Mindfulness Without Meditation: Creating Mindful Habits That Actually Stick

Shea Matthew Fisher - 2015
    Do you want the calm, clarity, and focus of mindfulness without the trappings of formal meditation practice? This book will provide you with a set of tips and techniques that can guide you in infusing your daily life, as it already is, with exactly that.

Oceanic Mind - The Deeper Meditation Training Course

Tom Von Deck - 2009
    Whether you are a beginner or an advanced student of meditation, Qigong or Yoga, this book is for you! The dozens of easy to follow warm up exercises and ancient meditation techniques alone is worth the cost of this course. However, Oceanic Mind introduces not only the finest techniques, but a complete meditation strategy training for consistently profound meditation. The strategy training transforms meditation into a much much easier and a more customized process. Regardless of your background, you will love this book.

Advanced Manifesting: Mastering the Law of Attraction With Frequency Attunement: Use Vibrations to Manifest Money, the Lottery, Love & More

Linda West - 2019
    Manifest a specific person, wealth and joy now! A New Age Dream Journal That Will Change Your Life! GET IT NOW! In Advanced Manifesting, author Linda West draws on 30 years of experience as a gifted clairaudient and Angelic channel to offer proven and powerful techniques that anybody can use for manifesting love, money manifestation, or to manifest happiness using the science of frequencies, attunement and understanding the Law of Attraction. In this manifestation guide, you will learn 20 surprisingly easy and straightforward Master Keys that will allow you to remove the roadblocks in your life that prevent you from achieving success, finding love and discovering the true meaning of life: • How to master frequency attunement, in order to attract other like-minded people to you, including soul mates, close friends and potential business partners • Overcoming self-doubt and low self-esteem by elevating your natural frequency levels • How to attract what you want within 24 hours, including manifesting money, employment, or love attraction. • How to stop just wishing for things and start achieving your life’s ambitions • How to use the law of affinity to draw happy, positive people to you and prevent yourself from being brought down by negative people and dark thoughts. • How to use vibrations to become the most powerful and happy person that you can be. "Thank you for this book! I've been a fan of The Frequency for years and this advanced version with keys for masters is just what I needed! Loved it I'm blown away with enthusiasm and I'm starting the 21 Day Plan today!" O. Dayton Manifest money, abundance, a great career, good fortune, and happy relationships. Direct your amazing mind power. Set your manifestation goals effectively. Attract the right people. And become more successful.You are already good at manifesting because your thoughts automatically attract what happens to you. So, the big issue with manifestation is the QUALITY of what you attract, and how you can achieve it.ANYONE CAN MANIFEST AND ATTRACT LOVE, SUCCESS and MORE OVER 20 POWERFUL TECHNIQUES AND STRATEGIES INCLUDING: > How to manifest in 5 easy step that won't fail! How to attract what you want within 24 hours or less How to manifest the career you love, simply by loving it How to draw you soulmate to you and keep them loving you How to become the most powerful and happy person you can be < Includes advanced manifesting keys to power up your “success mindset “ and begin using the law of attraction to attract everything you deserve! LEARN POWERFUL AND EASY TECHNIQUES FOR MANIFESTATION MASTERY WITH A COMPLETE 21 DAY EASY GUIDE TO MANIFEST LOVE, MONEY and MORE! This book is filled with advanced keys to make you an expert on the law of attraction and frequencies. This is the final information you asked for. It will show you the real actions to take daily to finally master manifesting with vibrations. Includes a 21 Day Guide to certain manifestation. You don't need more info, you just need the last MASTER KEYS found in this class for advanced students! You can do it! Are you still struggling to manifest what you want? Maybe you've read everything on the law of attraction but you still don't know how to make it work all th

Wake Up to Hope: Devotional

Joel Osteen - 2016
    When you wake up in the morning, it's easy to lie in bed thinking negative thoughts. You don't realize it, but that's setting the tone for a lousy day.In this devotional, Joel and Victoria Osteen offer an inspiring tool to help you set your mind for a positive, happy, faith-filled day. You will read Scripture, reflect on a daily reading, pray a special prayer, and meditate on a thought for the day -- all with a goal to starting the day off grateful, thinking about God's goodness, expecting His favor, and setting the tone for a blessed, productive day. Just a few minutes each morning can make a big difference. When you wake up to hope, you'll not only have a better attitude but you'll see more of God's blessings and favor.

