A Little Whimsical in His Civilities

J. Marie Croft - 2016
    Marie Croft’s humorous novella, A Little Whimsical in His Civilities spans one moonlit, autumnal night upon the gentleman’s return to Hertfordshire in pursuit of Elizabeth Bennet. “We take the turning which places us on Meryton’s main road, and—oh, gad! There it is—the base-court building which passes for an assembly hall in this godforsaken place. For me, the venue shall be either a heaven or a hell tonight. My palms grow clammy, my gut churns, and I regret that second helping of onion-laden vegetable pie forced on me before we left.” Accompany Darcy as he, intent on reversing the disastrous first impression he made there, braves another Meryton assembly and seeks to win his heart’s desire.

Mr. Darcy Forgets

Becky Riker - 2013
    Darcy takes a fall from his horse. Awakening, the last thing he remembers is fleeing Hunsford after being rejected. How will his wife and his friends help him regain that which he has lost?

Recognizing Love: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Lizzy Brandon - 2018
    Darcy’s proposal and allowing him to assume a love she does not yet feel pains Miss Elizabeth Bennet but she is certain she can love him…in time. After all of the miseries he endured to salvage her youngest sister’s reputation, how could she not come to love such a man? Unfortunately, Lady Catherine arrives, bringing even thornier complications. With the many objections Darcy’s family will have regarding his marriage to the daughter of an unremarkable country squire, what more trouble can Lady Catherine stir up should she learn Elizabeth’s secret? In this Pride and Prejudice variation, what will Mr. Darcy do when he learns his beloved has accepted him although her heart is not engaged? New through Kindle Unlimited, Recognizing Love is a Jane Austen adaptation of about 73,000 words. If you are a fan of Pride and Prejudice variations, vagaries, fanfiction, and sequels, check out Recognizing Love today.

Words Spoken in Anger: A Pride and Prejudice variation

Margaret Gale - 2017
    Enjoy a what-if journey with Elizabeth and Darcy, Jane and Bingley and more of Jane Austen's beloved characters as their lives are changed by a bit of plain speaking.

Yearning For You

Lory Lilian - 2018
    It contains descriptive, intimate scenes and is appropriate for MATURE audiences only! Blurb: The Darcys are finally married at Longbourn and in a great hurry to travel to London. They are both eager to consummate their marriage and to finally become one in the solitude of their town-home. But the moment they have so long awaited is delayed by several circumstances they cannot control, so their patience—and the readers’—must bear a daunting trial. This is a sweet, amusing, low angst, “hot mush” tale about our beloved couple. “Yearning for You” is the first in a series of independent stories of around 25,000 words each that follows Elizabeth and Darcy during the first months of their marriage. Each book can stand on its own. The next two will be published in August and September.

The Return: A Pride and Prejudice Story

Timothy Underwood - 2015
    Bingley returned after the Netherfield Ball and asked Jane to marry him. He admitted to Jane that Mr. Darcy’s advice had nearly stopped him. Elizabeth, eager to hear anything ill about Mr. Darcy, made her sister tell the story. Jane said Mr. Darcy discouraged his friend because he sincerely believed her to be indifferent. Elizabeth knew better. Darcy was selfish and unfeeling. Elizabeth wasn’t naïve and willing to believe every story told to her. At the wedding Darcy said he approved of his friend’s marriage because Jane clearly loved Bingley. In fact, he might follow his friend’s example and marry for affection. Elizabeth wasn’t going to let this hypocritical gentleman get away with his deception. Not after he tried to hurt Jane. She loudly said what she truly thought of him. Now Elizabeth realizes she was horribly mistaken about Darcy’s character. Now she loves him. But, is it too late for her? Has she lost his esteem forever?

