Summary of The Girl on the Train | Summary & Analysis

aBookaDay - 2015
    If you have not yet bought the original copy, make sure to purchase it before buying this unofficial summary from aBookaDay. SPECIAL OFFER $2.99 (Regularly priced: $3.99) It is just a daily train ride, a little imagination running wild as she enjoys the scenery from her window seat. It is something we all do, right? Rachel Watson makes up innocent stories about the people she sees. For Rachel it is comforting, something steadfast in her crumbling world. She rides the train every morning like she always has, but without the purpose she once had. Her failed marriage and her descent into alcoholism make her an outcast. She rides into town to a job she no longer has, only to come back at the end of the day to a roommate she is lying to. She has no purpose and nothing seems to be changing until she witnesses something important. Rachel’s favorite imaginary couple that she peers at every day from the train seem to be having trouble. She calls them “Jason” and “Jess”. Rachel can’t quite figure out where she fits in. She was wandering around in a drunken stupor the night “jess” disappears. Rachel starts trying to regain her memories from that night. She tries to piece together the memories of that hazy night. Rachel’s new found hobby is a welcome distraction from her life and problems. She has been dealing not only with an ex-husband, but his new wife as well. Once his mistress, Anna is now having Tom’s baby. Rachel feels inadequate as a result of her infertility and her alcohol problems, blaming herself for the demise of her marriage. Rachel starts out trying to offer a little information into what might have happened to “Jess”, but she becomes obsessed with the case and the people in it. Rachel tries to fill a void with strangers and a case that, supposedly, has nothing to do with her. As Rachel learns to trust herself and her instincts she comes face to face with something she never expected. Read more.... Download your copy today! for a limited time discount of only $2.99! Available on PC, Mac, smart phone, tablet or Kindle device. © 2015 All Rights Reserved

Above Reproach

Heather Atkinson - 2013
    She has a good job, a nice little cottage and has started dating again.However, when she starts to experience disturbing dreams involving Glenn Corrigan, her best friend’s husband, she fears she’s suffering a relapse. Glenn is a local celebrity, the charismatic heart surgeon but in her dreams he’s terrifying.When one of her friends dies at the hands of a serial killer operating in the area, the dreams intensify to the point where Paige finds it difficult to discern fantasy from reality. Is her worst fear being realised and she’s experiencing another breakdown, or is there a more sinister reason behind these frightening nightmares?Contains scenes of sex and violence.

FARTHER: A Fabulous Tale of a Troubled Father

Chaitanya Desale - 2021
    Fortunate’?Or will you keep blaming your insecurities & failures and choose to be a fiasco?"A sweet couple, Manbir & Nivia, were living with their toddler, Ruhi. They stayed farther from their respective families, cursed by both their parents for having an inter-caste marriage. Manbir was a robotics engineer and while working hard on his dream project to make India’s first AI robot, he failed in his family responsibilities, which was followed by his wife, Nivia’s demise. And when all options were lost, Manbir had to struggle to look after his daughter Ruhi, while continuing to work on his company projects.Will he ever be able to be a great father for his motherless child? Will he ever be able to make India’s first AI robot? And how will he find a way to look after his child during his office hours? To know more, read ‘FARTHER - A Fabulous Tale of a Troubled Father.’

Man Found Dead in Park

Margaret Coel - 2017
    I love Margaret Coel’s writing because there’s never a misplaced step. She balances two opposing cultures with little room for compromise, which is good because this chick works without a safety net. It’s human nature, or certainly the nature of writers, to analyze another’s work when reading it, in an attempt to take the story apart like an acrobatic trick—kick off your shoes and try it out. Every once in a while you second guess them and follow them out onto that tightrope just to find where they might’ve slipped up, but Margaret never does and just when you think she has she’ll turn and wink, so keep reading. Like Catherine McLeod, the reporter protagonist of Man Found Dead in Park, Margaret embraces both the mainstream and native cultures, all the while maintaining the aspect of her writing that transcends the genre with a deep understanding of human nature. When a man is found dead in an Indian section of Denver where no one is talking, McLeod finds herself in conflict with Mexican drug cartels and an investigation that leads north into Wyoming's Wind River Reservation and what turns out to be her roots. Transformative for both McLeod and the reader, the width and breath of the story is easy to miss, because Coel’s writing has a heady narrative that holds a sense of wonder and romance—a place that a lot of other writers fear to tread. I sometimes wonder if she knows how good she is, but I think probably not. The humility of a few artists is what keeps them grounded, and even when she’s out there flying high, I’m pretty sure she has her head up but is feeling every twitch of the story through the soles of her feet. Navigating with the finesse of a Flying Wallenda, Coel never misses a thing, because the devil is in the details, and like her character, Detective Nick Bustamante, Margaret knows that these indiscernible little slights of hand are the thing that makes for great drama under the Big Top. So join Margaret Coel out onto that high wire where she works without a safety net. Just when you think you’ve got it all figured out there will be moments of insecurity, thoughts that will disconcert, and you might be tempted to look down, but don’t. If things get too hairy just reach out and take this daredevil performer’s hand, and she’ll grin that signature smile and make sure you make it back to safety. --Craig Johnson

Been So Long 2 (Body And Soul)

Adrienne Thompson - 2013
    Married for three years, Mona-Lisa and Corey face normal, everyday marital issues. But with a past like theirs, normal can spiral out of control at any second. Will they be able to hold things together or will Mona revert to her old ways?

