Book picks similar to
PROJECT BLUE BEAM - The Quest For A New World Order And The Rule Of The Antichrist by Aidan Brophilius
The 13 Satanic Bloodlines Paving the Road to Hell
Robin de Ruiter - 2008
This four-volume book is different from other books on the topic. It was written long before others started championing the need for the masses to wake up to the New World Order agenda. The first edition did not claim to be into futurism. However, a retrospective view of the events of the last twenty-five years shows that practically all topics mentioned in the book have come to fruition, often in an awesome manner. Like the first edition, this new updated edition is a very unique publication and reading it will undoubtedly change the way you look at both history and the world today. It completely turns everything on its head. Once you read it, all of a sudden you will see the world around you in infrared. You soon see things which are simply not possible to view with the range of standard vision. The contents of this book is highly controversial and uncompromising. It describes a monster that we, in all our ignorance, have created together. It also serves to give us an idea of what's in store for the near future, so we can better prepare for what's coming our way. UR-LODGES: We are raised, by tradition, to trust our governments, and are convinced that they care about us. This, however, is a big mistake. Below the surface of official politics lies a complicated social and intellectual process that is taking place. The visible world leaders are mere puppets directed by an invisible power from behind the scenes. This geo-political power consists of the richest families on this planet. The true aim of this elite group is complete control of Planet Earth. Together with the most powerful multinationals, they rule and control most countries and coalitions. Behind the scenes there are various hidden transnational Ur-Lodges under the supervision of the ruling elite of which even high-grade Freemasons have no knowledge. Not only high politicians from the United States, Russia and Western Europe, but also from Israel, Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and many other countries are members of these hidden Freemason-Lodges. They are all marionettes whose strings are pulled by our invisible leaders. Although political leaders on the world stage play opposite roles, behind the scenes they pursue the same goal: a “technocratic world dictatorship”. Anyone who aspires to pursue a career in politics to reach the top must become part of one of the Super-Lodges. Raising the political ladder is impossible without being part of one or more of these Lodges. In the Ur-Lodges, our political leaders meet regularly with media moguls, bankers, industrialists and personalities to coordinate and execute the policy of the ruling class. A world war that has to lead to a world dictatorship is in the making. Terror attacks play an important role in this regard. Some eminent "Masonic Grandmasters" do not agree any longer. The whistleblowers, including Zbigniew Brzezinski (White House Foreign Policy Expert) sound the alarm. Among other things, they declare that the leaders of al-Qaeda and ISIS are also members of the Ur-Lodges. Terrorists, politicians and other personalities are all Freemason brothers and conspire with the ultimate objective to have complete control over the world. This sheds a completely different light on the wars in Iraq and Syria, the millions of refugees flooding Europe and the global terrorist attacks. Anyone who believes that Muslims are guilty of the terrorist attacks must revise his view. IMPORTANT TO UNDERSTAND: RELIGIOUS DOGMA OF THE ELITE It might surprise you that the ruling elite of this world consider Lucifer to be their only and true god; that one day he will openly rule this world.
Dogman, Bigfoot, and Something More, Volume 1: A Brief Collection of Encounters
P.D. King - 2020
Final Events & the Secret Government Group on Demonic UFOs & the Afterlife
Nick Redfern - 2010
But what if those millions of people are all wrong? What if the UFO phenomenon has much darker and far more ominous origins? For four years, UFO authority Nick Redfern has been investigating the strange and terrifying world of a secret group within the U.S. Government known as the Collins Elite. The group believes that our purported alien visitors are, in reality, deceptive demons and fallen angels. They are the minions of Satan, who are reaping and enslaving our very souls, and paving the way for Armageddon and Judgment Day. In FINAL EVENTS you'll learn about the secret government files on occultists Aleister Crowley and Jack Parsons, and their connections to the UFO mystery; revelations of the demonic link to the famous "UFO crash" at Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947; the disclosure of government investigations into life-after-death and out-of-body experiences; and an examination of the satanic agenda behind alien abductions. FINAL EVENTS reveals the stark and horrific truths about UFOs that some in the government would rather keep secret.