The Curse of Land's End: A gothic 'Pride and Prejudice' variation

Rose Lorimer - 2019
    Something buried in his past is always trying to emerge. Unable to overcome his pain, he hides from the world. Until a letter reaches him. Bingley, one of his best friends, is inviting him to spend some time at the coast, in the neighbouring area of Penzance, Cornwall, where he is not just dealing with his business, but also enjoying the first months of his new life as a married man. His bride is an angel-like gentlewoman called Jane, whom he met during a visit to Hertfordshire, last Summer. In case Darcy accepts, Bingley has only one request to make: that he may bring with him one of his new sisters, a Miss Elizabeth, as a favour to his dearest wife. After such a painful summer, and considering he had already missed his friend’s wedding, against all the odds, Darcy decides to accept. What he does not know is that this single decision will change his life forever. First, because he will meet the only woman not just handsome enough to tempt him, but also the one who breaks the walls of his prison, opening for him a door to a happiness he never thought possible. And, second, because he will never be the same ever again after this, which will also be the most terrifying experience of his life. “The Curse of Land’s End” is a story about secrets, intrigue and mysteries which challenges rationality and faith, and demands a courage strong enough to transcend every instinct of self-preservation in the name of honour and love. “You will do nothing in this world without courage, for it is the greatest quality of the mind next to honour.” (Aristotle) Rated Mild+ (Contains up to 10 mild swear words; contains kisses, and mild, non-seductive description of intimacy — 'My Book Rating'). FROM THE AUTHOR Suddenly, I felt compelled to write a story which would take me (and JAFF) far from my comfort zone, and try something new. It was watching ‘Crimson Peak’, a biting-nail horror story, that the inspiration finally came to me. How would it be to write a story about ghosts, combining romance and mystery, but with no ghosts? "The Curse" is set in 1815, a year when Romanticism — a movement marked by the exaltation of feelings of loss and guilt related both to nature and men — was the fashion and drama, an essential component of the works of this time. "Songs of Experience", by William Blake (1794), "The Corsair", by Lord Byron (1814), and "Frankenstein", by Mary Shelley (1818), are all good examples of how committed the authors were in exploring human's woes; sometimes the sombre tone and dramatic plots are almost too depressing to endure. I can understand the bad reviews related to this point. But I cannot regret my choice. As another reviewer said, “we are all entitled to our own opinions”; the good reviews show it. I grant — my choice in writing a story using Romantic features was bold, but, for me, the result was very pleasing, especially considering the happy ending — what is not the norm for the Romantics. I should not be saying this, but it doesn't matter how much Literature I study, I always love a good happy ending. Another important choice was the deep POV of ODC. In P&P, we live the story through the eyes of Elizabeth and do not learn about Darcy’s struggles until very close to the end. I intended to show the huge abyss between his aloof appearance and his troubled mind — but here, he another reason for it.

Men Of Consequence: A Pride And Prejudice Variation

Francine Rainey - 2019
    Yet will this reasoning cause Darcy to lose the only woman he has ever wanted? Darcy has scorned Elizabeth’s ability to attract men of consequence due to her lack of fortune and lowly connections. However, when Elizabeth joins the newly wedded Charles and Jane Bingley in London for a season, what will the company of two men of consequence mean for Elizabeth’s prospects? Meanwhile, Darcy is confronted with his past and actions that could challenge his place in the world and destroy his opportunity with the woman he loves. Will Darcy unravel the mystery and avoid a scandal before Elizabeth accepts another? And along the way will Darcy discover what truly make men, Men of Consequence.

Missteps & Misfortunes: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Sophie Rae - 2013
    Moments before Mr. Darcy asks for her hand, Elizabeth reads a letter that alters her decision to his proposal but not her heart toward the man. Obstacles from within and without hedge up their way as the two learn how to move forward on this untried path. Will the unforeseen misfortunes and constant missteps be enough to end their journey before it has truly began? How do broken hearts and injured souls heal on a rough and beaten road?

