The Menopause Reset: Your Guide to Mastering Your Metabolism, Moods, Sleep, and Memory Throughout Your Menopause Journey

Mindy Pelz - 2020
    Nutrition and Functional Medicine expert and bestselling author, Dr. Mindy Pelz, has helped thousands of women just like you reset their health during their turbulent menopause years. Join her as she reconnects you to your more vibrant and youthful self. In this book you will learn: -What hormone changes are causing your symptoms and proven strategies for fixing them. -How you can quickly put an end to your symptoms without the use of medications. -The best way to stop your menopause memory loss. -Unstick your metabolism and finally, lose the extra weight for good. -How to slow the aging process and keep yourself forever young. You don't have to suffer through these years! For the first time in print, Dr. Mindy outlines her transformational Menopausal Reset program which has helped thousands of women get their lives back. Hope is here! Get your copy today!

Buddhism: Beginner's Guide: Bring Peace and Happiness to Your Everyday Life

Ian Tuhovsky - 2014
    In this book I will show you what happened and how it was. No matter if you are totally green when it comes to Buddha's teachings or maybe you have already heard something about them - this book will help you systematize your knowledge and will inspire you to learn more and to take steps to make your life positively better! I invite you to take this beatiful journey into the graceful and meaningful world of Buddhism with me today! In This Book I Will Tell You About: -Why Would You Want To Incorporate Buddha's Teachings Into Your Life? -What Buddhism Is And What it Definitely Is Not? -What is the Essence of Buddhism? -Three Main Branches of Buddhism -Buddha's Life and Teachings -Basics of Buddhism (Five Basic Buddha's Principles) -How to Cease Your Suffering -Karma, Rebirth and Reincarnation; Difference between Rebirth and Reincarnation -What Happens After Death According to Buddhism? -Where and How to Start? -The Art of Meditation -Benefits of practicing Buddhism in Everyday Life+ My Personal Experiences! -Further Resources to Continue Your Journey!

The Buddha in Me, The Buddha in You: A Handbook for Happiness

David Hare - 2016
    The Buddha in Me, the Buddha in You combines the tried-and-tested wisdom of Nichiren Buddhism with the best of popular psychology and personal development, making this a brilliant guide to how life works, and how to get the most from it.Nichiren Buddhism differs from other Buddhist schools in its focus on the here-and-now, and places great importance on individual growth as the starting point for a better world. This, combined with powerful techniques such as NLP, mindfulness, journalling and coaching, makes The Buddha in Me, the Buddha in You the quintessential handbook for happiness.'Buddha' simply means someone who is awakened - yet while Nichiren Buddhists will find fascinating insights into their practice, there is no need to follow a spiritual path to benefit from this book. Through his experience as an internationally acclaimed life coach and practising Buddhist, author David Hare shows us how to wake up to our own potential and that of those around us – to discover everyday enlightenment.

Shocking Career Secrets - Basic Edition

Ryan Firestorm - 2013
    These secrets will help you get great salary raises, get selected in a job interview, & even get a promotion easily. Here are the closely-guarded secrets that will be revealed in this never-before disclosure. Career Secret # 1: Why would you be fired? Can you avoid the dreaded Pink Slip? And why the most-beloved perk 'Work From Home' is the surest ticket out of the company? For the first time ever, you will be taken behind the scenes of a mass-firing (multiple layoffs). You will understand what prompts a company to fire its loyal employees (this means you). And the biggest insider secret... if you are Working from Home, why you will get laid off in the next few months. You will also learn how to protect your job & make yourself almost 'fire'proof. Career Secret # 2: Job sites are utterly useless Sick and tired of job hunting? Learn why job sites are utterly useless & where you need to focus your energies for a job search. This one strategy will increase your probability of getting a job from a measly 1% to a stunning 60%. Career Secret # 3: Your experience or skills doesn't matter in an Interview! Did you know that your experience or skills doesn't count for the hiring manager? What is the recruiter really looking for? It's this one little thing... Career Secret # 4: Your manager doesn't care what you did the whole year Are you surprised? Or did I confirm what you already suspected? Is everything you are doing in your job, all in vain? Not yet. This secret will tell you how to get on your manager's radar. Career Secret # 5: Appraisal ratings and increments are your manager's headache. Here's how to force your manager to give you a fat paycheck. There is a ton of information on salary negotiation during a job interview. What about salary negotiation during a performance review? This secret will tell you the simplest & easiest way to rate your own performance. And how to make an epic presentation that will force your manager to grudgingly give you a great rating & an excellent salary raise.

