Affinity and Affection

Susan Adriani - 2008
    Darcy did not simply ride away in anger when he met with Mr. Wickham that day in Meryton? What if he had actually warned Elizabeth Bennet of that gentleman's despicable character? In the spirit and wit of Jane Austen, Affinity and Affection explores the possibility of what might have happened had the proud and haughty Mr. Darcy decided to come down off his high horse, quite literally, so to speak, to lay his personal dealings with his childhood friend and father's former favourite open before the eyes of the bewitching Elizabeth Bennet. Would his forthrightness have set the stage for a better understanding between them? Would it have changed Elizabeth's mind about how she perceived the taciturn Mr. Darcy sooner, rather than later? And what else might have transpired as a result?

Mr. Darcy Came to Dinner

Jack Caldwell - 2011
    Darcy, forcing the injured gentleman to reluctantly take up residence at Longbourn-- more specifically, in the parlor of Longbourn!In pain, forbidden to leave by his doctors, Mr. Darcy cannot escape the ridiculous antics of the Bennet clan.And when Georgiana Darcy, Colonel Fitzwilliam, and Lady Catherine de Bourgh arrive to visit the invalid, chaos, confusion, and hilarity ensue!Inspired by the classics of comedy, author Jack Caldwell transforms Austen's beloved novel into a tour de force of farce. The Regency will never be the same!

Unequal Affections: A Pride and Prejudice Retelling

Lara S. Ormiston - 2013
    Darcy, she despised him and was sure he felt the same. Angered by his pride and reserve, influenced by the lies of the charming Mr. Wickham, she never troubled herself to believe he was anything other than the worst of men--until, one day, he unexpectedly proposed. Mr. Darcy's passionate avowal of love causes Elizabeth to reevaluate everything she thought she knew about him. What she knows is that he is rich, handsome, clever, and very much in love with her. She, on the other hand, is poor, and can expect a future of increasing poverty if she does not marry. The incentives for her to accept him are strong, but she is honest enough to tell him that she does not return his affections. He says he can accept that--but will either of them ever be truly happy in a relationship of unequal affection?Diverging from Jane Austen's classic novel Pride and Prejudice at the proposal in the Hunsford parsonage, this story explores the kind of man Darcy is, even before his "proper humbling," and how such a man, so full of pride, so much in love, might have behaved had Elizabeth chosen to accept his original proposal.

On Oakham Mount: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Sophia Meredith - 2016
    Bennet insists that Elizabeth marry the odious Mr.Collins, she dashes off in tears to seek refuge on Oakham Mount. There she encounters Mr. Darcy, seeking distraction from his own concerns. In a moment of emotional turmoil, they turn to each other and Mr. Darcy is moved to offer a solution to Elizabeth’s dilemma: A marriage of convenience. But when this engagement is broken almost before it has begun, why do the two feel so bereft? Could there be more between them than a simple arrangement? Can these two proud, strong-willed individuals overcome all the obstacles that seem determined to keep them apart? More importantly, can they open their hearts to each other and to love? Find out in this reimagining of Jane Austen's beloved British Regency classic.First in the Pemberley Departures Collection; the stand-alone books need not be read in order unless otherwise specified.

Her Good Opinion: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Eden Forster - 2015
    Bingley, and thereby involving them both in misery of the acutest kind. He knows because he was there when Elizabeth found out. Still, he offers her his hand in marriage--an offer she promptly rejects. Determined to win her good opinion and ultimately her heart, he asks for six weeks to change her mind.What could possibly tempt Elizabeth to accept the man who has been the means of ruining the happiness of a most beloved sister?Regency romance short story, Her Good Opinion, is a retelling of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice.

A Tender Moment: A Darcy and Elizabeth Short Story

P.O. Dixon - 2014
    What if two weeks after the Meryton assembly Darcy no longer wishes to deny his increasing fascination with the bewitching Miss Elizabeth Bennet and her amazing eyes? What if he's the last man in the world she wishes to spend time with owing to his tendency of saying the wrong thing at the wrong time? Will he persuade her to give him another chance to earn her good opinion? ● All books in the Darcy and Elizabeth Short Stories series are stand-alone and may be read and enjoyed in any order.

Mr Darcy's Resolve

E. Bradshaw - 2017
    After a fierce argument with her mother, Elizabeth flees from Longbourn in a state of tearful rage. She faces a troubling dilemma and is trapped by her feelings of obligation to her family, whilst her rebellious, independent spirit is determined not to be subjugated into a loveless marriage. Just as she is at her lowest ebb, when all hope seems to have fled, she is surprised by the arrival of none-other than Mr Darcy. She knows very well that he views her and all her family with complete derision, and so she cannot understand why he is so kind and gentlemanly towards her that day. It is the first time that she sees a different side to Mr Darcy, and she starts to develop a new insight into his character – and to realise that he is not as arrogant and unfeeling as she always previously assumed him to be. From that day a new understanding grows between them, and Elizabeth begins to view him in a better light. Their relationship grows from that day forwards – though their path to happiness is by no means an easy one. Along the way they must face opposition from their families, clear up a damaging misapprehension, and overcome a scandal which could destroy all their hopes for their future. Nevertheless, through it all, Mr Darcy is absolutely resolved and utterly set upon a future with his beloved Elizabeth.

Drawing Mr. Darcy: Sketching His Character

Melanie Rachel - 2018
    Bright, energetic, and endlessly inquisitive, his little Lizzy is poised to become the apple of her father’s eye and the target of her mother’s fears. Neither will promote family harmony. When she returns to Longbourn as a young woman, Elizabeth Bennet Russell has had an unconventional upbringing. She is in possession of an important name, a fine education, a good fortune, and a love of drawing. When her parents ask her not to use her Russell surname while she is home, she reluctantly agrees. After all, nobody she knows will meet her in Hertfordshire. She’s mostly right. Drawing helps Elizabeth to literally sketch people’s character, and she’s become rather good at it. But she’s about to face her greatest challenge yet. Netherfield Park is let at last, and her good friend's much older brother--whom she has yet to meet--has arrived as a guest. It will take Elizabeth more than a drawing to help her understand Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy. This is full-length novel at just over 86,000 words.