Chesapeake Cool (Mid Atlantic Adventure Series, #1)

Don Rich - 2017
    He knew he’d have his hands full just renovating the defunct waterfront hotel and marina. However, there was something about Sally, the airport manager, that captured his attention and he wanted to find out more about her. But he’d really need to focus on his new property because the internet auction neglected to mention that it came with its own drug smuggling murderer. Paulie Sawyer was determined to keep the place for himself, and he was the most ruthless and resourceful squatter that Casey had ever faced in his real estate investing career. Even after discovering all this, Casey Shaw still saw the property as an opportunity for a fresh start, and maybe Sally Hudgins could fit into it as well. If the drug runner wasn't enough of a hurdle, the area itself came with some big challenges including a crooked building inspector, and a reputation for the locals giving outsiders the cold shoulder. Casey is what the Shore locals call a 'Come Here' instead of a 'Born Here' which can be a huge handicap for anyone who moves in. However, having had enough of the congestion and crime of southeast Florida, Casey still wants out and he is determined to make this project work. He was a 'Born Here' back in South Florida, before it was overrun with its own 'Come Here's' that bought into Florida's new, modern look, the one that Casey despises. For quite a while Casey had been struggling with his conscience. He made a fortune buying and selling properties in his native Palm Beach County. Unfortunately, he had to watch as many of the properties he renovated and cared for were bulldozed and replaced by his buyers. Concrete and glass canyons now stand where the quaint downtown of his childhood had once stood. Even though he wasn't the developer, he still felt guilty about playing a part in erasing the old Florida culture that had once been the soul of West Palm Beach. And the Florida real estate juggernaut would continue to roll, with or without him. He'd prefer the latter, as it was time to go. Except for leaving behind his best friend and mentor, Dave Chauncey, moving out is the easy part. Casey and his Golden Retriever, Bimini, live aboard an older 58' Hatteras yacht-fisherman. Leaving is as simple as untying the dock-lines and heading North to the Chesapeake. Moving in, however, turns out to be not so easy. Casey has brought along his friend and now business partner, Michael "Murph" Murphy, and together they discover they have purchased more than just real estate on the Chesapeake Bay. It turns out they bought into a boatload of trouble as well. The characters that Casey and Murph run into on the Eastern Shore rival some they thought they were leaving behind in Florida. Even though they are both newcomers, Casey and Murph assemble a unique group of friends, including a gorgeous young redhead, a matchmaking Sheriff, and even a Washington lobbyist. So, can Casey and Murph make the business a success while finding love among two of the Eastern Shore's natives? Only if they can learn to dodge bullets and get along with the natives, and they’ll need to learn fast. So download this page turner today! Its FREE with your Kindle Unlimited subscription.

The Passing of Morse

Susan Masters - 2012
    Its purpose is one of certitude with a little dash of homage thrown in for good measure. For some, it may just be seen as an extended or alternate ending. For others, it may be taken as Chief Inspector Endeavour Morse's final will and testament. Your choice...

Dorothea Benton Frank Collection: Sullivan's Island \ Plantation \ Isle of Palms \ Shem Creek

Dorothea Benton Frank - 2005
    Contents:Sullivan's IslandPlantationIsle of Palms

Oceanside blues =: Samudrantike

Dhruv Bhatt - 1993
    My heart suddenly grew heavy with sadness. I 'felt that the entire system needed a complete change. Education should mean teaching to love nature. A system that can produce many more Noor-bhāis should be evolved. Man, too, should be able to inspire in birds and beasts the same confidence and trust that the black drongo inspired in the smaller birds. But who would be able to bring about that big a change? Could I, one who had come here on an assignment to draw up blueprints of a chemical industrial zone, affect that change? ...

Outta Her League 2

Charae Lewis - 2019
    This action changes the course of her reality and now has Rhyon contemplating if it all was worth it. On top of her new issue, she’s still separated from Santana, and that leaves her heart fractured. She yearns for him, but she could ruin everything she’s worked so hard for if she was to pursue the very man who’s captured her heart. Santana is saddened that the woman he so desperately wants has shunned him from her life. Rhyon left him hanging with no explanation for her bizarre behavior. Santana tried to figure out where they went wrong, but when Rhyon continues to keep him in the dark, he gives up his quest to keep her in his life. Unknowingly, he has no idea that his new interest may be the reason why the woman he longs for refuses to accept him. Will Santana realize that he’s been entertaining the enemy all along or will Rhyon come to her senses and fight for the man she’s deemed hers?