Beyond Time Travel - Exploring Our Parallel Worlds: Amazing Real Life Stories in the News (Time Travel Books Book 1)
Richard Bullivant - 2014
The Many Worlds Interpretation The concept that our universe may not be the only universe, but that there are millions, billions, trillions - indeed an infinite amount - of other universes became a serious proposition for mainstream science in 1957 when the respected physicist Hugh Everett III came out with his Multiple Worlds Interpretation. In short, Everett suggested that the only way to explain certain strange phenomenon in quantum mechanics was that there had to be other universes existing parallel to our own. The ‘Many Worlds’ scenario in turn implies that all possible alternative histories are real, each representing an actual ‘world’ or ‘universe’. This means that everything that could possibly have happened in our past, but did not, has occurred in the past of some other universe or universes. The implications of ‘Many Worlds’ for each of us is astounding. It means that every one of us has not only a ‘twin’ existing right now in a parallel universe, but a countless number of twins in universes that expand in all directions infinitely, as well as backwards and forward in time! As astounding and outlandish as Hugh Everett’s Many Worlds Interpretation seems, a recent survey showed that the vast majority of physicists and scientists today accept it as ‘most likely true’ - in fact 83% of them, according to a recent survey of the world’s top 1,200 physicists. Stories The fact that parallel universes is most likely a reality can explain a lot of strange phenomenon, and a lot of bizarre experiences as reported by every day, ordinary people. A lot of these stories have ended up in the mainstream media - and more than a few in the so-called ‘alternative media’. These stories range from the UFO phenomena to reports of contacts with fairy folk, or creatures so strange there is no precedent or explanation for them. Parallel universes have been frequently cited as a way to explain the elusiveness of Bigfoot. It also plays a role in the practice of remote viewing - the psychic spying technique developed by both U.S. Military and Soviet Union intelligence operations. Parallel universe theory may also explain some strange occurrences that simply defy category. In this book, we are going to explore some of those stories - those that made it into the mainstream media and, almost certainly, a few you have never heard about anywhere else. Contents Include: * Unexpected Slips into Other Worlds * The Man from a Non-Existent Country * The Strange Tale of the Gadianton Canyon * Energy Sphere Transportation * Unexpected Slips from Other Worlds * Portals to Parallel Worlds * The Chocolate City * The Multiple Individual Experiencing a Multidimensional World
Strange True Encounters & Unearthly Experiences: 25 Mind-Boggling Reports of the Paranormal - Never Before in Book Form
Phyllis Galde - 2017
Over the next ten years the “Strange” books sold over 6,000,000 copies worldwide. Strange True Encounters & Unearthly Experiences is the first new book in the series in over three decades, and features: Robert M. Schoch, Ph.D. in Geology and Geophysics at Yale University on discoveries at Anatolia‘s Gobekli Tepe suggesting civilization is far older than previously believed. Gregory Sams on unfolding evidence that stars may be conscious. Janet Brennan on Europe’s mysterious Black Madonna statues. Martin Cadin, ex-member Federal Aviation Administration, on his personal experiments using telekinesis. Michio Kaku, Professor of Theoretical Physics at the City University of New York, on our ten-dimensional universe and paranormal phenomenon. Journalist Chris Friar on 19th century UFO sightings proving they are not a modern phenomenon. Actor Anthony Quinn on the “profound mystical experience” in the Sinai Desert that changed his life. Plus over a dozen other accounts, investigation and in-depth reports on the Ouija board, remote viewing, poltergeists, Kansas’ sacred sites, the U.S. warship that was saved by an angel, and much more. We believe this brand new entry in the “Strange” series – is in every way the equal of its predecessors. And will prove every bit as entertaining and enlightening as the earlier books did. (Asked where he got the ideas for his stories, Steven King credited FATE. “My mother used to read me FATE Magazine, which was about the paranormal, flying saucers…all that stuff. I was fascinated.”) Here is what Amazon readers have to say about classic reprints from FATE: “A book worth reading. I look forward to reading the other books in this series.” “FATE always comes through.” “Well written, short articles on a variety of paranormal events, many of which were unfamiliar to me. Interesting, unfamiliar and competently edited.” “Good stuff. Reminds us that stories like this have been happening for years. Not just a modern invention. Worth a read.” “Very good read. 5 stars.”
Mysterious Disappearances & Cryptic Clues
Steph Young - 2017
Everyone loves a mystery….right? In this book, we travel down some winding and twisting paths as the stories become stranger and ever more mysterious as we look into the most mysterious, baffling and cryptic of cases. We meet a range of the most intriguing characters, a whole host of the strangest of circumstances, and the most interesting clues that have been found along the way. Creepy Tales of Mysteries of the Unexplained; Mysterious Vanishings and Unexplained Disappearances, Missing People, and Unexplained deaths…….. Perhaps you can solve some of these cases…… Many have tried…….But can you find the answers? True Tales of the most baffling & cryptic Unexplained Vanishings & Mysterious Deaths & the cryptic clues left behind. Unexplained Vanishings & Mysterious Deaths; there are Creepy Mysteries of the bestselling author Steph Young. Join me on my Podcast, "Steph Young Masquerade Podcast" for more Creepy Mysteries of the Unexplained, for more strange and unexplained cryptic cases.