Spontaneous Manifestations From Zero: Tapping Into The Universal Flow

Richard Dotts - 2015
    Richard developed this process as an easy way for anyone to quickly integrate new spiritual teachings into their life and see fast results. Drawing on his own personal experiences and struggles with interpreting these esoteric teachings, the Magic Transformation Process bridges the gap between theory and practice by “transforming” any teaching into a form that is easily assimilated by our current belief system. The result is a high level of personal effectiveness and greatly improved success rates when learning any spiritual or self-help technique, such as those intended for instant manifestation or spiritual healing. Having laid this general groundwork for personal development, Richard moves on to explain why manifestations are not about taking a piecemeal approach. Many readers apply manifestation techniques in a piecemeal manner to fill up perceived voids in their lives. But as Richard explains, becoming an effective manifestor goes beyond just using these techniques when the need arises and neglecting them in other areas of your life. To become an effective manifestor, one needs to move towards an actual, holistic living of this material at all levels of their being instead of merely understanding it theoretically. To help readers do so, Richard expands upon the concept of timeless manifestations which he originally introduced in his book Playing In Time And Space. In this current book, Richard takes readers through a powerful series of inner exercises to “perceive our physical manifestations as the Universe sees it — at a single point in time.” Most readers have a difficult time understanding why time and space boundaries do not matter to the Universe and how time is only a convenient illusion when it comes to our manifestations. Through the steps described by Richard, readers are guided to see why instant spontaneous manifestations are not just a fantasy but a definite possibility in our everyday experience. Next, Richard shares the Quick Statement Process, a powerful technique that allows readers to cut through any negative feelings, emotions or thoughts arising from particular situations in their own life. These negative feelings often delay and hold our manifestations back, which is why it is important that we break free from them as soon as possible. The Quick Statement Process allows one to dissolve any negative feelings of doubt without the need for any logical rationalizations or psychoanalysis. Just drop it and be done with them! Readers are in for a treat as Richard rounds up the book by showing readers how to “collapse” their perceptions of time and space — such that they are both living in their current reality and also a “future” reality where their desires are already manifest. He shares his latest insights on why worrisome and fearful thoughts just cannot exist when we “collapse the future into the now” and live in a state of perpetual bliss.

Learn Brazilian Portuguese - Word Power 101

Innovative Language - 2011
    This e-book is a completely new way to learn Brazilian Portuguese vocabulary fast - and for free! Start speaking Brazilian Portuguese in minutes with the powerful learning methods you will master in this book.The vocabulary words you’ll find in Learn BrazilianPortuguese - Word Power 101 were hand selected by our Brazilian Portuguese language teachers as the top 101 most frequently used words in the Brazilian Portuguese language. With each entry, you’ll see the word and a vibrant image to help remember the meaning. You’ll hear the word (separate free download) to master the pronunciation. Then you’ll see how the word is actually used in everyday speech with sample sentences and phrases. Learning Brazilian Portuguese vocabulary has never been easier!In this book, you’ll get: - 101 of the most frequently used Brazilian Portuguese vocabulary words - Audio with authentic native Brazilian Portuguese pronunciation *Supplementary mp3 audio files are a separate download - Vibrant photos and images to help memorization - Useful and practical sample sentences and phrases Purchase Learn BrazilianPortuguese - Word Power 101 today to start mastering Brazilian Portuguese vocabulary in the fastest, easiest and most fun way possible!

Capricorn: The Art of Living Well and Finding Happiness According to Your Star Sign (Pocket Astrology)

Sally Kirkman - 2018
    You are the achiever and status seeker of the zodiac. The signs of the zodiac can give us great insight into our day-to-day living as well as the many talents and qualities we possess. But in an increasingly unpredictable world, how can we make sense of them? And what do they mean? This insightful and introductory guide delves deep into your star sign, revealing unique traits and meanings which you didn't know. Along the way, you will discover how your sign defies your compatibility, how to improve your health and what your gifts are. ***The Pocket Astrology series will teach you how to live well and enhance every aspect of your life. From friendship to compatibility, careers to finance, you will discover new elements to your sign and learn about the ancient art of astrology. Other books in the series include: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius,Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

12 Health and Fitness Mistakes You Don't Know You're Making (The Build Healthy Muscle Series)

Michael Matthews - 2012
    But here's the kicker: There's NO science behind any of it. Quite to the contrary, however, science actually disproves these things.Thanks to the overwhelming amount of fitness pseudo-science and lies being pushed on us every day by bogus magazines and self-styled "gurus," it's becoming harder and harder to know how to get in shape. Well, this book was written to debunk some of the most common and harmful myths in the health and fitness industry, and teach you what you really have to do to get lean, strong, and healthy.