The Best Part of Love

Amy D'Orazio - 2017
    Darcy’s heart, but what is the truth of her past?When Fitzwilliam Darcy meets Miss Elizabeth Bennet, a simple country girl from a humble estate, he has no idea that she—and indeed, the entire town of Meryton—harbors a secret. Before she meets Darcy, Elizabeth has spent two years hiding from the men who killed her beloved first husband. Feeling herself destroyed by love, Elizabeth has no intention of loving again, and certainly not the haughty man who can do nothing but offend her in Hertfordshire.In time, Elizabeth surprises herself by finding in Darcy a friend; even greater is her surprise to find herself gradually coming to love him and even accepting an offer of marriage from him. As the newlyweds are just beginning to settle into their happily-ever-after, a condemned man on his way to the gallows divulges a shattering truth, a secret that contradicts everything Elizabeth thought she knew about the tragic circumstances of her first marriage. Against the advice of everyone who loves her—including Darcy—Elizabeth begins to ask questions. But the truth could destroy them both.

A Compromise At Rosings Park: A Pride And Prejudice Variation

Isabelle Mayfair - 2017
    After rejecting him, she is required to follow him into the woods to return the hat he left behind, before it is discovered that he had visited her. She is shocked to see he is in far greater pain at her refusal than she realised and when she seeks to comfort him, he forgets himself and kisses her. Unfortunately, Mr Collins, Elizabeth's cousin, witnesses it and not recognising Mr Darcy, is pleased to inform Mr Darcy's aunt, the formidable Lady Catherine de Bourgh of Rosings Park, that the pert Miss Bennet's reputation has been compromised. It seems a fitting revenge for a woman who had rejected his own offer of marriage not so long ago. But when Mr Darcy reveals himself as the man who compromised Miss Bennet, and is therefore the man who is required to marry her and save her reputation, Elizabeth is far from grateful. She, who always wanted to marry for love, is now obligated to marry a man she despises for his selfish disdain for others, and who has ruined the happiness of her most beloved sister. Can Mr Darcy persuade her to give him a chance to prove himself worthy of her? And in Elizabeth's pretence to her family of being a happily engaged woman, is it possible she is being fooled by her own charade into feeling more than she does? Or are these growing feelings for Mr Darcy something more than that? At Longbourn, a scandal involving her sister, Lydia, threatens the match and Elizabeth is suddenly confronted with the possibility that maybe she does not know Mr Darcy as well as she believed. And that just maybe, he is the man for her after all.

Dear Mr. Darcy: A Retelling of Pride and Prejudice

Amanda Grange - 2012
    Darcy, covering the life-changing events that defined him—from the death of his father, to his control of his Derbyshire estate of Pemberley to his conflicted courtship with the lively, intelligent, and delightfully willful Elizabeth Bennet. Try as he may, he cannot deny his attraction to this woman with fine eyes, a playful spirit, a mind of her own… and an embarrassing family that is frankly, and utterly, beneath him. But it is Elizabeth who controls both their destinies, and whose surprises will change Darcy’s life yet again.

Don't flatter yourself: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Sydney Salier - 2019
     What if Mr Bennet married a second time and his new wife is a lady with impeccable manners, who is down-playing the fact that she really is a Lady. Will the improved manners of all the ladies make a difference to Mr Darcy? Or is the Bennets' perceived social standing and lack of wealth still an issue for him? Will Fitzwilliam Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet have a happily ever after?

To Conquer Pride: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Jennifer Altman - 2018
    Indeed, knowing the lady's true feelings for him, he makes every effort to see that they do not. But when a chance encounter leaves him stranded in an abandoned cottage with the one woman he can never have, Darcy quickly realizes there is more at risk than just Elizabeth's reputation.Elizabeth Bennet knows Mr. Darcy is the last man in the world whom she could ever be prevailed on to marry. Until the morning he hands her a letter, his countenance as dark and forbidding as the windswept sky. Now, trapped in a snowstorm with the one person she was certain she despised, Elizabeth is startled to discover that her feelings are not at all what she expected.But is one night alone together enough to alter the course of their future?Can any man as proud as Mr. Darcy be expected to offer for the same woman a second time?In this tale of serendipity and second chances, the world's unlikeliest couple must conquer pride, prejudice, and faulty first impressions in the elusive quest for their own happily ever after.

The Trouble With Horses

Elizabeth Ann West - 2014
    Finding a gentleman in the ravine of a creek bed, she scares off snakes and raises the alarm to end up with the man situated at Longbourn for his recovery. Enamored with his dark curls and handsome face, her life appears to be following the fairy tale story line of a novel, that is until the proud, disdainful Fitzwilliam Darcy of Pemberley wakes up.

Mr Darcy & Elizabeth: Unexpected Affection: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Cassandra Knightley - 2017
    She hoped to ensure the happiness of her sisters, what she didn't expect was to fall in love with the very man she vowed to hate. Lady Catherine's objections will be the least of their concerns when compared with the nasty schemes of Mr Wickham, not to mention the scandals posed by Elizabeth's own relations! Can Mr Darcy handle the chaos that is the Bennet Family? Can Elizabeth put aside her hurt pride long enough to allow her true feelings to shine? Will these two withstand scandal and scorn to finally discover their happily ever after? Previously published under the title: Felicity in Marriage