The Andreasson Affair: The Documented Investigation of a Woman's Abduction Aboard a UFO
Raymond E. Fowler - 1978
Now after a 12-month scientific investigation, the story can be told. "An unforgettable experience...Must rank with the great classics of scientific revelation".--The New York Times.
Alien Disclosure: Experiencers Expose Reality
Lon Strickler - 2019
Earth’s evolving primate was selected by the Gods to be transformed into a being of their own design. There was no clear reason as to why this was occurring, but it would profoundly influence mankind into the present day. Over the past decade, it had become increasingly apparent to me that we are not alone as a single intelligent species in the cosmic ocean. But it has also become apparent that our Earth and overall humanity have attracted the attention of non-terrestrial entities over many millennia. Our history is intertwined with extraterrestrial beings. I truly believe that humans are a genetic extension of otherworldly races. I also believe that most of the alien entities that people encounter are biologically enhanced and evolved humans from our past and future. But we must always keep in mind; they do have an agenda. I believe that agenda is eventual technological and biological singularity. Human experiencers are providing us with actual accounts of alien abduction and close encounters. Their stories are important; giving us a real sense of this global phenomenon. My premise may become more understandable as you read this book. The experiences described in the accounts are brutally forthright. Some readers may be shocked by the details. But then again, I don’t believe that you would want me to present the information in any manner that isn’t consistent with the experiencers' actual encounters.
Bigfoot Terror in the Woods: Sightings and Encounters, Volume 4
W.J. Sheehan - 2018
The accounts may be quite terrifying and reader discretion is advised.
Suns of God
D.M. Murdock - 2004
Over the past several centuries, the Big Three spiritual leaders have been the Lords Christ, Krishna and Buddha, whose stories and teachings are curiously and confoundingly similar to each other. The tale of a miraculously born redeemer who overcomes heroic challenges, teaches ethics and morality, performs marvels and wonders, acquires disciples and is famed far and wide, to be persecuted, killed and reborn, is not unique but a global phenomenon recurring in a wide variety of cultures long before the Christian era. These numerous godmen were not similar historical personages who walked the earth but anthropomorphizations of the central focus of the famous mysteries. A major element of the cryptic, international brotherhood, these mysteries extend back thousands of years and are found worldwide, reflecting an ancient tradition steeped in awe and intrigue. The reasons for this religious development, which has inspired the creation of entire cultures, are unveiled in this in-depth analysis containing fascinating and original research based on evidence both modern and ancient, captivating information kept secret and hidden for ages. Suns of God is possibly the most complete review of the history of religion from its inception ever composed in a single volume.
Bizarre True Stories: 10 Mysterious Accounts Of True Paranormal Hauntings, Vanishing People, Creepy Unexplained Phenomena And The Unknown (True Ghost Stories And Hauntings, True Paranormal Hauntings)
Layla Hawkes - 2015
Or maybe these beings lie in wait and arbitrarily emerge from oblivion to wreak havoc on the unlucky and unsuspecting humans that cross their paths? Maybe we are not alone in this universe, maybe our souls do continue to live on after death.Perhaps certain areas of this Earth contain portals to the world of the unknown - a world that holds a powerful mystique that no mortal has ever ventured into and come out the same… if they do come out at all. Join me as we explore various episodes of true paranormal hauntings, vanishing people, creepy unexplained phenomena and the unknown. This book is not for the faint of heart as it contains accounts of various inexplicable occurrences that can only be attributed to the world beyond.If you love scary, weird and just plain crazy stories about the most bizarre things that have happened on this planet, then grab this book now! ***** Scroll Up and Get Now! *****
The Complete Armor of God: Spiritual Warfare for End Time Warriors, Volume 1
George H. McVey Sr. - 2012
This is going to enable Spiritual Warriors to move into deeper realms of warfare. Which will allow them to be more successful in Spiritual Battles.Pastor George was delivered from occult practices as a young adult. For the last twenty years he has used his past to help deliver others from the lies of the devil. He has trained others in Spiritual Warfare and Spiritual Breakthrough techniques based solely on the Bible.