Tennis Ball Self Massage: Stop Your Muscle and Joint Pain

Lauren Bertolacci - 2013
    You’ve deloaded, done your recovery session, even taken a hot bath. Oh how nice a massage would be right now. The problem is not all of us have the time or the money to invest in some good soft tissue work. Want a cheap yet extremely effective way to get rid of your aches and pains? This easy to understand guide will help you address all of those problems and more. Best of all, you don't even need to leave your house or buy any expensive tool. Just grab a tennis ball and get started.Being able to treat your own pain is a very valuable tool. It can save you a lot of money and mean less trips to the physiotherapist as well as ensuring that you are keeping your body in good condition. Trigger points and tight muscles are a common cause of muscle and joint pain. They can refer pain to other areas as well as causing problems at the site itself. Although they don't count for all the pain you might be suffering from, releasing them can certainly help get rid of a lot of the pain, if not clear up your problem entirely. Have you ever been to the doctor and he or she told you that theres nothing wrong, even after extensive scans? You might simply need some work on your muscles. Keeping the muscle tissue quality high will help reduce the amount of injuries you suffer from, improve your posture as well as help a lot of muscle and joint pain.In this book you can learn how to effectively get rid of shoulder pain, neck pain, upper and lower back pain, hip and glute pain and stiffness, leg and knee pain, calf pain, ankle stiffness, Achilles problems and much more.Actual excerpt from the book of how I discovered this great technique."When I was playing in Germany, I had really bad shoulder pain. The kind that ran down to my fingers and made me unable to put my arms over my head. One night trying to get relief I grabbed my old Motorola and started laying on it, with it digging in under my shoulder. Slowly and excruciatingly I released the rotator cuff muscles and gave myself a pain free range of motion that I had only dreamed of before. Needless to say, I thought I was a genius and upgraded to a tennis ball pretty quickly."

Wings of Forgiveness: Working with the Angels to Release, Heal and Transform

Kyle Gray - 2015
    Kyle has found through his personal psychic practice and work with the angels that when people are experiencing difficulties, there is one topic that helps click everything else into place – forgiveness. Forgiveness is not an easy subject, but it is a necessary focus in spirituality and personal growth. In this book, the reader is taken on a journey – not outside of themselves, but within. Drawing on many spiritual texts, including A Course in Miracles and The Gnostic Gospels, Kyle shows that we truly are all held and cherished by the divine, and makes these sacred concepts more accessible for his 21st-century readers. Together with the angels, he will show you how to call in the power of heaven to help you forgive, release all that no longer serves you and experience joy and peace.

Beginning Your Love Revolution

Matt Kahn - 2016
    Sharing some of the foundational teachings from his life-changing book, Whatever Arises, Love That, Kahn explores: • Why all beings at all times are worthy of love • How to acknowledge and honor your true innocent nature—your connection to the wholeness and perfection of the universe • Learning to lean into self-acceptance one “I love you” at a time • Healing mantras for inviting love into your heart “This will be an adventure that leads you directly into the depths of your being to the support you’ve always deserved,” teaches Matt Kahn. Join him to discover a spiritual paradigm that is nothing short of revolutionary. Continue your love revolution with Matt Kahn’s book, Whatever Arises, Love That.

Baking With Kids: Cupcakes, Cookies, and Just Plain Fun for Kids

Dennis Weaver - 2014
    It includes tips and tricks for how to involve them in the baking and cleaning process and recipes that they will enjoy baking and will love eating!

Fitness Over 50: How I Transformed from a Super Blob to a Super Fit Woman in 120 Days

Kathryn Williams - 2014
    Fifty-somethings just need an extra dose of inspiration to get us going! My book provides a landslide of inspiration to kickstart your very own fitness transformation, as well as my entire step-by-step journey - told with all the humor and down-to-earth honesty of an old gal on a mission! Packed with advice on how to get started, log your calorie intake and schedule your workouts, this book proves that you can accomplish any goal at any age once you have a plan.

