways to make people dead. Strap in, hold on, crank up the siren, and get ready for a crazy ride-along through the full chaos of the Shadowrun setting.

The Han Solo Trilogy

A.C. Crispin - 1997
    Now, years later, Han fights his way free. His goal: to become an Imperial Navy pilot. But first he needs hand-on experience flying spacecraft, and for that he takes a job on the planet Ylesia—a steaming world of religious fanaticism, illicit drugs, and alluring sensuality…where dreams are destroyed and escape is impossible. The Hutt Gambit - Once one of the Academy's brightest stars, Han Solo is now a fugitive from the Imperial Navy. But he has made a valuable friend in a former Wookiee slave named Chewbacca, who has sworn Han a life debt. Han will need all the help he can get. For the Ylesian Hutts have dispatched the dreaded bounty hunter Boba Fett to track down the man who already outsmarted them once. But Han and Chewie find themselves in even bigger trouble when they agree to lend their services to crime lords Jiliac and Jabba the Hutts. Suddenly the two smugglers are thrust into the middle of a battle between the might of the Empire and the treachery of their outlaw allies…a battle where even victory means death! Rebel Dawn - The Millennium Falcon is "the fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy." So when Han Solo wins it in a game of sabacc, he and Chewbacca become kings of the smugglers—uncatchable and unstoppable. But with the Empire clamping down, Han knows his luck can't last. Still, when an old girlfriend who is now the leader of an insurgent Rebel group offers him a shot at an incredible fortune, Han can't resist. The plan seems a sure thing. The resistance will be light and the take enormous. Han and his friends will divide it equally with the Rebels. Too bad for Han that the planet of Ylesia is far from a pushover, that the Rebels have an agenda of their own, and that smuggler friends can often turn into enemies…quicker than lightspeed.Source: Wookieepedia

The Empire of Isher: The Weapon Makers / The Weapon Shops of Isher

A.E. van Vogt - 1978
    By the author of The War Against the Rull. Reprint.

The Dark Legacy of Shannara Trilogy

Terry Brooks - 2014
    A perfect jumping-off point for new readers that’s sure to delight dedicated fans, the entire Dark Legacy Shannara adventure is now available in one thrilling eBook bundle:WARDS OF FAERIEBLOODFIRE QUESTWITCH WRAITHAlso includes the Paladins of Shannara short stories: “Allanon’s Quest,” “The Weapons Master’s Choice,” and “The Black Irix”!When the world was young, the power of magic ruled—and the Elfstones warded the race of Elves and their lands, keeping evil at bay. But when an Elven girl fell hopelessly in love with a Darkling boy of the Void, he carried away more than her heart.   Thousands of years later, tumultuous times are upon the world now known as the Four Lands. Users of magic are in conflict with proponents of science. Elves have distanced their society from the other races. The dwindling Druid order and its teachings are threatened with extinction. A sinister politician has used treachery and murder to rise as prime minister of the mighty Federation. Meanwhile, poring through a long-forgotten diary, the young Druid Aphenglow Elessedil has stumbled upon the secret account of an Elven girl’s heartbreak and the shocking truth about the vanished Elfstones. But never has a little knowledge been so very dangerous—as Aphenglow quickly learns when she’s set upon by assassins.Yet there can be no turning back from the road to which fate has steered her. Whoever captures the Elfstones and their untold powers will surely hold the advantage in the devastating clash to come. But when the Druids mount an expedition to locate the missing stones, they quickly discover there may be even more at stake than they ever expected.


Jeffrey A. Carver - 1987
    Share the dream of Mike Murray as he makes his way from the racing pit to the cockpit of the universe's most dangerous and exhilarating challenge.Roger Zelazny and Jeffrey A. Carver launch a sensational series with technical blueprints of the racing ships by visionary automotive designer Hayashi.A Byron Preiss Book

The Door Through Space

Marion Zimmer Bradley - 1961
    It is a peaceful reign, held by compact and not by conquest. Again and again, when rebellion threatens the Terran Peace, the natives of the rebellious world have turned against their own people and sided with the men of Terra; not from fear, but from a sense of dedication. There has never been open war. The battle for these worlds is fought in the minds of a few men who stand between worlds; bound to one world by interest, loyalties and allegiance; bound to the other by love. Such a world is Wolf. Such a man was Race Cargill of the Terran Secret Service… At one time Race Cargill had been the best Terran Intelligence agent on the complex and mysterious planet of Wolf. He had repeatedly imperiled his life amongst the half-human and non-human creatures of the sullen world. And he had repeatedly accomplished the fantastic missions until his name was emblazoned with glory. But that had all seemingly ended. For six long years he'd sat behind a boring desk inside the fenced-in Terran Headquarters, cut off there ever since he and a rival had scarred and ripped each other in blood-feud. But when The Door Through Space swung suddenly open, the feud was on again—and with it a plot designed to check and destroy the Terran Empire.

Deus Irae

Philip K. Dick - 1976
    The Servants of Wrath have deified Carlton Lufteufel and re-christened him the Deus Irae. In the small community of Charlottesville, Utah, Tibor McMasters, born without arms or legs, has, through an array of prostheses, established a far-reaching reputation as an inspired painter. When the new church commissions a grand mural depicting the Deus Irae, it falls upon Tibor to make a treacherous journey to find the man, to find the god, and capture his terrible visage for posterity.