Suspicion on Sugar Creek

Susannah B. Lewis - 2016
    She hoped to work on her novel, play Rook with the old lady next door and spend some lazy time with her husband and daughters. But when a new neighbor winds up dead, Tessa and her Rook partner find themselves jumping to suspicious conclusions. Add a young hippie named Rusty to the mix, and these three seem like an unlikely trio to solve an alleged crime. When you’re not laughing at the humorous rhetoric in Suspicion on Sugar Creek, you’ll be on the edge of your seat wondering how it will all play out.

Bogmeadow's Wish

Terry Kay - 2011
    He also has the tender memories of his grandfather's exaggerated stories of Irish wonder and magic stories of leprechauns and legends and the mysterious power of fate. But he doesnot have the story of why his grandfather left Ireland as a young man.Mesmerized by his romantic vision of Ireland, Cooper begins his search with a charming, down-on- his-luck Irish actor. He is also unprepared for the presence of Kathleen O'Reilly. As Cooper hunts for his grandfather's ghost, the landmarks and the fate of the Irish that Finn Coghlan talked of magically brings Cooper and Kathleen together. Yet, there is a truth between the two of them that not even the enchanting tale of Finn McCool and Sally Cavanaugh can resolve. For that, Cooper must use the one gift bestowed on him as a child by his grandfatherBogmeadow's wish.

Finding Love Series Clean Romance Collection: Books 1-6

Delaney Cameron - 2018
    These small town, clean contemporary romances are about first love, second chances and happily ever afters.Team MomJulie's calm life is thrown a curve ball when her brother arrives the night before his seven-month deployment asking her to take care of his son. Noting her nephew's interest in baseball, Julie signs him up for little league. She's anything but thrilled to find out that his coach is a celebrity.Stealing His HeartJust days after her return to St. Marys, Darcy runs into her childhood crush. Given that she was twelve and he was nineteen at the time, it's not surprising that he doesn't remember her. Her dreams of him coming back to find her grown up and so beautiful that he can't help but fall instantly in love with her should have been long forgotten. All he can ever be is a reminder of how much she lost when she veered off the road to avoid an oncoming car.Love of a LifetimeFaith's boyfriend has started mentioning the "M" word. Her family and friends are thrilled that she's finally found someone, pointing out that Ian (the husband she lost in Iraq four years earlier) wouldn't expect her to mourn him forever. There's just one problem: Faith isn't in love with Connor. Feeling pressure from all sides, she jumps at the chance to get away from St. Marys for a few days. Her escape to the Georgia Mountains isn't supposed to include waking up to find a stranger in her room.Dare to LoveWhen Sabrina arrives for a job interview, she never expects to run into the man who broke her heart six years ago. Trent is a painful souvenir of a first love that went terribly wrong. Four months of being unemployed is the only reason she agrees to work for him. For the present, she can't escape the cruel trick fate has dealt her. There will be no running away from Trent this time.Yours, With LoveAn unexpected inheritance brings Ellen back to her hometown of St. Marys. After an absence of ten years, she never expects to run into Quinn, one of her sister's old boyfriends and her teenage obsession. If it's true that it's a small world, it's also true that it can be a cruel one. The good-looking eighteen-year-old who touched her young heart is no more. In his place is a man whose life has been torn apart by tragedy and loss.Love at LastWorking on her grandmother's house gives Rosemary a reason to escape the media attention of a very public broken engagement. In St. Marys, she hopes to rekindle the music that used to flow easily from her mind to paper and rediscover the girl who's somehow lost her way. Instead she finds someone who challenges her beliefs about love and tests her resolve to guard her heart.

Everything We Had: a Novel of the Southwest Pacific Air War November-December 1941

Tom Burkhalter - 2015
    Captain Charles Davis, West Point '39, flies B-17s with the 19th Bomb Group. Lieutenant John T. "Jack" Davis flies P-40s with the 21st Pursuit Squadron. The two young men are part of the reinforcements sent to the Philippines in the late fall of 1941. Charlie must fly his B-17 across the Pacific with a poorly-trained, inexperienced crew just to reach Clark Field, his base in the Philippines. Jack arrives in Manila with his squadron mates to discover there are no airplanes ready for them to fly. To their north, on the island of Formosa, the Japanese Army and Navy wait for word from Tokyo to go to war, with forces that greatly outnumber the Philippines garrison. When the war begins the two brothers must call upon everything they have in terms of skill and training to survive.

SEDUCTION'S GAME (Seductions Game Book 1)

K.C. Blaze - 2015
    They test their friendship with their wickedly fun Seduction Game. Each woman implores the use of a different method of seduction in hopes of proving they are the better catch. The only problem is they practice their game on ONE very lucky man. Things get sticky when feelings get involved and backstabbing and foul play are sure to muddy the playing field. Is their friendship strong enough to survive? Or will they find out that matters of the heart are better left unplayed?