Corpse Candle

Jaycee Wolfe - 2021
    Fight for survival, fight for my family, fight for those who can’t fight for themselves. What happens when family stops fighting for you? What do you do when they just give you away, handing you over to the devil himself? I guess this is where all that training takes hold. This is where the test begins. I was born and bred to win. There is no other option in my mind. Sometimes, though, you have to know when to stand and fight and when to lie low and bide your time. Lying low wasn’t easy, but in doing so, I found something else, something new. Someone else worth fighting for. Now the fight of my life is not only for me but for the man I’ve fallen for. Some people are worth the risk of losing it all.Swift:Being the President of a motorcycle club isn’t easy. I knew that going in, but knowing every one of my brothers is counting on me, trusting me, that’s a weight on my shoulders I’ve become too comfortable with. When someone finds a weakness in MY security, sneaks into MY compound, and fools MY men, I know this is a job I need to handle personally. I will take on hell itself to keep my brothers safe. Hell, however, comes in the form of a small, blonde wildcat with claws as thick and long as her thighs. She knocks me off my feet, keeps me reeling, and never backs down. She’s knocked my world off its axis and stolen my heart. And she’s done it all with her fist held high, and feet firmly planted in the future I want us to build. Together.

Forever Her Cowboy

Lucy Darling - 2020
    Who knows, maybe I am, but not when it comes to my Noelle, my little sister’s best friend. I’ve been patient. I’ve followed the rules. I’ve waited for her. But now I’ve come to claim what’s mine.My family has plenty of deep roots, put down for generations. Now, I’m ready to lay down some of my own. I may be the clean-cut cowboy to everyone else, but that’s the last thing I want to be when it comes to my Noelle. She needs to know how I burn for her, how I’ve thought of so many delicious ways to make her say my name.Soon enough she’ll see the part of me that I’ve saved for her and only her. Soon enough she’ll realize that she’s my life, my love, my everything. I’ll stop at nothing to make her mine.Author Note: This is a stand-alone sweet romance with no cheating and an HEA.