Raising Confident Kids: 10 Ways to Foster Self-esteem and Avoid Typical Parenting Mistakes (Kids Don't Come With a Manual series)

Nadim Saad - 2016
    Unfortunately, in trying to help develop these traits, parents can increase their children’s anxiety and make them afraid of making mistakes without realising it. Raising Confident Kids will equip you to avoid common pitfalls and create positive parenting habits. Bestselling parenting coach Nadim Saad draws on the latest research in child psychology, neuroscience and the Growth Mindset to offer parents 10 practical ways to nurture their children's self-esteem and ensure that they grow to become happy and confident adults. Discover the 5 typical mistakes that can affect children's self-esteem and how to avoid them Quickly learn and apply step-by-step solutions to grow your children's confidence and self-esteem Help your children develop a Growth Mindset so that they embrace new challenges and are unafraid of making mistakes Gain practical understanding of how to apply these tips and techniques to family life thanks to real-life examples

Lehengey & Lafdey

Varun T. - 2019
    But then, matrimony came along and politics suddenly felt like the non-essential elaichi in this Mughlai Biryani called life. When my ‘loved ones’ subjected me to scenarios unimaginable, when as the groom I had to wait for an hour for my baaraat to arrive, when certain ‘rituals’ scarred me with shame for the rest of my life, I so wanted to give it back to the society! And hence, ‘Lehengey and Lafdey’ was born. LnL will raise your ire, tickle your funny bone, and show you everything except what a wedding is supposed to be: a sacred union. In a world filled with romantic novels, where love always wins in the end; patience, perseverance and the insane ability to bear a butt load of crap is required to emerge victorious in the holy war of matrimony. Enough talk! Jump right in and witness a whirlpool of emotions, with a cup of masala chai and some fryums on the side. Put your seat belts on, for it is going to get crazy. Welcome to the world of Lehengey and Lafdey!

The Secret to Money Masterclass

Rhonda Byrne - 2020
    You are meant to have a rich life, in every respect, and yet many people are unaware of the power they have within them that directly and effortlessly accesses abundance in all things, including money.In this new book, Rhonda Byrne, author of The Secret, explains how the law of attraction applies specifically to wealth and your relationship with money. By applying the knowledge in The Secret, you can stop money from slipping through your fingers, and eliminate forever the perpetual state of “not having enough money.” You will discover the power you have to bring money to you and to live a life of abundance, where you can be, do, or have anything you want.Subjects covered by Rhonda include personal finance, eradicating a poverty mindset and adopting a wealth mindset, job hunting, career advancement, creating a successful business, and giving and sharing wealth.Rhonda also presents many inspirational real-life stories of people who have used The Secret to attract wealth, build a company, pay off debts, acquire a home, and secure a high paying job.They say money doesn’t grow on trees—but with the knowledge of The Secret to Money Masterclass, you will feel that it actually does, as money starts to come into your life from unexpected places. Financial freedom can be yours, and as you will discover, it is just one thought away!

To Be Continued: Reincarnation and the Purpose of Our Lives

Karen Berg - 2012
    Life would make more sense and would be infinitely more fulfilling.Reincarnation is the soul’s journey back to the Light via multiple physical incarnations.In each lifetime, the soul returns to the physical world to correct a different aspect of itself. In one incarnation a soul may need to learn about being rich; another it may need to learn about being poor. Or it may need to experience strength and weakness, anger and compassion, beauty and unsightliness. It doesn’t matter if you were Cleopatra or a foot soldier, the point is to be conscious of the things we failed at, the damage we came to restore so we can make the correction this time around.Reading this book can help you understand some of the challenges and questions you have in this lifetime that may have come from another life. Part I discussses the process of reincarnation—how and why it happens. In Part II, you will learn about life challenges and why it’s important to embrace them as a necessary part of our soul’s work. In Part III, you can detect past life lessons by using kabbalistic tools of angels, astrology, palm and face reading.Awareness of our soul’s journey creates a context that helps us to guide our lives and appreciate what we were given. With this knowledge over many lifetimes our soul eventuality manages to understand all the lessons and puts all of these fragments together. As it does so, the soul gathers sparks of Light back to itself. Eventually it returns to the source of all Light—the Creator—complete.When we understand reincarnation, our mistakes in this life become devastating. We develop a level of spiritual maturity that helps us to perceive how everything is part of a bigger plan designed to help us to change and grow.Death is not the end of the game, but just a chance to do over. We have nothing to fear. Life will be continued . . .