Being Mrs Darcy: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Elizabeth M. Bridges - 2018
     Elizabeth Bennet takes her friend's words to heart and when Mr Darcy proposes to her in Hunsford, she doesn't reject his hand. She decides to put her feelings aside and responds in a more reasonable manner. Flattered at his affection and devotion, Elizabeth is drawn to Mr Darcy, realising that they are both well-matched in a sense, and their tempers are complementary to each other. Nevertheless, his condescending attitude and pride still trouble her. And the gentleman himself is indeed very proud of his excellent bride and the mistress of his home. And being very selfish in his love for Elizabeth and grateful to her for his happiness, Mr Darcy doesn't recognise her true sentiments. And he isn't aware that he is forcing his wife to acknowledge that she is depending on him for her finances, her social status, and even her name. Their marriage is just the beginning of getting to know one another. Therefore, the misunderstandings between the young couple increase and their felicity in marriage is soon to be threatened...

The Mist of Her Memory: A Pride & Prejudice Romantic Suspense Variation

Suzan Lauder - 2019
    She continues to suffer from strange, angry voices in her head and to recall events that people tell her never happened. Even those who love her refuse to believe her. Elizabeth can barely endure the confusion. Fitzwilliam Darcy is desperate for any hint of his beloved’s well-being, yet he lacks the information he seeks as her family forbids him contact with Elizabeth. His frustration mounts when he learns that her mental impairment incited taunting and torment in her home village of Meryton. Which of Elizabeth’s recollections bear the closest resemblance to the truth? And what is the result of her sister Lydia’s elopement with Mr. Wickham? How is Mr. Darcy to rekindle his romance with Elizabeth when her aunt and uncle strictly shield her from him? Prepare to grip the edge of your seat during this original romantic tale of suspense and mystery, another Pride and Prejudice variation by bestselling author Suzan Lauder.

Mr. Darcy & Elizabeth: The Fashionable and Young: a Pride and Prejudice Variation Romance

Alyssa Jefferson - 2019
    Seventeen years old, beautiful, popular, and well-connected, she is viewed by all as a paragon of youth, freedom, and fashion. No one suspects the lonesomeness and uncertainty of her life--emotions she has slowly learned to bury. When her step-mother banishes her and her elder sister, Jane, to London for the summer holidays, Elizabeth meets a man who seems her total opposite. He is serious while she laughs, structured while she is spontaneous, and independent while she has almost nothing. Yet the unlikely pair find an unexpected kinship amid their mutual sorrows, and before long, Elizabeth realizes she is falling in love with Mr. Darcy. But he is not the only man who has noticed Elizabeth this summer, nor the most eligible. When Elizabeth's noble step-cousin develops designs for her, she finds herself tangled in the unfair expectations of her family, misunderstandings among her friends, and an ultimate decision that may purchase her true freedom. But will it cost her her heart?

Encounter to Remember: A Pride and Prejudice Variation Novella (Times and Seasons Novella)

Kara Louise - 2020
    Neither is certain how the other feels, but after a few awkward moments and simple conversation, each realizes something in the other has changed. There are expressions of regret and apologies offered to one another for the things that were said and done that day one year ago. Mr. Darcy extends an invitation to Elizabeth to join him at his London townhome the following day, along with her Aunt and Uncle Gardiner. Both leave the store filled with a sense of renewed hope, anticipation, and excitement. But when Miss Bennet does not show up at his home at the expected hour with no note of explanation, Mr. Darcy begins to doubt all he believed about her character, as well as what actually transpired at the bookstore that day. This novella explores how Darcy and Elizabeth must both discover the truth of what happened that day and what obstacles they must overcome to finally get their happily ever after.

An Unpleasant Sort of Man: A Variation on Pride and Prejudice

Nicky Roth - 2018
    Angry and mortified at first, Elizabeth soon realises that Mr Darcy seems to carry a dark secret and though at initially little inclined to forgive him for his slight, she soon finds herself irresistibly drawn towards him. When she discovers what the secret is and what burden he carries on his shoulders she cannot but forgive him as they grow ever so much closer. Trigger warning: This story does contain very vague and non-graphic references to the rape of a minor! Novel-length book with around 59.000 words.

Mr Darcy's Christmas Angel

Katy Green - 2015
    Mr Darcy is dangerously ill the following Christmas and calling for Elizabeth. Colonel Fitzwilliam goes to fetch her and what happens next is the subject of this festive short story.