For The Moon Is Hollow And Aliens Rule The Sky
Rob Shelsky - 2014
However, after researching the facts, the author did something he rarely does. He made a complete about-face on his views regarding The Hollow Moon Theory! Just why did he do this? For a good reason: because the evidence to support the idea of our Moon being hollow was far greater than he had ever suspected and comes from a wide variety of scientific disciplines and sources. The Author discovered there is also a veritable avalanche of evidence for the existence of aliens being on or in a hollow Moon. If you have ever wondered if the Moon might just be hollow, after reading this book, For The Moon Is Hollow And Aliens Rule The Sky, you will wonder no more. This book includes evidence for: -- Recorded historical evidence for our Moon not always having been in our skies. -- Discusses the truth of the Spaceship Moon Theory (Hollow Moon Theory). -- Names the five main theories of our Moon’s origin and what’s wrong with them. -- Shows evidence for not just one, but possibly two hollow moons! -- Develops a new theory, that of the Diaspora of alien civilizations to the stars. -- Bizarre physical oddities about our Moon. -- Strange evidence for alien structures on the Moon. -- Weird events show evidence for aliens in space, in our skies, and on the Moon. -- Convincing evidence and arguments as to just why the Moon is hollow. -- Documented account of aliens and our astronauts. -- An in-depth discussion of just what all this may mean for humanity? And more! The author builds his case for the idea of our Moon being hollow step by easy step, and provides information from a wide variety of sources to support this theory. Is our Moon hollow? Do aliens dwell within it? Do such strange beings rule our sky? The answers all lie in For The Moon Is Hollow And Aliens Rule The Sky, a cutting edge look at all the latest ideas, theories, and facts to support them, as well as including a new theory of just why it may well be that all intelligent civilizations might take to the stars in hollowed-out worlds! And what fear drives them to do so!
Skinwalker Ranch : NO TRESPASSING
Ryan Skinner - 2014
Due to the untold number and frequency of unexplainable encounters this location has earned itself the name of Skinwalker Ranch. But the Skinwalker—a legendary creature feared back before the time of the Native Americans indigenous to the Great Basin—is only a small part of a phenomena that includes some of the most intense UFO sightings ever witnessed and recorded, inter-dimensional portals, intelligent orbs of energy, physical entities beyond identification and other real-life manifestations. For the first time you have the opportunity to hear the voices and words of those who have dared to enter into that vortex, to know of their experiences first hand, to separate truth from fiction and decide for yourself if the world is really what you think it is. Skinwalker Ranch No Trespassing is Ryan T. Skinner’s second book exploring the paranormal activity associated with the property in north-east Utah. Unlike his first book which was drawn from his own personal experience and the deep emotional impact it had on him, this second work is a historical perspective that traces the origin of the Skinwalker back more than 3000 years up until the most recent sighting reported in and around the Great Basin and the Four Corners area of the United States, relying on and drawing from the stories and narratives of eye witnesses, including confidential sources with first person knowledge of and experience on and around the Skinwalker Ranch itself. Written with co-author D. L. Wallace, one of the field’s most prolific ghost writers, Skinwalker Ranch No Trespassing is assured to bring you where you have never been before.
The Dark Sacrament: True Stories of Modern-Day Demon Possession and Exorcism
David Kiely - 2007
Kiely and Christina McKenna faithfully recount ten contemporary cases of demon possession, haunted houses, and exorcism, and profile the work of two living, active exorcists: Canon William Lendrum, a Protestant, and Father Ignatius McCarthy, a Roman Catholic. Kiely and McKenna conducted countless interviews with victims, families, witnesses, and clergy who assisted in performing multiple rites of exorcism. Many of the accounts are very recent and, in some cases, ongoing. Kiely and McKenna serve as trustworthy guides on this suspense-filled journey into the bizarre, offering concrete advice on how to avoid falling prey to the dark side. Exorcists Canon Lendrum and Father Ignatius reveal their fears, failings, and victories as they reflect on their forty years of service battling the Devil and his minions.The Dark Sacrament includes the following chilling stories:A woman is tormented by her evil dead grandmother, causing her to coil like a snake, snarl, and be invaded by several demons.A housewife is haunted by the answers from her children playing on a Ouija board and by a historical character who sexually terrorizes her so much that she is too ashamed to admit it even to her husband.A young girl experiences astral travel when the Angel of Death enters her body and takes her along on a frightening journey.A boy's temperament turns dark as he is tortured by demons, causing him to become harmful to others—an unresolved 2007 case that is ongoing.Thoroughly researched and impressively wide-ranging, The Dark Sacrament contains an appendix with detailed historical analysis, translated prayers of exorcism, and fascinating notes on important terms and practices.