5:2 Diet: The 5:2 Diet for Beginners - How the 5:2 Diet and Intermittent Fasting Can Make Your Body a Fat-Burning Machine and Help You Live Longer, Including ... Diet, Fast Diet) (5:2 Fast Diet Book 1)

Gina Crawford - 2015
    This book not only teaches you how to drop unwanted pounds while enjoying your favorite foods, it also teaches you how to live longer and stay healthy by applying the power of intermittent fasting to your life today! Stop torturing yourself with grueling diets that restrict you from eating your favorite foods! The 5:2 diet makes losing weight easier and tastier than ever! Though the 5:2 diet itself is fairly new, the concept of fasting and the study of the benefits of intermittent fasting on human health are not. Leading scientists have been studying the amazing health benefits of fasting for over 20 years. Dr. Michael Mosley, founder of the 5:2 fast diet, popularized the fast diet months after he had gone to see his doctor for a routine checkup and was unexpectedly diagnosed with diabetes, high cholesterol and metabolic syndrome. Refusing to be treated with drugs, Dr. Michael Mosley set out to find a way to heal himself naturally. After not seeing any success with traditional dieting he decided to explore intermittent fasting. The 5:2 diet and intermittent fasting work! After only 3 months on the 5:2 diet he lost 20 pounds of fat, normalized his blood glucose and lowered his cholesterol and blood pressure. The fast diet also allowed him to maintain his ideal weight. Research professor of medicine at Washington University, Dr. Luigi Fontana proved through his studies on various organisms that a 25-30% reduction in calories could increase lifespan by 50% and prevent disease. With the 5:2 diet you can expect to lose 1 to 2 pounds of fat every week. On fast days, both women and men are encouraged to cut their calorie intake to about one quarter of what it normally is. Women should eat 500 calories on fast days and men should eat 600 calories. In a step by step way The 5:2 Diet for Beginners - How the 5:2 Diet Can Make Your Body a Fat-Burning Machine and Help You Live Longer will teach you everything you need to know about how to successfully apply the 5:2 diet to your life today for fast weight loss and better health. The 5:2 Diet for Beginners teaches you: What is the 5:2 diet? Why was the 5:2 diet created? Why fasting is so effective for weight loss and longevity How the 5:2 diet works What to eat on fast days 11 Quick tips to help you succeed on the 5:2 diet What to expect on the 5:2 diet Fast day 30 MINUTE recipes under 500 calories .....and more Here's a preview of what you'll learn: Why the 5:2 diet works The benefits of intermittent fasting How to make your fast days easy The 5:2 diet and high intensity training Exactly how your fast days and feed days will work How to maintain your ideal weight .....and much more! Dieting shouldn't be drudgery! You were meant to enjoy your life at your ideal wight with fabulous health! The 5:2 fast diet will keep you living happy and healthy for a really long time! D

Reflexology: The Ultimate Guide to Reflexology to Relieve Tension, Treat Illness, and Reduce Pain

Chaya Rao - 2014
    Today, we can say that reflexology is ideal for not only curing pain (which is a primary symptom showing something is amiss in your body) but also the root cause of the pain. It is little wonder then that reflexology therapy has become very popular as a form of holistic healing, unlike pharmaceutical drugs that mostly address only the symptoms. High stress, chronic fatigue, back pain, and fibromyalgia are only a few examples of unwelcome conditions that can easily be alleviated through the practice of reflexology. Not to mention that reflexology is a great form of disorder prevention too! This book will teach you all about the practice of reflexology, including how to self-perform reflexology and practice it on others. A complete hand chart map and foot chart map are provided within the book for your reference as well. Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn... Understanding Reflexology Reflexology Basics Getting Started The Foot Reflexology Chart Map The Hand Reflexology Chart Map Self-Practice with Foot Reflexology Self-Practice with Hand Reflexology Five DIY (Do It Yourself) Reflexology Techniques by Ailment Hand Reflexology: Specific Tips & Techniques Foot Reflexology: Specific Tips & Techniques Much, much more! Download your copy today!Tags: reflexology, hand reflexology, foot reflexology, total reflexology, reflexology guide, reflexology manual, reflexology diagram, reflexology chart, reiki, acupuncture, acupressure, flexology, foot map, chart, map, learn reflexology, relieve tension, treat illness, treat pain, reduce pain, alleviate pain, foot reflexology, what is reflexology, does reflexology work, facial reflexology, reflexology headache, headache, headaches, reflexology techniques, reflexology therapy, alternative therapies, foot therapy, natural therapy, reflexology map, hand reflexology chart, foot reflexology chart, reflexology charts, reflexology treatment, reflexology foot map, reflexology hand map, reflexology maps