Sylvia Browne: Accepting the Psychic Torch

Sylvia Browne - 2009
    . .AND an all-new volume: ACCEPTING THE PSYCHIC TORCHSYLVIA BROWNE: ACCEPTING THE PSYCHIC TORCH is a brand-new anthology that contains the full text of two of Sylvia’s best-selling books: the landmark Adventures of a Psychic, which details how a little girl from Kansas City, Missouri, discovered her gifts and was then led on a decades-long journey to ultimately become “one of America’s most successful clairvoyants”; and If You Could See What I See, a handbook on spirituality that is also full of anecdotes from Sylvia’s life, both before and after she became a world-famous medium who spends her time writing, lecturing, and appearing on TV.Yet this volume also contains a special treat: an all-new work from Sylvia! Titled Accepting the Psychic Torch, it focuses on the incredibly special relationship Sylvia had with her beloved psychic grandmother, Ada Coil. Drawing on her cherished memories, along with Grandma Ada’s numerous letters—many of which are reprinted in these pages—Sylvia gives us a rich portrait of a blessed soul who helped so many. She also delves into her own childhood and teenage years as never before, as she relates how her dear grandmother not only became her mentor, but was indeed the mother she never really had. This is the book Sylvia’s fans have been begging her to write . . . and it doesn’t disappoint!

The Dash: Making A Difference With Your Life

Linda Ellis - 2005

The Voice Of Silence

Osho - 1999
    Discourses on Mabel Collins' "Light on the Path"

Hero on a Mission: A Path to a Meaningful Life

Donald Miller - 2022
    These four characters live inside us. If we play the victim, we’re doomed to fail. If we play the villain, we will not create genuine bonds. But if we play the hero or guide, our lives will flourish. The hard part is being self-aware enough to know which character we are playing.In this book, Donald will use his own experiences to help you recognize if the character you are currently surfacing is helping you experience a life of meaning. He breaks down the transformational, yet practical, plan that took him from slowly giving up to rapidly gaining a new perspective of his own life’s beauty and meaning, igniting his motivation, passion, and productivity, so you can do the same.The lessons in this book will teach you how to:Help you discover when you are playing the victim and villain.Create a simple life plan that will bring clarity and meaning to your goals ahead.Take control of your life by choosing to be the hero in your story.Cultivate a sense of creativity about what your life can be.Move beyond just being productive to experiencing a deep sense of meaning. Donald Miller will help you identify the many chances you have of being the hero in your life, and the times when you are falling into the trap of becoming the victim. He will guide you in developing a unique plan that will speak to the challenges you currently face so you, too, can take find the fulfillment you have been searching for in your life and work.

A (Not So) Enlightened Youth - My Uneasy Road to Awareness: A Guide to Finding Yourself from Within

Koi Fresco - 2016
    Half guide to awakening. "A (Not So) Enlightened Youth" describes the life of Koi Fresco and his methodology towards changing one's life for the better.From addictions to convictions and finally to a conscious awakening, follow the journey first hand as it transitions in real time. A journey that transforms into what Koi calls, "The Guide to Finding Yourself."As a creator of educational content online, Koi has amassed millions of views on his videos regarding science, spirituality, philosophy and more.This is Koi Fresco's first book.

God's Creative Power Gift Collection

Charles Capps - 2009
    With more than 3 million sold, Gods Creative Power for Healing and Gods Creative Power for Finances were released. This amazing series has now sold more than 5 millions copies! The Gods Creative Power Gift Collection combines all three of these powerful teaching books into one volume.

The Art of Leadership

Dag Heward-Mills - 2006
    This Bible study answers the question everyone is asking "What would Jesus do" It is God's revelation on how Christians should think in a world whose values and priorities are contrary and often hostile to God and His people. This study will teach you how to escape much of the unbiblical thinking that dominates our world.Lesson titles include"The Surrendered Mind""The Servant Mind""The Settled Mind""The Sanctified Mind"